#1 MBA in Digital Marketing Course ( PG Diploma in Digital Marketing ) in Noida, India

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Batch Starting: 17 Feb 2025
MBA in Digital Marketing Course in Noida Banner

Dual Credentials

Techstack Academy & Orangus


Orangus India

18 Months

Recommended 10-12 hrs/week

17 Feb 2025

Program Start Date

EMI options

Starting at Rs. 11,000

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At Techstack, we believe in providing a full-fledged course of your desire where our industry experts have designed a top-notch curriculum just for you.

  • MBA in Digital Marketing ( PGDM ) Curriculum 88 Modules

    Initialisation to Digital Marketing

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is marketing?
    • Different types of marketing
    • How did digital marketing start?
    • Eligibility to learn digital marketing
    • How to increase retention?
    • How to convert traffic into leads?
    • IP address and DNS concept
    • Difference between inbound and outbound marketing
    • Why is engagement necessary on a website?
    • Success factors of digital marketing
    • Case study of popular startups
    • Secret tips of digital marketing from Techstack
    • This is the first module related to the post graduation program in digital marketing course and it is an advanced course in digital marketing field. It covers all the aspects related to this field and makes you a complete expert. Techstack Academy is known as the best institute for digital marketing in Noida as we teach you from the basics of digital marketing to complete advanced concepts. We provide you in-depth knowledge in digital marketing techniques and give you practical explanations of every module. Enroll yourself for our digital marketing course in Noida and know steps to convert traffic into good potential leads. We will teach you all the secret tactics to success in the field of digital marketing.

    Website Planning

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to a website
    • Difference between webpage and website
    • What is the need for a website?
    • Web applications
    • Understanding of your goal
    • Creation of blueprint of your website
    • Importance of TLC, TGLD, and TCLD
    • Latest extensions available in market
    • Adding a domain to hosting
    • Cpanel Of your website
    • In the second module of PGPDM course, we will teach you about website planning. This module includes all the information related to the website and what is the need of a website for your company or business? Techstack Academy will provide you the complete information related to website blueprint, domain and hosting, web applications, cpanel and more. Our digital marketing institute will help you to understand the step by step working and creation of the website. Websites are used to give information about your company and for selling products of your company. These are very necessary for the growth of the business.

    Website Creation

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to WordPress
    • Installation of WordPress
    • How to install WordPress on your computer
    • Clearing out WordPress with pre-installed content
    • Setting up of a Gravatar
    • Author profile
    • WYSIWYG editor
    • Adding a sitemap
    • Adding Premium Plugins
    • Introduction to WordPress security
    • Sidebar navigation
    • WP-DB Manager
    • Linking to the affiliate product page
    • Re-order posts, stock images, and a Tweak
    • Creating a child theme
    • A quick run through the settings
    • This is the third module for the post graduation program in digital marketing course in Noida. In this course we will teach you step by step installation of wordpress and how to set up your computer for wordpress. This module covers all the related steps regarding wordpress like installing themes, making new posts, making gravatar, setting up your profile, menu settings, product page, image settings and more. After compilation of this module, you are able to build a beautiful website in wordpress and upload it to cpanel as your business point of view or personal use. You can make affiliate product pages on your website and earn commission with every sale. There are many aspects related to wordpress and all are covered in our online course in digital marketing in Noida

    Content Writing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to different types of content (Blogs, websites, eBooks)
    • Brainstorming to develop content ideas
    • Powerful keyword research
    • Observing of content development
    • Formula to write appropriate content
    • Do and Don'ts of writing
    • Difference between evergreen and trending content
    • Creation of informative content
    • Free eBooks
    • 7 common issues with the flow of your content
    • Understanding your audiences
    • Rechecking and editing
    • This module is related to content marketing and in this module you are going to learn all the tactics related to content making. In the world of digital marketing, content is king and with the phrase you can understand that this is the most important part of the website and digital marketing. Our trainers will teach you how to make content for different kinds of websites like blogs, ecommerce, informational websites and all. You will be taught all the do’s and don’t in content writing. How can you do good keyword research for your content and what are the different techniques to make your content more powerful. Our digital marketing course covers all the aspects and will provide you better skills for content marketing.

    SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • The goal of SEO
    • Different types of search engine
    • 3 steps to get on the first page of Google
    • Domain optimization
    • Meta Tags
    • How to optimize your homepage
    • Techniques of SEO (white hat, grey hat, blackhat)
    • How to craft a remarkable SEO strategy
    • 20 attributes that influence a link’s value
    • Google algorithm updates
    • 200 Ranking factors
    • Generate SEO reports
    • In this module you will learn everything about search engine optimization. This module will give you the information about types of search engine, domain optimization, meta tags, homepage optimization, different ranking factors, and more. You will learn the techniques used in ranking on the first page of Google and what are the different techniques of SEO. Techstack Academy will help you to learn new techniques related to SEO and how to use them to increase your ranking factors. With the help of our trainers of digital marketing course in Noida, you will learn the latest industry standards and what are the main attributes for the ranking on Google by using Google Algorithm’s updates.

    Local SEO

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to keyword planning
    • Grouping of keywords
    • Content review
    • Establishing addresses
    • Yellow pages
    • White page listing
    • Super pages
    • Google/Yahoo for business
    • Facebook local
    • Local SEO directories and basics
    • With the help of local seo, you can list your business or work on Google listings. In this module, you will learn how to check the relevant keywords for your business and how you can establish addresses on Google. With the help of local seo techniques, you can list your business in yellow pages. With the help of local listings, anybody can search you on Google and can easily reach you with the help of maps and addresses. With the help of our best internet marketing course in Noida, you can get extensive knowledge of local SEO and can know the step by step process to make your listing with google.

    Google Webmaster

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to Webmaster
    • Site dashboard
    • Search appearance-structured data
    • Search appearance- HTML improvements
    • Google Developer structured data tool
    • Search traffic-search analytics
    • Penguin and Panda updates
    • Crawl Fetch as Google and robots. Txt
    • Disavow tool
    • Get back your website’s penalty from Google
    • In this module, you will learn about Google Webmaster in our best digital marketing training course in Noida at Techstack Academy. This module will give you complete knowledge of webmaster and how you can check different activities in the site dashboard. There are various parts to check in webmaster tools by which you can improve your visibility on Google. You can search all the search analytics of your website and can fetch your website and its pages to Google directly. This is the most efficient tool of Google by which you can improve your website effectively with HTML and search appearances. You can update your website’s sitemap and robots.txt with the help of Google Webmaster.

    Bing Webmaster

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Ways to configure your site
    • Media RSS video feed specification
    • Submitting URLs from Bing
    • How to manage deep links?
    • Mobile page friendliness
    • Using diagnostic and tools
    • SEO analyzer
    • Crawl error alerts
    • Removal of broken links/outdated cache
    • Malware re-evaluation
    • Bing XML sitemap plugin
    • How to optimize Silverlight & other RIA based content
    • Like Google Webmaster is for Google, Bing Webmaster tools is for Bing search engine and with the help of this module, you will learn everything about Bing webmaster. Techstack Academy designed PGPDM course with the help of latest industry standards and covers all the aspects related to search engines and digital marketing techniques. This online digital marketing course covers configuring your site on bing webmaster and how you can submit your URL with Bing. You can check mobile friendliness of your website with the help of bing and there are many other website diagnostic tools also there by which you can check your errors and by removing them you can increase your search rankings on bing search engine.

    Graphic Designing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to Graphic Designing
    • Role of a designer
    • Process of designing
    • Design elements
    • 6-major elements of design
    • Design principles
    • Basic editing in illustrator and photoshop
    • Resizing image
    • Rotation of image
    • Text editing in the image
    • With the help of graphic designing, you can create many designs with the help of your creative skills and use them digitally in your website or advertisements. In our digital marketing training institute in Noida, you will get complete knowledge of graphic designing and how you can edit images, what are the main elements of designing, graphic designing principles, and more. With the help of different tools of graphic designing you can edit images, make graphics, logos, and more. You will be taught under the guidance of industry experts who have good experiences in their respective fields.

    SMO (Social media optimization)

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Intro to SMO
    • Significance of social media
    • Social media metrics and ROI
    • Find the right network for you
    • Intro to platforms like Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, etc.
    • 7 Tips to improve Your SMO
    • Tools required to perform social media optimization
    • Media platforms in SMO
    • Whatsapp marketing
    • EdgeRank checker
    • Social media optimization is a group of techniques by which you can increase your visibility on social media and generate potential traffic for your website, blog. In present time, social media is an essential part of our lives and everybody wants to have more followers on social media to become popular. Techstack Academy is one of the best digital marketing training institutes in Noida, and we are here to give you complete knowledge related to social media optimization and how you can use different social media platforms to build your network. We will teach you all the secret tips related to SMO by which you can improve your visibility on social media and improve your SEO.

    Google Analytics

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Account settings
    • Property settings
    • Report date picker
    • Creating annotations in reports
    • Pie chart reports
    • Creating and editing dashboards
    • Referrals and campaign reports
    • SEO reports
    • Adsense and in-page analytics
    • Multi-channel funnels
    • This is the 11th module of the post graduation program of digital marketing course in Noida. In this module, you will learn about complete Google Analytics. With the help of our online digital marketing course at Techstack Academy, you can learn about account settings and property settings of Google Analytics. With the help of Analytics tool, you can check daily visitors, monthly visitors for your website and learn about the bounce rate too. With the help of this tool, you can design reports of your website and learn about the important factors regarding Google rankings. Google analytics tool is also an important tool at the time of google campaigns. With the help of different reports you can better your business with Google.

    SEM (Search engine marketing)

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to SEM
    • What is content ‘above the fold?
    • Adding call-to-action buttons
    • Creation of highly converting sales pages
    • Different types of Google Adwords Account
    • Configuring location targeting and using advanced search functions
    • Setting your targeted language
    • Understanding keyword match type
    • Diagnosing low-quality scores
    • The secret weapons to re-market
    • Adding to extensions
    • ROI & ROAS
    • Search Engine Marketing is important for your websites to increase visibility on search engines and how you can apply effective methods to generate more traffic. You can increase your visibility on search engines with the help of paid and unpaid efforts. Techstack Academy will groom you in the field of digital marketing and give you the knowledge of all major and important parts of digital marketing. With the help of this module, you will learn how you can apply search engine marketing for better conversions and add different extensions. You will learn about the configuring location targeting and advanced search functions. Our digital marketing course in Noida will cover all the methods used in search engine marketing.

