#1 Artificial Intelligence ( AI Certification ) Course in Mumbai, India

Trained 18000+ professionals in India

9.8/10 ( Rating based on 8439 reviews )
Classroom & Online Mentorship
Batch Starting: 17 Feb 2025
Artificial Intelligence Course in Mumbai Banner

Dual Credentials

Techstack Academy & Orangus


Orangus India & MSME

4 Months

Recommended 10-12 hrs/week

17 Feb 2025

Program Start Date

EMI options

Starting at Rs. 11,000

India’s #1 Artificial Intelligence Program in Associated Partner with:

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At Techstack, we believe in providing a full-fledged course of your desire where our industry experts have designed a top-notch curriculum just for you.

  • AI Course Structure ( 17 Modules )

    Introduction to Python

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Python introduction
    • History of Python
    • Python features
    • Versions of Python
    • How to install python
    • Python IDLE
    • Way to execute program
    • How to write your first program
    • Language types
    • Python programming strategies
    • Techstack Academy designed this artificial intelligence course in Mumbai with advanced techniques and tools. In this module you will learn about python, Python is an object-oriented and high-level programming language created by Guido van Rossum. It's also known as general-purpose programming because it is utilized in almost every field that we can think of, such as Web Development, Software Development, Game Development, AI & ML, Data Analytics. It is the most widely used language in the world. There is a long list. If you want to know the reason why Python is so well-known, let's learn it with the best trainers.

    Python Basics

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Explain basics of python
    • Keywords and identifiers
    • Explain lists, dictionaries and tuples
    • How to write python statements
    • Comments
    • What are command line arguments
    • How to get the input
    • Some exercises related to python
    • Projects
    • What are arithmetic operators
    • Techstack Academy is one of the best institutes for artificial intelligence in Mumbai. Artificial intelligence is an interesting course and you will love all the modules we provide. In this module, you will learn about what Python is all about. In short, it will provide you with all the concepts, guidelines to begin your journey into the world of programming. This is only the beginning of the Iceberg. There are many more advanced concepts like generators, techniques, OOP etc. To grasp these concepts in an advanced way, it is necessary to understand the fundamentals first. Enroll in our courses now.

    Introduction to Machine Learning

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is machine learning
    • Machine learning basics
    • Machine learning history
    • Explain relation of AI and ML
    • What is the difference between machine learning and data science
    • Explain machine learning fundamentals
    • Machine learning tools and techniques
    • Machine learning types
    • Data preparation
    • How to analyze the data
    • This course introduces the fundamentals of machine learning algorithms, principles, and the methods of using machine learning, from the perspective of prediction and modeling. You will learn how to formulate learning problems as well as notions such as representation, overfitting and generalization. These concepts are applied in the areas of reinforcement and supervised learning. Know the definition of machine learning, its history, relation, types in our exclusive artificial intelligence course in Mumbai. Learn how to apply reinforced and supervised learning with temporal sequences and images.

    Machine Learning Concepts

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Machine learning branches
    • Phases related to machine learning
    • What is modelling
    • Explain data preparation
    • What is train test split
    • Explain model evaluation
    • ML classification
    • What is data mining
    • Explain ML error overfitting
    • What is decision tree
    • AI or Artificial Artificial is a method for developing systems that imitate human behavior and making decisions. Machine Learning is an aspect of AI that makes use of data to tackle tasks. Be trained with us at Techstack Academy to solve problems using AI methods that are able to learn based on information that is provided to them. Machine learning algorithms utilize our data to study and automatically solve problems that require predictive thinking. Deep Learning is one of the subsets of machine learning that utilizes multilayered neural networks to tackle these problems. Enroll for our courses to learn from the best trainers of India.

    Supervised Learning

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is supervised learning
    • Types of supervised learning
    • What is KNN
    • What is logistic regression
    • Explain Naive Tree
    • Types of decision tree
    • What is linear regression
    • Explain SVR, KNN ridge
    • What is model complexity
    • How to generalize the performance
    • What is feature scaling
    • How to cross validate the model evaluation
    • Techstack Academy developed this best artificial intelligence course in Mumbai with the latest trends and techniques which are used in industries. Our academy is among the top ten institutes in Mumbai, India for the advanced IT courses like artificial intelligence, digital marketing, web development. The AI or Machine Learning courses online will help you become highly-skilled professionals, helping you get a well-paying AI-ML position. You will be provided with learning programs that cover real-world projects and assignments to make you an expert of the field.

