#1 Advance Angular Course in Delhi

Trained 18000+ professionals in Advance Angular Course in Delhi

9.8/10 ( Rating based on 8239 reviews )
Classroom & Online Mentorship
Batch Starting: 10 Feb 2025
Advance Angular Course in Delhi

Dual Credentials

Techstack Academy & Orangus


Orangus India & Startup India

1.5 Months

Recommended 10-12 hrs/week

10 Feb 2025

Program Start Date

EMI options

Starting at Rs. 11,000

India’s #1 Advance Angular Course in Delhi in Associated Partner with:

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Advance Angular Institute Associated Partner
Advance Angular Training Associated Partner
Advance Angular Course in Delhi Associated Partner
Advance Angular Institute in Delhi Associated Partner
Advance Angular Training in Delhi Associated Partner
Best Advance Angular Course Associated Partner
Best Advance Angular Institute Associated Partner
Best Advance Angular Institute Associated Partner
Best Advance Angular Institute Associated Partner
Best Advance Angular Institute Associated Partner
Best Advance Angular Institute Associated Partner
Best Advance Angular Institute Associated Partner
Best Advance Angular Institute Associated Partner
Best Advance Angular Institute Associated Partner
Best Advance Angular Institute Associated Partner


At Techstack, we believe in providing a full-fledged Advance Angular Course in Delhi of your desire where our industry experts have designed a top-notch curriculum just for you.

  • Advance Angular Course Structure ( 12 Modules )

    Introduction to Advanced Angular

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is SPA?
    • Overview to Node with Angular
    • Anatomy of Angular
    • Single page apps vs conventional apps
    • NodeJS Setup
    • IDE Set-up
    • Bootstrap
    • The architecture of Angular 11
    • Structure of Angular
    • Insights and reports

    This is the very first module of our Advance Angular course in Delhi. Our Angular Certification training is curated, designed, and taught by top industry experts. You can either avail offline or online interactive Angular sessions at Techstack Academy. Our course content will enable you to build dynamic and responsive web applications whilst mastering the concepts of Angular Components, Data binding, Typescript language, navigation, JSON using HTTP, and many more. We, at Techstack Academy, assure our students to help them become angular professionals within 1.5 months of extensive training.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to TypeScript
    • What is the use of TypeScript?
    • Setting up in VS-Code
    • Data Types in TypesScript
    • What is Debugging?
    • Interface and objects of TypeScript
    • NameSpace
    • TypeScript Generics
    • Functioning of TypeScript
    • Overview to Const Keywords

    Get started with the most essential topics of the Advnace Angular training course in Delhi, and learn every tangent of it beginning with the basic to the advanced level. Once you enroll yourself at Techstack Academy, you will explore all about Angular 11 and build responsive applications that would be enough compelling and run smoothly on desktop and any kind of mobile device. Our Advance Angular training course provides a robust framework that facilitates the development of richly interactive applications running on multiple platforms. Know-how the ways of TypeScrip, its functioning, and all about the interface.

    Introduction to Component

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is a component?
    • Creation of component class
    • Metadata
    • Decorator
    • Import and export
    • Creation of app modules
    • Angular bootstrapping
    • Single application introduction

    Gain a wide experience in terms of building components, creating directives, modularizing applications with the professionals of our academy. The components being a major part of the Angular course content, you will be learning a lot about the features of Angular, its component libraries, TypeScript, the life cycle of Angular components, and the creation of unique and responsive web designs. Start from the basics and get to know what Angular has to serve you with its import and export applications. We offer through real-world projects and case studies to help an individual grow better, theoretically as well as practically.

    Overview to Template, Interpolation, and Directives

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • How to build a template?
    • In-lined and external templates
    • Building of a component
    • Usage of a component as a directive
    • Interpolation
    • Styling of a template
    • Creating and displaying a data
    • Built-in directives
    • Creation of custom directives
    • Usage of custom directives

    This is the 4th module of our Advnace Angular training course in Delhi. Techstack Academy brings you a comprehensive training program on Angular 11. We have expert professionals who have years of experience in the same field. They will go a mile further to guide you about the templates, interpolation, and directives of the framework such as Forms, Pipes, and CSS Styling to the more complex fundamentals of Routing. Learn how to build end-to-end, working applications with our hands-on, practical approach. Get ready to work knowledgeably for developing Single Page Apps and compelling frameworks possibly by joining our advance angular course in Delhi.

