#1 Digital Marketing Course in Delhi ( Corporate Technologist )

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Available: Classroom & Live Online Mentorship
Next Batch Starts: 27 Jan 2025
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Digital Marketing Course in Delhi

Dual Certifications

Techstack Academy & Orangus

Affiliated With

Orangus India & Startup India

Flexible Duration Options

3, 6, & 18-Month Programs | 10-12 hrs/week recommended

Program Start Date

27 Jan 2025

EMI options

Starting at Rs. 11,000

India’s #1 Digital Marketing Course in Delhi

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At Techstack, we are committed to furnishing a holistic digital marketing course in Delhi. We design specially tailored curriculums and modules under the guidance of leading industry experts. Our pedagogical dynamic is focused on equipping students with the latest tools and strategies to help them succeed in the industry.

  • Digital Marketing Course Curriculum (31 Module)
    Introduction to Digital Marketing
    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Marketing?
    • What is the Internet?
    • What is Digital Marketing?
    • Internet Marketing vs Traditional Marketing
    • Basics of Search Engine
    • Fundamentals of Google Algorithm
    • Google vs other Search Engines
    • Technologies used in DM
    • Importance of Website Traffic
    • Structure of Online Marketing
    • Process of Digital Marketing
    • Scope of Digital Marketing
    • Case studies
    • Tips & Tricks of Digital Marketing

