#1 React Js Course in Mumbai, India

Trained 18000+ professionals in India

9.8/10 ( Rating based on 8239 reviews )
Classroom & Online Mentorship
Batch Starting: 17 Feb 2025
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Dual Credentials

Techstack Academy & Orangus


Orangus India

1.5 Months

Recommended 10-12 hrs/week

17 Feb 2025

Program Start Date

EMI options

Starting at Rs. 11,000

India’s #1 React Js Program in Associated Partner with:

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React Js Training in Mumbai Associated Partner
React Js Training in Mumbai Associated Partner
React Js Training in Mumbai Associated Partner
React Js Training in Mumbai Associated Partner
React Js Training in Mumbai Associated Partner
React Js Training in Mumbai Associated Partner
React Js Training in Mumbai Associated Partner
React Js Training in Mumbai Associated Partner
React Js Training in Mumbai Associated Partner
React Js Training in Mumbai Associated Partner


At Techstack, we believe in providing a full-fledged course of your desire where our industry experts have designed a top-notch curriculum just for you.

  • ReactJS Course Structure ( 8 Modules )

    Introduction of React JS

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Basic understanding to React JS?
    • Technicalities of React JS
    • Features of React JS
    • Components and elements
    • DOM v/s Virtual DOM
    • Benefits of React JS
    • React JS Limitations
    • What is the purpose of React JS?
    • React JS Component Architecture
    • Single Page Apps v/s Multi-Page Apps
    • This is the very first module of our React JS course in Mumbai, wherein our expert professionals will treat you with utmost perseverance and dedication, by providing knowledge towards the introduction of React JS course by covering the smallest details like its technicalities, the limitations, most advanced features and many more. The introductory module is always expected to be a little simple yet the most essential one if you wish to pave your career right within this field of training. Being in the industry for almost a decade, we make sure we deliver you quality content and effective classes.

    Environmental Setup

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What are the ways to set up an Environment with React JS?
    • Overview to NodeJS
    • The Setup of NDM
    • IDE set-up (VS-Code)
    • Files and folders
    • Button components
    • React-CLI Setup and techniques
    • Directory Structure of ReactJS and apps
    • Creation of a New ReactJS App
    • Ways to React JS Application Boot?
    • Once you are on the go to explore the introductory part of React Js and are done with the same, you will be redirected to another advanced level of React JS course in Mumbai, which will equip you with the environmental setup. This is the sector where you will be able to discover every process of the course step-by-step. Joining a highly reputed institute such as Techstack academy will make sure that you will learn in-depth fundamentals to setting up NDM, button components, creation of new applications, and many more. Enroll yourself now and reap the maximum benefits of theoretical and practical knowledgeable solutions.

    Basic features of React JS

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • The basic features
    • JSX with React JS
    • Expressions in JSX
    • Different techniques to Rendering Elements?
    • Functional Components
    • Class Components
    • Feasible handling of the events
    • Dynamic data rendering
    • Stateful function
    • Property binding
    • Regarded as the pioneer of the industry, we are regarded as the best React Js institute in Mumbai, providing offline as well as online modes of training. Our React Js course will conclude, providing you with the knowledge of the features of JSX, expressions, and the extreme ways to bifurcate class components and property bindings. You will not just lay your hands on the theoretical approach and book knowledge of the features, but we will also give you an opportunity to implement different techniques in accordance with rendering elements, practically.

    State and Component

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Knowledge of states and components?
    • What are functional components?
    • Easy conversion of a Function to a Class
    • Ways to adding Local State to a Class
    • General addition of Lifecycle
    • Methods to a Class Error Management
    • React hooks
    • State mutation
    • Enroll yourself in the React Js training in Mumbai at Techstack Academy, awarded as the best marketing academy of the year 2021. By joining the academy, you will be able to discover new formulas and methodologies for a complex sector like React Js, where Techstack Academy will make it easier for you to learn and understand. Know the react hooks, state mutation, knowledge of easy conversions, and many more by joining hands with our professionals. We intend to update our curriculum on a regular basis, as we move forward with the motive to equip you with the best knowledge and latest techniques possible.