    Advanced Supervised Machine Learning Concepts

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is ensemble learning
    • What is critical problem in data
    • How to check leakage
    • How to detect problems
    • What are the ways to use techniques related to Lagrange Multipliers
    • Models of latent variable
    • What is regression
    • Explain algorithms performance
    • Tools and techniques used in advanced supervised learning
    • How to analyze the data
    • This module is related to supervised learning and with supervised learning, you are aware about the data as well as the issue. You can consider it like "given the features x, we can determine the significance of y" and, when we learn supervised we design a function that approximates the results from a number of data. We teach you everything about supervised learning and its methods and types in this course. There are two types of supervised learning: classification and regression. Learn artificial intelligence course in Mumbai at Techstack Academy to learn advanced modules.

    Unsupervised Learning

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Explain unsupervised learning
    • Algos related to unsupervised learning
    • Unsupervised learning types
    • What is K-means clustering
    • Learning types
    • What are recommendations engines
    • Explain association
    • Explain supervised vs unsupervised learning
    • Applications related to unsupervised learning
    • What are the drawbacks of unsupervised learning
    • In this module you will learn about unsupervised learning and when we use unsupervised machine-learning, the data isn't labeled. There are two types in unsupervised learning: clustering and dimension reduction. In clustering, we are able to learn more about the data points when they are clustered or put together. This allows models that have been trained to analyze a data set to identify anomalies, spot anomalies, and establish relationships between the points. This can also allow users to come up with new categories or new features for the set of data. Learn about unsupervised learning and its methods step by step with in-depth features with us at Techstack Academy in our Artificial Intelligence Course in Mumbai.

    Natural Language Processing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is NLP
    • Explain NLTK
    • How natural processing works
    • What is NLTK extension
    • NLP tools and techniques
    • How to break down elemental pieces of languages
    • Explain history of NLP
    • Explain the sense of textual data
    • NLP use cases
    • Modelling of topics
    • Natural Language Processing, or NLP in short, can be generally defined as manipulation of natural language such as text and speech, through software. Natural language processing has been in existence for over 50 years, and developed from language sciences due to the development of computers. In this artificial intelligence course in Mumbai you will learn about the basics of natural language processing and why it is vital. You can start your own projects according to your knowledge with the help of our trainers. We teach you step-by-step and with the help of real life examples.

    Sentiment Analyzer

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is sentiment analyzer
    • Tokenization
    • Logistic regression in sentiment analysis
    • What are sentiment lexicons
    • Explain regular expressions
    • Tools of sentiment analysis
    • Explain twitter sentiment analysis
    • What are the advantages for sentiment analysis
    • Explain techniques of deep learning
    • How to keep check on analyzer
    • Sentiment analysis is an approach that identifies the primary emotions in a text. It involves categorizing text into positive or negative. Learn Artificial Intelligence Course in Mumbai at Techstack Academy. We teach you in-depth ML techniques as these techniques are used to analyze the actual data to determine the mood behind it to know the customers' reactions to the product. This information can be gathered and analysed to determine the general response from customers

    Latent Sentiment Analysis

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is latent sentiment analysis
    • Explain PCA and SUD
    • Explain LSA
    • What is advanced LSA
    • Explain theory related to LSA
    • LSA classification
    • Process of implementing LSA in python
    • Advantages and disadvantages of LSA
    • Topic modeling use cases
    • How to determine the optimum number
    • In this artificial intelligence course at Techstack Academy, our trainers will teach you the process from beginning to end of conducting a sentiment analysis of an enormous quantity of data. With this the data related to trends can be assessed. Like, consumers who are of a particular age and demographic could react more positively to a particular product than others. We will teach you how you can process the data collected and the company can position the product in a different way or alter their audience.