    Social Media Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to Social Media Marketing
    • Strategies and social journey
    • Social media content marketing
    • Insights and analytics
    • Facebook and Instagram business tools
    • Pinning tweets
    • Page managers
    • Social media branding and image guidelines
    • Scheduling multiple postings
    • Blog considerations
    • Social demographics
    • Strategy discussion
    • With the help of social media marketing, you can grow your business or website digitally in a very fast way. Our professional trainers at Techstack Academy will help you to understand all the strategies regarding social media. You will learn all the tactics to market your business on social media and this will widen your arena related to a particular field. With the help of different social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and more you can generate potential traffic for your business and website. You will learn about social media branding and other management techniques. There are various tools available for social media marketing and you can use them to schedule your multiple posting and other settings.

    Email Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to Email marketing
    • Strengths and weaknesses of Email marketing
    • Structuring effective Email messages
    • 10 rules for successful Emailing
    • Ways to write different types of Email
    • How to set automation rules for Aweber?
    • How to create a newsletter
    • Ways to write scarcity Email
    • Defining goals and objectives of an Email campaigning
    • Constant construct
    • Email marketing is popular in the present time and it is a very cost effective method in comparison to other marketing methods. Our online digital marketing course in Noida will help you to have extensive complete knowledge about email marketing and what are the 10 golden rules for successful email marketing. Techstack Academy has an experienced group of trainers who will teach you how you can do effective email marketing and generate potential traffic, what are the strengths and weaknesses of email marketing and more. You will also learn how you can write effective email and what are the ways to generate a newsletter for your website to build the audience.

    Mobile Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Email marketing process
    • How to write effective Emails?
    • Mobile Ads on GCN
    • Creating Apps for creating banners
    • Ability to distribute
    • QR codes
    • Push and sound notifications
    • Landing pages with Unbounce
    • Reverse engineering campaigns with Rob from WRW
    • Pros and cons
    • Mobile marketing is the most effective method to cover all the traffic potential because mobile users are more than system users. With the help of mobile marketing you will learn about the techniques by which you can write your emails effectively and run potential ads on GCN. Techstack Academy will help you to learn all the techniques like how to scan QR codes and how to put sound notifications on and other mobile marketing methods for your website. In our digital marketing course, you can get all the information related to the reverse engineering campaigns, advantages and disadvantages related to mobile marketing, and other. In digital marketing techniques, mobile marketing is becoming more popular now-a-days, that is why you should know about this method effectively.

    Content Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is content marketing?
    • The objective of contents of content marketing
    • Analyzing the keyword for content
    • 7 steps strategy for building process in content
    • Sessions about authority blogging
    • Various content generation techniques
    • Secret tips from Techstack for optimizing blogs, articles, collaterals
    • How to grab Project for content writers?
    • Ways to write compelling content
    • Content in regard to search engines
    • In this module of content marketing, you will know the objective of content marketing and how effectively it will work for our websites. Techstack Academy has a group of trainers who are professional in their fields and can help you to analyze keywords for your content, they will provide you step by step strategies for content marketing. With the help of straight strategies, you can build good and relevant content for your website and blog and you can have good content ideas. With the help of content writing, you can work from home as a freelancer and write for international companies from the comfort of your home. We will teach you everything related to digital marketing as we are the best digital marketing institute in Noida.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Installation of Magento
    • Ways to Prepare your server for Magento
    • Extending Magento
    • Creating backlinks and templates
    • Adding system configuration fields
    • Event handling and observing
    • Mastering the admin
    • Grid mass actions
    • Exporting grid data
    • Controller guest checkout
    • Adding steps to easy payment methods
    • Bootstrapping Magento for external applications
    • In this module, you will learn about the complete installation process and working of Magento platform. Magento is an ecommerce platform which is written in PHP which is very secure and can use other php frameworks like Symfony and Laminas to make you an ideal web developer. With the help of Magento framework, you can make a secure fully functional ecommerce platform for your customers and easily add payment methods which will make it easier for them to make payment and purchase online. With the help of our online digital marketing course, you can make your website popular and create working backlinks for it to promote it for Google rankings.

    Ecommerce SEO

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Understanding of Ecommerce SEO
    • Website ease of use
    • Understanding links in SEO
    • Product page optimization
    • Importance of site speed
    • How blogging and online customer reviews help SEO
    • SEO resources and optimization tools
    • Tailoring SEO to the target marketing
    • Google analytics
    • Tools to track visitor clicks
    • When you know how to create an e-commerce website, as a digital marketer you should know how to do ecommerce SEO to promote your website for Google's top rankings. Techstack Academy has good experienced trainers who teach you everything about e-commerce SEO from the beginning of the website to advanced optimization techniques. Our trainers will give you in-depth knowledge of every module with SEO resources and the use of optimization tools. This course is for those students who want to learn Search engine optimization to make their dream career. Our digital marketing course in Noida will help you to understand site speed effects, how to track visitor clicks, how to do product page optimization and more.

    Ecommerce Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Learning to Ecommerce basics
    • Steps to selling
    • Building customers trust
    • Web marketing and promotion techniques
    • Successful strategies for Email marketing
    • Pros and cons of selling on marketplaces
    • Offline selling techniques
    • Affiliate marketing
    • Negotiation with auditory customers
    • Basic tips to avoid common mistakes
    • In this module, you are going to learn about the basics of ecommerce marketing and how to use them to make your ecommerce site popular. With the help of our online digital marketing course, you can derive potential traffic to your ecommerce website and convert them. With the help of marketing tactics, you can make these customers pay for your services and can retain them for post-purchases. You can easily sell your products online and can earn a good amount of money for yourself. With the help of our course, you can know all the pros and cons related to the ecommerce platforms and with the help of this value, you can modify your websites for greater value with the help of tested strategies.

    Lead Generation

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Basics of the lead generation module
    • Why do most businesses fall at lead generation?
    • Solutions to lead generating campaigns
    • Demo: to build your mobile URL and further landing pages
    • Promotion of your campaigns for free
    • How to measure and optimize Facebook Ads?
    • What type of Facebook Ads works the best for lead generation?
    • Weekly check-in on all new leads
    • Converting new email leads to sales
    • How to nurture new emails and conversions
    • Everyone in the business of the online world, wants lead generation for their businesses to grow and want more leads everyday. With the help of our module of the post graduation program in digital marketing course in Noida, you can learn basics related to lead generation and how you can get more leads for your business everyday. With the help of different ad campaigns you can increase the traffic and convert them into potential customers. Techstack Academy assures you for giving the new leads generating solutions and provides you with different ways to nurture them with the help of conversations on an everyday basis. You will get whole new different new ideas for good lead generation.

    Audio Engineering

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Promotional videos showing a demonstration of Audio editing
    • Downloading and installing audacity
    • Installation lame for MP3 Exports
    • Compressing the audio to make it sound better
    • Usage of Pitch, speed, and tempo
    • Playing around with echo
    • Using echo and reverb
    • Amplifying and normalizing
    • Audio editing using Adobe Audition
    • Recording enhancement and excessive breath removal
    • Audio engineering is the part of graphic designing and students who have the keen interest in graphic designing can acknowledge it. In this module, we will guide you how you can use audio engineering to promote your videos while showing a complete demonstration of Audio editing. With the help of our trainers in Techstack Academy, you have the deep understanding of how to do audio editing with the help of different tools like Audio Audition. You can learn many different ways to sound better on your video by compressing audio limits, and by installing different MP3 exports as we are the best digital marketing training institute in Noida.

    Video Editing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Video and Audio clips for editing
    • The timeline and basic editing tools
    • Subclipping in Adobe premiere pro
    • Syncing Video and Audio from multiple recordings
    • Color grading styles, text, and titles
    • Adding beautiful vignette
    • The final cut, exporting, and uploading online
    • Picture in tutorials
    • Adding different motion and graphics
    • How to edit vertical footage?
    • With the help of a video editing module, you can edit audio and videos with ease. Our trainers will teach you different tools related to audio and video editing and you will practice on the tools timeline for editing. With the help of Adobe premiere Pro you can add multiple recordings and cut them in sections to add different kinds of effects, styles and texts. After completion of the editing process you can export your files to use on different platforms for marketing techniques. Techstack Academy will train you with different tools and make you practice on them with the help of real time projects which makes you a professional video and audio editor as we are the best training institute for digital marketing in Noida. These edited audio and video combinations can be used to promote your business and websites and to gain potential customers.

    Video Optimization

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Deriving organic traffic on YouTube
    • Optimizing title, description, tags, thumbnails, and caption
    • Cards demonstration
    • Annotations
    • Audience support
    • Youtube Analytics
    • Monetization through services
    • Grabbing of leads
    • YouTube ranking techniques
    • Audience retention
    • In this module we are going to learn about the ways related to video optimization. With the help of video optimization techniques, you can derive traffic to your videos on youtube or other platforms. In this you will learn about title optimization, description optimization, tags and thumbnails. You can use annotations and playlists in the youtube creator studio to increase visibility of your video. You can check the analytics of YouTube on a daily basis. Techstack Academy will train you in uploading videos and make them SEO friendly to get more likes and popularity. This digital marketing course in Noida will cover all the latest modules and aspects related to video marketing.

    Video Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • YouTube advanced
    • The magic formula to reach 1 million views
    • Audience retention report
    • Strategies for Youtube
    • Video marketing top techniques
    • Advanced playlist tips
    • Using tagging to build a brand
    • More subscribers equal more views
    • Monthly video marketing tips, ideas, news, and information
    • Use of social media platforms for utmost marketing
    • In this module, you are going to learn about marketing your videos with the help of various tools of marketing. Our experienced trainers at Techstack Academy will train you how to get maximum subscribers and views for your videos and channels. You can get maximum leads if you are using tools in the right way with a certain magic formula. You can make videos for your channel and promote them to create thousands monthly views with the help of video marketing tips we are giving you. Our post graduation program in digital marketing will help you to reach your mark as fast as you can. With the help of our special assistance under the guidance of special experts, you can reach your goal easily.