    React JS Forms

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Importance of the forms
    • Conditional rendering
    • Error message rectification
    • Validation to inputs
    • Heading inputs
    • Switch in and out bootstrap
    • React checkbox
    • General submission to Forms
    • Grab the best package for your React JS training in Mumbai by enrolling yourself at Techstack Academy. Our react JS course will make sure to assist you with every detail into it along with covering topics like the forms of React JS, which are further divided into sub-parts such as heading inputs, conditional rendering, bootstrap, checkbox, and more, which will deliver you with the knowledge of the same, more easily and accurately. Upskill your career and get ready to amplify your existing technical skills only with Techstack Academy!

    Routing in React App

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Step-by-step process
    • React-router dom
    • Basic codes and boxes
    • React Router and its setup
    • Configuring route
    • Making routes dynamic
    • Route Params Working with nested routes
    • Routing Components
    • Link and NavLink
    • Redirection of the Routes
    • Outrank your competitors and travel a long way with your career to have advanced knowledge of React Js course in Mumbai, exclusively with Techstack Academy. Once you join hands with us, you will be able to build professional web projects with professional people guiding you throughout. Explore and learn about basic codes, boxes, knowledge of configuration in order to create dynamic routes. Go beyond just basic certifications and get verified as a professional within the framework of React JS easily and efficiently! Join the academy now and become the master of the exclusive web and app development sector!

    React Hooks

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Rendering hooks
    • Basic usage of State Hooks
    • The use context Hooks
    • The use reducer Hooks
    • Higher effects
    • Custom Hooks
    • React lifecycle
    • What are the rules of Hooks?
    • Explore the most exclusive React JS training in Mumbai that offers a structured course curriculum that involves knowledge towards state hooks, custom hooks, react lifecycle, and many more. You can also lookup for a demo provided by Techstack Academy, helping you provide assurance about our course. Having years of experience within this industry, our professionals will equip you with the advent of the latest technologies in order to make you stand out from your competitors. Master yourself with the most in-demand technologies and get guaranteed placement opportunities.

    React JS Redux

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Basic knowledge to React JS redux
    • Advantages of React JS
    • Installing Redux & Setup
    • Reasons for choosing Redux?
    • Store, Actions, Reducers
    • Redux Middleware
    • Knowledge to Dispatcher
    • Async Actions
    • React API
    • Extensible form library
    • If you join Techstack Academy to seek knowledge about React JS course in Mumbai, then this is the most appropriate platform for you. We provide practical knowledge to all our students wherein our theoretical classes hold only 20% of the total course. Our instructors go far beyond just a faculty providing you with great knowledgeable solutions, rather they will help you get through mock interviews, build your resume and get your place at the right marketing company. Join now and expose yourself to the good limelight within this technical field.
  • Capstone Project
  • Career Assistance: Resume building, Mock interviews, 1:1 mentorship and Career fair
  • Program Certificate from Orangus India and Techstack Academy

Languages and Tools Covered

React Js Course Tools
React Js Institute Tools
React Js Training Tools
React Js Course in Mumbai Tools
React Js Institute in Mumbai Tools

Certificate from The Orangus India and TechStack Academy

Capstone Projects

Live Projects from the Partner Agency ( Orangus & Team Variance ).

Projects Completed




ToDo App

make list of your routine work with ToDo App.



create dashboard for your website and see the progress.


Quiz App

help you to create your own quiz app.


Live Chat App

best to have your own chat app for privacy.


E-commerce Website

help you to grow your business easily.


Corona Tracker App

it help to track corona daily report.


Weather Forecast App

easy to check the weather of the upcoming days.


Portfolio App

this help to represent yourself .

Join India's #1 React Js Program

Faculty and Mentors

With years of experience, our faculty members are here to deliver you a high-quality learning experience both online and offline, whilst providing wings to your tech skills!


Industry Mentors

Award winning faculties

Our Faculty

Reviews by Students

Know what our students have to say about us.

React Js Training Reviews

Saumya AggarwalReact Js

Thank You Techstack Academy for giving me the direction towards my career. The journey was short but it was incredible as I was able to discover and learn many new things within this course.

React Js Course in Mumbai Reviews

Divyank AroraReact Js

My React JS course in Mumbai research led me to Techstack Academy which was exceptionally great! Loved every session spent learning at this highly reputed academy.

