#1 Advance Machine Learning ( ML Certification ) Course in Noida, India

Trained 18000+ professionals in India

9.8/10 ( Rating based on 8439 reviews )
Classroom & Online Mentorship
Batch Starting: 20 Jan 2025
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Advance Machine Learning Course in Noida Banner

Dual Credentials

Techstack Academy & Orangus


Orangus India

2 Months

Recommended 10-12 hrs/week

20 Jan 2025

Program Start Date

EMI options

Starting at Rs. 11,000

India’s #1 Advance Machine Learning Program in Associated Partner with:

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At Techstack, we believe in providing a full-fledged course of your desire where our industry experts have designed a top-notch curriculum just for you.

  • Advance ML Course Structure ( 15 Modules )

    Introduction to Python

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • The introductory remark about Python
    • A brief history of Python
    • Differentiating Python from other languages
    • Different versions of Python
    • Files to Python
    • Installing Python
    • IDLE
    • How to execute Python program
    • Writing your first program
    • Analyzing the programs and report creation
    • This is our first module for the machine learning course in Noida where you will be guided for the fundamentals of python programming. In this you will learn about the brief history of python, why this language is so popular, what are the advantages over other programming languages, how to install python, how to use python IDLE, how to execute the first program, and many more. You will learn about the basic tools used in python programming. With the help of this knowledge you will know about how to write your first program in python and run it in the environment of python. Python is an easy language if you learn it properly, you can make programs related to any output.

    Python Basics

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to complete Python
    • Python keywords and identifiers
    • Different statements of Python
    • Comments in Python
    • Multi-line statements
    • Command-line arguments
    • Getting used to inputs
    • Exercising Python
    • Functioning of Python
    • Interpretation
    • In present time, python is one of the most popular and powerful programming languages which is widely used in many development fields like artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, and also for creating softwares. In this module, you will learn about the overview of python basics from keywords to interpretation, keywords and identifiers, comments, functions, and more. Our course for machine learning in Noida will cover all the updated modules in python programming and machine learning. You will learn all the concepts related to python and machine learning under the guidance of experienced trainers. With the help of good knowledge, you can become an expert in python.

    Variables and Data Types

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to variables and data types
    • Different numbers
    • Different strings
    • List, tuple, and dictionary
    • Difference between data and variables
    • Interpreting objects in Python programming
    • Program execution
    • Fundamental data types
    • Case study
    • Exercise
    • This is our third module, in which you are going to learn about variables and data types related concepts. In this you will learn about different numbers and strings, what are lists and tuples, how to differentiate between data and variables, how to execute the program, and various case studies. Techstack Academy will provide you in-depth knowledge related to the course by which you can grab every opportunity that comes in your way. Our curriculum is designed under the supervision of industry experts and gives you exclusive knowledge related to each programming module that is used in the market. We provide you with different case studies to help you understand better.

    Decision Making and Loops

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to decision-making in machine learning
    • Control flow and syntax
    • Python operators
    • The while loop
    • Execution of statement
    • Source code of decision making
    • C control flow and programming
    • Break and continue
    • Pass statement
    • Exercise
    • You can upgrade your skills and widen your area of learning with the help of our machine learning course in Noida. We will help you to enhance your skills and prepare yourself to work in the industries. We will teach you about the latest trends and aware you with the latest industry standards. In this module, you will learn about the overview of decision making and control flow, how to use operators, how to make a loop, what is break and continue commands and many more. Decision making and loops are very important to solve complex situations and give you a way to write a short code instead of hundreds of lines of code.