    Online Reputation Management

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • The basics of online reviews for businesses
    • How to claim and confirm a business profile?
    • Using visual tools in order to earn better
    • Trying business card techniques
    • Earn positive review courses
    • How to get ORM alerts on regular basic
    • 17 ways to create a positive brand image online
    • Case study of ORM
    • Impact of negative reviews
    • Secret tips to move ahead in ORM from Techstack
    • With the help of online reputation management or ORM techniques, you can take control on the online conversation for your brand with the help of our course in digital marketing tips. With the guidance of our experienced teachers, you can learn about different tools which are available in the market to eliminate the process of negative reviews online. With the help of these ORM techniques, you can make your future brand right on the web with the help of right materials. We give you 17 tips to make a positive brand image online. Techstack Academy is always there to assist you when you want some special tips to create your brand image online and want some secret tips of positive promotion.

    Pro Blogging

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • The ABC of pro blogging
    • How to make a business out of a blog site?
    • Installing plugins to your WordPress
    • Adding Youtube videos to your blog post
    • Creating vs promoting your content
    • Lead magnets that will make people subscribe
    • Traffic from Google: SEO Essentials
    • Fixing problems
    • Community: building a like-minded tribe around you to read
    • Moderate comments: techniques and approaches
    • If you want to become a great blogger, this course is for you. In this module, you will learn about how to become a professional blogger. Techstack Academy will always want to give quality to their students and in this module of online digital marketing course, we will teach you from the very beginning to complete professional level of blogging. After learning this module, you will be able to install different plugins on your website, you can make lead magnets and derive traffic from Google, you can build your community, and you can add your Youtube videos in your post and many more. In this course, you will learn about how to write effective blogs which can convert and give your results.

    Personal Branding

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to personal branding
    • When to begin putting relevant information to practice?
    • Building a personal brand
    • Deciphering your personality
    • Target your audience
    • Learn how to use Canva
    • Create images with no experience in graphic designing
    • Promotion of your personal brand
    • Case studies
    • Think of ways to promote your personal brand
    • With the help of our post graduation program in digital marketing course in Noida at Techstack Academy, you will be able to build your own brand according to your digital marketing skills. We will give you step by step marketing tips to build your brand and make it possible by practising it regularly. This course also covered the ways to target the right audience for your brand and company in a short period of time. You can learn how to make effective graphics and images to be used in the ads campaigns to promote your brand in the most feasible manner.

    Sale anything: Using Digital Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Volume and profit
    • Conviction in the make/breakpoint
    • Capitalize on the easy scale
    • Professional or Amateur
    • The agreement drill
    • Tips on how to use digital marketing effectively
    • Justifying price with other inventory
    • Credibility equals to increase sales
    • The power of prediction
    • How to build your power base?
    • In this course of digital marketing in Noida, you will learn the right use of various tools to meet the customer’s needs. When you brand is new, you want to give information about you to your potential customers with the help of different media networks to derive the right audience. With the help of these techniques, you can build the trust for your brand into the minds of customers, whether they are aware of your brand or not. Techstack Academy always helps you to become professional in your field and know the power of digital marketing techniques to build a brand image online. This course module covers all the aspects related to products: how to sell and how to increase your sales.

    Adobe Illustrator

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction To Adobe Illustrator
    • Working smartly with illustrator preferences
    • Creating and saving workspaces
    • Working with multiple documents
    • Controlling the illustrator views
    • Gaining control over color groups
    • Controlling text and texture with eyedrop
    • Working with 3D effects
    • Exploring the world of portable document files
    • From the world of Adobe Illustrator to the web
    • Adobe illustrator offers you graphic designing skills with the help of many tools in it. In this module, you will learn how to use different tools related to illustrator software like how to create various types of graphics, how to use selection tools, layering, rotate and reflect tools, typography techniques, paintbrush, blur tool, lasso tool, blend tool, join tool, blend tool, eyedropper tool, shape builder tool, drop shadow, editing and creating, grain effect, and many more to make different kinds of graphics and images. Techstack Academy mixes graphic designing techniques with digital marketing courses to make your writing more creative and to make your campaigns convertible.

    Adobe Photoshop

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Default settings and workshops
    • Workspace tools, basics, and its usage
    • Double raw conversion
    • Textured portrait person
    • Haze effect
    • Creating a vignette
    • Manipulation tools-in action
    • Selection tools
    • Liquefy adjustment
    • Grunge effects
    • In this module you will learn about complete functioning about adobe photoshop and learn about the basics of photoshop and usage of different tools. You will learn about image manipulation, layering, basic selection tools, magic wand tool, vector masks, cropping tool, color stamp tool, eraser tools, layering panel, pen tool, eyedropper tools, sharpen and smudge tools, gradient tools, artistic effects, blur effects, dispersion effects, photo collage effects and more tools to edit different kinds of images. With the help of photoshop you can create beautiful images and collages of images for your blogs and websites. In our course of digital marketing in Noida, you will learn from professional trainers and can make your campaigns differently.

    Business Etiquette For Job Seekers

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • The effects of defective behavior
    • Business mixers
    • How to schmooze?
    • Meet and greet etiquette
    • The art of introductions
    • Non-verbal pitfalls
    • Techno etiquettes
    • Conversations do’s and don’ts
    • Body talks (silently)
    • Job interview preparation and presentation
    • When you are planning to have a job and work for it for a long time, you should know some business etiquettes to have the job for a long time which are really necessary to know for any job seeker. Techstack Academy’s professionals will teach you and groom you with personality development tips and make you a perfect job-ready individual. Before making a step for a job in a company, you should know about the company and understand the requirements of the company and job type to perfectly fill yourself with skills and abilities. We will teach you about do’s and don’t in conversations, how to meet and greet, what is the art of introduction, body talks and all.

    Digital Marketing Strategy For Business

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to digital marketing strategies
    • Ways to write follow-up Emails
    • Mission statement
    • Facebook marketing strategies
    • YouTube channel setup, step by step
    • Promotional strategies
    • Affiliate marketing
    • Creating conversation content
    • CPA basics, platforms, and marketing
    • Conduction of various interviews
    • This module is for making the right strategies for business in digital marketing. Our professional trainers will teach you how to write follow up emails and what are the strategies for facebook marketing. In affiliate marketing, you can put others' products on your website and with every conversion you can have the commission. Techstack Academy will teach you about CPA basics, it's platforms and marketing tips. In this course of digital marketing in Noida, you will learn about how to make promotional strategies for your website and how to set a goal for the company. With the help of our trainers, you can set up your YouTube account step by step and make videos for it for promotion.

    Growth Hacking

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is growth hacking?
    • Culture of growth hacking
    • Setting up Google analytics concepts
    • A short tour to Google analytics
    • Sketching of a landing page
    • Respond to data
    • The advantages of social schedulers
    • Advanced SEO application techniques
    • Using Adwords planning tool
    • The basics of dynamic display remarketing
    • Information about social media platforms and their packages
    • A guide to intangible needs and emotions
    • In the digital marketing field, growth hacking is an essential part to be used by which you can enable a relationship with your own business and you can make massive growth with the help of short budgets in a short time. Techstack Academy’s professionals will always be here to assist you and guide you with all the latest techniques which can make a big difference in the growth of your business in very early stages. We will give you the complete tour of google analytics and its working. After learning this module, you can make right strategies for yourself and know different types of tools, and its usage for social media platforms by which you can hack the necessary growth with specialised strategies.

    Viral Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • How to spread your brand word through the world?
    • Installing the best of themes for your marketing
    • Finding high-quality viral images
    • Usage of Facebook groups
    • Reasons to use Reddit
    • Scheduling Tweets easily
    • How to drive viral traffic with stumble upon?
    • Ways to get a massive amount of followers using different tools that are unpaid
    • Gain Pinterest followers for free
    • How to laser target your potential viewers into insights?
    • Everybody wants to get their content and work to go viral across different platforms according to their needs. To make a viral content is not an easy task, it takes a lot of time, a lot of thinking process, hard work, perseverance and most important patience. Techstack Academy will be your helping hand in making viral content. With the help of viral images and content, you can make your brand reach wide and spread your brand. With the help of viral marketing tools, you can derive the maximum number of followers to your content and generate potential traffic for yourself who loves your content.

    Entrepreneurship for Business

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What to avoid and what are the mandatory things to follow?
    • Ways To get motivated
    • Viability to business ideas
    • Google and Facebook Ads
    • What are the certifications required
    • How to discover your ideal market?
    • Legal issues and qualification
    • Startup business marketing ideas
    • Financial planning
    • Business ideas to work
    • To be a successful entrepreneur of your business, you need to follow some important things. Our digital marketing course in Noida will help you to transform yourself to become an entrepreneur and give related knowledge in increasing the business values with suitable business ideas. In this module, you will learn about the things to get motivated all the time which is very necessary to become an entrepreneur and how you can discover your ideal market. We will show you the ways by which you can do your financial planning and discover business ideas and their viabilities. What legal requirements for a business and important certifications.

    Domain Monitoring and Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to Selling domains
    • Why is selling a domain so profitable?
    • Determining domain value
    • Find the right niche
    • Direct selling methods overview
    • Creation of a contact management system
    • Ways to buy a small number of Domain
    • Domain sale negotiation
    • Google keywords tend examples
    • Finding profitable domains with excel sorting
    • In the Digital Marketing Field, it is very important to have a website or domain to work. It is an important thing to find the perfect niche for your website and make your domain profitable for yourself. After giving time to your domain and by making it strong enough, you can sell your domain to a perfect buyer who wants to enter your niche and it can be very profitable. There are many websites available which can give you the overall value for your website and with the help of direct selling methods, you can sell your website. Techstack Academy will always be there to assist you in giving you any kind of help related to our digital marketing course in Noida. You can come directly to our institute and take a demo session before enrolling in the course.

    Google Adsense

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Google Adsense?
    • Difference between Adsense and Affiliate marketing
    • Adsense account optimization
    • Integrate Adsense with WordPress
    • What is an Ad unit?
    • Do’s and Don’ts of Adsense
    • Top 10 Adsense earning websites
    • Ways to get paid by the Google
    • Top 5 WordPress themes
    • The future of Adsense
    • In this module of the post graduation program of digital marketing course in Noida, you will learn how to set up step by step accounts for adsense to monetize your blog or website to earn money from Google directly. In this digital marketing course, you will learn do's and don'ts about adsense, how to integrate your WordPress website with adsense, what is an ad unit, What is the main difference between affiliate marketing and Google adsense, and more. Techstack Academy will train you to be a complete professional in Google Adsense and earn money yourself by working online. We will tell you the top 10 Adsense earning websites and how to use those effective methods on your website. To earn money online adsense and affiliate marketing are the best ways.