    Binding and Pipes

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is data binding in Angular?
    • Types of Angular binding
    • Event handling
    • Transforming of the data
    • Built-in pipes
    • Creating custom pipes
    • Attributes vs properties
    • Observing data streams

    Binding and Pipes play an essential role when it comes to providing different means to transform bound data in an Angular template. Join our academy of advance angular training in Delhi and learn every thick and thin of the angular course. Once you enroll with us, you will also be capable of learning how to unit test Angular applications using angular testing utilities. Know-how the different types of angular binding, transform the data, and buckle-up to creating custom pipes and attributes with an angular system.

    Component-Based practice

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Encapsulating styles
    • Debugging techniques
    • What are nested components?
    • What are input and output?
    • Communication among nested components
    • Passing data from a component
    • Passing data to a component
    • Life-cycle hooks
    • Module ID-code
    • Building of different components

    Join our academy to learn and understand the advanced features of the advance angular training course. The encapsulating styles, nested components, and the different techniques of debugging are what make our academy different from others. We are regarded as one of the best advance angular training institutes in Delhi that not only provide theoretical knowledge but also focus on providing the utmost practical knowledge to our students as well. Our trainers will help you easily practice with code labs and small projects, initially, later on switching with the larger and better projects.

    Services and dependency injection

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to the services of angular
    • Building of the service
    • Dependencies
    • Injecting a service
    • Displaying the data
    • Injecting across multiple platforms
    • Types of services in Angular

    Gain intensive knowledge about everything ranging from building the basics of angular services to building the dependency injections easily. Being in the industry for over a decade, we, at Techstack Academy not only equip our students with displaying the data but also let them understand every topic in-depth such as hackerrank solution, services, and its types. Follow our step-by-step guide and reach the top by browsing and learning the advnace angular course in Delhi. You will also gain a great advantage to get placed under the top MNC’s of the industry.

    Consuming Server Side (JSON) data using HTTP

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to server-side (JSON)
    • Client-server architecture discussion
    • Retrieving the data using HTTP
    • Deriving data from other domains
    • Observable and RxJS (reactive extension concept)
    • Promise vs observable
    • Exception handling
    • Fetching the data
    • Service with JQuery
    • Restful web service

    Get one-to-one training with real-time projects designed in the most unique manner to assist you with nothing but the best of your knowledge at Techstack Academy. Our advanced training methodologies will leave you in awe knowing how exquisitely our trainers are dedicated to teaching you with the best and the most appropriate education under angular training. Experience the essentials and the prerequisites associated with this course and get ready to become an expert in Angular training.

    Navigation and routing basics

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is navigation in Angular?
    • Introduction to the routing concepts
    • Introduction to the routing configuration
    • Routes to acting tying
    • Passing parameters to Route
    • Types of a navigation system
    • What are the different types of navigation?
    • Introduction to basic skills in orienteering

    Get job-ready by joining our number 1 advance angular training course in Delhi. Our industry-endorsed curriculum is highly pioneered in training on to latest innovative technologies. Navigation and routing are said to be an essential part when it comes to angular training. Learn the easiest and the best way so that you will realize why we have regarded as the best advance angular institute in delhi. Absorb the maximum knowledge in terms of routing and navigation until parameters and routing configuration, all at Techstack Academy.

    Navigation routing advance techniques

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Routes protection
    • Requirements in web application
    • Different types of guards
    • Building of guards
    • Registering a guard
    • Implementation of guards easily
    • Parametric routes
    • Router outlet directive

    Become a master on your own in your chosen specialized field of advnace angular training. We, at Techstack Academy, intend to emphasize learning the concepts with the help of examples which will help you build an effective portfolio of projects. Get immersive knowledge towards the different types of guards, their building, registration as well as router outlet directives that are present, within. What are you waiting for? Get counseling along with a demo session which is free of cost and get a complete overview, before you begin with the course.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Easy controls
    • Control groups
    • Template-driven forms
    • Reactive forms
    • Different approaches to handling
    • Import ReactiveFormsModule
    • Data binding
    • Validation controls

    Make yourself ready to become a professional angular within 1.5 months at Techstack Academy. You will learn every bit of the angular training course from our mentors who have got years of experience in this field. They will guide you throughout your course and will always act as a helping hand whenever you need to get your doubts fixed. We have an impeccable placement record, which is associated along with your course content.