    Article Spinning

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Explain article spinning
    • What is article rewriter
    • What is N-gram model
    • What are the differences b/w generation and article spinning
    • Explain the process of republishing using different format
    • How to implement article spinning in python
    • Explain pros and cons related to article spinner
    • Explain how article spinner given an edge to AI
    • How to use article spinner
    • Explain features of article spinner
    • Article spinning can be described as an article-writing technique that is used to optimize search results (SEO). For this there are many softwares used, which produces content that appears as fresh content from existing material. With the help of the best spinner software you can create articles that can be highly efficient. Most people don't know how to spin articles , or aren't willing to put the time and effort into creating a quality spin. Learn everything about the article spinning and spinner tools in this artificial intelligence course in Mumbai at Techstack Academy. Our trainers are highly trained and the best trainers in India with a lot of experience.

    Tensorflow and Neural Network

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is tensorflow
    • Explain computation graph tensors
    • What is the implementation of neural network
    • Explain placeholders and variables
    • What are the basics related Tensorflow
    • Neural networks concepts
    • Components related core API
    • Explain model evaluation
    • What is deep learning
    • Explain Tensorflow in python
    • Neural networks comprise a collection of algorithms, loosely modeled like the human brain designed to recognize patterns. They process sensory data using an aspect of machine perception, identifying raw input. The patterns they identify are numerical, and are contained in vectors. They are on the basis for every real-world item, like sounds, images or text need to be translated. Learn everything about neural networks in our artificial intelligence course in Mumbai at Techstack Academy and know about the best deep learning techniques and how to do model evaluation.

    Convolutional Neural Network

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Explain convolutional neural network
    • Layers types
    • What is activation layer
    • Explain pooling
    • What is flattering
    • Explain fully connected layer
    • What is softmax, argmax and cross entropy
    • Overview of perception
    • Explain activation function
    • Define cost function
    • Different tools and techniques
    • Overview of gradient descent backpropagation
    • One of the main fields of artificial intelligence is Neural networking. The goal of this area is to allow machines to perceive the world in the same way that humans perceive it, similarly and then use that information to perform a variety of tasks like Image & Video recognition, Image Analysis & Classification, Media Recreation, Recommendation Systems, Natural Language Processing, and so on. Learn all the application related artificial intelligence in this exclusive artificial intelligence course in Mumbai at Techstack Academy as Artificial Intelligence has been witnessing massive growth in closing gaps between machines and humans that is why it is best to be trained in this technology.

    Website Artificial Neural Networks

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Explain artificial neural networks
    • What is linear and logistic regression
    • Case study related to CNN tensorflow
    • What is LSTM networks
    • Explain algorithms related to mimicking processes
    • What is restricted Boltzmann machines
    • Explain autoencoders
    • Disadvantages related to artificial neural networks
    • ANN applications
    • What is predictive modeling
    • In deep-learning networks, every layer of nodes is trained on a specific set of features that are based on the output of the previous layer. The higher you progress into the neural network, the more intricate the features that your nodes detect, as they aggregate and recombine the features of the prior layer. This is referred to as a features hierarchy and is a system of increasing complexity and abstractness. Learn how Deep-learning networks are capable of processing huge high-dimensional data sets that contain billions of parameters which pass through nonlinear algorithms in this artificial intelligence course in Mumbai with the help of our experienced teachers and get certified in the most advanced technologies.

    Object Detection

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview of object detection
    • Explain R-CNN
    • Explain fast R-CNN
    • What is the object classifications
    • Explain faster R-CNN
    • Different use cases and applications related
    • Overview of image recognitions and segmentation
    • Explain working of object detection
    • Tools related to object detection
    • How to implement mask R-CNN in python
    • In this module, you are going to learn about object detection and the detection of objects is an extremely difficult computer vision job that involves knowing where objects are located in the image and the type of objects that were identified. A mask region-based Convolutional Neural Network, or Mask R-CNN model, is among the top methods for recognizing objects. Learn how object detection techniques work and after completing our artificial intelligence course in Mumbai you will be rewarded with the certifications which are valid across the country.