    Google Double-Check

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Google DFP?
    • Creation of Ad units
    • Configuration of Adsense for remnant inventory
    • Introduction to the interface
    • Working with third party creatives
    • Ways to copy the orders
    • Yield management with DFP
    • Ways to create Ad tags to set up an order
    • Checking inventory for new advertisers
    • Placements
    • DFP is a very powerful ad server run by Google and it helps individual publishers to organize their ad stacks and sell these advertising inventory with ease. It is the most trending way to move ahead in the world of digital marketing. Techstack Academy will help you to seek knowledge under the guidance of experienced trainers. You can learn in this module, how to create ad units and work with third party creatives. You can also learn about the user interface and what is the proper and most useful working of DFP management.

    Affiliate Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is affiliate marketing?
    • Different types of affiliate marketing
    • Changes In the industry of affiliate marketing over the years
    • Affiliation with Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, etc.
    • Choosing what to sell as an affiliate marketer
    • Hurdles to overcome while dealing
    • Tips to boost affiliate earnings
    • Case studies
    • Affiliate account creation
    • Secret tips from Techstack to become a super affiliate
    • In this module, you are going to learn about affiliate marketing working and what are the types of affiliate marketing. In our online digital marketing course in Noida, you will learn about the affiliation marketing with big brands and online ecommerce sites like amazon, flipkart, snapdeal and more. There are many ways by which you can do affiliate marketing with different companies and we provide you complete knowledge regarding these marketing techniques. It is the most trending way to work from home and earn some good amount of money for yourself. In a very short span, you can earn good digitally. Techstack Academy is listed in one of the best digital marketing training institutes in Noida.

    Third Party Earning Platforms

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Collab with Amazon, Viglink, Big Advertiser, etc.
    • Work as a website reviewer
    • Write Ebooks for others
    • Work as a surveyor
    • Web templates
    • Create affiliate websites
    • Consultant services
    • Editing and proofreading
    • Design banners
    • Fiverr and gigs
    • If you want to earn online, there are various platforms available online working differently. You can collaborate with these advertisers and platforms and derive traffic to generate conversions for them and it will directly give benefit to you as commission. There is a wide world of third party earning like Amazon, and other big advertisers. Techstack Academy will give you all the ideas by which you can make your website profitable and earn some good amount of money for yourself. You can create templates, you can make affiliate websites, you can provide consulting services, and more. In our digital marketing course, you will be taught all the possible ways.

    Startup Plan And Strategy

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • A comprehensive business plan
    • 5 parts relating to it for you to excel better
    • Understanding industry and sector overviews
    • Operations plan
    • Cashflow- getting the figure that you need
    • Most ignored sources of quality clients
    • Ways to get new customers
    • Learn from your competitors
    • Startup founders Dilemma
    • Break-event point
    • To become successful in the digital marketing field, you need a good startup plan and strategy for yourself. In our course of digital marketing, we will provide you all necessary operation plans which will help you to operate plans. With the help of startup founders' dilemma, and learn from your competitors module, you can easily jump the hurdles which come in the way of your success. We will provide you the understanding by which you can overview industries and sectors and learn how to find new customers. Techstack Academy offers you one of the best courses in digital marketing in Noida, you can enroll now by taking our demo sessions online.

    Google Hacks

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Google search settings
    • Google advanced search
    • Introducing Google Apps and cloud computing
    • Sharing and collaborating with Google Apps
    • Writing formulas
    • Creating of charts
    • Adding transitions and animations
    • Downloading and uploading files
    • Sharing files online
    • Working with headers and footers
    • In this module, you will know about the strategies about how Google works and how to understand the latest algorithms of Google. To get success online, you need to follow some google hack strategies to work on. Techstack Academy provides the best internet marketing course to provide latest industry standards related to digital marketing and give you the knowledge of google search settings and how google advanced search works. You will get thorough knowledge in writing formulas, how to collaborate with different Google Apps, what is cloud computing, how to share files online, and more. In this module, you will learn every possible hack which is useful to grow in your business.

    Product Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • The pillars of selling
    • The 6-primary sale triggers
    • Selling with rhetorical questions
    • The 8 secondary desires
    • Write attention-grabbing headlines
    • Scarcity rush
    • Using powerful vivid words
    • Why are stories so valuable?
    • The sales page formula
    • How problems are introduced with features?
    • If you want to make your career in product selling and marketing, this module will help you a lot because in this module, you will learn about the main pillars of selling a product. You will know about the techniques of how to sell your products easily and derive potential customers. Techstack Academy has a group of experienced trainers who have a lot of experience in working in the latest industries and will teach you the way of how you can grab the customer’s attention and how you can write the most attention-grabbing headlines for your products. In our digital marketing course in Noida, you will learn different techniques to make sales pages and apply sales page formulas to be successful in your arena.

    Leadership Fundamentals

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to leadership
    • Attributes of a successful leader
    • 5 step process of discovery
    • How to light the fire of motivation?
    • A five-step process for developing a great vision
    • Testing the model
    • Self-reflection questions
    • The core ideas
    • Learning objectives
    • Daily control process
    • With the help of our best internet marketing course in Noida, you will learn all the leadership fundamentals required to become a successful leader and move ahead in your career in the most efficient way. You will learn the important steps of discovery and how you can find the required light of motivation. There are many ways by which you can test your own model of business and then use it as the main business model. Our trainers will help you to know the fundamentals related to leadership and what are the main core ideas for your business model. We will make you a complete professional who is working to become successful in life with the help of his knowledge.

    Automate Your Digital Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to marketing automation
    • Automation marketing tools
    • Email marketing tools
    • Creating social media automation strategy
    • Create your own automation recipe
    • How to use a buffer for advanced scheduling?
    • Other tools to automatically share RSS Feeds
    • Strategy template
    • Do’s and don'ts of social media automation
    • Benefits of social media automation
    • Digital Marketing can be learned by everyone because it is not needed any kind of particular qualification to join. But only some digital marketers will succeed in their life because everyone doesn't give the required work potential. Join our post graduation program in digital marketing course which will enable you to learn all the secret techniques to automate your digital marketing and social media. You can learn about the different tools which are in trend in present time and can schedule your posts for the future. You will learn in this course all the important strategies like how to work with RSS feeds and how you can benefit from social media automation.

    Management Skills

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • How to be an effective leader
    • Build your team
    • Create values
    • Delegation
    • Technology improvement and sharing knowledge
    • Conducting meetings
    • Self-development
    • The trust factory
    • Setting goal timelines
    • Review and share the progress
    • In this course of post graduation program in digital marketing, we teach you management skills. To become a good manager or effective team leader, you should have the skills of management. We are here to give you the right guidance by how you can develop management skills with the help of self dependent techniques and effective delegation. With the help of these techniques, you will know how to set different timelines and goals, how to review progress reports. These are the things which are required to be a good leader and manage the team.

    Master planning

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to PAMela
    • Introduction to hourly and daily planning
    • Your time-block micro routines
    • The weekly planning calendar
    • Summarization
    • Action with the power of visualization
    • Quarterly planning-measurement
    • Spaced repetitions for learning
    • Yearly planning
    • Bird’s eye view of the planning process
    • In digital marketing techniques, master planning has an important role and we cover this topic with the help of effective knowledge in our digital marketing course in Noida. In this module, you will know how you can do master planning and what are the steps you have to take for your master planning strategy with the help of weekly planning and calendar. Our trainers will give you a complete brief of PAMela with micro-time block routines which are important concepts for mastering your plans on hourly as well as daily planning basis as we are the best digital marketing institute in Noida.

    The Easy Way To Write Short Stories To Sell

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • It's all about the mindset
    • Different tools required for success
    • Construction time
    • The 7-step story generator
    • Story plot creation
    • The 5-point story structure
    • Building of a template
    • Introduction to scrivener
    • Presentation is the key
    • Short story market listing
    • Short stories are a widely used method of marketing in today’s world and it requires a lot of thinking of a writer. Because short stories are not like a novel, or a blog or something, they are written in completely different formats and within a short time span the writer's motive should be clear about the story and readers can understand the main concept of the story. In our internet marketing course at Techstack Academy, we will teach you to use different tools by which you can get success in story writing and can clear your mindset. We will provide you with a 7-step story generator which is a completely proven method for a lot of writers out there.

    Public Relations

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to PR
    • Plan your own campaign
    • Using social media in a PR campaign
    • Setting up your KPIs
    • Create a PR schedule
    • Content Creation
    • Google+ in your PR campaign
    • Reputation management
    • Public speaking in your PR campaign
    • Defining Success
    • Public Relations refers to the many activities conducted by the companies to collect the data for the company. PR’s can be done to gain the knowledge about the product’s popularity, or to know the value of the company, and more. With the help of PR, specialists build a positive public image for the company or organizations with the help of media, press releases, social media and more. In our training course of digital marketing, you will get a clear understanding about PR campaigns with social media and how you can use online reputation management techniques to build the positive image of the company.

    Become Your Own Boss Becoming A Freelancer

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Conceive different ideas
    • Types of freelancing work
    • Different types of services you can sell
    • Sell turnkey packages
    • Outline and create your services
    • Pre-launching
    • Outsourcing work
    • Turn your skills into bills: selling services online
    • Design, writing, and technical services
    • Outline and create your own services
    • Everybody wants to be their own boss in the current scenario and want to open their own company or more. With the help of our post graduation program in digital marketing, you can be your own boss with the help of in-depth knowledge of every module and become successful. You can do work as a freelancer and make your own image with the help of decent work with quality. There are many jobs available in freelancing like designing, writing, campaigning, and more which you can do for other organizations or for your own company. These skills can make you a successful person who has an immense knowledge in internet marketing.