    Files and Directories

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to files and directories
    • Writing data to file
    • Reading data from file
    • Additional file methods
    • Working with files
    • Managing information on the desk
    • Storage media
    • Creation of temporary files
    • Creation of reports
    • Implementing directories in a feasible manner
    • Techstack Academy is one of the best institutes for machine learning in Noida in which you can learn the latest IT technologies to groom yourself and to meet with the requirements of industries. We provide you with a skilled training program by which you can upgrade your skills with the most demanded technologies of present time. In this module, you are going to learn about files and directories, how to write data to file, how to read data from file, how to manage information on the desk, how to create reports and more in the most feasible manner. Learn these modules from best industry experts and become an expert of the respective field.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is NumPy?
    • Importing NumPy
    • NumPy array creation and basic operations
    • NumPy universal functions
    • Selecting and retrieving data
    • Data slicing
    • Iterating NumPy data
    • Shape manipulation
    • Stacking and splitting arrays
    • Copies and views copy/shallow copy/deep copy
    • In this course of advanced machine learning, you will learn from the experienced professionals who have industry experience of around 8 to 10 years and by their knowledge of industry, you can get the idea how to work at the industry level. In this module, you will learn about the Numpy packages and how to import them in the python environment. Numpy packages are known as the library for the python programming which supports different types of arrays and matrices. You can do data slicing and iterating numpy data with the help of manipulating and shaping data with the provided tools from our trainers.

    Pandas Package

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to Pandas
    • Importing Pandas
    • Object creation
    • Viewing data
    • Selection of data by label and position
    • Data slicing
    • Boolean indexing
    • Selling data
    • Format of Panda
    • Analyzing the package
    • Pandas are fast, powerful, easy and flexible open source and easy to use python package which is used for data analysis and manipulation. It can easily do various tasks related to data science, data analysis, and machine learning. If you want to learn how to use pandas in a practical way, join our institute for machine learning course in Noida and get knowledge about panda packages, data slicing, boolean indexing, format of panda, and how to use them to analyse the data. We have a group of experienced teachers to provide you quality learning and give you practical exposure of every single module to understand better.

    Introduction to Pandas

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to Pandas and techniques
    • Selecting data from Pandas dataframe
    • Slicing and dicing
    • Groupby
    • Aggregate
    • String with Pandas
    • Cleaning up messy data
    • Dropping entries
    • Selecting entries
    • Strategies for Pandas
    • In this module of machine learning course in Noida. You are going to learn about the overview of pandas. These strategies related to pandas like slicing and dicing, string, dropping entries, selecting entries are used to help in data management. We will teach you about how to select data from panda’s data frame and clean the messy data lagging behind. With the help of this updated knowledge related to Pandas, you can do data entries easily which is used in data analytics and machine learning. We will provide you important industry standards related topics to give you the best exposure of machine learning programs and make you industry ready.

    Data Manipulation using Pandas

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to data manipulation
    • Data alignment
    • Summary statistics
    • Missing values
    • Merging data
    • Concatenation
    • Combining data frames
    • Pivot
    • Duplicates
    • Binning
    • This is the ninth module of machine learning course in Noida and in this module we will provide you training related to data manipulation techniques using the pandas method. Machine learning is a wide field to learn and you need to learn all the modules related to it before making your career out of it. You can get advanced knowledge in data manipulation, data alignment and other ways to merge quality data with or without using pandas. We will provide you complete learning related to machine learning by importing the panda module and loading the data set into the python environment as pandas dataframe. Techstack Academy help you to learn all these techniques like combining data frames, concatenation, statistics and more deeply.

    Python Advance: Data Mugging with Pandas

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to advance Python
    • Applying function to data
    • Histogramming
    • String methods
    • Merge Data: Concat, join, and append
    • Grouping and aggregation
    • Reshaping
    • Filling missing values
    • Removing duplicates
    • Analyzing & transforming data
    • Machine learning course is a wide course and includes various tools and techniques in it to understand and to become expert in the field you should learn all these tools and techniques correctly. Techstack Academy provides complete solutions related to machine learning programs with the help of teaching all string methods, functional data, reshaping, histogramming, and analyzing the transformed data. When it comes to machine learning, python programming is a major part of the field and to become an expert you should know all the methods used in python programming. Our experienced trainers give you teaching related to all modules in best ways to provide you advanced topics as well like data munging using pandas.