    Introduction to Digital Marketing

    • The first module of our course focuses on the basics of digital marketing. Students will learn the differences between traditional and digital marketing. Similarly, they will also be introduced to the workings of search engines. At Techstack, we furnish next-gen knowledge to help students get started in the field. You can also explore the basics of digital marketing from experts like Neil Patel. This module covers key fundamentals like internet marketing concepts, online marketing terminology, and an overview of essential digital marketing tools.
    Website Planning
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Website and Webpages
    • Types of Websites
    • Different platforms to create a website
    • Intro to WordPress
    • Intro to HTML
    • Intro to PHP
    • Posts vs Pages
    • Category vs Tags
    • Themes, plugins, and layouts
    • What is a domain?
    • What is hosting?
    • What is C-panel?
    • Planning your website
    • Tips & Tricks to website Planning
    • In the second module of our Internet marketing course, students learn how to build their own website using WordPress and basic HTML structures. Our experts cover static vs. dynamic websites and guide you through creating different types of sites, including eCommerce, healthcare, and corporate websites. At Techstack, we place our focus on detailed website planning through skills not commonly offered by other digital marketing courses in Delhi. This module is essential for understanding web design, frameworks, and building a successful online presence.
    Website Creation
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Choosing the right hosting
    • Introduction to WordPress
    • How To Install WordPress?
    • Finding a right domain name
    • Choosing a free/premium template
    • Know your WordPress dashboard
    • Adding a sitemap, widgets, and themes
    • Create Posts and Pages
    • WordPress categories and tags
    • Creating multiple pages
    • How to upload Demo content?
    • Our 20-step plan to create your website
    • Integrating Google Analytics
    • Site speed- make it faster
    • In this module, students will get a detailed idea of how to build WordPress websites from scratch. Our experts will guide you through the basics, like installing WordPress in Cpanel. Other details like the difference between domains and hosting and various website layouts will also be shared. Students will also learn how to convert a WordPress site into an e-commerce or HTML website. At Techstack, we furnish a comprehensive roadmap to help you drive conversions through effective website creation. Join the best internet marketing course in Delhi to master website development and boost traffic.
    Content Writing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Introduction to different types of content
    • Brainstorming to develop content ideas
    • Researching, writing, and editing content
    • Learning about Keyword Research tools
    • Deepen your research using other forums and websites
    • Formula to writing a proper content
    • Avoiding grammatical mistakes
    • Understanding your audience
    • Know about the word limit
    • Learn how to keep your readers hooked
    • Tone and intonation for content
    • Do’s and Don’ts of Content Writing
    • Know the difference between informative & creative writing
    • Free e-books provided to enhance your knowledge
    • Content Writing is the fourth module of the digital marketing class in our digital marketing course in delhi. This is another important module for an Internet marketing training course. If you are unaware of how to write effective content on your website then you will not be able to generate leads through effective content. Content writing is divided into two types. One is Informative content and the other is creative Content. The goal of content writing at Techstack is to equip their students with the necessary skills in order to develop highly compelling content for the target audience. The students will also learn about the different challenges faced while writing content and how to resolve them skillfully! Henceforth, being the best digital marketing institute in delhi, Techstack intends to enhance your further knowledge and skills altogether. Learn more about content writing from best online marketing training in delhi.
    Keyword Research
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Basics of keyword research
    • Importance of keyword research
    • Introduction to keyword research tool (SEMrush, Google keyword tool)
    • Different types of keywords
    • Competitor Track
    • Keyword Optimization
    • Category Rankings
    • Case Studies
    • Webmaster tools to check search performance and crawling
    • Review Analysis
    • The fifth module of the top internet marketing course in delhi helps you find targeted keywords that are relevant to your niche. Being the best internet marketing institute in Delhi, we provide you with certain marketing strategy that will prevent you from wasting your time and efforts in extensive keyword research analysis. Be an expert digital marketer at Techstack, by enrolling yourself in our online digital marketing institute in delhi. By pursuing the course, the students will learn ways to find new keywords that are easy to rank on your website. You will also learn keyword marketing strategy for Google SEO, YouTube, and other social media platforms. Learn more about keyword research from best digital marketing training in delhi.
    Search Engine Optimization
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is SEO?
    • What is a Search Engine?
    • Types of Search Engine
    • How Search Engine works?
    • On-page vs off-page SEO
    • Optimization (Domain, Meta tags, Content, Image)
    • Latent indexing
    • Robots.txt
    • HTML and XML sitemap
    • Link building (Linking and backlinking)
    • Black hat, white hat, and grey hat SEO
    • Domain authority vs Domain rating
    • 200 Ranking Factors for SEO
    • Generating an SEO report
    • In the sixth module of this top internet marketing course in delhi, you will learn about SEO from scratch. Search engine optimization is a process to optimize your web page in the top position of search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. SEO works on more than 200 Ranking factors which divide itself into two major parts, one is on-page SEO and another one is off-page SEO. Being the best online marketing institute in delhi, we have designed this module carefully to meet the digital marketing industry standards. With the availability of other Internet Marketing Course which does not meet the expectations of achieving the desired rank to be on the first page of Google. Our digital marketing training course will help you to understand search engine algorithm and ranking factors which will help you to get on the first position very quickly.
    E-Commerce SEO
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is E-Commerce SEO?
    • Product keyword analysis
    • Indexing products
    • Conversion rate optimization
    • Product Listing Ad campaigns
    • Learning various E-Commerce SEO Tools
    • Content Promotion
    • Understanding E-Commerce PPC
    • Tactics about E-Commerce Channels
    • Understanding your metrics
    • This is the most comprehensive and current SEO course in the market. This seventh module of internet marketing course in delhi has a lot of up-to-date information on E-commerce SEO training like SEO strategies, voice search SEO, Mobile SEO, Video SEO, Snippets on Google, Image SEO. Visual search will enhance the E-commerce SEO experience. This is the best internet marketing course in delhi which provides you with complete guidance to set-up your very own E-commerce platform helping to convert leads into potential customers. Join Techstack, to learn about different E-commerce tactics used by professionals working in big companies like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, etc. Learn more about E-commerce seo from best internet marketing training in delhi.
    Local SEO
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Local SEO?
    • On-site content review
    • White page listings
    • Organic search vs Paid Advertising
    • Quality off-site link building
    • Improving your local visibility
    • Google myBusiness
    • Facebook Local
    • Other local listing sites like Just Dial, Sulekha, Shiksha, etc.
    • Tips & Tricks to enhance your local SEO presence
    • This is the 8th module of our best digital marketing course in delhi which is designed to take the students through local SEO basics with the end result being a firm foundational knowledge of local SEO. At the end of the course, the students will be equipped with an in-depth understanding of what Google is looking for, from their local business to rank higher on the search engine platform for their industry and city of choice. The student will be using this knowledge they gained as a base to launch themselves into further, more advanced local SEO course. After the completion of this course, the student will be trained from knowing absolutely nothing about local SEO to having a strong foundational knowledge of Local SEO. Learn more about local seo from best digital marketing training in delhi. Become a digital marketing specialist with Online internet marketing course.
    Google Webmaster
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Introduction to Google Webmaster tool
    • What is Search Appearance?
    • What is Data Highlighter?
    • What are accelerated mobile pages?
    • What are HTML improvements?
    • What is structured data?
    • Importance of Sitelinks
    • What is search analytics?
    • What is search traffic?
    • What is a crawler?
    • How to remove pages from Google search results?
    • Indexing pages through GWM
    • Google disavow tool
    • Tips & tricks for mastering Google WebMaster
    • In our 9th Module of marketing course in delhi wherein the Google Webmaster tool helps you to control your website or webpage in search engines like your crawling error, 404 pages, indexing, etc. At Techstack, we offer exclusive insights to Google Webmaster taught by our expert trainers to make sure that our students are well-equipped with GWM. Being the best online Marketing Institute in Delhi, we also ensure to groom you with the best of our knowledge to make you an expert in the field of Digital Marketing by pursuing the course from our internet marketing institutes in delhi.
    Bing Webmaster
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Content and webmaster guidelines
    • Learn to remove broken links & outdated cache
    • Crawl error & control
    • Malware spam
    • Geotagging your website
    • Learn using diagnostics and tools
    • Learn about bingbot
    • Content removal
    • How to optimize Silverlight content
    • Robots meta tags
    • Webmaster support
    • Widgets and downloads
    • How Can I Remove a URL or Page from the Bing Index?
    • Bing XML sitemap plugin
    • Our 10th module covers Bing Webmaster. It is an essential tool for optimizing your presence on Bing, the second most-used search engine in Asia. In this module, you'll learn the key methodologies to effectively use Bing Webmaster Tools for improved visibility and ranking. While Bing offers features similar to Google, it also provides unique opportunities for SEO. Enroll in Techstack's comprehensive digital marketing course and become a digital marketing expert with skills in both Google and Bing optimization.
    Google Analytics
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Google Analytics?
    • Adsense and page analytics
    • Usage of Google analytics
    • How to add a website in Google analytics?
    • How to check user behavior from Google analytics?
    • Ways to check user background; coming from Organic, Social or direct?
    • Difference between Session vs Page view
    • Multi-Channel Funnels
    • Demographics and Interests Report
    • Tips & Tricks to master yourself in this particular field.
    • Our 11th module of the holistic digital marketing course focuses on Google Analytics and the associated tools used for analyzing website traffic. At TechStack, students learn how to summarize and identify what makes a website truly resonate with their target audience. As one of the best internet marketing institutes in Delhi, we ensure full-scale training on Google Analytics – from the fundamentals to advanced techniques.
    Creative Designing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Creative Designing?
    • How to create appealing creatives?
    • Introduction to typography
    • Colour combination and schemes
    • Logotype Design
    • Learn to create infographics
    • Deciding an appropriate size according to the platform
    • Maintaining the text ratio of the creative
    • Alignment to be taken care of
    • Using CTA terms in the creatives
    • Use instant creative designing tools
    • Use creative taglines
    • Creative Design training is the 12th module of the top digital marketing course in delhi. This module offers an overview of what designing is all about. Putting all the elements like an appropriate color scheme, using the right image/illustration and the appropriate appearance of text ratio is what makes an effective creative design to attract its users. You will not only learn about basic designing but also be capable to have in-depth knowledge of the different digital marketing tools used such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Adobe XD, Adobe InDesign, and many more. Techstack does not provide you with theoretical knowledge but also provides you with the practical knowledge to enhance your skills in the field of creative designing. Learn more about creative designing from best digital marketing training in delhi.
    Social Media Optimization
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is social media?
    • How many social media platforms are available?
    • Benefits of social media
    • What is social media optimization?
    • How to grow your organic followers?
    • Increase the engagement
    • How to target the right audience?
    • Usage of different social media tools
    • Learn post scheduling (use Hootsuite, buffer), etc.
    • An introduction to listening tools
    • How to increase the reach of organic posts?
    • How to optimize your page?
    • The 13th module of our digital marketing course speaks of understanding and optimizing social media platforms. Students will get relevant skills to improve their visibility across different social networks. Specialized classes will focus on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and more. The purpose is to help students increase the organic reach of the businesses/brands on these platforms. We'll guide you through essential social media marketing tools like FST, Buffer, Trello, and Hootsuite. These are required to help markets facilitate bulk posting and automated scheduling. Join us at Techstack to master social media optimization.
    Facebook Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Introduction to social media marketing
    • How to use Facebook for lead generation?
    • Ways to use Can we use Facebook for branding?
    • How to target the right audience?
    • How to increase the likes of the Facebook business pages?
    • How to create Facebook Ads?
    • Facebook Ads Automation
    • How to generate leads through Facebook Marketing?
    • How to add conversion tracking pixel code?
    • Make regular reports keeping a check on the insights
    • This is the 14th module of our digital marketing course in delhi. Social Media Marketing: stands for SMM which is a process to promote your website, Facebook pages through Facebook business, and Twitter ads for gaining higher visibility and customers. Clearly, Facebook has been considered to be the best key marketing piece for the success of your business. Techstack believes in delivering you the best of knowledge with every course that you choose, which is why they are regarded as the best digital marketing institute in delhi.
    Linkedin Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • An introduction to Linkedin marketing
    • How does Linkedin work?
    • When to use Linkedin as a way to market/drive leads?
    • How to generate B2B leads?
    • Create different types of Linkedin sponsored Ads
    • Selection of the Best Ads for promotion
    • Keeping a track of Linkedin sales
    • How to target the precise audience?
    • Usage of relevant keywords in the bio and description of the page
    • Adding links for better leads
    • Linkedin Marketing is the 15th module of our internet marketing course in delhi. Linkedin has emerged as one of the most significant platforms for B2B marketers and companies. If you are searching for the best internet marketing training in Delhi, join us! We at Techstack provide our students with the ultimatum of knowledge with the best of lead generation as well to let them understand how to target the precise audience while marketing in the most feasible manner. Our digital marketing training technique will also allow you to join groups and network with key personalities and influencers within the industry which will help in keeping you updated. Learn more about linkedin marketing from best digital marketing training program in delhi.
    Twitter Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Twitter?
    • What is Twitter Marketing?
    • How to create Twitter Ads?
    • Ways to Increase website visitors through Twitter Ads
    • Increase followers with the help of Twitter Ads
    • How to process with App installation with the help of Twitter Ads?
    • How to Tweet in the most effective manner?
    • Twitter embedded/block/ widgets
    • Usage of effective hashtags
    • Campaign planning and ideations
    • Twitter marketing is the 16th module of our best internet marketing course in delhi. Twitter is considered to be one of the top social media platforms which are specified to drive better sales and leads. Most of you might have already been using Twitter on a daily basis to follow your favorite brands and take part in on-going conversations that happen between celebrities or politicians or your friends, But what about using Twitter for your business? Join Techstack, and learn the best online marketing institute in delhi which is dedicated to grooming you thoroughly in terms of the way Twitter works till helping you gain the most traffic simply with a tweet button!. Learn more about twitter marketing from best digital marketing training in delhi.
    Pinterest Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Pinterest?
    • What is Pinterest marketing?
    • When to use Pinterest Marketing?
    • Key factors to use Pinterest Ads
    • How to generate sales with Pinterest?
    • Learn to choose the right category for your content.
    • Share your content on other social networks other than Pinterest
    • Learn to optimize your boards with Keyword-Rich Descriptions.
    • Automate your content
    • Know-how the other strategies to have a successful marketing campaign
    • Pinterest marketing is the 17th module of our online marketing course in delhi. Pinterest can be used to feature your inbound marketing efforts which include promoting the most unique kinds of content. Being the best digital marketing institute in delhi, we ensure to provide our students with strategies to market in a way that will make a great impact using Pinterest. Our digital marketing academy helps you to rich pin the strategy which will drive better sales. We provide knowledge to market your business from scratch like once you verify your account, you will get access to tracking important information. Explore our 17th module of internet marketing training along with the strategies and content work so you can constantly improve your marketing. Learn more about pinterest marketing from best digital marketing training in delhi.
    Instagram Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Instagram?
    • A basic introduction to Instagram Marketing
    • How to create Instagram ads?
    • Creating remarkable content for Instagram Ads
    • Analyze and run your Ads
    • Use Instagram Marketing for influencing
    • Generate leads through Instagram Marketing
    • Drive traffic to your website with Instagram Ads