React Js Institute in Mumbai Reviews

NeelkamalReact Js

React JS course in Mumbai was always my go-to career option but was confused about where to learn from until I found Techstack Academy! I am totally in awe of the way they teach and treat every individual with the utmost respect.

React Js Institute Reviews

Simrat Kaushik React Js

Each and every teacher in the faculty section is equipped with years of experience which makes this course more professional than any other. Glad to have studied at the best React JS training institute in Mumbai.

React Js Training in Mumbai Reviews

Kanchan GautamReact Js

The course curriculum was great and accurately altered in regard to the industry standards. I loved studying at Techstack academy! Highly recommended for every aspiring React JS learner in and around Mumbai.

React Js Institute Reviews

Suresh ThakurReact Js

Thumbs up to Techstack Academy for providing me with such great theoretical as well the practical approach of React JS training!

Program Fee

Starting at Rs. 11,000/month

Batch Starting: 17 Feb 2025

#1 React Js Course

Program Duration: 1.5 Months

Program Certification from

100% Classroom Training

Upskill with Techstack Academy

25+ Case Studies

Become ReactJs Developer, Web Frontend Developer, React Js App Developer

Get 130+ hours of intensive learning in ReactJs over 1.5 Months.

Create portfolio-worthy projects

Start Your Own Startup

Payment Method

We have variety of payment methods in Techstack Academy.

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React Js Institute Payment method
React Js Training Payment method
React Js Course in Mumbai Payment method
React Js Institute in Mumbai Payment method
React Js Training Payment method

Application Process


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Counselling Process

Take a word with our counsellor and know-how about the different subjects running at Techstack! Our cooperative process is held to give you the necessary information required.


Join Program

Fasten your seat belts to become an industry-expert by joining one of our courses.Get yourself acquainted with the best of the knowledge provided by Techstack Academy!

Upcoming Application Deadline

Have you filled up our forms yet? If not, then buckle-up before the batches get full! We are waiting to hear from you, and take your career onto the next level, with us!

Deadline: 17 Feb 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

How much experience do your trainers hold?

Once you enroll yourself at our React JS training institute in Mumbai and seek classes from our trainers, you will be able to explore that professionals hold nearly 10+ of experience in this particular field of teaching. They provide live training sessions to students of all age groups who intend to seek knowledge within React JS training in Mumbai.

Do you offer any internship programs?

Currently, within React JS training in Mumbai, we are not offering any internship programme as the course itself consists of only two months in total. To make it easier and effective for you to learn new things, we are focusing more on a practical approach than focusing only on theoretical-based formulas.

What is the duration of the course?

The duration of our React JS course in Mumbai accounts for nearly 2 months wherein you will be introduced to the most happening tools, creation of strategies, and invent a unique approach t simply the formulas and creation of a React JS app or framework.

Do you provide online classes?

Yes. Being scattered around all parts of India, our expert professionals provide offline as well as online, kinds of mentorship to the aspiring learners who are interested in making their career right by choosing this course.

How many modules are present in this course?

Within our React JS course in Mumbai, there are 8 Modules in total which are designed in an exceptionally great way to assist you with the course curriculum in-depth, covering every aspect of this technical framework and assisting you with desirable results by the end of your course.

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React Js Institute Placements
React Js Course in Mumbai Placements
React Js Institute in Mumbai Placements
React Js Training in Mumbai Placements

Know More About Our Course:

What is an event in React?

Events are mostly triggered into different and specific actions namely mouse clicks, mouse, key presses, and more! Once you enroll yourself at React JS training institute in Mumbai, you will be able to discover and learn about every aspect of the event in React JS. Handling such events are regarded to be in very close relation to DOM elements, out of which some of them are syntactical and have differences as follows:

  • Events are named with the use of camel case instead of making the use of lowercase only.
  • Events are passed as functions, not as strings.
An event argument would conclude a basic set of properties that adheres in specific to the event. Every event contains its own kinds of behavior and properties that can easily be accessed via the event handler itself.