    Introduction to Machine Learning

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is machine learning?
    • History of machine learning
    • How artificial intelligence relates to machine learning?
    • Data science vs Machine learning
    • Fundamentals of machine learning
    • Machine learning algorithms
    • Theory and its application
    • Insider guides and tutorials
    • Core ideas of machine learning
    • Analysis and reports
    • This is the 11th module of the machine learning course in Noida, in which you are going to learn about introduction to machine learning where you will be trained in everything from scratch to complete advanced topics. You will learn the history of machine learning, its fundamentals, algorithms related to machine learning, its related application, tutorials, and more in this module. Techstack Academy provides you full exposure of advanced learning in all the modules related to machine learning courses and you can learn how to use these techniques to make advanced and most bizarre applications related to machine learning. You will get a related tutorial of all the modules in the course.

    Machine Learning Concepts

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Components of machine learning
    • Branches of machine learning
    • Different phases of machine learning
    • Modeling
    • Data preparation for modeling
    • Train test split
    • Evaluation of the model
    • Running machine learning in regard to algorithms
    • Model deployment
    • Different kinds of learning
    • To learn advanced levels of machine learning concepts, join Techstack Academy. In our course of machine learning you will learn about branches of machine learning, different phases, data preparation, modelling, running, evaluating the model and more to have the deep learning about the course. Our experienced trainers will always be there to help you if you ever get stuck in any module and provide you with the latest updates and machine learning algorithms. Techstack Academy works in the field to give you the best learning experience related to all IT courses.

    Supervised Learning

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Classification of supervised learning
    • KNN
    • Logistic regression
    • Naive Bayes
    • SVM
    • Decision tree
    • Ridge regression
    • Model complexity
    • Generalization performance
    • Cross-validation for model evaluation
    • Techstack Academy has a variety of IT courses in which you will get dedicated learning from experienced trainers. We will provide you in-depth knowledge in related modules of the course. This module of advanced machine learning course in Noida is related to supervised learning and you will learn concepts related to KNN, logistic regression, decision tree, ridge regression, complexities of models, and more. Get immense knowledge related to machine learning concepts by taking admission in one of the best institutes for machine learning.

    Advanced Supervised Machine Learning Concepts

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Ensemble learning
    • Learning critical problem of data leakage
    • How to detect and avoid mistakes committed
    • Unsupervised learning
    • K-means clustering
    • Recommendation engines
    • Reinforcement learning
    • Q-Learning
    • SARSA
    • DDPG
    • Techstack Academy provides you advanced supervised machine learning concepts to give you the best learning experience from best trainers of Noida of machine learning. This course curriculum is designed under the supervision of industry experts which is focussed on quality training by covering all advanced topics on the basis of latest industry standards. In this module, you will learn ensemble learning, data leakage, clustering concepts, reinforcement learning, and more. We provide you with the best learning solutions related to your course.

    Deep Learning

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • A basic introduction to deep learning
    • Artificial neural networks
    • Tensorflow
    • Data visualization
    • Deep learning libraries
    • Apache MXnet
    • CNTK
    • Spark deep learning
    • E-books
    • Interpretation and execution of machine learning
    • You will get supervised assistance with a lifetime machine learning course at our Techstack Academy. Our trainers have the best experience of the field and provide you knowledge on the basis of industry experience. In this module, you will learn deep learning concepts like tensorflow, data visualization, libraries, spark deep learning, neural networks and more. Our trainers will provide you course related materials in the forms of ebooks, recorded sessions, pdfs and more for future use. You will have proper guidance for advanced topics too and get learning with the help of real-time projects. With the help of our learning program, you are easily able to execute machine learning concepts in the most feasible manner.
  • Capstone Project
  • Career Assistance: Resume building, Mock interviews, 1:1 mentorship and Career fair
  • Program Certificate from Orangus India and Techstack Academy

Languages and Tools Covered

Machine Learning Course Tools
Machine Learning Institute Tools
Machine Learning Training Tools
Machine Learning Course in Noida Tools
Machine Learning Institute in Noida Tools

Certificate from The Orangus India and TechStack Academy

Capstone Projects

Live Projects from the Partner Agency ( Orangus & Team Variance ).