    How To Get Press Coverage For Business

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to publicity fundamentals
    • How publicity can help establish you in your domain
    • How a new business can try to get publicity
    • What are press clubs?
    • How to use your blog to get publicity and authority?
    • Using PRWEB and PRLOG press release services
    • Tips to write an effective press release
    • SEO for your press release
    • Case study of how one CEO got millions of visitors from free publicity
    • Tips on reaching out to people on the right way
    • Digital marketing is a key which holds in-demand professions because brands nowadays are more aware and uses digital marketing techniques for advertisement and popularity. To be in the field, you need to focus on internet marketing modules and become confident in skills. This career option will provide you many higher pay options as it is an emerging field of career. There are many salient benefits to do the digital marketing course in Noida from the best institute Techstack Academy. In industries, digital marketing is used to promote websites as well as branding campaigns with the help of digital media, you should prepare for it.

    Earning from Social Media

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Viglink?
    • Learn about Viglink
    • Features for advertisers
    • Payouts, commission, and fees
    • Viglinks referral program
    • Settings up a campaign
    • How to use merchant explorers?
    • Share your first big links
    • Publisher aka. Facebookers, Tweeters, Youtuber, Bloggers
    • Analytics and insights
    • Yes, you heard it right, you can earn from social media by different methods. Techstack Academy wants to make every student a complete professional in digital marketing with the help of our best digital marketing course in Noida. Our trainers will help you to understand all the social media techniques by which you can earn a good amount from social media. They will give you in-depth knowledge of applying and set up ad campaigns with 100% success rate. Once you know all the tactics which are used in social media, it will be very easy to earn from it by checking growth reports and insights.

    Non-digital marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is non-digital marketing?
    • Imperative of testimonials
    • Offline marketing Strategy ideas
    • Door to door marketing
    • The true cost of your marketing
    • The single biggest key to marketing success
    • Promote your business with events
    • Body language techniques
    • How to get maximum publicity
    • How to sell products in your area
    • In the starting of the post graduation program in digital marketing course, our trainers will tell you everything about non-digital marketing techniques and they will give you interesting insights related to it. With the help of this module, you will know how non-digital marketing works and what are the different tactics to attract customers from it. With the help of knowledge about non-digital media tactics you can handle any customers easily and be able to sell different kinds of products. Some of the non-digital marketing methods are TV, Radio, Newspaper, Books, Magazines, and more by which you can advertise about your product and make awareness. You can use different communities meetings and hosting events to promote your product and business referrals.

    Data Analytics

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Data Analytics?
    • Usage of Data Analytics
    • Data Mining for Business Analytics
    • Monitoring and listening
    • Introduction to Google Analytics
    • Introduction to Marketing Analytics
    • Web Analytics
    • Verification/Bots/Fraud & Viewability:
    • Basics to python learning and understanding
    • Hands-on learning for different tools and techniques
    • Data Analytics is a crucial part of a post graduation program in digital marketing by which you can get the real data about your business tactics and users. You can learn about these data analytics methods and tools with the help of the best training institute for digital marketing in Noida and get the real time practical knowledge on these important aspects. Our digital marketing trainers will give you real time assignments and projects to make you a complete professional in the field. Techstack Academy is the best institute for internet marketing to learn different data analytics tools and techniques.

    Data Collection

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Data Collection?
    • How to gather different types of Data
    • Deploying the form, configuration, data entry & uploading
    • Implementing statistics and logics
    • Know-how to deploy mobile data and collection
    • Analyzing accurate insights
    • How to avoid leading words or questions?
    • Online tracking and marketing analysis
    • Test hypothesis
    • Evaluating outcomes
    • Techstack Academy is one of the top most digital marketing institutes in Noida which improve your skills related to digital marketing and give you in-depth knowledge of the field. Our trainers are fully experienced and assist you to have the best of knowledge with the help of different modules which are completely based on latest industry standards. With the help of these techniques, you can groom yourself and be an expert in internet marketing. We always want to provide quality to our students and we are continuously working on it by providing you complete hands-on training with the help of complete practical real time learning.

    Marketing Analysis

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Basic introduction to marketing analysis
    • What are the different types of market analysis
    • Know your market audience
    • Focus on your niche
    • Know-how the competitors work
    • Know the market value
    • Learn about demographics and segmentation
    • Targeting the potential customers
    • Knowing the components and characteristics
    • Quantitative and qualitative assessment
    • Digital media is a new and fastest method of marketing which is completely trustworthy to target the larger audience in a short period of time. This need of digital media techniques raises quality DIgital Marketing courses in Noida to increase the capability of students to work in corporate sectors. Techstack Academy will groom each and every student with the help of in-depth knowledge of each module like data analytics tools, google webmaster, seo, smm, and others. With the help of these updated skills, you will be ready to work in any industry with the help of your knowledge. We will teach you how you can target potential customers, know about the market value, how to do market analysis, and more.

    Monitoring & Listening

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Monitoring?
    • Basic Introduction to monitoring and listening
    • Introduction to media analytics
    • How does media monitoring work?
    • Difference between social monitoring and social listening
    • Advantages of sing monitoring and listening
    • Brand awareness and authority
    • Different types of tools and techniques used
    • Held-in webinars for your clear understanding
    • Analyze the data acquired
    • This module is all about monitoring your methods of marketing and listening to the outcomes from it. It is an exclusively designed module by which you can learn how the monitoring media work and how to use media analytics. Techstack Academy professionals will teach you different tools and techniques to measure analytics related to monitoring and listening. You can use these tools to get the insights of tracking tools. In this digital marketing training in Noida, you will learn present industry standards to be updated in the field.

    Monitoring & Listening

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Monitoring?
    • Basic Introduction to monitoring and listening
    • Introduction to media analytics
    • How does media monitoring work?
    • Difference between social monitoring and social listening
    • Advantages of sing monitoring and listening
    • Brand awareness and authority
    • Different types of tools and techniques used
    • Held-in webinars for your clear understanding
    • Analyze the data acquired
    • This module is all about monitoring your methods of marketing and listening to the outcomes from it. It is an exclusively designed module by which you can learn how the monitoring media work and how to use media analytics. Techstack Academy professionals will teach you different tools and techniques to measure analytics related to monitoring and listening. You can use these tools to get the insights of tracking tools. In this digital marketing training in Noida, you will learn present industry standards to be updated in the field.

    Web Analytics

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Web Analytics?
    • Difference between Digital and web analytics
    • How does web analytics work?
    • Building blocks for web analytics
    • Research and assessment
    • Understanding the fundamentals and the process
    • Knowing different tools of web analytics (web 2.0, click tail), etc.
    • Working on multiple case studies
    • Development of real-world projects
    • Tips and tricks to master the web analytics
    • In this module, you will learn about the methods used in web analytics and how web analytics works? With the help of a digital marketing institute in Noida, you will learn about the fundamentals of the analytics process and how to use different tools related to web analytics. Our trainers are always there to give you complete updated scenarios related to any module to cope-up with the industry standards. Our trainers will teach you about web analytics on the basis of effective research and assessment. We will give you real time projects to work on to amplify your skills and be an expert of the field.

    Marketing Plan

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is a marketing plan?
    • Different platforms for the marketing plan
    • Distribution of the brands
    • Mixed branding strategies
    • Branding strategy: An overview of details
    • Public relations
    • Feasible way to sell products or services
    • Forecasting the plan onto various platforms online
    • Marketing research process: stages in the process of the marketing process
    • Criteria for advertisement
    • In this module of the post graduation program in digital marketing, you are going to learn about marketing plans and what are the different platforms used to make marketing plans. Our professional trainers at Techstack Academy will teach you how to make branding strategies and with the help of public relations methods you can learn about the popularity of your company and product. What are the steps involved in selling a product and what are the best criteria for advertisements of your product and services. In this best digital marketing course in Noida, you can have in-depth knowledge about the segments involved in formulating marketing ideas and apply them in the real world.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • How to define the structure of a marketing plan?
    • Deciding the current position, priorities, and direction of your organization.
    • Analyzing competitors value proposition and actions
    • Defining strategies
    • How to rectify external environmental factors.
    • Advantages of sing monitoring and listening
    • Brand awareness and authority
    • Different types of tools and techniques used
    • Held-in webinars for your clear understanding
    • Analyze the data acquired
    • Our professional trainers of Techstack Academy give you the complete knowledge about the basics of marketing plans. They will teach you how you can analyse any product and create a marketing plan by setting up budgets for campaigns by analyzing your competitors in the market. Our advanced digital marketing techniques will help you to execute the best marketing plan which gives you best profits in the market. You will learn about different tools and techniques to execute your marketing plan and how you can analyze the data which you have acquired. With the help of data techniques, you can analyze your marketing plan and execute it accordingly.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What marketing is and how well does it work?
    • Marketing vocabulary
    • Introduction of creating segments and niches to your business
    • Learn to develop the marketing plan from scratch
    • Understanding the consumer’s point of view
    • Keeping your concepts perpendicular to the audience
    • How to have in-depth research about the plan
    • Investing in your own money for future conversions
    • The usage of metrics to be used to assess the impact of marketing initiatives.
    • Executing the concepts slowly
    • In this module, you will know everything about marketing concepts and how well they work. With the concepts of best digital marketing course in Noida, you can focus on creating different segments of marketing related to your niches and concept to target audiences. With the teaching of our trainers you will know what are the best demographics and geographical areas that are best suited for you and how you can focus on these areas and related factors. We will teach you according to the latest industry standards and guide you to become professional in the marketing field as it is really important for branding.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to the layout of a marketing plan
    • How to find your target audience?
    • Building of an effective website for marketing and sale
    • Earn extremely powerful knowledge to use different tools
    • Increasing of conversion rate by building advanced landing pages
    • Have a clear mission statement
    • Learn the hard way to use tools for marketing plan creation and design
    • Competitive analysis
    • Cognitive basis inclusive of fundamental techniques
    • Finalizing the layout for having effective results
    • To initialize a good marketing strategy for your product or business, you need to have a clear marketing plan and for this you must have in-depth knowledge of how to set a plan step by step and how to find your potential target audience. Techstack Academy’s mission is to make every student market ready by giving them hands-on knowledge on every module by which they can deliver good quality work to the industry and touch the heights of success. With the help of learning from the best digital marketing course in Noida, you can be able to have a competitive analysis of every model and use different tools for designing different marketing plans.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Creation of an effective strategy
    • Know-how in-depth about the marketing analysis
    • Keep a check on the competitor’s strategy
    • Developing marketing mix with the 4Ps strategies
    • Having the SWOT Analysis
    • Defining the goals and KPIs
    • How to keep a check on your pricing strategy?
    • Proper definition of marketing channels
    • How to create an actionable marketing strategy
    • Execution of the marketing strategy
    • When you are working on the marketing formulas and designing a marketing plan for your product or company, you should create everything with effective strategy. Good strategy is the base of every campaign and plan. You must check every metric related to the plan and then make an effective strategy to design everything. Techstack Academy’s experienced trainers will help you to understand your competitors strategy plan and how to use tactics for your planning strategy to compete. With our internet marketing course in Noida, you will know about the best marketing tools, facts, and many things by which you can become a professional marketer.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What are the different types of platforms for marketing?
    • Why is marketing important?
    • How to promote on media platforms?
    • Optimizing Social Media Marketing
    • Learning SMM in-depth
    • Varied types of platforms and their prerequisites
    • Platforms available for lead generation
    • Using different strategies for marketing
    • Tracking and Allocating on platforms
    • How to select an ideal platform with an ideal audience?
    • In this module, you will learn about the different types of platforms and marketing available in the market. There are many marketing platforms available be it traditional or digital. With the help of our digital marketing courses you will learn about working of all the tools and you know about the different strategies to work on. Our trainers will teach you how to use different marketing strategies to have lead generation for your product and learn social media marketing methods to promote. You can promote your product on different platforms at the same time.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Marketing expense?
    • Introduction to the basics of expense
    • Understanding the 4P’s- Product, Price, Place, and Promotion
    • Know-how about the personal selling costs
    • Advertising agency commissions
    • Marketing expense for salaries and fees
    • Customer research and surveys
    • Know-how to expand your expenditure
    • Maintaining a check-list for all the expenses
    • Social media monitoring and participation
    • Before taking a step further in marketing plans for your business or product, whether it is online or offline, you need to review marketing expenses and get a clear figure about it. To do that, you need to learn a digital marketing course from the best institute by which you can groom yourself with all the related services. With the help of this module of digital marketing training program, you will know about how to manage your expenses and how to make marketing strategies accordingly. You should always keep in mind about every aspect of expense like salaries, fees, commissions, and other things to do effective marketing.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Forecasting?
    • Basics of Forecasting
    • Purpose and the use of Forecasting
    • Qualitative techniques for the upcoming period
    • Analyzation of earlier techniques used
    • Knowing the market
    • Prediction of rapid growth
    • Learning to forecast the growth rate
    • Adequate tools to be used
    • Step-by-step instructions on implement forecasting models
    • There are unlimited opportunities in Digital Marketing after completing your course of digital marketing. There is a huge scope for digital marketing professionals in India at present time. You can earn a good amount of salaries by becoming an expert in the field. It is the most desired profession of present time. With the help of our training program in the digital marketing field, you can learn under the guidance of experienced trainers who will teach you according to latest industry standards. By learning with our institute you will get 100% job assurance.