    Face Detection

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Explain face and eye detection
    • Explain algorithm related to Viola jones algo
    • Overview of features related to Haar-like
    • Explain integral image
    • What is training classifiers
    • What is adaptive boosting
    • Overview of cascading
    • How to use merging faces
    • What is yawn detector and counter
    • Explain all facial recognition
    • This module is related to face detection techniques from an artificial intelligence course in Mumbai. Face detection is often the initial step in various face-related technologies, like facial recognition, or even verification. Face detection, however, has many applications. One of the most effective applications for face detection will likely be photography. If you snap a picture of your family members using the face detection software, the algorithm that is built into your camera determines the location of the faces and adjusts the focus in line with.

    Motion Analysis and Object Tracking

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Explain motion analysis
    • What is motion detection and pose estimation
    • Explain how to filter by color
    • What is background subtraction and foreground subtraction
    • What is mean-shift and camshaft
    • Explain localization of single-object
    • Explain object segmentation and tracking
    • Different ways of object detection
    • How to analyze the object
    • What is optical flow
    • This module is about motion analysis and object tracking and you will be taught under the guidance of most experienced trainers of India who have 10+ years of experience in industry. Object tracking is an aspect to deep-learning in which the program uses an initial batch of objects to be detected and then creates a distinctive identification number for every initial detection and then tracks the identified items as they go through frames of a video. Artificial Intelligence is an effective field and you will be taught with the most advanced techniques as researchers are working on a variety of elements of the discipline in order to make incredible things happen.
  • Capstone Project
  • Career Assistance: Resume building, Mock interviews, 1:1 mentorship and Career fair
  • Program Certificate from Orangus India and Techstack Academy

Languages and Tools Covered

Artificial Intelligence Course Tools
Artificial Intelligence Institute Tools
Artificial Intelligence Training Tools
Artificial Intelligence Course in Mumbai Tools
Artificial Intelligence Institute in Mumbai Tools

Certificate from The Orangus India and TechStack Academy

Capstone Projects

Live Projects from the Partner Agency ( Orangus & Team Variance ).

Projects Completed




Next Word Prediction

automatically predict the next word you want to type.


Automatic Attendance

automating attendance system using a camera.


Music Recommendation

recommending new music to users based on their interests


Email Spam Classifier

Classifying spam email based on the content of the email alone


Handwritten Digits Recognition

A system that can identify the digit written via hand by people.


Movie Recommendation

A system that recommend movies based on the user's saved history.


T - rex Dino Bot Algorithm

algorithm for the bot that will learn itself by making mistakes.


Frauds Detection System

To predict whether the customer will make a fraud or not.

Join India's #1 Artificial Intelligence Program

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Artificial Intelligence Course Reviews

Omkar RanaArtificial Intelligence

I've never wanted to learn an online course of this kind before as I have had some bad experiences. However, thanks to Techstack Academy, it was a feasible learning program. The trainers were very simple and always there to help us in every condition. They have the best environment to learn and it is one of the best institutes.

Artificial Intelligence Training Reviews

Akash VishwakarmaArtificial Intelligence

I have had the best experience in learning advanced artificial intelligence courses in Mumbai. The most enjoyable aspect of studying at Techstack Academy is that they offer internships with certifications that are included in all the programs of AI. I had a wonderful learning experience throughout the course and the trainers are very friendly and of very good nature.

Artificial Intelligence Institute in Mumbai Reviews

Amarjeet SinghArtificial Intelligence

Before taking admission I have taken the demo session from my trainer of artificial intelligence course in Mumbai. The instructor seemed extremely knowledgeable and explained all the concepts with ease and cleared all my doubts related to the course. That's when I have decided to take admission for the course. It was a pleasure to join Techstack and now working as an intern AI expert in a well reputed company.

Artificial Intelligence Training in Mumbai Reviews

Vinita RanjanArtificial Intelligence

Our trainer at Techstack Academy for the artificial intelligence course in Mumbai, was extremely knowledgeable and was able to answer all my questions efficiently. Techstack Academy did not just provide me with theoretical information regarding AI but also allowed me the chance to experience real-time AI projects that allowed me to learn and understand everything in a very effective way. This is surely the top institute for artificial intelligence courses in Mumbai without any doubt.