Projects Completed




Next Word Prediction

automatically predict the next word you want to type.


House Price Prediction

To determine the selling price of a house of a particular region.


Number Plate Detection

To identify a vehicle owner who is breaking the rules of the road


Gold Price Prediction

To predict future fluctuations in the price of gold


Text Generation

To generate natural language text


Spelling Correction

to create a program for the task of Spelling correction with Python.


Restaurant Recommendation

To search item or that are related to the search history of the user.


Chatbot with Machine Learning

To create a Chatbot with Python and Machine Learning.

Join India's #1 Advance Machine Learning Program

Faculty and Mentors

With years of experience, our faculty members are here to deliver you a high-quality learning experience both online and offline, whilst providing wings to your tech skills!


Industry Mentors

Award winning faculties

Our Faculty

Reviews by Students

Know what our students have to say about us.

Machine Learning Institute Reviews

Rani Ahuja MLP

My experience with the Techstack Academy was excellent as I never felt that I am having only theory sessions. It was always exciting as we are having practical knowledge for each and every module and they have a great learning environment. They also helped us to crack interviews and trained us in it with knowledge.

Machine Learning Training Reviews

Sarthak Mishra MLP

Techstack Academy is an exceptional place to learn as they have the best trainers and updated curriculum. They provide you practical based training and content related to machine learning which is very good. Placement assistance was also very good as they helped me to find a suitable job. Overall the best institute for machine learning courses in Noida.

Artificial Intelligence Course Reviews

Umang Taneja MLP

I would highly recommend Techstack Academy for those students or professionals who are interested in the Machine learning field. I got the best machine learning training from here. I must say, the staff is well behaved and quite supportive in everything. Best institute for having in-depth knowledge.

Machine Learning Course in Noida Reviews

Nitin Munjal MLP

Techstack Academy has the best enthusiastic and passionate teachers and provides quality learning to each and every student. They assure you with the best learning program in the market. Very unique style of teaching as our trainer was very patient and accommodating. Recommended to all for best IT courses.

Machine Learning Institute in Noida Reviews

Sukanya Sharma MLP

Our trainer for machine learning courses in Noida is best in industry and completely dedicated towards his students. He puts lots of hard work and effort in teaching his students and solving related queries so frequently as well. The training he provided is very helpful for interviews. We had a very good experience in the institute.

Machine Learning Training in Noida Reviews

Renee Mukherjee MLP

When you think of building your career in the advanced machine learning field, you should give a chance to learn from Techstack Academy. They have the best course in the market today and provide you the right platform for your career. Trainers there help you in growing your skills in a very feasible way. Great institute. Good environment.

Program Fee

Starting at Rs. 11,000/month

Batch Starting: 20 Jan 2025

#1 Advance Machine Learning Course

Program Duration: 2 Months

Program Certification from

100% Classroom Training

Upskill with Techstack Academy

25+ Case Studies

Become Machine Learning Engineer, Software Engineer - ML, Applied ML Engineer, Core ML Engineer, ML Specialist and Data Analyst.

Get 150+ hours of intensive learning in ML over 2 months.

Create portfolio-worthy projects

Start Your Own Startup

Payment Method

We have variety of payment methods in Techstack Academy.

Machine Learning Course Payment method
Machine Learning Institute Payment method
Machine Learning Training Payment method
Machine Learning Course in Noida Payment method
Machine Learning Institute in Noida Payment method
Machine Learning Training Payment method

Application Process


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Counselling Process

Take a word with our counsellor and know-how about the different subjects running at Techstack! Our cooperative process is held to give you the necessary information required.


Join Program

Fasten your seat belts to become an industry-expert by joining one of our courses.Get yourself acquainted with the best of the knowledge provided by Techstack Academy!

Upcoming Application Deadline

Have you filled up our forms yet? If not, then buckle-up before the batches get full! We are waiting to hear from you, and take your career onto the next level, with us!

Deadline: 20 Jan 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

How many modules are covered in the course of machine learning?