  • Capstone Project
  • Career Assistance: Resume building, Mock interviews, 1:1 mentorship and Career fair
  • Program Certificate from Orangus India and Techstack Academy

Languages and Tools Covered in Advance Angular Course in Delhi

Advance Angular Course Tools
Advance Angular Institute Tools
Advance Angular Training Tools
Advance Angular Course in Delhi Tools
Advance Angular Institute in Delhi Tools

Certificate from The Orangus India and TechStack Academy

Capstone Projects

Live Projects of Advance Angular Course from the Partner Agency ( Orangus & Team Variance ).

Projects Completed




ToDo App

make list of your routing work with ToDo App.



create dashboard for your website and see the progress.


Quiz App

help you to create your own quiz app.


Live Chat App

best to have your own chat app for privacy.


E-commerce Website

help you to grow your business easily.


Corona Tracker App

it help to track corona daily report.


Weather Forecast App

easy to check the weather of the upcoming days.


Portfolio App

this help to represent yourself .

Join India's #1 Advance Angular Course in Delhi

Faculty and Mentors

With years of experience, our faculty members are here to deliver you a high-quality learning experience both online and offline, whilst providing wings to your tech skills!


Industry Mentors

Award winning faculties

Our Faculty

Reviews by Students

Know what our students have to say about us.

Advance Angular Course Reviews

Tarun MehtaAdvance Angular

I joined Techstack Academy to learn an advanced angular course, and I must this was by far the best experience I ever had. The entire staff and teachers are good here. I would surely recommend this institute to every aspiring angular learner.

Advance Angular Training Reviews

Saumya SinghaniaAdvance Angular

Sharing my personal experience at Techstack academy was more than amazing. The entire course curriculum was taught in-depth and it was rightly updated according to industry standards. Thank you Techstack Academy for assisting me with the best education.

Advance Angular Institute in Delhi Reviews

Pranjal SharmaAdvance Angular

Trustworthy staff with some impeccable teachers around. They have years of experience in the technical field of angular and teach with great dedication. They make difficult concepts seem easier with their unique way of teaching!

Advance Angular Training in Delhi Reviews

Ayushi SachdevaAdvance Angular

I joined the online classes for my Advance Angular training. I must say the modules were pretty well defined and I enjoyed everyday learning at Techstack Academy. Though the course was set for a short duration, it was worthwhile. The teachers are excellent in their work! Truly satisfied.

Advance Angular Institute Reviews

Babita SehgalAdvance Angular

I was in search of a good institute for the last three months to learn advance angular and then I found Techstack Academy. It was quite feasible for me to travel from my place. This is where I started to learn angular and realize that I got the best advance angular institute where I can learn angular easily.

Advance Angular Course in Delhi Reviews

Neha GuptaAdvance Angular

Studying with Techstack and the faculty helped me realize how much-hidden potential I had which I never acknowledged earlier. They literally unlocked my skills and gave them a boost. I regained confidence and was able to perform well during all the assignments held.

Program Fee

Starting at Rs. 11,000/month

Batch Starting: 10 Feb 2025

#1 Advance Angular Course in Delhi

Program Duration: 1.5 Months

Program Certification from

100% Classroom Training

Upskill with Techstack Academy

25+ Case Studies

Become Angular Developer, Web Frontend Developer, Advance Angular App Developer

Get 130+ hours of intensive learning in AngularJs over 1.5 Months.

Create portfolio-worthy projects

Start Your Own Startup

Why to Join Advance Angular Course

Learn about our Advance Angular Course in Delhi

Learn Angular at your own pace by joining Techstack Academy. We offer high-quality advance Angular courses which will provide you with complete guidance in accordance with this programming. Learn all about front-end Javascript frameworks inclusive of Bootstrap knowledge to Node. Js, simplified structure of Angular, Typescript, VS code editor, and decorators. Learn all about angular under one roof by adjoining hands with an award-winning academy of the year!