    Business Statistics

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to business statistics
    • Know about consumer behavior
    • Difference between consumer and buyer behavior
    • Core assessments
    • Learning in-depth about financial statement analysis
    • Importance of the Statistics of Consumer
    • Research and statistical analysis in business.
    • Tools and techniques required for statistical analysis
    • The business application of hypothesis and testing
    • Tips and tricks to gain better business insights
    • At Techstack Academy, we offer complete knowledge related to business statistics and analytics which are used in knowing consumer and buyer behavior and journey. In our digital marketing course in Noida, you will learn about the methods by which you can make your statistics strong with the help of statistical analysis and business insights. Here at the institute, our trainers will give you different assessments, quizzes, and assignments to complete by which you can have through knowledge of the module and become an expert in that. We will give you required tips and tricks to get better business insights.

    Consumer Behaviour

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Consumer Behaviour?
    • Why is it important?
    • Different types of consumer behavior and its segmentation
    • How to analyze consumer behavior?
    • Consumer differentiation
    • Design Relevant Marketing Program
    • Environmental conditions affecting consumer behavior
    • Solving certain customer experience problems
    • Predicting the market trend
    • Innovating/launching new products
    • In digital marketing, one of the most important aspects to know is to study consumer behavior to get some answers related to marketing ideas. With the help of consumer behavior you will know about the feelings of your consumers about your product. With the help of these techniques you will know about the latest market trends and can launch your new products or services. Techstack Academy always works to give quality education to its students by giving in-depth knowledge related to the latest trends in the market. Our trainers of digital marketing course will teach you how you can analyse consumer behaviour, what are the techniques and why it is important.

    Financial Statement Analysis

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is financial statement analysis?
    • Learn how to analyze an income statement
    • Basics of vertical and horizontal analysis
    • Keeping a check on the balance sheet
    • Cash flow statement overview
    • Checking up on ROI
    • Profitable analysis
    • Gaining an understanding of an organization's financial situation
    • Different Methods used
    • Tools and techniques required
    • In this module of PGDM course in Noida you will be taught about how to do financial analysis and why it is necessary? With the help of this module, you can know about how to analyse the balance sheets and income statements by which you can have the control of cash flow management. Our trainers at Techstack Academy will teach you how you can get a clear understanding about the financial situation of an organization and how you can manage it effectively. In our digital marketing training in Noida, we provide you with different methods and tools to analyze the financial situation of the company.

    Organizational Behaviour

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is organizational behavior?
    • Basics to understand how organizational behavior works
    • What are the elements of organizational behavior?
    • What are its major principles?
    • Analysing organizational behavior in-depth
    • Humanistic approach
    • How to create, shape, and control behaviors?
    • Managing Demographic and Cultural Diversity
    • Defining the levels of organizational behavior
    • Tips and tricks to level up the organizational behavior
    • In this module of post graduation program in digital marketing, you will learn about organisational behaviour and what are the elements related to it. Techstack Academy will provide you with the latest aspects related to organisational behaviour and to create modals to shape and control behaviours. Our experienced digital marketing trainers will teach you a realistic approach related to human behaviour and what are the main tips and tricks by which you can level up organisational behaviour. It is an important approach to find out different consumer behaviours in an organisation. You will get an in-depth understanding of every consumer's behaviour in the organisation and can apply tactics accordingly.

    Buyer Behaviour

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to buyer behavior
    • Types of buyer behavior
    • Buyer behavior patterns
    • Time and frequency of purchase
    • Evaluation of Customer’s lifestyle and necessity
    • Method of purchase during the buyer's behavior
    • Knowing about the factors affecting buyer behavior
    • Having knowledge about Post-purchase evaluation
    • Decision-making process
    • Characteristics of buyer’s behavior
    • In this module of digital marketing course in Noida, you will learn about buyer behaviour and what are the main patterns of good buyers. With the help of this module, you will know about the nature of buyers and why they are completely loyal towards some companies, what are the main necessities of these buyers and main reasons which are affecting buyers journey. These are the most important factors for the popularity of a product. If you know about the buyer's behaviour and necessities, you can provide good services to them according to the pattern.

    App Development

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is App development?
    • Introduction to swift 5.1
    • iOS framework & GCM introduction
    • UI Creation
    • IPA Creation
    • WKWeb—view integration
    • Control statements, structure, and enum
    • Payment gateway integration
    • App store submission
    • Testflight introduction
    • Developer account information
    • Map-view integrate
    • In this module you are going to learn about how to make an app from scratch with the help of Android technology. Techstack Academy will help you to understand how to make an app with the help of Android technology and Swift and how to create complex UI like a pro. In this module of the course of digital marketing, from the making of an app to uploading it on the app store complete journey is covered. After completion of this module, you can make an app easily and update it on the play store for other audiences. App marketing is also covered in this training program of digital marketing by which you can promote your app to get potential audience.

    BCER Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to BCER Marketing
    • B2B Marketing
    • E-Business
    • B2C Marketing
    • Luxury retailing
    • Brand awareness
    • Social Media Marketing
    • Growth Hacking
    • Affiliate Marketing
    • Tips to get ahead with better conversions
    • BCER Marketing is an important module of post graduation program in digital marketing course, in which you learn about B2B marketing and B2C marketing. These marketing techniques are really important in digital business too like traditional business. With the help of these marketing tactics, you can make other audiences about your product. In this digital marketing training institute, our trainers will provide you the tips related to marketing techniques to get ahead with good conversions. These are the best techniques to market your product and get the higher conversions. B2C and B2B marketing techniques used also in social media marketing to get better results.

    Marketing 3.0

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Marketing?
    • Introduction to marketing 3.0
    • Understanding your customer/consumer
    • Marketing 360 degrees
    • Using various Social Media platforms
    • Targeting and Retargeting the right audience
    • Discovering various process and techniques
    • Case studies
    • Growth hacks to give a boost
    • Exterior engagement options
    • In this segment of digital marketing course in Noida, you are going to learn about marketing 3.0 means you will know about all the latest methods of marketing. Many companies and brands used typical methods and traditional marketing methods to promote business and products in the present time where unlimited digital methods are available because they don't know how to use digital marketing. But here at Techstack Academy, we will teach you all the latest methods of digital marketing and give you many growth hacks to increase your sales and business. In this module you will learn about 360 degree aspects of marketing and learn new methods to promote your business digitally and on social media to gain good business.

    MProgrammatic Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Programmatic Marketing?
    • How Does Programmatic Marketing works?
    • What is Display Advertising?
    • What is Real-time bidding?
    • Advantages of using Programmatic Marketing
    • How to use advanced targeting
    • Usage of different mediums for marketing
    • Strategies to foster Programmatic Marketing
    • How to create effective and meaningful Ads?
    • Tips & Tricks to be followed for better marketing
    • Programmatic marketing is a new technique in which you will learn about the new tactics to promote your business or product digitally with new methods. In this method, you will learn the concept of real time bidding by which you can do advanced targeting and with these foster programmatic marketing methods you will create very effective and meaningful ads for your business. There is a big misconception that these methods are tough and can't be used easily but it is not true that with the help of the right approach you can do it right. Techstack Academy training program of digital marketing will help you to understand the rightful approach of programmatic marketing.