Techstack Academy provides around 16 advanced modules in the course of machine learning and it is having a duration of 3 months. In this program, we provide advanced education in machine learning with the help of great topics and training. We have designed this course of machine learning in Noida with the help of experienced industry experts to give the quality of learning. Machine learning is a trending course and you should learn the techniques from professional trainers to catch up with today’s world format. Learn from Techstack Academy to get quality training in a machine learning program.

Do you provide study material in this course?

Yes, we provide learning material for all the IT courses in the form of pdfs, ebooks, videos, recorded sessions, etc. at our institute, we provide the best training in machine learning in Noida with the help of professional trainers. Our trainers teach all the students with complete dedication and provide things according to the routine of the course. Our trainers will teach you with the help of the latest tools and techniques to give you best in learning and to understand the latest industry standards. We also provide backup classes and doubt clearing sessions to help the students in learning.

How many students are there in one batch?

As Techstack Academy believes in quality that is why we believe in fewer students in one batch. With this we can provide in-depth knowledge in each module. There are a minimum 10 students in one batch by which you can have a better understanding of topics related to your course of machine learning. We provide you with the best techniques with tools in our courses to work on real time projects. We are also taking precautions for COVID-19 by ensuring social distancing in our classes for our students' well being.

Do you provide practical knowledge in your online sessions?

Yes, we provide practical sessions for each course in both modes of online and offline sessions. Because as a quality training provider we know only theoretical knowledge is not enough to understand all the concepts of any course like machine learning or digital marketing. That is why we offer practical training with real-time projects to our students to widen the parameters of learning and gain practical knowledge along with theoretical knowledge in our advanced machine learning course in Noida.

Can I have a demo session with my trainer before joining the course?

Techstack Academy provides you everything to give you satisfaction before joining and after joining in our courses. Yes, we do provide a demo session of 1 day with your respective trainer, by which you can have the complete confidence to take admission in the course. With the help of a demo session, you will know who your trainer is and what the style of training he will provide you. We have a group of professionals at our institute who has real time experience of industries of around 8 to 10 years. Book for a demo session with our best trainers of machine learning training in Noida.

Our Learners Work At

Know where our students get placed.

Machine Learning Course Placements
Machine Learning Training Placements
Machine Learning Institute Placements

             Course in Noida Placements
Artificial Intelligence Institute in Noida Placements
Artificial Intelligence Training in Noida Placements

Know More About Techstack

What is machine learning and how data mining and machine learning are different?

Machine learning is a popular branch of computer science which is related to system programming which is automatically learned and improved according to experience. Machine learning is the field which is related to design and development of algorithms which give instructions to computers and an ability to learn automatically without being explicitly programmed. But in data mining, unstructured data is processed to extract important knowledge or interesting patterns. Both fields are completely different as one is work on algorithms and other is work on unstructured data.

How can one handle the missing data?

There are many easy ways to handle the missing data as you have to move the rows by imputing the missing values. As you learn machine learning, you will learn about many different tactics to handle the missing data and parameters. Machine learning is a wide course which has many different methods for problems occurring with the data. Join for the best machine learning course in Noida to have the training under the supervision of one of the best trainers of IT field. Techstack Academy provides you certification courses in all IT courses.

What is inductive machine learning and what are the five popular algorithms of machine learning?

The inductive method of machine learning is the process of learning with the help of examples, where a system, with a set of observed instances, tries to induce a general rule. It is an effective method to learn without instructions. The five popular algorithms of machine learning are:

  • Decision trees
  • Neural networks
  • Probabilistic networks
  • Nearest neighbor
  • Support vector machine
Join our machine learning course today, to learn from the best professionals and know all the important and updated modules of machine learning.

How to optimize a machine learning model?

There are many different ways to optimize the machine learning model effectively. The most used method for optimizing the model is Gradient Descent. This method will let you have an edge over iterating over the training dataset while re-adjusting the model, by which the number of errors occur. Hyperparameters can also be checked for the performance of the model. Learn about the different effective ways to optimize the machine learning model in our best institute of machine learning in Noida.