What do you mean by higher-order components? (HOC)

HOC, majorly known as higher-order components is regarded to be a level-up, advanced was of reusing logical components. Choosing the right React JS institute in Mumbai will enable you to derive a significant pattern from React’s compositional nature. Once chosen HOC, it will help you accept dynamically provided with another child component which will not let modify or help you imitate any behavior from the components and its inputs. It is safe and relatively easier to state that HOC is a ‘pure component’.

What are pure components when it comes to React JS?

As mentioned earlier, React JS is a technical concept. It is relatively essential to step into the world of such modern technology by enrolling yourself at Techstack Academy which is bound to offer you the best of technologies. Pure components are known to be the simple and fastest components that can easily be written into variant formulas. They are such aspects that can replace any component that has the render (). These have the tendency to enhance and upscale the simplicity of the code along with the performance and its relevant application.

What is the significance of keys when it comes to React?

Keys are most widely used when it comes to React JS. Enroll yourself at the right React JS training institute in Mumbai, and learn the technological advances of the same. Keys are majorly used to identify different and out-of-the-box virtual DOM with specific elements within. When keys are used, it helps React to optimize easily by rendering and recycling existing elements within DOM. Make sure you make maximum use of such keys which will help to begin with a unique number, string, or digit. This will enable you to reorder the element instead of re-rendering them. This will follow further to accelerate the application’s performance effectively.

What is the reducer]]?

Redux is known to be the most trending library which is widely used and is present within React JS. If you are performing at the forefront with front-end development then it works as a predictable state container specifically for Javascript applications. Applications that are developed on a larger scale with Redux are relatively easier to test and can effectively run on different states with unique environments portraying consistent behavior. If you are on the go to learn and understand all about React Js, then enrolling yourself at Techstack Academy is the right pick for you.

Why choose us?

As we know, your future and careers depends on us, we make sure to deliver a holistic view of the entire syllabus that we provide, helping you attain in-depth knowledge.

Full-Fledged Curriculum

At Techstack, we deliver an amalgamation of courses beyond your field of expertise to help your career reach greater heights.

Step-By-Step Learning

We create a roadmap for your journey, starting from novice to becoming an expert.

Lifetime Support

Your journey at Techstack doesn’t end with the completion of the course, you will gain the status of Techstack Alumni for a lifetime.

Browse Related Blogs

To help inspire you about the latest information, we have pulled together with the most creative, clever and effective information from around the blogosphere!

Contact Us

If you are keen to learn about a variety of courses that can provide you with an ultimatum of knowledge, choose Techstack! We have a International reputation for excellence due to the outstanding quality of our teaching and support, resulting in positive outcomes for your future.

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September 2019 Batch

Pravar Jindal :What a life-changing experience at Techstack Academy. The course duration should have been longer but however, the two months spend learning new technologies ad technicalities were great. The trainers have got years of experience which works as a cherry on the top. The best part was, whenever I was stuck on any topic, my trainer was always available to assist me and get me through that doubt within no time!

Drishti Harjai :Special thanks to the academy that made me who I am today. The mentors helped me achieve all my goals within a short period of time. The course helped me gain knowledge about the different formulas and unique strategies of React JS which also motivated me to create an exceptional framework. Learning all about React JS in-depth was the best highlight of joining this academy.

Rakshit Kapoor :Techstack Academy has recently been awarded as the best-emerging academy of the year which was absolutely worth it. I am extremely proud to have joined this institute. The team is overall great. The trainers do not only train for theory sessions but they also help students implement the strategies learned, practically. The assignments provided by experts were also proven of great help in order to help an individual understand the best of React JS and its applications.

Akash Gupta :I would love to share my personal experience and the days I have spent learning the React JS course in Mumbai at Techstack Academy. I must say the institute carries some great professionals out there who are always ready to help you with the syllabus, amidst anything. The course is accurately designed and is great for beginners as well as professionals. I totally loved the sessions. Thank you, teachers, and the team of Techstack for helping me gain every knowledge about this course..

Akanksha Bisht :I would love to give 5/5 stars to Techstack Academy. The people present here are great and extremely helpful plus friendly. They did not just help with the course syllabus but also provided extra knowledge about the practicality of the same. Great experience, amazing work. Good wishes to the academy for the future.