    • Get in touch with influencers for better reach and engagement
    • Tips and Tricks to tackle the account/business page
    • Instagram marketing is the 18th module of our digital marketing course in delhi. It's easy enough to use Instagram for your personal purpose like maintaining your social media profile but it is a lot harder to operate it successfully. Join Techstack and learn how to use an effective Instagram strategy that will create a big difference in your business. This is the 18th module of our internet marketing institutes in delhi, where we have a knack for professionals and experts of Digital media which ensures to provide you with extensive knowledge about the CTDM course and having to help you learn how Instagram can be used effectively for your business. The primary focus is to groom you in and out about Instagram Ads, influencer marketing to get better reach and generate more traffic.
    Search Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Google Adwords?
    • Campaign ideations
    • Differentiating between Ads and Keywords
    • What are Bing Ads?
    • Introduction to PPC
    • Selection of relevant keywords
    • Options for advanced locations
    • Bid stimulator
    • How to control fraud click on your Ads
    • Creation of Search Ads
    • Differentiating dynamic search Ads and dynamic keyword insertion?
    • The process of marketing
    • Our 19th module focuses on Search Engine Marketing (SEM). The skill can be leveraged to achieve higher visibility in ad placements. Experts teach students how to use ad creation and bidding on Google Ads to achieve optimal results. As a leader in internet marketing training, we emphasize understanding the bidding process and optimizing ad quality. Join us to enhance your SEM skills and boost your digital marketing expertise in Delhi.
    Display Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Display Marketing?
    • Learn to create remarkable Ads
    • How to lower CPC?
    • How to create Banner ads?
    • An intensive and interactive course of Display Advertising
    • Selection of Affinity and In-Market Audience
    • Strong and effective Content
    • Case studies covering practical, real-world scenarios
    • Generation of leads with banner creation
    • Tips & Tricks provided to groom you thoroughly
    • Professional digital marketers always assess the performance of their efforts. In line with that philosophy, we have introduced the 20th module of our course. Here, students learn to evaluate and explore the impact of digital technologies on marketing communication strategies and practices. We equip students with a solid understanding of display marketing processes. They will be well-versed in choosing the right channels for delivering effective messages to their target audience. At Techstart, leading industry professionals teach marketing enthusiasts on how to perfect the art.
    Video Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Video Marketing?
    • Basic concepts of video marketing
    • Promotion of videos through Google Adwords
    • How to Create in-stream Ads?
    • True View Ads vs Stream Ads
    • How to increase views on your videos?
    • Creation of sequence and bumper Ads
    • Optimize your videos
    • Video marketing is the 21st Module of our digital marketing course in delhi. This is a process that helps to promote your video through Google Adword, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, or any other social media platform. If you are keen to have in-depth knowledge about internet marketing courses in Delhi, join Techstack and become digital marketing expert! We are recognized as the best online marketing institute in delhi, which is dedicated to providing students with a customized creative social platform that conveys a clear and customer-focused message for the well-being of your knowledge or business. Learn different strategies throughout the course and become an digital marketing professional!
    App Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is App Marketing?
    • What Is Mobile Marketing?
    • How to promote apps through mobile marketing?
    • What are the mobile marketing platforms?
    • How to make a business from mobile marketing
    • Create iOS and Android App Ads
    • How to decide Target Cost Per Install?
    • Effective mobile marketing strategies
    • How to target potential customers through App Marketing?
    • Tips to generate better leads
    • The 22nd module of our online marketing course in Delhi focuses on advertising your applications across various mobile devices. This helps users optimize their engagement and maximize the number of downloads and installations on their apps. Our experts will instruct users on how to leverage social media platforms for effective app promotion. As the leading digital marketing course in Delhi, we offer step-by-step procedures, complete with hands-on demonstrations from digital marketing moguls.
    Shopping Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What are shopping Ads?
    • Introduction to the basics of Shopping ads?
    • How to increase product sales?
    • How to use Google Merchant Center?
    • How to upload products in GMC?
    • How to link GMC with Google Ads?
    • Creation of shopping Ads and Campaigns
    • Product Listing
    • Product Catalogue
    • Tips & Tricks to create an effective shopping platform
    • The 23rd module of our marketing course focuses on Shopping Marketing. Our experts guide you on how to enhance visibility at every stage of the consumer purchase journey. At Techstack, you will learn key strategies for generating traffic through shopping marketing, linking Google Merchant Center (GMC) with Google Ads, and more. You will also gain in-depth insights into Smart Shopping campaigns designed to maximize conversions.
    Email Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Email Marketing?
    • Types of Email Marketing
    • How to send bulk email with your own mail server?
    • How to collect data for Email Marketing?
    • How to analyze Bounce rate and Open rate?
    • Collection of leads from Email Marketing
    • How to create a newsletter for Email Marketing?
    • Ways to set up templates and newsletters?
    • How Can we use Mailchimp for Email Marketing?
    • How to generate leads through Email Marketing?
    • This is our 24th Module of top online marketing course in delhi. Email Marketing is a process that enables you to send bulk emails with a single click. You will learn how to use bulk email marketing software like Aweber, Mailchimp, etc. In this, you will know-how to send each mail-in inbox without paying anything. Learn completed digital marketing training in delhi at Techstack, which is regarded as the best Online Marketing Institute in Delhi. Email marketing is the best technique to build loyalty and trust for your brand, which further leads to relationships with different prospects, leads, past as well as current customers. This makes it easier for both seller and the consumer to have a conversation with, indirectly which is a convenient way out.
    Content Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Content?
    • What is Content Marketing?
    • How many types of content marketing is available?
    • Learn about content planning
    • Content Development
    • Difference between Informative and Creative content?
    • Find the right keywords for your content
    • Learn strategies for an effective content marketing
    • Content Marketing Do's and Don'ts
    • How to target potential customers through the right content?
    • This is the 25th Module of our best digital marketing course in delhi. Content Marketing is a process to write potential content which can make sales via the means of content only. You can also earn from writing content from iwriter, freelancer, elance, PayPerPost, etc. In this digital marketing expert Course, you will know about how to create effective content for any keyword and business. By the end, you will be known to enough content marketing tools which you will be required to successfully market your product. Join Techstack and become an expert in your specified field, being the best digital marketing institute in delhi, we are here to help you become an digital marketing professional by teaching every aspect from the beginning.
    E-Commerce Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is E-commerce Marketing?
    • Basic concepts of Ecommerce
    • Effective strategies to plan for an eCommerce website
    • Difference between Normal SEO and eCommerce website SEO?
    • How to boost sales through E-commerce?
    • Easy checkout and cart development techniques
    • Product presentation and"ROI" parameter
    • How to promote large products in a single click?
    • How to avoid failure on-site auctions?
    • How to increase eCommerce sales through marketing?
    • The 26th module of our online marketing course in Delhi is focused on eCommerce. This segment is about strategic boosting of online sales through various strategies. Our experts teach the fundamentals of conversion through SEO, social media, content marketing, and more. By the end of the module, it is a Techstack guarantee that students will have the knowledge to launch their own business venture profitably. We teach aspiring business owners and affiliate marketers how to sell products effortlessly. Join Techstack, the best online marketing institute in Delhi, and learn how to create an advanced eCommerce structure.
    Video Optimization
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Basics of video optimization
    • Organic traffic on YouTube
    • Analyzing Annotations
    • Impact of Social media on YouTube video ranking
    • Audience Retention
    • How to rank a video in 24hr on YouTube?
    • How to get more subscribers on YouTube?
    • Monetize through Google Ads
    • Keywords in filenames/comments
    • In-video programming
    • Cards demonstration
    • YouTube’s creation tools
    • The 27th module of our online marketing course in Delhi is dedicated to Video Optimization. Our experts guide students through various optimization techniques to improve their position on YouTube search results and algorithms. Students also learn how to monetize their YouTube content effectively. Our Internet Marketing Institute in Delhi will guide you through step-by-step, click-by-click video training. We ensure that you understand the essential steps to take before going live with your YouTube videos.
    Google Adsense
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Google?
    • What is Google Adsense?
    • Difference between Google Adwords vs Google Analytics
    • Easy steps to follow for Google Adsense
    • Difference between Google Adsense vs Affiliate Marketing?
    • Plugin for AdSense integration
    • Adsense Reports Study
    • Different types of Ad unit
    • Which size for Adsense is the most effective?
    • Case Studies to work for Google Adsense
    • This is the 28th Module of our best online marketing course in delhi. Google Adsense is a platform used to get Ads on your website or webpages. Join Techstack, as we are the best marketing course provider in digital marketing institute in delhi that are dedicated to training you thoroughly in the field that you choose. With the help of Google Adsense, you can start earning from your website achieving relevant and organic traffic.
    Affiliate Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Marketing?
    • What is Affiliate Marketing?
    • Easy steps to earn from Affiliate Marketing
    • How to start earning from Affiliate Marketing?
    • Ways to find low competitive keywords with high potential?
    • Learn about Affiliate Earning Models
    • Know about Affiliate Landing Pages
    • Ways to redirect visitors to the Affiliate page?
    • Get knowledge about B2B and B2C industry
    • Tips & Tricks to drive in more sales and reach more people
    • Our 29th module focuses on holistic Affiliate Marketing techniques. Students can learn how to earn commissions by promoting products from other websites. At Techstack, the leading internet marketing institute in Delhi, we offer holistic courses to provide in-depth knowledge of Affiliate Marketing. By the end of the module, users will know the right techniques to effectively sell products while adhering to third-party guidelines. Our experts focus on various marketing strategies tailored to different niches from A to Z.
    Earn as a Freelancer
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Freelancing?
    • How do you make your venture in the field of freelancing?
    • How to get projects on freelancing?
    • How to get the project on Upwork?
    • How to make contacts on Fiverr?
    • How to initiate Gigs on Fiverr?
    • How to generate sales on Fiverr?
    • Know-how to use the portal effectively
    • Bid for the projects easily and smartly
    • Simple selling basics
    • Our specialized freelancing module is a crucial part of the best Internet Marketing Course in Delhi. It serves as one of the final components of our training program. We offer the best digital marketing curriculum to help you succeed as a commissioned freelancer. In this module, students learn how to leverage major outsourcing platforms to find and work on freelance opportunities globally. We help students discover techniques to generate leads and maximize their earnings—all from the comfort of their homes.
    10 Certifications
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Google Ads Fundamental Certification
    • Google Ads Search Certification
    • Google Ads Display Certification
    • Google Ads Mobile Certification
    • Google Ads Video Certification
    • Digital Sales Certification
    • Google Analytics Certification
    • Facebook Blueprint Certification
    • Techstack Assessment Certification
    • Techstack Certification
    • In this module of our Internet Marketing Course in Delhi, Techstack is committed to delivering high-quality training to our students. We conduct 13 comprehensive exams throughout our program to ensure you are well-prepared. Our new certification, the Google Mobile Sites certification, is a symbol of our commitment to keeping our curriculum updated. We empower job seekers by equipping them with valuable certifications upon completing their course.
  • Corporate Technologist Digital Marketing Course ( CTDM ) 26 Modules
    Pro Blogging
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • How to become a pro blogger?
    • How to overcome writer's block?
    • AIDA Writing: write and engage your audience using copywriting
    • Outposts: promoting your blog and each article
    • Traffic From Google: SEO Essentials
    • Automating Your Social Media Traffic
    • How to create a sales funnel using a blog and social media?
    • Lead Magnets That Make People Subscribe
    • Making Money With Your Blog
    • Different techniques for blogging
    • How to use webinars to boost your online presence?
    • Networking - Start knowing relevant people who can help your blog
    • Pro Blogging Training is one of the most essential Modules of our marketing course in Top online marketing course in delhi. Join Techstack Academy and discover the secret sauce to writing highly compelling course content that has the ability to make your blog go viral. Our institute of Digital marketing ensures to provide our students with the utmost knowledge about blogging, writing, and editing the course content which will bring more clarity and methodological ways for you to write relevant information.
    Personal Branding
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is personal branding?
    • Learning the basics of branding to becoming a pro
    • Know about your personal branding story
    • Deciphering your personality laying the foundation to building your brand
    • Know your target audience
    • Think hard about your core values and morals before proceeding.
    • Experience, education, certificates, and accomplishments to add authority
    • Build a brand from scratch
    • Build your identity like never before
    • Generate more leads with your own branding
    • In the Personal Branding module of our top online marketing course in Delhi, you will embark on a transformative journey to redefine your professional identity. At Techstack, we guide you through a step-by-step process to improve your credibility and visibility on online platforms. This will help students get better at client acquisition and seize new opportunities that come their way.
    Google Double-Click
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Google DFP?
    • Introduction to Google DFP
    • Manage your inventory
    • Create Ad units and Ad tags
    • Configure AdSense for remnant inventory
    • Know-how about Double click search and/or bid
    • Working with third party creatives
    • Google Analytics study
    • Setting up Ad units
    • Yield Management with DFP
    • Google DoubleClick Course is a module of our marketing course in Best online marketing course in delhi that delivers you knowledge from scratch. This course will help you learn about various things like Double click bidding, searching, rich media, and analytics. This service is an application that is solely run by Google, as the name suggests. It has a tendency to provide you with a toolkit to manage your ads for a multi-device audience. Diversify your knowledge and join Techsack, to become an expert in the field of Digital Marketing from best online marketing institutes in delhi.
    Drop Shipping
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Drop Shipping?
    • How does Drop Shipping work?
    • Pros and cons of starting with Drop Shipping
    • How to set up Drop Shipping?
    • Different types of Drop Shipping
    • Make your first sale
    • Handling of easy shipment
    • Online marketing investment
    • Increase reach and sales
    • Tips & Tricks to be an expert in Drop Shipping
    • Dropshipping, an innovative retail model to simplify the purchasing process, provides a vast wealth of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. At Techstack, we furnish comprehensive training covering different aspects of this strategy. Our curriculum includes various strategies, insights into online marketing investments, and essential tips and tricks on how to become a successful earner in this field.
    Adobe Illustrator
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Introduction to Adobe Illustrator
    • Working With Illustrator Panels
    • Controlling The Illustrator Views
    • Ratio of the size taken
    • Hiding And Locking Illustrator objects
    • Illustrator Artboards
    • A peek at the Interface of the Illustrator
    • The magical wand
    • Selecting and working with Illustrator objects
    • Selection of the right attributes
    • Creative use of grids and guides
    • Previewing the modes
    • Adobe Illustrator Training is the most preferred module of our marketing training in Top online marketing course in delhi. Irrespective of the fact if you are a brand new illustrator or have played around it earlier, you will still be required to have an in-depth guide to know about it fully. Techstack academy has designed the course in a manner to guide you with practice files and projects throughout the CC course under our top internet marketing institute in delhi, with having a group of professionals who will inspire you to do better. Create stunning illustrations and graphics intuitively and easily!
    Adobe Photoshop
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Adobe Photoshop?
    • Learn about the basic manipulation tools
    • Learning various effects namely- background blur and haze, etc.
    • Uploading different layers with the selection of the right tools
    • Learning the Image Processor
    • Creation and the usage of basic tools
    • Photo Correction
    • Creation tools with advanced features
    • Applying Portrait or textured portrait
    • Guide to enhancing the picture
    • Learn Adobe Photoshop Course in our marketing course in Top internet marketing course in delhi. Join Techstack and explore different ways to learn and be an expert in Adobe Photoshop. This is often used to substandard the basic level photos to the height of the professional level. Techstack is considered to be the best digital marketing institute in delhi, that provides a wide array of resources to help you learn in-depth about the course. Get an ultimate training course and learn about photo correction, photoshop CC, advanced tools used to have an impeccable image for you.