Payment Method

We have variety of payment methods in Techstack Academy.

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Advance Angular Institute Payment method
Advance Angular Training Payment method
Advance Angular Course in Delhi Payment method
Advance Angular Institute in Delhi Payment method
Advance Angular Training Payment method

Application Process


Fill the application form

Fill the application form to help us understand about you and all your necessary details before you move further to join Techstack.


Counselling Process

Take a word with our counsellor and know-how about the different subjects running at Techstack! Our cooperative process is held to give you the necessary information required.


Join Program

Fasten your seat belts to become an industry-expert by joining one of our courses.Get yourself acquainted with the best of the knowledge provided by Techstack Academy!

Upcoming Application Deadline

Have you filled up our forms yet? If not, then buckle-up before the batches get full! We are waiting to hear from you, and take your career onto the next level, with us!

Deadline: 10 Feb 2025

Faq's on Advance Angular Course in Delhi

Which is the best advance angular course Institute in Delhi?

We are an award-winning, best emerging academy of the year, providing hands-on practical knowledge and easy implementation on live projects which will ensure the job placement with the help of advance level AngularJS Training Courses, which is why we are known as the best advance angular institute in Delhi.

Will Techstack offer Placement assistance after completion of the advance angular course?

Techstack Academy imparts professional and knowledgeable courses with the best use of data binding and controlling options equipping every student with 100% job satisfaction and placement assistance delivered via our very own placement cell.

What is the fee structure for advance angular Course?

Whichever course you may intend to complete from our academy, we will ensure to provide you quality classes with affordable and minimum range. The fee for advance angular course starters from Rs.20k to 25k/-

What is the duration of your advance angular training in Delhi?

Our advance angular training course in Delhi is set for 1.5 months of duration. During this tenure, you will learn every topic in-depth, theoretically as well as practically. We also take different sessions for the students who get stuck with a certain topic in regard to help them fix their doubts.

Do you provide online training sessions for advance angular course?

Yes. At our academy of advance angular training in Delhi, we are dedicated to providing our students with education in the right form inclusive of both modes of training: Online training as well as offline training. You can easily attend online advnace angular training, with our trainers anytime.

How many students are there in one batch of your advance angular training?

We believe, keeping short batches helps an individual to grow and learn better, which is also in turn proven beneficial for the trainer to teach feasibly. Considering this fact, we have small batches with a strength of nearly 6-8 students per batch, via which you can easily grasp the learning become job-ready with us, eventually.

I am working somewhere but I still want to take the classes. How it is possible?

We, at Techstack, have special batches for the students who are working and are still taking out their time to pursue their passion. Considering those terms, you can easily attend weekend batches, which will suit you the best. We also offer flexible timings for your easy and quick learning access at our academy.

Do you provide placements after the end of the Advance Angular course?

Of course! We have an exquisite placement cell record that has been successfully running for years. We have got placed plenty of individuals in their dream companies after they have sought the course from our institute. Need not worry, right after the completion of your course, you will be able to attend plenty of job interviews with the top MNC’s in your industry field.

Our Learners Work At

Know where our students get placed.

Advance Angular Course Placements
Advance Angular Training Placements
Advance Angular Institute Placements
Advance Angular Course in Delhi Placements
Advance Angular Institute in Delhi Placements
Advance Angular Training in Delhi Placements

Know More About Advance Angular Course

What is the difference between Code generation and Code splitting?

Code generation in angular is basically referred to as the template which is converted into highly optimized code for modern JavaScript virtual machines whereas, on the other hand, code splitting is referred to as a new component router that helps the angular apps to load easily and quickly. The automatic code-splitting is preferable only when the code is required to render.

How is TypeScript essential in Angular training?

typescript is the most used language in angular training courses. TypeScript is regarded as a language that is dedicated to providing syntactic sugar which in turn helps the code base turn into a super comfortable base to understand and maintain. TypeScript code work in a manner where it compiles down to JavaScript when combined has the tendency to run efficiently in any environment, easily and manageably.