Artificial Intelligence Course in Mumbai Reviews

Akhilesh GoswamiArtificial Intelligence

Techstack Academy provided us with all the detailed information before joining the course of artificial intelligence in Mumbai. They have the best trainers who are willing to give you all the training with advanced course content. All the assignments helped us in enhancing our skills to a level. Enroll in Techstack Academy to get the best training for artificial intelligence (AI) in Mumbai exclusively.

Artificial Intelligence Institute Reviews

Karna MakhijaArtificial Intelligence

Techstack Academy has the best trainers for artificial intelligence courses in Mumbai as they have a very vast experience and never fail to impress you with knowledge. I was very satisfied with my overall experience I had in Techstack Academy by having a fresh perspective on the subject of AI and its related tools and techniques. If you're searching for the best platform that can help you to improve your abilities to the next level, then take the AI course in Mumbai with Techstack Academy.

Program Fee

Starting at Rs. 11,000/month

Batch Starting: 17 Feb 2025

#1 Artificial Intelligence ( AI Certification ) Course

Program Duration: 4 Months

Program Certification from

100% Classroom Training

Upskill with Techstack Academy

25+ Case Studies

Become Applied AI Scientists, Applied AI engineers, AI architects, Technology architects, Solution Engineers, Technology Consultants.

Get 130+ hours of intensive learning in AI over 4 months.

Create portfolio-worthy projects

Start Your Own Startup

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Artificial Intelligence Institute in Mumbai Payment method
Artificial Intelligence Training Payment method

Application Process


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Upcoming Application Deadline

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Deadline: 17 Feb 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main features of this AI course?

Techstack Academy helps you in making your future with the help of artificial intelligence courses in Mumbai. In this course, you will learn advanced modules with updated concepts and tools. This course will be provided by India's best trainers who have the teaching experience of 10+ years in the particular domain. If you want to build your career in the field of AI, do this course from our institute. We help you in grooming your qualities and capabilities in AI techniques. Enroll now for our courses today to get the best certification in the industry.

What is the fee structure for an artificial intelligence course?

Techstack Academy is one of the best institutes for artificial intelligence courses in Mumbai and if you are thinking of making your career in this field, Techstack is best for you. We have a very convenient fees structure and you can pay you feel in easy installments too. Installments made easy for every student to complete the course without any tension. Learn from our institute for learning the best course in the entire Mumbai which is career oriented too. We have 100% placement assistance at our institute.

Can I take online classes for the same course?

Everything is going digital in the present time, from clothing, accessories, to daily food services, you can order anytime from anywhere. Techstack Academy also provides online and offline learning services to all students. You can learn our best artificial intelligence course in Mumbai from the comfort of your home, office, or any place with our online classroom training program. You can take your free demo session and check the quality and standards of our training services.

Is this course career oriented?

Yes, Techstack Academy provides all learning programs which are completely career oriented and we made all the curriculum as per the industry standards. In these courses, all the modules follow the concepts of current trends and provide you the knowledge of tools and services. After completing our course, you can follow your dream career according to your knowledge and achievements. Learn with us to gain more in technology. We are here to make you a perfect coder, technology expert.

I am a non-technical student. Can I do this course?

Yes, you can join our artificial intelligence course in Mumbai at Techstack Academy even if you are not from a technical background. Here, at Techstack we cover everything from scratch and give you knowledge according to you. We cover each and every module from scratch and deliver topics with great understanding. In this course, we cover all the important aspects related to artificial intelligence including the latest techniques and tools. Learn with us to become a pro in this field with important skills.

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Know More About Techstack

What is Artificial Intelligence and why is it used?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) allows machines to gain experience and adapt to inputs from new sources and complete tasks that resemble human beings. The majority of AI examples you can see in the present time- from chess-playing machines to self-driving vehicles. Because the need in AI has reached its highest, however, it is still essential to be aware of the latest developments that the technology offers. Techstack have designed the course of artificial intelligence in Mumbai carefully, which includes advanced modules in which we will be taught on the basics of Python as well as its history, its versions installation, and the execution.