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is HTML?
    • Basic introduction to HTML and its process
    • Easy HTML Search Optimization
    • Choosing the right template
    • Five Easy SEO Wins for Your Website
    • Analyzing the low hanging fruit in SEO
    • Different approaches to find Keywords.
    • Knowledge of HTML and CSS3
    • The Five-Point SEO Checklist for Content Marketing
    • Copywriting and Storytelling Basics (Better Content = More Conversions)
    • Ranking among the top 10 digital marketing institutes in Delhi, we specialize in progressive HTML training. With our curriculum, students gain expertise in hand-coding responsive websites using HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery. We adopt a practical approach to teaching to help students get real-world skills. By focusing on the latest web standards, we improve our peers’ employability in a digital-first world.
    Adobe Dreamweaver
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Adobe?
    • Introduction to Adobe Dreamweaver
    • How to create a bootstrap website?
    • How to edit the website on the Local Server?
    • Learning CSS
    • Easy way to use Dreamweaver
    • Create Landing Pages in Dreamweaver
    • Formatting text while adding special characters
    • Responsive web page layouts
    • Guide to Dreamweaver
    • Join the best digital marketing courses in delhi that focuses on providing you with ultimate knowledge about Adobe Dreamweaver training course with infinite skills that will introduce you to the latest technologies used in creating an outstanding web design application. You will learn the hard way by learning how to build a basic site page to knowing with external linking. You will also be familiar with various tools and techniques in order to create remarkable designs with clear coding using the software in the most feasible manner.
    Adobe Premiere Pro
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Adobe Premiere?
    • Introduction to the title, fonts, special effects, etc.
    • Subclipping in Adobe Premiere Pro
    • Audio Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro
    • Adding Motion to Titles with Keyframes
    • Closed Captions in Adobe Premiere Pro
    • Syncing Video and Audio from Multiple Cameras or Recorders
    • Color Correction and Color Grading in Adobe Premiere Pro
    • Audio effects to fade, add or include effects
    • Audio Levelling at the top level
    • Video Editing Course is also a highly preferred marketing course in Best internet marketing course in delhi. We, at Techstack, provide you with ultimate training in video editing with the background of Adobe premiere pro which is mostly used by professionals across the world to create great business and marketing videos, documentaries, etc. You will also be liable to learn about different cloud versions namely CS6, CS5, CS3, Mac, or PC) and will make sure by the end of the course, your end result will be transforming you into a pro. Lay your hands on the best training techniques by the best online marketing institute in delhi at Techstack Academy.
    Technical SEO
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is SEO?
    • How does technical SEO work?
    • The rules of linking and Link Building
    • How to Appear in Google’s Answer Box
    • 20 Attributes provided by us, that will influence a Link’s Value
    • Learn in-depth about Google algorithm updates
    • Converting goals into reportable metrics
    • How to prove the ROI of SEO Campaigns
    • 200 different ranking factors
    • Generating SEO Report for your client
    • Gain real-world skills with Techstack Academy’s Technical SEO module. This course is designed to serve as a valuable investment for a student’s future. Our experts teach essential skills for ranking higher on Google and other search engines. You will learn everything, from basic SEO principles to advanced techniques like Google Search Console and schema markup. At the end of the program, you will be well-poised to start your journey as an SEO analyst or expert.
    Black Hat SEO
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Variants of the techniques followed for SEO
    • Strategies to follow for black hat SEO
    • Grey Hat SEO strategies
    • Know-how the Domain Authority vs Domain Rating
    • Learn about Page Authority vs URL Rating
    • How to build authority with quality backlinks
    • How to convert goals into reportable metrics
    • How to protect your black hat SEO
    • Traffic/Lead generation
    • The best digital marketing course in Delhi at Techstack features a specialized Black Hat SEO module. Our live instructor-led sessions furnish in-depth guidance to help students get started effectively. The course is designed to deliver results through essential SEO factors and backlinking strategies. We also teach pupils how to avoid common pitfalls of the industry and safeguard their websites against negative SEO tactics.
    Blog Outreach
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is blog writing?
    • How to make effective strategies for blog outreaching?
    • Generate catchy topics and headlines
    • Ways to write an effective, informative, and trendy blog
    • Set your goals
    • Collaborate with different bloggers
    • Understand the need for bloggers
    • Target your audience right depending on your niche
    • Measure the results
    • Use content repurposing to increase traffic
    • A completed influencer marketing or blogger outreach solely depends on how effective your content is. We, at Techstack, integrate our students to indulge in the type of course that is exclusively designed to meet their requirements. It is said that outbound content marketing is the cheapest and, at the same time, one of the most efficient ways of promotion. Join our best online marketing course in delhi, and explore the way blogging can help you go further. Increase your brand awareness by learning a variant of strategies effective for collaborating with plenty of bloggers to drive in better leads and conversions.
    Competitive Analysis
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Know your competitors
    • Difference between the way they work and the way you are planning to work
    • Understanding the needs of a user
    • Generating different ideas
    • Group discussions to plan better
    • Planning and entrepreneurship
    • Choose the right metrics
    • Choose the right marketing channels
    • Analyzing the way of working
    • Prove your marketing value with a competitive analysis report
    • Competitive analysis is one of the most effective ways that is counted in our marketing training of internet marketing courses in delhi. You will be liable to learn more about what your competitors have to do about getting ahead in the market which will enable you to create an exquisite digital marketing strategy, far different from theirs. Join Techstack, we are regarded as the best institute for top Digital marketing institute in delhi which helps you gauge how to curb competitors thereby refining your strategy. Learn how to conduct a competitive analysis strategy with us and build different ways to expand into a new market.
    Influencer Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What are influencers?
    • What is influencer marketing?
    • Identify and define your audience right
    • Collaborate with a renowned influencer
    • Qualify Your Influencers
    • Choose a Type of Influencer Marketing Campaign
    • Create exclusive content which your Influencers Can’t Refuse
    • Craft out of the box campaigns ideas
    • Track your outreach
    • Generate better sales revenue
    • There is no need to let your business suffer the need for brand visibility. Get noticed online! Learn different strategies of influencer marketing at our internet marketing course in delhi and diversify your skills to the fullest. We will make your way from finding the right influencer to collaborating with them, delivering the highest compelling content of their preference. Influencer marketing has a great influence on the campaigns for every kind of business idea, especially when you are running online. Influence Marketing enables you to improve your revenue, develop brand awareness, increase your own social influence, get to know more people, and interact with them to redefine your brand.
    Lead generation for Business
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is a Lead?
    • Build a website for Lead Generation
    • Add a live chat function to your website
    • Difference between Leads Vs Sales?
    • What is SEO?
    • How to generate leads through Search Engine Optimization?
    • Social media & Content marketing
    • Generate customer testimonials
    • Include calls to action on your website
    • Collect online revenues
    • How to generate leads through Google Adwords?
    • Difference between Micro conversion and Macro conversion?
    • In this module, students learn the fundamentals of lead generation and its critical role in driving successful businesses. Our experts cover various techniques to acquire clients quickly. Strategies include social networking-based lead generation, email marketing, and even SEO strategies.
    Online Reputation Management
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Online Reputation Management?
    • Know-how to use ORM tools
    • Neutralise the reviews in a polite manner
    • Improving the reputation
    • Hiding of the negative reviews
    • Creation of ORM strategies
    • Increasing the star rating
    • Flagging inappropriate reviews
    • Analysing Real-Time case studies
    • Get more customers
    • Join Techstack and learn how to neutralize bad reviews online thereby helping you learn about different tools and techniques to get through the flagged inappropriate reviews. Your online reputation is your image on the Internet. Just one negative online product review can adversely impact your product sales or business. Avail the best online marketing course in delhi and know-how to aim at gaining an active spectrum to be able to monitor the brands and their reputation. Explore the learning dosage in particular with Techstack, where the learning modules successfully dwell on issues that are correlated to digital minimalism.
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is an InstaPage?
    • How to create landing pages?
    • Integrations and security
    • Create service InstaPage
    • Tools and Techniques
    • Capture the page speed
    • Visualising AdMaps
    • Page designing and collaboration
    • Focusing on the right geographical location
    • Keep a track of Leads
    • Join Techstack, the best internet marketing courses in delhi covering all your Digital Academics helping you have an in-depth understanding of how to create geographical landing pages in the right format. Techstack has a unique notch of professionals who take the course from internet marketing institute in delhi very seriously in order to train their students with nothing but the best. Buckle Up to create relevant and on-brand, mobile-responsive pages for a better user experience. Once done, Techstack will regularly help you keep a check on the same for experimenting regularly. Capturing visitor's attention with lightning-fast landing pages that can load instantly.
    Quora Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Quora?
    • What is Quora Marketing?
    • Learn the ways to write effective answers
    • Ways to increase Quora followers and visitors
    • Influencing through Quora
    • Maintaining the right Quora profile
    • Learning the hard way through your activity feed
    • Providing relevant information to the questions
    • Keeping a check on the ranking
    • How to generate Leads through Quora?
    • In this module of our Corporate Technologist internet marketing course in delhi, we provide a wide array of tools, technologies, and strategies to help you and your Q&A rank higher. Users on Quora will be liable to develop profiles, pose questions to the community and answer them in the most explanatory manner. Quora is the most emerging platform, from where you can seek maximum leads and marketing strategies from us. We teach everything from scratch-developing a profile to marketing your brand on Quora for marketing purposes.
    Outbound Leads Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is outbound lead marketing?
    • Difference between inbound and outbound marketing
    • Introduction to Outbound Marketing
    • How to generate leads via Emails + Calls + LinkedIn
    • How outbound lead generation matter?
    • Techniques and unique strategies to get along with the leads
    • What all is required to have successful outbound lead generation
    • A good understanding of segmentation of the target audiences
    • Execution/implementation of the strategies
    • Tips to move forward with outbound lead marketing
    • At Techstack, our OLM module focuses on equipping students with the right skills to effectively push marketing messages to their target audiences, even with no prior interest from them. This course focuses on improving the student’s understanding of outbound strategies and their impact on campaign costs.
    Viral Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Introduction to viral marketing
    • Viral Marketing tools and techniques
    • How to get featured on other Bloggers' Newsletters
    • Social outreach
    • Usage of SEO Techniques
    • Promote through Reddit
    • Know about Adsense as the best monetization tool
    • Viral your website with limitless profits
    • Using the power groups to drive huge traffic
    • Earn better with content marketing platforms like Taboola & Outbrain
    • Learn about viral marketing course with our marketing course in Best online marketing course in delhi. Since the internet and the advent of social media are rapidly increasing, so is the amount of viral messages in the form of memes, shares, likes, and forwards. We are regarded under the top 10 Digital marketing institutes in delhi, which are fully dedicated to providing our students with certain tools and techniques to help you count the virality of your content. Investing today will benefit your future. Learn to use dominating techniques, and get better traffic.
    Coupon Code Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What are Coupon Codes?
    • What is Coupon Code Marketing?
    • Ways to develop an eCommerce website whilst adding coupon coding
    • Availability of different types of codes
    • Why adopt couping in your business?
    • Strategies for customer acquisition
    • Benefits to using coupon code marketing
    • Security purposes for Coupon Coding
    • Difference between Coupon coding marketing vs other marketing techniques
    • Tips to excel your website for marketing
    • Who doesn't love sweet deals? We, at Techstack, provide you with a 360-degree internet marketing courses in delhi, where you will be liable to gain knowledge about how to generate coupon codes on a website for better marketing. Get to know about various kinds of marketing with us, and set up your website with a flexible discount system that's easy to master and manage. This is how you will be able to create promo codes and generate e-commerce coupons for your store within a few clicks.
    Press Release
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is a Press Release?
    • Making of effective content
    • Make your content point to point
    • Different types of press releases
    • Include a Clear Call-to-Action
    • Use Visual Content
    • Your title/heading should be informative yet catchy
    • Know the length of the content
    • Reach out to Specific Journalists.
    • Ways to roll out your release
    • Automate Your Digital Marketing Course is with our 22nd module of marketing course in internet marketing course in delhi. Public Relations Training at Techstack will enable you to learn everything in and out about the press coverages, its types, the way of writing, rolling, and providing information all in one. You can also avail a demo by taking a best digital marketing institute in delhi at Techtack. Know-how to interact with various journalists and share the information which you are willing to roll out.
    Earn from Social Media
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Define your niche appropriately
    • Keep yourself up to date with current trends
    • Learn affiliate marketing techniques
    • Learn to Promote your coaching or consulting services
    • Market your skills
    • Collaborate with an influencer
    • Join the YouTube Partner Program.
    • Promote products and services
    • Create informative content
    • Interactive sessions for better engagement
    • As part of our premier digital marketing offerings in Delhi, we provide in-depth training to help you effectively market your social media businesses. We provided specialized training for small entrepreneurs operating in handmade crafts, art pieces, or clothing. Our general course tips also help business owners equip themselves with essential marketing skills to showcase their products and services for optimal profits.
    Domain Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is a Domain?
    • Introduction to Hosting and Domain
    • Checklist before one buys the Domain
    • Add a relevant name, but an easier one
    • Find names that offer real value
    • Check domain availability/authority
    • Get your domains front and center
    • Evaluate the price
    • Know-how to purchase and sell
    • Monitor everything before moving ahead
    • Domain Monitoring & Marketing Training is another essential module of Corporate Technologist Best online marketing course in delhi. Here, you will learn how to find successful digital marketing domain flippers with the help of certain tools and techniques. You will also attain knowledge about how to auction your Domain, which is like a secret compelling the listings to attract bidders who are willing to buy. Once you are ready to push that Domain through, we will make you have a clear understanding about evaluating the price of the Domain and its authority.
    Sales Funnel Practice
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Raising awareness to the audience
    • Creating multiple lead magnets
    • Keep a check on regular visitors
    • Sales and retention
    • Actions (B2B or B2C sales cycle)
    • Learning the essential tools required to move forward
    • Re-engaging with the old customers
    • Sales Funnel troubleshooting
    • Generate better conversions
    • Tips & tricks to keep the customers intact
    • Digital marketing, advertising, and sales are a lot more and complicated than just clicking on one website to buy something. Join Techstack to foster your skills in the arena of sales funnel marketing. Join our digital marketing course in delhi and learn the methodologies step-by-step. Learn copywriting hacks to boost your conversions efficiently with the examples of some excellent sales funnels conversions leading to better sales with marketing strategies, E-commerce, or Advertising.
    Product Marketing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is Product Marketing?
    • How to launch a product?
    • Ways to increase a product’s visibility in the market
    • Prepare your FAQ before launching your product
    • Development of marketing plan
    • Creating different strategies to attract customers
    • Analyzing and focus on a larger audience
    • Take care of your customer service
    • Lead generation
    • Take a chance with remarketing.
    • Learn how to become a product manager expert only at Techstack. We are the best internet marketing course in delhi that delivers a course that is specially designed for individuals to learn and grow in the field of product marketing. We will ensure to make you an expert, starting the course from scratch involving important skills that are proven to transform you into a professional. Get lead generation and plenty of user acquisition with our product marketing techniques.
  • Capstone Project
  • Career Assistance: Resume building, Mock interviews, 1:1 mentorship and Career fair
  • Program Certificate from Orangus India and Techstack Academy