What is a single app application?

When we consider advance angular training, SPA is something that is most commonly used. These are basically the web apps that have a tendency to load once with new features. It does not load new HTML pages to display the new page's content, rather it is generated dynamically through time. Once JavaScript is involved with it, the DOM elements will be manipulated easily.

What do you mean by a decorator in the term of advance angular course?

Talking broadly in terms of angular decorators, they are a design pattern that defines how Angular features work. Decorators are mostly to make prior modifications specifically to class, or filter. There are different kinds of decorators, namely- Class Decorators, Method Decorators, Property Decorators, and Parameter Decorators.

What are Templates in Advance Angular Training?

Angular Templates are very basic when it comes to one learning about Advance Angular training. They are said to be usually written with HTML that contains Angular-specific elements and attributes. Once the model and controller's information is amalgamated, these templates are further rendered to provide a dynamic view to the user.

Why choose us?

As we know, your future and careers depends on us, we make sure to deliver a holistic view of the entire syllabus that we provide, helping you attain in-depth knowledge.

Full-Fledged Curriculum

At Techstack, we deliver an amalgamation of courses beyond your field of expertise to help your career reach greater heights.

Step-By-Step Learning

We create a roadmap for your journey, starting from novice to becoming an expert.

Lifetime Support

Your journey at Techstack doesn’t end with the completion of the course, you will gain the status of Techstack Alumni for a lifetime.

Browse Related Blogs

To help inspire you about the latest information, we have pulled together with the most creative, clever and effective information from around the blogosphere!

Contact Us

If you are keen to learn about a variety of courses that can provide you with an ultimatum of knowledge, choose Techstack! We have a International reputation for excellence due to the outstanding quality of our teaching and support, resulting in positive outcomes for your future.

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August 2019 Batch

Palak Goyal : Every moment spent learning at Techstack Academy was none other than bliss. I joined here while I was too hesitant. I could not analyze if this is the right institute for me to learn as technical tangent as advance angular training. As soon as I joined, I was utterly satisfied to see the amount of dedication I received. The trainers here are equipped with great experience via which I was able to grasp maximum knowledge in regard to the angular training course at Techstack Academy. Today, whoever I am, I owe it to them, for all my grooming specifically in the angular training course.

Anant Tyagi : Commendable to see how the trainers at Techstack Academy are super dedicated to providing the right education to plenty of students over the years. Their impeccable course content n advance angular training is uniquely designed, which makes concepts easier and more fun to learn. I must say, their offline sessions were too interactive, which would easily help one grow in their specific chosen field, not only on a theoretical basis but also within practical classes as well. Their classes are great and the environment is also healthy and encouraging to learn at. Can’t thank the Techstack family enough for their generous and kind behavior towards every individual student.

Disha Garg : This is the most ideal platform if you are willing to train yourself to enter this competitive world of development. Beginning from the admission process till the final mocks, Techstack Academy will always feel keep you in safe hands. Within 1.5 months of the course here, my learning experience was great which gave me an amazing start to my career. obviously, I was in a dilemma before joining, but after a few classes, I was excited to take up more classes! It was a total satisfaction and energetic way to learn at Techstack Academy!

Varun Sharma : A well-equipped teaching facility and experienced teaching professionals are present at Techstack! They have a strong grip on their expertise. I was super thrilled to join the advance angular course here. I believe this is an institute that aims nothing but to train professionals and freshers to work with the highest standards of professionalism. I took online classes, and honestly never expected remote classes to turn out so well. The course is taught in-depth where all the topics and modules are covered thoroughly.

Himanshi Sudan : Every institute focuses on just teaching their students according to the set timings, but I must say, Tecshtack Academy is one great institute which focuses on improving the self-development and encouragement of the student along with teaching every topic in-depth. The training was just amazing and the concepts were taught with ease, which helped me to get the knowledge of the angular course very easily. This institute is truly an outstanding one that nurtures the raw candidates into specialized working professionals. I would surely recommend this institute to anybody who is looking forward to making a benchmark in their career in accordance with Angular training in Delhi.