    Sports Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Sports Marketing?
    • History of Sports Marketing
    • Differences between sports marketing and traditional marketing
    • New technologies to help spread it to a global audience
    • Case studies of the sports marketing world
    • How to set the right target audience
    • How can social media help in marketing
    • Proper evaluation
    • Focusing on building solid connections
    • Sports-specific marketing trends and techniques
    • In this module, you are going to learn about sports marketing which is completely focused on ways to capture a global audience with the help of the sports marketing world. Techstack Academy will teach you how you can use big sports events, university sports events, and others to market your products online. Sports marketing is different from traditional marketing and can be used to focus on multiple target audiences. Techstack Academy will teach you in course of digital marketing by which you can learn to connect with solid connections for sponsorship and sports specific marketing trends and techniques. You can do proper evaluation of events and use social media for marketing events.

    New Media in Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is new media marketing?
    • Difference between old and new media marketing
    • How to gather data for new media marketing?
    • The types of new media marketing
    • How to build relationships in the field of marketing?
    • The use of dynamic website and SEO
    • Tools used for better marketing
    • Exclusive strategies
    • Faster usability of different aspects present
    • Guide to make a better way in the field of new media marketing
    • Techstack Academy will teach you the ways of new marketing on our best digital marketing course in Noida. In this module, you are going to learn about faster ways to connect with the target audience with exclusive strategies. Our trainers will help you to use different tools for better marketing and what is the use of dynamic websites and SEO. You will know how to build relationships in the field of global marketing and what are the uses of faster usability of different new aspects of marketing. In this course, we will teach you most exclusive techniques to gather target audiences for better product marketing and how many types of new marketing are there.

    Interactive Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is interactive marketing?
    • Check-list of the things include d in interactive marketing
    • How beneficial is an interactive marketing
    • Types of interactive marketing campaigns
    • Learn about E-mail marketing and quizzes
    • How to segment your market
    • Best practices to adapt for interactive marketing
    • Ways to incentivize your content
    • Leverage use of technology
    • Measuring results
    • With the help of interactive marketing, you can know about your target audience with the help of different types of quizzes, forums, email campaigns and other interactive ways. Techstack Academy will teach you Different ways by can directly interact with your target audience and know about the requirement by which you can do focused marketing and can measure your results. Interactive marketing is the new way to capture potential audiences for your product or business marketing. We provide you the best digital marketing course in Noida as we teach you the different tools and techniques related to interactive marketing.

    Artificial Intelligence

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to AI
    • Knowing the basics of learning AI
    • Different types of AI
    • Natural language processing
    • Artificial neural networks
    • Unsupervised learning
    • Face detection
    • Motion analysis and object tracking
    • Processing memory tools
    • Techniques used to understand how AI is applied to different scenarios
    • Techstack Academy is one of the top institutes for digital marketing courses in Noida. We have a group of talented experts who are always dedicated to giving professional learning to students. We are here to give you knowledge related to current industry standards by which you can get a job in your dream organizations. We will give you complete learning of artificial intelligence which is used in digital marketing for some extraordinary reasons. There are many scenarios in digital marketing which are governed by artificial intelligence techniques you don't know about. We will teach you from basic learning to complete advanced level of techniques.

    Data Science

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to Data Science
    • Data & Analytics
    • Basics of statistics
    • Unsupervised learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Dashboard designing
    • Business statistics
    • Evaluation
    • Fundamentals of python
    • Case studies and component analysis
    • Techstack Academy is here to provide you the best digital marketing training in Noida with the help of complete updated modules and techniques related to the subject. We have trainers who are fully experienced and have work experiences of around 8 to 10 years in their respective fields. You can grow your skills with the help of our training programs with the data science module of digital marketing course. In this module, we give you complete learning related to data and analytics, unsupervised learning, dashboard designing, evaluation and more. You will learn about the basic fundamentals of python language which makes you an data science expert.

    Machine Learning

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to Machine Learning
    • Python Basics: Basic Syntax, Data Structures
    • Python Concepts (Core)
    • Latent sentimental analytics
    • Text Mining
    • Machine Learning Concepts
    • Introduction to R Programming
    • Regression in R
    • MY SQL
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Article spinning
    • Natural language
    • You can learn to upgrade your skills of digital marketing at Techstack Academy, as we are the best institute for digital marketing course in Noida. This module is about machine learning and you will learn all the basics of python, R, and sql languages. With the help of these languages you can write the code of real time projects which are used in digital marketing somehow. You can write the codes of different tools related to the digital marketing field. We will give you regular assignments, case studies, projects to improve your skills to a level. Get your certification done with our academy.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Python?
    • Introduction to Python
    • Different variable and data types used in Python
    • File handling
    • Database handling in Python
    • Know about the object-oriented programming skills
    • Basic knowledge about machine learning and data science
    • Understanding of python 2 & 3
    • Using fundamental tools
    • In-depth Python programming
    • In this module of post graduation program in digital marketing, you are going to learn about advanced level python programming. Our experienced teachers will give you complete training from data types and variables used in python coding. You will know advanced topics also like file handling, database handling, complete object oriented programming and more. In our digital marketing course, you will learn every module which is related to digital marketing in any way. This is an advanced course which covers all the aspects related to internet marketing. You will complete in-depth knowledge related to python programming, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

    Use of AI & ML in Digital Marketing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What importance does AI & ML hold in Digital Marketing?
    • What are the different tools used in AI?
    • How Chatbot works?
    • Know-how the ways of face detection
    • Automated Email Marketing Campaigns
    • Dive deeper to know about faster customer service
    • Curating precise content to be optimized
    • Processing and natural languages
    • Tensorflow and neural network
    • Latent sentiment analysis
    • Google Cloud AI
    • Engaging and compelling storytelling
    • In this module of digital marketing training institute in Noida, you will learn about artificial intelligence and machine learning in the field of digital marketing. There is a lot of importance in both fields in digital marketing because many services run on these technologies. You can get exclusive knowledge with the help of experienced teachers at Techstack Academy. You will learn about how chat boxes work, how customer services work, what is the working of cloud AI, and other services. You will know advanced optimization techniques and the world of digital AI and ML. we will provide you all the advanced knowledge of all modules to give you quality training.

    Email using AI

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • The importance of AI
    • How does AI impact email marketing?
    • How can AI tools help improve your email marketing?
    • Restructuring your email campaigns
    • Learn to optimize subject lines
    • Learn the convenience of automation
    • Know-how to customize Email promotions
    • Insights about the role of Machine Learning
    • Cleaning up Email lists
    • How to create smarter newsletters?
    • You can become an AI expert with the help of our course of digital marketing training in Noida. This course is designed to give you complete knowledge related to digital marketing and its techniques with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning. You can use artificial intelligence in the field of digital marketing to cover the target audience in a limited time period. You can use AI techniques in email campaigning to send it to a larger network in a time period. It is very convenient to use email campaigning tools to automate emails, it is the way of smart digital marketing. There are a lot of things you can do with the help of email campaigning tools.

    Programmatic Advertising

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Programmatic Advertising?
    • Methods to buy media online
    • Discovering various formats
    • Intro to Demand-Side & Supply-Side Platform
    • Ad fraud protection
    • Know-how the ways of real-time bidding
    • Programmatic display, native, video & audio Ads
    • Blockchain technology
    • Tools and different strategies used
    • Gain 360-Degree Knowledge of Programmatic Advertising
    • This is the last module of an internet marketing course in Noida. In this module you will learn about how you can do programmatic advertising with the help of different tools and formulas. Techstack Academy covers a 360 degree approach to cover all the important topics related to digital marketing. In recent years, digital marketing covers all the marketing areas over traditional marketing. Digital marketing became more popular because it used different technologies and widened a lot of area within a short period of time and audience wise. In this course, you will learn about all the programmatic techniques related and you can know how to use it in today’s marketing approach.

    17 Certifications

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Google Adword Fundamentals
    • Google Adword Search
    • Google Adword Display
    • Google Adword Video
    • Google Adword Shopping
    • Google Adword Mobile
    • Google Adword Sites
    • Google Analytics
    • Bing Certifications
    • Hubspot Certifications
    • Facebook Blueprints
    • Affiliate Marketing Certifications
    • 110 Assessments Certifications
    • 8 Projects Certifications
    • 6 Months Internship
    • Techstack Certifications
    • Orangus Certifications
    • Techstack Academy provides different certifications after successfully completing a post graduation program in digital marketing course. Our institute ranked high in the top 10 best digital marketing institutes in Noida. You will get 17 certifications which are really helpful in your near future as they show your qualification and talent. All the certifications are ISO certified and can be verified across the globe. You will offer 6 months of paid internship and you will get certification of internship as well from Orangus india.
  • Capstone Project
  • Career Assistance: Resume building, Mock interviews, 1:1 mentorship and Career fair
  • Program Certificate from Orangus India and Techstack Academy

Languages and Tools Covered

MBA in Digital Marketing Course Tools
MBA in Digital Marketing Institute Tools
MBA in Digital Marketing Training Tools
MBA in Digital Marketing Course in Noida Tools
MBA in Digital Marketing Institute in Noida Tools

Certificate from The Orangus India and TechStack Academy

Capstone Projects

Live Projects from the Partner Agency ( Orangus & Team Variance ).

Projects Completed




Google Ads & HTML

Targeted Landing Pages for Industrial Metal Business.


Multiple PPC Ads

PPC Lead Gen Expert with Google, Microsoft, Facebook, & LinkedIn Experience


Social Media

Digital Marketers in the Art Niche



complete audit of law firm's digital presence.


Google Ads & HTML

Targeted Landing Pages for Industrial Metal Business.


Multiple PPC Ads

PPC Lead Gen Expert with Google, Microsoft, Facebook, & LinkedIn Experience


Social Media

Digital Marketers in the Art Niche



complete audit of law firm's digital presence.

Join India's #1 MBA in Digital Marketing Program

Faculty and Mentors

With years of experience, our faculty members are here to deliver you a high-quality learning experience both online and offline, whilst providing wings to your tech skills!


Industry Mentors

Award winning faculties

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Reviews by Students

Know what our students have to say about us.

MBA in Digital Marketing Course reviews

Ravi TanejaPGDM

Techstack Academy is one of the best institutes I have come in contact with. My experience here with my teacher was so good, he is very talented and superb. Extremely happy with the services given and I want to do more IT courses from the institute. Recommended to all my family members and friends. Best Institute.