Languages and Tools Covered

Digital Marketing Course Tools
Digital Marketing Institute Tools
Digital Marketing Training Tools
Digital Marketing Course in Delhi Tools
Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi Tools

Certificate from The Orangus India and TechStack Academy

Capstone Projects

Live Projects from the Partner Agency ( Orangus & Team Variance ).

Projects Completed




Google Ads & HTML

Targeted Landing Pages for Industrial Metal Business.


Multiple PPC Ads

PPC Lead Gen Expert with Google, Microsoft, Facebook, & LinkedIn Experience


Social Media

Digital Marketers in the Art Niche



complete audit of law firm's digital presence.


Google Ads & HTML

Targeted Landing Pages for Industrial Metal Business.


Multiple PPC Ads

PPC Lead Gen Expert with Google, Microsoft, Facebook, & LinkedIn Experience


Social Media

Digital Marketers in the Art Niche



complete audit of law firm's digital presence.

Join India's #1 Digital Marketing Program

Faculty and Mentors

Our experienced faculty members are dedicated to providing a high-quality learning experience, both online and offline. Their cumulative expertise empowers aspiring students to enhance their tech and digital marketing skills.


Industry Mentors

Award-Winning Faculty Members

Our Faculty

Reviews by Students

Know what our students have to say about us.

Digital Marketing Course reviews

Saumya SinghCTDM

Earlier my interest in digital marketing was very low, but joining Techstack I feel like I have turned into an expert within 6 months duration only. Highly recommended for those who are willing to secure their career in this field.

Digital Marketing institute reviews

Abdul Sheikh CTDM

After reading reviews online, I joined Techstack to upgrade my skills in Digital Marketing. It was totally worth doing a course here and also the best part was they helped me get a job in a great organization!

Digital Marketing Training reviews

Amit Goyal CTDM

The starting of my course in Techstack was quite slow but as soon as the classes continued, it became really interesting and I got to learn a lot about Marketing in-depth. The course also included an internship after my course completion.

Digital Marketing Course in Delhi reviews

Abhishek Mehta CTDM

I started with a brief course at Techstack in Digital marketing (ADM) and soon after the completion, now I want to pursue and learn further about Digital marketing by pursuing PGDM here itself.

Digital Marketing institute in Delhi reviews

Rahul AgarwalCTDM

I did a digital marketing courses during lockdown from Techstack Institute and founded it to be very useful to start a career in digital marketing. The course was comprehensive and Mr. Sulabh Aggarwal taught me with great dedication.

Digital Marketing training in Delhi reviews

Puneet Arora CTDM

One of the best training institutes in Delhi. Loved every minute of studying and gained great knowledge. The trainers have assisted me well whenever I was in need. Looking forward as a life coach and being a part of changing lives for the better.

Program Fee

Starting at Rs. 11,000/month

Batch Starting: 27 Jan 2025

Corporate Technologist Digital Marketing Course in Delhi

Program Duration: 6 Months

Certification: Post Graduate Certification from Orangus and Techstack Academy

Upskill with Techstack Academy:

25+ Case Studies

300+ hours of intensive digital marketing learning

Portfolio-worthy projects

45-day internship included

Career Opportunities:

Digital Marketing Executive

SEO Specialist

PPC Manager

Digital Marketing Manager

Influencing Marketer

Social Media Manager

Start Your Own Startup!

Payment Method

We have variety of payment methods in Techstack Academy.

Digital Marketing Course Payment method
Digital Marketing Institute Payment method
Digital Marketing Training Payment method
Digital Marketing Course in Delhi Payment method
Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi Payment method
Internet Marketing Training in Delhi Payment method

Application Process


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Counselling Process

Take a word with our counsellor and know-how about the different subjects running at Techstack! Our cooperative process is held to give you the necessary information required.


Join Program

Fasten your seat belts to become an industry-expert by joining one of our courses.Get yourself acquainted with the best of the knowledge provided by Techstack Academy!

Upcoming Application Deadline

Have you filled up our forms yet? If not, then buckle-up before the batches get full! We are waiting to hear from you, and take your career onto the next level, with us!

Deadline: 27 Jan 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I join your techstack for digital marketing course in delhi?

There are lots of answers to this question. We have more than 8 years of hands-on experience in Digital Marketing Training in Delhi and development in the region of Delhi-NCR. All our trainers are fully qualified and are certified in online marketing having certification in the following mentioned domains which are Google Adwords, Google Analytics, Facebook Blueprint, Bing, Hubspot and SalesForce. We have the best benefits of digital marketing course and internship in Delhi.

We have trained more than 2000 students in this industry and made a name in Internet Marketing Course in Delhi field. There are lots more reasons to join Best Internet Marketing Course in Delhi from Techstack. We look for every student in our internet marketing training program to get the best output from students. Digital marketing courses after MBA is the best option to upgrade your skills.

Alternatively, we provide our students with one to one counseling during their training, advising them on their progress during their curriculum for better understanding and confidence building. Our aim is to make students work on the practical aspect and learn the theory for qualification purposes also. Techstack is providing the best course for digital marketing in Delhi.

Will I get a job after doing an internet marketing course from Techstack?