Explain the main difference between Machine learning and AI.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence are two areas of the field of computer science and they directly interact with one another. These two technologies are among the most popular technologies that are employed to build intelligent systems. While they are both similar technologies, people often make use of them as synonyms for one another. They are two different terms used in various situations. Take admission in our Artificial Intelligence course in Mumbai. We establish the best relationship with all the students and we check our students' journey without any hiccups and help them gain the highest level of understanding about Artificial Intelligence and its operation.

What are the neural networks?

The term "neural network" refers to a set of algorithms designed to discover the relationships that lie beneath an array of data by an approach that mimics the way that the human brain works. The neural networks are able to generate the most optimal output without the need to alter the output requirements. Enroll with Techstack Academy to attain the top AI-related training that will enhance your knowledge in the area of AI. We guarantee to bring your career advancement with the help of advanced modules that are taught by our best trainers of Techstack Academy.

Explain deep learning and its techniques?

In deep learning, computer models learn to solve classification problems by analyzing texts, images, or sounds. Deep learning models can attain the highest level of accuracy, often surpassing human performance. The models are trained with large amounts of data labeled with labels and neural networks that have multiple layers. When you enroll in our Artificial intelligence course in Mumbai you'll be completely satisfied with the quality of our course and the topic covered in depth. Our trainers are well experienced and have the vast experience of up to 8 plus years in their specific areas.

What are the different applications of Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence and its applications are limitless. Technology is advancing and AI applications can be utilized in a wide range of industries and industries in order to produce the most output. At present, AI is being tested and utilized in the field of healthcare for the purpose of determining dosages and treatments for patients, and during surgical procedures in operating rooms, too. Learn the basic and advanced concepts of machine learning and artificial intelligence when you join our institute. Techstack Academy is listed amongst the top 10 Artificial Intelligence institutes in India.

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As we know, your future and careers depends on us, we make sure to deliver a holistic view of the entire syllabus that we provide, helping you attain in-depth knowledge.

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At Techstack, we deliver an amalgamation of courses beyond your field of expertise to help your career reach greater heights.

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Your journey at Techstack doesn’t end with the completion of the course, you will gain the status of Techstack Alumni for a lifetime.

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June 2019 Batch

Mohit Sharma :Techstack Academy provides the best artificial intelligence course in Mumbai and covers important aspects related to Machine Learning, python, and artificial intelligence concepts. The entire course from this institute is fun loving and I had very good memories all because of the good nature of our trainers. They have provided us with the best tools of the market and standard quality education programs. If you want to make your dream career in the AI field, you should join this institute for sure to get the best suitable job in the market. Learn from the best class trainers of India.

Ranjhana Arora :It is very important to provide the best education with all the industry standards to our students. This will help them in coping up while working in the industry easily. Techstack Academy provides the ultimate platform that teaches its students through all the smallest details. I enrolled for the best artificial intelligence course in Mumbai from Techstack Academy and this is the best training I have had in recent years and gained so much in learning. The most appealing thing about Techstack is that they offer practical training and theoretical knowledge with a good balance.

Tanishq Verma :I'm planning to learn an Artificial Intelligence Course from Techstack Academy. I got taught by the best trainer, he is a great teacher who has solid foundations of his own fundamentals and taught to me and the other students his unique and skilled method of instructing us is really amazing and efficient. Thanks to you Sir, my fundamentals will be easily understood and I was able to solve my programming problems starting from a basic to a higher level . Thank you so much for everything sir. I have so much respect for you. Thank you.

Saras Chandra :Techstack Academy has excellent and top quality learning programs. They provide good work and excellent communication. I have completed my Artificial intelligence course from here and our trainer was the best, provided immense support to all students and cleared everything which comes to mind during lectures. He supports us a lot in providing notes and other things. If in future, I have got the chance to complete my other training I will definitely do it from Techstack Academy. I am extremely overwhelmed by the quality services provided to us. Thanks for everything.

Tushar Gaur :Techstack Academy is the best institute for people not having any prior knowledge of programming or looking to make their first steps as a developer in the field of Artificial intelligence in Mumbai. Additionally, the notes offered by the faculty are just as thorough as reading the right textbooks. I had a wonderful experience at the institute, especially with our ultimate trainer providing us with the correct guidance and understanding of machine learning and python language. Enroll for Techstack Academy to learn from the best.