MBA in Digital Marketing institute reviews

Nandika Rahane PGDM

I had completed my PGDM course from Techstack Academy and I am very thankful to all the faculties here for giving me such a great experience of learning. I learned a lot here because of my teacher and became an expert in one year of the course. The way they are teaching is beyond perfection. Great Experience.

MBA in Digital Marketing Training reviews

Divya Sharma PGDM

At Techstack, you are going to have complete practical knowledge of course curriculum with the help of theoretical sessions. The trainers here are so perfect and give in-depth knowledge of every module and this training program helped me a lot to get my first job. Thank you so much Techstack.

MBA in Digital Marketing Course in Noida reviews

Priyansh Chowdhary PGDM

I got my training from one of the best teachers of Noida in Digital Marketing at Techstack Academy. They give hands full knowledge in internet marketing and the training provided here is so good. Our trainers are always there to help us in every module and give extra time when we get stuck in something. Best institute, best trainer, best curriculum.

MBA in Digital Marketing institute in Noida reviews

Sajal Mittal PGDM

I have done my post graduation program in DIgital Marketing and it is one of the best training I ever had. Best way of teaching by combining theoretical and practical sessions. You can work on your personal project with your training and trainers will help you to complete your project in every possible way.

Digital Marketing training in Noida reviews

Rinku Goyal PGDM

Techstack Academy is one of the top institutes in Noida in Digital Marketing just because of experienced and well behaved trainers. They have a group of expert trainers who are completely dedicated towards students and will help to make your career in your dream field. With the help of exclusive training in digital marketing, you can make your career ahead.

Program Fee

Starting at Rs. 11,000/month

Batch Starting: 17 Feb 2025

PG Diploma in Digital Marketing Program

Program Duration: 18 Months

Post Graduate Certification from

100% Classroom Training

Upskill with Techstack Academy

25+ Case Studies

Become Digital Marketing Manager, SEO Specialist, PPC Manager, Digital Marketing Manager, Influencing Marketer, Social Media Manager.

Get 1200+ hours of intensive learning in PGDM over 18 months.

Create portfolio-worthy projects

Start Your Own Startup

6 Months Internship Included

Payment Method

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MBA in Digital Marketing Training Payment method

Application Process


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Counselling Process

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Upcoming Application Deadline

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Deadline: 17 Feb 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the complete duration of PGPDM course and modules count?

Our Post Graduation Program in Digital Marketing Course is having the duration of 1 year and it covers all the latest technologies, modules, techniques regarding digital marketing. This program will give you in-depth knowledge of internet marketing and make you a complete expert and market ready. The course of digital marketing has 88 modules in total. In this course, there is an internship included in the program.

For PGPDM, what qualifications are required to join Techstack Academy?

To join PGPDM, you don’t need any special qualification to join but if you have a basic knowledge of computers and the internet it will be beneficial for the course. We cover all the topics from very basic level to complete advanced level, you don't need to worry about anything, we teach you everything and make you an expert. Digital Marketing is the field where you market your business or website online with the help of digital methods and it is different from traditional marketing.

Is there any internship included in this course? Is the internship paid?

In our Post Graduation Program in Digital Marketing in Noida, you are eligible for an internship program under our company. Techstack Academy will provide you an internship program under Orangus India, after completion of your training program. You will do 6 months of paid internship and will receive certification of internship as well which is ISO-certified and can be used in future at the time of interviews. Our certifications can be used across the globe.

If we have done the CTDM course already, can we upgrade our course to PGPDM?

Yes of course, you can upgrade your course anytime. If you have done ADM or CTDM courses from Techstack Academy and want to upgrade your course to our post graduation program, you can do this just by reporting to our management and they will describe to you the complete following procedure for upgrading. Our Post graduation program of digital marketing has 88 modules and a course duration of 1 year and covers all the latest trends and maximum knowledge about the digital marketing field.

I don’t have any website or blog. Can I join the course?

Techstack Academy’s Post Graduation Program In Digital Marketing Course in Noida will provide you training from scratch and help you to create your own blog or website for the program. This is the most essential module of the course and executes all the techniques related to digital marketing. Our trainers will guide us to build a fully functional blog or website and how to work on it with routine and expertise. In this internet marketing course, we will cover all the latest trends and current industry standards and provide you quality training.

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MBA in Digital Marketing Institute in Noida Placements
MBA in Digital Marketing Training in Noida Placements

Know More About Techstack

What is Digital Marketing?

On the Internet, you can sell and purchase any product and use online services for easy shopping and selling. All these online services use digital marketing to promote their product and services digitally. There are various methods involved in digital marketing like seo, sem, ppc, and more and if you want to learn each and every technique practically, learn from the best institute in digital marketing in Noida. DIgital marketing is very important in today’s scenario. If you have any product and want to sell online or you want to promote your blog or website, all need digital marketing techniques. Techstack Academy helps our students to make their dream career in this field

How is digital marketing different from traditional marketing?

With the help of digital marketing techniques, you can promote your ecommerce platforms in a most feasible way as in today’s time ecommerce platforms are very popular. With the help of ecommerce websites and other apps you can order anything from the comfort of your home and you don’t need to go out for anything. Digital marketing is completely winning over traditional marketing in this pandemic times and it is the future of the market. The role of digital marketing is widened as you can use many services like food, clothes, medicines, electronic devices, and more with the help of online shopping. To win in future, everyone should know digital marketing techniques. To learn from the best internet marketing institute in Noida, join Techstack Academy.

What kinds of tools are used in digital marketing?

There are many tools used in digital marketing techniques to ensure the quality of your product and promote it in a good way. You can use grammarly for grammatical errors in your articles, or Ahrefs to check the quality of your website, SEMrush to keyword research, Plagiarism checker to find the duplicates in your content, and more. With the help of these tools, you can find your mistakes and make them right to gain more popularity and ranking. These tools are necessary for your website or blog and there are hundreds of tools in the market. Techstack Academy will tell you step by step the process to use these tools as we are the best online digital marketing course in Noida.

How can you increase traffic to your website?·

There are many platforms out there to derive a lot of traffic to your website which you can use and available freely. There are simply two types of traffic which occur by simple users and potential users. Everybody wants potential users to their website because they can be productive for your website. They can increase your business and purchase your products. There are many sites like stumbleupon, pinterest, facebook, google plus, and other which can be used to derive traffic to your website. With the help of digital marketing methods, you can derive traffic which is completely potential to your services and increase your sales. You can take a digital marketing course in Noida at Techstack Academy.

Is Digital Marketing a good career choice?

Digital Marketing is a rapidly growing field in this present time and an evolving career path. As the more companies use many channels for communication and sales, the need for people qualified in digital marketing to keep pace with the demands grows as well. To make a career in the digital marketing field, you should know all the techniques related to it like SEO, SMM, SEM, PPC, Affiliate Marketing, and more. It is the need of the present time, and it is a great career option for many students out there. To do digital marketing, you don’t need any technical knowledge related to any language or anything. You just need a computer and working internet connection. Our teachers at Techstack Academy will teach you everything related to this course as we are the best Digital Marketing Institute in Noida.

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As we know, your future and careers depends on us, we make sure to deliver a holistic view of the entire syllabus that we provide, helping you attain in-depth knowledge.

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At Techstack, we deliver an amalgamation of courses beyond your field of expertise to help your career reach greater heights.

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We create a roadmap for your journey, starting from novice to becoming an expert.

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Your journey at Techstack doesn’t end with the completion of the course, you will gain the status of Techstack Alumni for a lifetime.

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June 2019 Batch

Preetika Koul :I have done MBA in Digital Marketing in Noida from Techstack Academy and I must say, this is the best institute to learn internet marketing courses in Noida and they have the best trainers. I enrolled here for online classes and I am amazed with the quality given by my trainer, he solved my every doubt and was always there to help me whenever I got stuck in something. All the staff of Techstack is well behaved and very co-operated. The training method is very good and gives extra classes if you are not able to attend any module. They give recorded sessions, and notes in the form of pdfs, ebooks for future purposes.

Siddharth Sharma :I am a homemaker and want to do something to earn money from home with the regular household work. I always wanted to learn new things, so I enrolled in Techstack for Post graduation program in digital marketing after reading reviews online. I was stunned with the quality given by my trainer in online training in digital marketing. They have the best teachers with a lot of experience and are dedicated towards every student to give quality. I am not a fluent computer expert but with the help of Techstack I get to learn very easily. Thank you Techstack for the quality learning.

Radhika Mishra :Techstack Academy is providing the best IT training in Noida and I have done MBA in Digital Marketing and it was such a great experience of learning. Instructors here are so knowledgeable, accurate and provide the classes with extreme enlightenment and make you ready for industry. Techstack provides the classes which make your dream career easy and you will love the way of teaching here. The infrastructure and environment of Techstack is so good and provides you with the best facilities in the form of wifi, practical sessions, and projectors. If you are serious about making a career, join Techstack for best digital marketing training.

Tochi Raina :I read an article of Techstack Academy on digital marketing somewhere, and I got so related to it. After researching on the internet I got to know about Manoj sir and other faculties who are so experienced in the field. I also want to learn digital marketing, that's why I took the demo class here and I learned what I expected, very great training with lots of information. Without a second though I took admission here and this is the best internet marketing institute in NOida, I must say. Great training sessions with trainers and learn a lot with complete practical knowledge on the latest trends of industries. Recommended to every student out there.

Ruchika Goyal :After researching on the internet for the best institute for digital marketing and after reading all the reviews from big sites, I concluded that Techstack Academy is giving training in the best ways. So I took an online demo session with their best faculty and I am amazed with the quality they are provided. So, all the reviews online are true about the quality. I took admission here for an online course in digital marketing. Entire training program is on complete practical knowledge with some theoretical sessions and they provided recorded sessions for every class as well for future use and doubt clearing. Best Institute in my point of view.

Priyanshu Tyagi :If you are searching for the best institute for digital marketing online, you all should give one chance to Techstack Academy's demo session. You will be amazed with the quality and will surely take admission here. They provided a complete training session on the basis of latest trends and current industry standards. If you want to make your career in the digital marketing field, this is the best institute, you will become professional in your field. You will be taught by industry experts and work on real time projects, by which you will know the scenario of working in industries. These projects will help you in your career too.