Yes, you can surely get a job after joining our online marketing course in delhi. We are currently located in Saket for the region of Delhi. Also to note that we have 100% student's placement record of digital marketing courses in Delhi . Online marketing in various corporate organizations rests solely on the full completion of top Internet Marketing Institute in Delhi. We take the utmost guarantee to train you well in this market and make you capable to do anything in practical or freelance work also.

The industry currently demands employees who can work for them and get best results for their business. During Internet Marketing Course in Delhi curriculum, we regularly test and evaluate your learning curve and ensure quality training for the same. Techstack has started a New Batch digital marketing course in Delhi.

Who can join our Internet marketing course of Techstack?

Practically anyone one can learn this course of Digital Marketing. All you need to know is how to run a computer with the basic use of the internet. People who are studying in college, who are working in any company or organisation, people who are intermediate or who have their own business, they can join the best online marketing training course in Delhi from our Techstack institute.

Again, traineesAgain, trainees must have some basic computer knowledge so that he/she can easily operate and do daily basic tasks for their training. Search Digital marketing training institute near me in google, you will find the best option for you.

How much can I start earning after completing digital marketing course in delhi from Techstack?

The earning potential of a Digital Marketer is limitless. All depends on your understanding and execution of your knowledge and skills that you will acquire @Techstack. Also we guarantee that you will be fully prepared in all the modules of Digital Marketing. We will give you more practical training on every aspect of Internet marketing or Online Marketing Training in Delhi so that you can use this knowledge into industry or on your business to grab more profits. You can easily earn upto Rs 50000 in the initial stage after completion of course from our online marketing institute. Visit Techstack to check why we are the top Internet Marketing Institute in Delhi NCR with Top Digital Marketing Course. Techstack is an Advance institute of digital marketing.

How much salary can I get after this Online marketing course?

As discussed in our previous question, your earning will totally depend on your skills and knowledge. Generally, we have placed 100% of our students in Internet Marketing Training in Delhi with an average of Rs. 25,000/month as minimum salary. If you are applying for a high profile position in the corporate sector for a complete Digital Marketing profile, you will get a high salary in this domain which can go up to 8 Lakh per Annum. If you are applying for specialised position such as a Search Engine Optimisation Expert, you will get a minimum of Rs.25,000/month . Salary is the basic need for every student. We try our best in training to get maximum output from you. You will get the best digital marketing course duration with affordable digital marketing course fee in Techstack.

Do you provide Internship training for Internet marketing courses?

Yes, we do. Internship would be an ideal option after your digital marketing course completion. We have tie ups with various online marketing companies and different SAAS (Software as a Service) providers. You can get alternate opportunities for freelance projects after online marketing course in delhi as well. Also, you can enrol for an internship in our Digital Marketing institute in Delhi that is a possibility. During your internship, we provide some basic amount as a stipend. You will be required to complete our client projects and give the best result in those projects. After completion of internship, we will give an experience letter of Online marketing internship.

When will I get the course material, certificate and software of Digital Marketing Training in Delhi?

You need not worry with course material and certification for your Digital Marketing. After you enrol, Techstack will guide and provide you with all kinds of course content and software with respect to the module you will be learning at that time. You will get all 17 Certifications after completion of digital marketing course in delhi from Techstack. We provide software and course material in the starting week so that you can easily grab marketing and give best results in our training. We want you to succeed in this training. That's why we are helping you in each and every step. Fee for digital marketing courses is very nominal at Techstack.

What will be my profile after completion of Internet marketing?

A complete Digital Marketing Executive will be qualified in the following domains mentioned in this answer. You have various options for work and you can start your career after Digital Marketing Course in Delhi completion as SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) Executive, Online Campaign Marketing Executive, PPC (Pay Per Click) Executive, SEM (Search Engine Marketing) Manager, SMO (Search Marketing Optimisation) Executive, Content Writer, etc. We want you to work on a high profile for your better career. Techstack has a new branch of online marketing course in delhi.

Who will be our Online marketing trainer in Internet Marketing Institute in Delhi?

The most certified in the field of Digital Marketing course, Manoj Singh Rathore also known as MSR. He has more than 13 years' experience in this industry of providing Digital Marketing Training in the region of Delhi-NCR. He has independently built and worked with clients especially in the US with other foreign countries. Till date, projects completed by MSR have been spread over 6500 worldwide. He has trained more than 2158 students and counting in his career. To know more about MSR please visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/srmanojrathore/. Digital marketing course classroom training is the best way to learn all things practically.

Why is your institute known as the best digital marketing institute?

Techstack stands out for several reasons. We focus on delivering exceptional Internet Marketing training that is tailored to each student’s needs. We prioritize performance-based results, focusing on skills that help students excel in the industry of their choice. What makes us unique is our emphasis on high-quality education; we view fees and tuition charges as secondary to the learning experience. For those interested, our comprehensive digital marketing course fee in Noida is approximately ₹30,000. We look forward to having you at our program, well-positioned to becoming a leader in the digital marketing field!

What is the best way to get updated in the digital marketing field?

There are many websites which release digital marketing news and trending tools time to time. You can follow those blogs to get updated according to time. We provide a weekly Newsletter in our Digital Marketing Course in Delhi. Some blogs namely, Searchenginejournal, Search Engine land, Moz, Ahrefs, etc. You can follow these blogs on Facebook, twitter, instagram and subscribe in youtube. This enables that, everytime when they post anything related to the digital marketing field, you will get updated which helps you to get top results from the best institute for internet marketing course in delhi with Techstack.

Can I complete my Internet Marketing Course in 3 months?

Absolutely! Yes, you can but it all depends on your grasping power and learning potential. Digital marketing course in delhi is a very vast and detailed course which takes extra time and effort investment. That's why we need full dedication and support from your side to give you the best training. We give tasks on a daily basis and want students to finish them within time. We also provide you with ample opportunities to practice and execute all digital marketing modules till the time you are ready to go to the corporate world. Total duration of digital marketing course is 6 months. Techstack has an Advanced digital marketing 6 month course.

I don't have a website or blog. Can I complete my Internet marketing course?

Yes, you can. When you enrol @Techstack in Saket for your online marketing course in delhi, we will be providing you training on how to create your own blog and website. This part will be essential in the process of learning and executing digital marketing concepts. We help you to customize your blog and teach how to handle blog and posts on routine. We want you to be updated with the current trend and if you don't walk with the trend in Digital Marketing Course, you will probably lose market. We have complete digital marketing course subjects to give your best quality training. Digital marketing course eligibility is only 12th pass.

What kind of practical experience will I get in this training?

At Techstack, our approach is to give students practical knowledge over mere theory. We believe that real-world skills are essential for securing a job in the corporate sector or even for building your own business. Our modules are designed to provide holistic hands-on experience across different marketing instruments. You will not only create your own blog or website but also implement SEO strategies. You will also be trained and tested on how to improve your brand’s social media presence, launch campaigns, and engage in email and affiliate marketing. By the end of our course, all students will be well-equipped, theoretically and practically, to advance their careers in this dynamic field.

What are the different profile in an internet marketing field?

There are plenty of profiles in which you can work after an digital marketing course in delhi at Techstack.

SEO Executive: SEO Executive is a basic profile in which you can work after Digital marketing course in Delhi from any institute. In this profile, you need to work on onpage SEO and offpage SEO. Onpage SEO and Offpage SEO are two major parts. Onpage SEO is a process to work on inside the website. Off Page SEO is a process to build links for websites from other websites. Both parts are necessary to learn from any internet marketing institute. You have to work on domain optimization, meta tags optimization, content optimization, image optimization, latent semantic indexing, robots.txt, sitemap.xml, blog commenting, article submission, social bookmarking, forum posting, profile link building, press release submission, etc.

PPC Executive: PPC Executive is a profile in which you need to work on Google adwords campaigns. You need to run ads on different ad networks. There are six types of ad network in Google adwords. You have to run ads on potential keywords on Google search. You need to run ads on display networks or other partner websites or youtube videos.

Online Reputation Management Executive: ORM is the best work profile after doing Digital Marketing Training in Delhi from Techstack. The basic salary of an ORM manager is very high, around 50k. You can search in Google for the best internet marketing institute in Delhi to get best ORM training.

Social Media Manager: Social media managers help companies to get better business through running ads on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin. We as a best Internet Marketing Training in Delhi provider in Delhi NCR know how to train a well social media marketer in the market.

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What do you know about Digital Marketing Course?

Digital Marketing basically depends on digital devices and the internet, which is a process to get more branding, increase awareness, increase selling, promotion of products through digital devices like laptop, desktop, smart phones, tablets etc, or internet. We have two types of Marketing.

One is Offline marketing and other is Digital Marketing. We call digital marketing as internet marketing or online marketing. Offline Marketing includes hoardings, Pamphlets, newspaper advertisement, television advertisement, radio, Sunpack sheet, Canopy and standee Ads. Online Marketing includes Google search Ads, social media advertisement, video advertisement over youtube, Google Display ads ( ads over third party sites like labnol.org ).

What is Digital Marketing?

Internet Marketing is a process to build awareness, increase sales and branding through digital devices or internet. There are so many methods which are available to pursue a Digital Marketing Course. For example, if you promote your products through whatsapp, it will be called Internet marketing. If you promote your products through social media sites, it will be called Online marketing.

Difference between Online Marketing Training in Delhi vs Internet Marketing Course vs Online Marketing Course
There is no single difference between this course. We call them differently but internet marketing course is similar to Digital marketing course and online marketing course. Our Upcoming Internet Marketing Institutes in Delhi

We are going to launch our 4 branches of digital marketing course in delhi NCR with an aim to serve you better for Internet Marketing Training in Delhi. List of digital marketing course institutes of Techstack in Delhi NCR, that are in operation currently are mentioned below:

  • 1st branch: Internet Marketing Institutes in Delhi
  • 2nd branch: Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi
Soon in the upcoming months we will surely be launching two other branches for digital marketing course in Delhi NCR.

How many Categories belong to the Digital Marketing term?

There are basically two types of terms included in Digital Marketing. Digital marketing course in delhi, Techstack provides immense knowledge about Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing.

Inbound Marketing: It is a process to get visitors through free promotions like sharing their own articles over social media sites, e-newsletters, gmail, etc. It basically helps customers to know more about your product and get aware about it through your website or article. You can put a link on guest posting so that people can click on that link and go to your product page and know about that product.

Outbound Marketing: It is a process to place ads in social media sites, search engines, etc. It includes conversion, form fillup, lead capturing, etc. We need customer data to run our business. Outbound Marketing is the best option to get leads from digital marketing platforms. Learn more about digital marketing categories in best internet marketing institute in delhi.

Why do people choose Digital Marketing over Traditional or Offline Marketing?