What is the scope of machine learning?

Machine learning is expected to grow in future as it is a popular stream for the companies. The field is also popular in the field of learning IT technologies. To become a good machine learning expert or an engineer, you should learn this course from a reputed institute who has industry experts to teach as Techstack Academy. Machine learning field is a high paying field that is why it is a hot choice for many students who want to make a career in their dream field. Enroll for our courses today.

Why choose us?

As we know, your future and careers depends on us, we make sure to deliver a holistic view of the entire syllabus that we provide, helping you attain in-depth knowledge.

Full-Fledged Curriculum

At Techstack, we deliver an amalgamation of courses beyond your field of expertise to help your career reach greater heights.

Step-By-Step Learning

We create a roadmap for your journey, starting from novice to becoming an expert.

Lifetime Support

Your journey at Techstack doesn’t end with the completion of the course, you will gain the status of Techstack Alumni for a lifetime.

Browse Related Blogs

To help inspire you about the latest information, we have pulled together with the most creative, clever and effective information from around the blogosphere!

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If you are keen to learn about a variety of courses that can provide you with an ultimatum of knowledge, choose Techstack! We have a International reputation for excellence due to the outstanding quality of our teaching and support, resulting in positive outcomes for your future.

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June 2019 Batch

Shashank Singhal :I did a machine learning course from Techstack Academy and my experience with the institute was really great. The faculties here are well educated and have good experience in the field and are very understanding. The discussion held in the class related to any module or any topic was always great and healthy as they provided us with great knowledge. The best thing about Techstack Academy is the environment of learning and their experienced trainers. They provide assured placement in all courses to secure your future. That is why this is the best institute for machine learning courses in Noida.

Priyanshu Mittal :Hi, I have done a machine learning program from Techstack Academy and the training quality was so good. They provide timely assistance on training programs with hands-on training in real time projects in the classroom and provide complete practical exposure related to all the topics of the subject to provide you with deep learning. With the help of practical exposure you have a better understanding of the topics. They provide 100% job assistance and arrange interviews for you during the course, and if you are learning in a good way, I must say you will get placed by the end of the course. Best experience with the institute.

Ankit Rathi :Techstack Academy is one of the best institutes for machine learning courses in Noida. If you want to make your career in this field, you should learn from industry experts. Techstack is the right place to learn all the IT technologies as they provide you the best platform to develop and help you in enhancing your skills by giving you knowledge in the field of machine learning. Trainers here put complete effort in teaching you with the best curriculum and knowledge which will help you completely in achieving success in your career and find the dream job for yourself in leading companies in this industry.

Monika Patel :If anyone is looking forward to making his career in the field of machine learning, I would say Techstack Academy is the best choice of institutes to join for the technical training program. They helped me a lot in terms of learning and building my coding skills and analytical skills which is very necessary to be successful in this industry. It is the best place where you can enhance your skills to a level and learn under the guidance of industry experts. They will provide you with interesting case studies, concepts in detail which will make your learning period more exciting. Join the best course of machine learning in Noida at Techstack Academy.

Sourav Jain :Good institute! I did my advanced machine learning course from Techstack Academy. The basics of machine learning was extensive enough and they provide a good exposure of machine learning with the help of project development. Trainers helped us to complete our project and give extra training to provide interesting facts and techniques related to the course. I want to thank all the team of Techstack Academy at Saket for giving such a lovely experience with learning. They provide you with a complete project based training program and helped us in providing career assistance too. Best institute in my view.

Sonali Arora :Great place to learn machine learning courses with complete practical knowledge. Faculties here are complete professionals who give you training with industry perspective with the help of theoretical and practical combination. I believe that they have the best trainers in this field as they are associated with the industries. They provide you industry exposure to give advanced training in all the modules. Placement cell of the institute is always working to provide the best job for you and arrange interview calls from the best companies. Enhance your skills with the certified trainer and you will get a job in this field for sure with some handsome packages.