There can be so many reasons to select Digital Marketing over offline marketing. In digital marketing course in delhi, we provide ideas for both marketing. There are a total 17 digital marketing course certification in Techstack. Traditional Marketing is an old marketing process which includes pamphlet distribution, newspaper advertisement, TV Ads, radio, sunpack sheet Ads etc. This marketing includes one way communication. You show them ads but you cannot count how many people have seen your ad.

Example, We are putting Ads in Newspaper, Television, pamphlet distribution. You are getting business for one lakh a day, but can you assure which process is giving you more business and how? Digital Marketing is a new marketing process which is why people choose this course of subject. Nowadays, everybody has smartphones and Google is on their hands, every time to get any information. We can advertise our product Ads in search engines to get maximum results in a short period.

What is the difference between a Static and Responsive Website?

As you know, that Website is a combination of webpages. We use coding languages to create web pages like HTML, PHP, JSP or ASP.net. HTML is the base language to create a website. HTML stands for Hypertext markup language.

HTML is used to create static websites. Static website is a kind of website which does not change their layout, information or any data according to user, location, IP or time. Whereas, on the other hand, a Dynamic website is a kind of website which changes their data according to user, location, IP and time. For example, If you will login Facebook, the layout will have different data every time you login, layout will have different data. It changes according to the user. Join trending courses at top digital marketing institute in delhi.

What are the essential points to increase traffic to your website?

There are lots of platforms which you can use to increase your website traffic. We have two kinds of traffic. One is a simple user and the other is a potential user. Many people avoid the usage of simple users as it acts like a visitor without any productivity.

A potential user can give you a chance to sell and increase your daily business. Social media sites like Facebook, twitter, Stumbleupon, Google+, Linkedin can easily bring targeted traffic to your website. Moreover, the use of SEO on potential keywords to bring potential traffic which will increase better sales.

How many tools can we use in Digital Marketing?

There are thousands of tools available for Digital Marketing, but we use only the best. There are some tools which are taught in our internet marketing institute in delhi. We, at Techstack, are providing digital marketing course with placement in Delhi. Tools like Ahrefs, Open Site Explorer, Majestic SEO, Advanced Grammarly, Buzzsumo, SEMRush Keywordtool, Rankwatch, WordAI, SpyFu, Animoto Alexa, Google Webmaster, Google Analytics etc. People use different tools according to their needs but the above mentioned tools are some of the best tools for every type of marketing. Many people have done more than 3 live project in their Internet Marketing Training in Delhi and have used the mentioned tools in their projects, achieving the best results.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years in the digital marketing field?

It totally depends on you how you are going to answer your question. The best way to answer this question is to talk about your ambition and how the company will fulfill those dreams. There are many advantages to digital marketing courses in delhi. Digital marketing course advantages will help you to get a high package as a fresher. Talk about your life goals and productivity towards their company to get the best promotion.

What are the differences between Direct Marketing and Branding?

In Direct Marketing, you are bound to target only those customers through which you can derive maximum sales. Direct Marketing is directly proportional to potential customers.

In branding, I will try to figure out those ways through which I can get more branding. Like mass reaching, email marketing, etc. We are opening our best internet marketing course in delhi.

What is Remarketing? Can we use Remarketing in Google and Facebook both?

Remarketing is a process to show ads again and again to the same customer who visited our website. It helps us to increase our branding. Google Adwords: Google Display Network used to create Remarketing ads. You have the option to know-how to target ads on adgroup. In this you will have three options, Display keywords, Interest and Remarketing and Detailed Targeting.

In Interest and Remarketing, you will have a complete Remarketing list. This option helps you to create Remarketing ads. Facebook: Yes, you can use remarketing on Facebook also.

The same process is followed like Google adwords. You have an option to set remarketing for your campaign. Remarketing process depends on javascript code. You need to put remarketing code on your Landing page to run remarketing ads.

Is there any limitation in digital marketing?

Always. Every digital marketing strategy has some limitations. In online marketing, we know we can't touch products and feel how products actually look like. The trust factor of products online only depends on reviews but you can't see that authentication which is the major problem with online products. In delivery, maybe the products do not look the same as they appeared on the website. Techstack is recognized as the best digital marketing course in delhi and Noida, by joining you will be able to learn about plenty of new strategies related to digital marketing.

Why to choose Digital marketing as your career?

If you wish to keep yourself updated on a daily basis and other fields, digital marketing has an algorithm designed by biggest platforms like Google, Facebook etc. which keeps doing updates in that algorithm through various online portals like Search engine journal, search engine land, moz etc. If you are a beginner/fresher, you can choose online marketing course in delhi from Techstack.

How will you ensure us for profit through digital marketing?

No one gives you the guarantee for profit through best digital marketing course in delhi in the initial stage, but we assure you that after one week, we will give you the best results for your business. In the first week, we will analyze your potential products and ways to get potential traffic. We will find your competitors so that we can easily remove ads on your competitor's device. Join our upcoming batches from best digital marketing institute in delhi.

What are the best ways to get updated in the digital marketing field?

The best way to get updated in the digital marketing field is to have subscribed to digital marketing news and trending topics of digital marketing through online portals like search engine land, search engine journal, moz etc. You can join an advanced internet marketing course in delhi to get updated on a daily basis.

Why choose us?

As we know, your future and careers depends on us, we make sure to deliver a holistic view of the entire syllabus that we provide, helping you attain in-depth knowledge.

Full-Fledged Curriculum

At Techstack, we deliver an amalgamation of courses beyond your field of expertise to help your career reach greater heights.

Step-By-Step Learning

We create a roadmap for your journey, starting from novice to becoming an expert.

Lifetime Support

Your journey at Techstack doesn't end with the completion of the course, you will gain the status of Techstack Alumni for a lifetime.

Browse Related Blogs

To help inspire you about the latest information, we have pulled together with the most creative, clever and effective information from around the blogosphere!

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If you are keen to learn about a variety of courses that can provide you with an ultimatum of knowledge, choose Techstack! We have a International reputation for excellence due to the outstanding quality of our teaching and support, resulting in positive outcomes for your future.

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More About Digital Marketing Course in Delhi

June 2019 Batch

Iswarpreet Singh : Techstack is a really great institute. I am learning a online marketing course in delhi here. All the staff is really supportive and knowledgeable.Techstack is great because of its trainers like Mr.Manoj Singh Rathore and Mr.Puneet saxena. Manoj sir is the one who shows you the right path and Puneet sir is the one who guides you step by step how to walk on that right path and make the way easier for you, at the digital marketing institute in delhi, Puneet sir always teach us about the right values and positive attitude towards life. Blessed to have a Mentor like them. Having a life changing experience in Techstack. Manoj Sir is providing best digital marketing course training in Delhi NCR.

Ayush Chauhan : Hi, I'm Ayush Chauhan,it such a nice experience so far since joining this institute from july'17, I have enquired in various institutes like manipal prolearn, dsim, digital vidya, digital marketing prof, etc. Specially if anyone ask me which institute is best in Delhi for Digital Marketing will definitely recommended this one because I don't think so anyone can teach us in so deeply for any modules specially thanks to Puneet Sir that his way of teaching such a nice that student can understand very well through his examples & important one is smiling the way that positive energy came. One of the best things which I see in this institute is the coaching staff specially thanks to Manoj Sir, Neha Mam, Swati Mam that understand the trainees problem & resolve it ASAP. Last but not the least, I I learned digital marketing full course from Techstack which was great overall!

Damini : I have always found myself interested in the field of Marketing. And nowadays Marketing is considered more of value when it is done through the internet. During my first year of college I visited DSIM, quite a few times but then the rates were extremely high. Though DSIM was 5min away from my home, I decided to get a certificate program of Digital Marketing from Techstack. It takes me around 1 hour of travelling but it seems worth it because of the amazing faculty and services. Techstack provides the best knowledge in Digital Marketing. Puneet Sir is the most hardworking person I've ever met. He would put his 200% to make sure that the students are getting the concept. The course has given me details on how you can do marketing in the most feasible and optimized way. Techstack is listed in the top internet marketing institute in delhi.

Anushree : I was so confused about which institute to join for learning Digital Marketing. One demo class by Manoj sir and his positive attitude & grip over the subject made me join Techstack. Then came our tutor Puneet sir whose cheerful sessions make me learn not only Digital Marketing but also impart many extra knowledge. A positive surrounding with helpful tutors. There are many digital marketing courses in pitampura but i found Techstack as the best option for me.

Prableen Kaur : Choosing Techstack over so many institutes has been the most perfect decision I've made in my life. Learning here has broadened my perspective and allowed me to engage with new ideas and stories. Digital marketing is a great course with excellent mentors. I've gained confidence in my academic capabilities alongside an appreciation for this course. Techstack believes in quality training and they have proved it. I would strongly recommend this course and this institute to those seeking to increase their skills and knowledge. Techstack has the best digital marketing course structure.

Ayush : Joining techstack was definitely a great idea. The trainers are very supporting and caring and are well experienced and qualified at the same time. Being a student of commerce I was familiar with the technical issues involved in digital marketing but the way and process of teaching every concept in so much depth and at the same time making it very easy for every student irrespective of their background to understand the concepts, Techstack is definitely the place to master the digital marketing course.

Vijeet : :I enrolled for online marketing training in Delhi Techstack. I got impressed on the very first day of the orientation session conducted by Mr Manoj Singh Rathore and soon I joined this institute for Internet Marketing Course. It's been almost two months now I have joined Techstack and I am highly satisfied with the way Coaching is conducted by my trainer MR Puneet Saxena. We have been provided high quality training in class and also he is very proactive to take doubts and provide key insights outside the class. Also the fee structure here in Techstack is very minimal in comparison with other Digital Marketing institutes. I highly recommend all the digital marketing aspirants to join this course. Techstack is the top internet marketing institute.

Akash : Only one word for Techstack - Quality Training. I feel very fortunate to be a part of this quality training institute for best digital marketing course in Delhi.Techstack is the best digital marketing courses institute in Delhi.

Prakash : Respected sir I am Prakash Chandra Upreti my journey started in Techstack on 28-05- 2017 And since then every day is very good for me I have learned new things at Techstack. Thanks to Puneet sir and Manoj sir . Before coming to Techstack I did not know much about computers but now I am learning so many things. Thanks to Puneet sir and Manoj sir for providing top digital marketing course.

Raman : My experience at Techstack, when I first visited the Techstack office, I just thought whether they can teach me or not but when I met with Manoj Sir and he guide me about the digital marketing , I immediately got ready to get enter into the course without any second thought and I feel proud on my decision when I start taking classes from Puneet Sir I realize that Techtack is a Gurukul of digital marketing more than an institute, where all the mentors pay attention on every individual student, you can asked your doubts any time, Puneet Sir give you in depth knowledge of each and every module. Mantra of becoming a successful Digital Marketer which Punnet Sir gives to us is DIGITAL MARKETING = SEO= CONTENT I WOULD SAY (DIGITAL MARKETING = SEO= CONTENT) = TECHSTACK. Visit Techstack to check why they are the Best Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi NCR with Top Internet Marketing Training in Delhi. I started a digital marketing weekend course in Delhi from Techstack.

Kritika : :I was very skeptical about my decision to get myself enrolled for digital marketing. I have taken demo from various institutes like dsim, digital vidya, manipal prolearn, etc. nHowever, I was sure post joining Techstack..I acknowledged the guidance and teaching method imparted by Manoj sir.. he shares in depth knowledge about not just digital marketing but also associated topics..learning in true sense. Techstack is the best digital marketing training institute in india.

Anupam : At, Techstack one can get the knowledge in depth which is much more than any other institute. The mentors Puneet Sir and Manoj Sir are awesome. Their teaching style especially Puneet Sir is unique from other institutes. They never skip a topic unless it is understandable. So be techy by stacking your knowledge one level up here. Techstack has their digital marketing course in preet vihar also.

Aman : I am Aman.Techstack is not only a Digital Marketing Training institute, but a family consisting of Trainer, Counselor and Students. I'm really thankful to Manoj sir, when I went to enquire about the course, he explained everything in detail and assured me of providing every concept of the course in detail. In the beginning Manoj sir taught me some modules in such a beautiful way that are easily understood by me. Later on some Modules are covered by Puneet sir, an excellent trainer with deep knowledge and excellent way of teaching. I'm glad to techstack and both the Trainer for providing me such a beautiful platform. Techstack is the only Online Marketing institute taking assessment after every module. Learning is fun at Techstack. Techstack has a minimum digital marketing course fee in Delhi.

Gaurav Gupta : I am GAURAV GUPTA from TECHSTACK Institute around three month ago. This institute is really awesome and provides better knowledge and also an excellent learning environment. My experience in this institute is really wonderful especially puneet sir is a great leader.He is having extraordinary teaching skills and also knows very well how to deal among the students. Each and every concept and all doubts clear efficiently This institute is a great institute which I've ever seen for the best course for digital marketing.

Shubham Goel : It was one of the most turning points in my life when I joined Techstack. Here I have met with one of the most influential and hard-working trainers who are ready to help and guide us in any sort of situation. Techstack is the institute which helped me to do something different from the rest of the world and widened my view to see things differently and more efficiently. Here we are not just learning digital marketing but developing our personality and knowledge to face the real challenges of the world and fight back in every sought situation and prove ourselves by our hardwork and dedication and explore more and more. This is one of my best decisions to join the institute where I have gained vast knowledge and got the most quality training of Digital Marketing. I am blessed to be a part of Techstack. Thank you Techstack for providing a digital marketing practical course.

Chaitanya Kapoor : Techstack has turned out to be a turning point in my life. I'm an undergrad ECE engineering student who was shooting arrows in the dark, trying to find new ways to succeed in life. But here at Techstack when I met Manoj sir, he actually rekindled my passion towards technology by channelling my energy towards a path he himself chose a few years back and is excelling in it, 'DIGITAL MARKETING'. Here at Techstack I got to meet great personalities such as Puneet sir, Anurag sir and Swati mam. Puneet sir has not only tried to push our minds to the utmost limits not only regarding the field of digital marketing but life. He is someone who not only takes the pain to give us as much knowledge as possible to the deepest extent but also plays a crucial role of a mentor who guides us about all aspects of life. My heart is filled with gratitude for the whole team of Techstack which showed us the right direction to shape our careers. Thank you so much Manoj sir for taking such a generous initiative in life for sharing your ocean of knowledge with us, providing affiliate Marketing, which is the best course in digital marketing.

21st May 2019 Batch

Shiv Mehra : Techstack is the best institute for any person who really wants to learn Digital marketing. It's the best institute in North India: Reason being, I visited a lot of digital marketing institutes, I was not happy with their response towards students. They are just making money by the way of advertisements, they just charge for those advertisements shown to you, but don't give the proper attention once you paid their fees, but students of an institute are the best advertisements for that institute, and I followed that technique. I just messaged a lot of ex-students of many institutes but the response was not very good for any institute , they were not happy with the staff or the way they teach. But the response of 3 students from techstack was just awesome, so I made a plan to visit this institute and traveled 450+ Km , it took me some 8 hours to reach Techstack but the journey was fruitful. The faculty just welcomed me with open heart and I was also impressed by the way they guided me. Now I am a student of techstack and realised they are completing all their promises. I heartedly want this institute to grow at this pace and i know that this will be the No.1 institute in India by 2019 by beating every other institutes in this field and the whole credit goes to the way teachers treat and teach their students.From my point of view, Techstack is the best digital marketing course in the world.

Meenal : Techstack is one of the best institutes to learn Digital Marketing...serving us with best guidance and help for every query. Digital Marketing is taught with utmost professionalism and every team member of the institute is always ready for our support...highly recommended for Internet Marketing Institute. I opt digital marketing advanced course in Techstack.

Mohit Gupta : I joined Techstack last month. Before joining Techstack, i went to Digital Vidya and DSIM for counselling, but both of them didn't impress me and mother to that extent where Techstack did. After commencement of the course, the teachers really helped us and solved every doubt we asked, no matter how many times we ask a single doubt, they clear it every time, and they still solve our every problem with sheer patience. Techstack is the best institute for digital marketing, and they support students every time they are in trouble. If you are looking to opt for a digital marketing course, then Techstack is the place for you. Techstack is the best digital marketing training institute in delhi

Honey Mehra : At Techstack, I got full assistance from people leading me towards a better future. 16 Modules that I studied there are the most required areas in digital marketing. Trainers are great and they clarify every point in detail. Techstack groomed me in a way how to grow my business with the help of digital marketing. Techstack is the best institute to learn digital marketing. You will find Techstack. If you will search which is the best institute for digital marketing in india.

Mohit : I got the best training in digital marketing for my career. Thanks a lot Manoj sir. and Techstack is the best digital marketing training institute in India.

Raman Bisht : I joined Techstack after research of so many institutes and I feel good that my decision is right. Faculty is really supportive, Specially Puneet Sir, who gives classroom training with the best course content and having a great knowledge of Digital Marketing. I suggest you join advanced Digital Marketing Course in Delhi from Techstack without any doubt. I searched top digital marketing institutes in delhi and got Techstack institute in first results.

Gagandeep : One of the best institutes of digital marketing. Trainers are highly experienced and supportive. Thank you so much for shaping my career.

Anupam Kumar : The knowledge submission about DM in depth can be experienced here. Puneet sir has a unique approach for his teaching style well supported by Manoj sir. I choose a advanced digital marketing course offline in Techstack.

Akash Srivastava : I got a new scope in my career after completing Digital Marketing Course in Delhi. I specially would like to thank my Mentor Mr. Puneet for wonderful teachings. If you search delhi digital marketing institute in delhi, you will find Techstack very easily.

Raman : I heard a lot about Techstack from my senior who did their Digital Marketing Course in Delhi from Techstack. All suggest me to go for Techstack. Thanks to my seniors who gave me the right advice. I have heard many positive digital marketing training institute reviews about Techstack.

Munish Davessar : I was new to Delhi. I did a thorough research on Best Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi. The name of Techstack was there. My experience with Techstack has been great. Last 2.5 months were like a family. Mr Manoj has immense practical knowledge about the digital world and more important is that he loves sharing this knowledge. Everything at the institute is done practically and is done repeatedly till the candidate learns it by heart. I was a non technical candidate, but the team built passion in me and i consider myself a good learner of digital marketing. The credit goes to team techstack who worked hard to make this possible. Digital marketing institute in delhi means.....Techstack....Nothing else will do.

Aditi : I am currently pursuing a best internet marketing course in Delhi at Techstack and I am well satisfied with the quality of education, training and knowledge shared by the trainers. Each individual is given special attention, regular doubt clearing sessions and emphasis on practicals. They ensure each module is covered well. I would recommend this digital marketing institute in delhi to people looking for knowledge in the digital marketing industry. I chose a digital marketing course after 12th and Techstack is the right choice for me.

Tushar Sharma : I have attended many demo classes at different institutes for Digital Marketing Course in Delhi but when I came to Techstack for the demo class the environment and the way of teaching is different from other institutes as they focus only on quality training. Manoj sir helps their students anyhow and the way he teaches is superb with the best examples. One of the best Digital Marketing Institute in Delhi. The experience of studying at Techstack digital marketing prof was superb.

Monika Middha: Techstack has an extremely novel educational module which covers significantly all the modules of Digital Marketing training course in Delhi. Furthermore, Digital promoting is the future and has, very great number of Job openings in this field. So this program is exceptionally prescribed.

Meenal : It's a really good institute!! Mr. Manoj Singh Rathore is a really experienced person and teaches very well... All other members here are really supportive and knowledgeable.. One must give it a chance... Highly recommended for best advanced Digital Marketing course in Delhi!! I have joined a digital marketing course in saket.

Raju Singh :As a beginner, I really enjoyed the best digital marketing course in India, Delhi. The content is very informative and relevant. Great clarifications to the topics and practical information so far.

Rohit Tiwari : I learned plenty of amazing online sales tactics and ideas for finding customers in Online Marketing course in Delhi with Techstack.The Practical tips on how to find leads through social media and search Engine were incredible. Trainers were always ready to help you with queries. An interactive experience altogether in my online marketing training in Delhi.

Rachin Middha : Truly instructive best digital marketing course in delhi! Coaches went in the essential profundity on each of the themes, establishing strong frameworks to expand on through individual experience thereafter. Applicable and forward substance - stuff that is not instructed in other foundations! I am so happy I took this course! Much obliged for the astonishing conveyance. Manoj sir is really creating the best digital marketing course in delhi. Techstack has recently started their new digital marketing course in Noida sector 15.

Dhiren Choudhary : Great institute for online marketing training in delhi. I got lots of expertise there and the good thing is I have done all on live projects. They are one of the best digital marketing institute in delhi NCR.

Mukesh Shukla Interactive sessions , providing hands-on training sessions on internet marketing course in delhi.

Preity Gupta Techstack is an amazing platform for students and budding Marketeers to learn best internet marketing course in delhi.

Shiv Maurya I just loved being a part of Techstack. My experience was great and learned a lot, which I was totally unaware of. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to make my career after internet marketing training in delhi.
