#1 Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing in Noida, India

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Batch Starting: 17 Feb 2025
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Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing in Noida Banner

Dual Credentials

Techstack Academy & Orangus


Orangus India

3 Months

Recommended 10-12 hrs/week

17 Feb 2025

Program Start Date

EMI options

Starting at Rs. 11,000

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Best Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Institute Associated Partner


At Techstack, we believe in providing a full-fledged course of your desire where our industry experts have designed a top-notch curriculum just for you.

  • Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing (47 Module)

    Introduction to Photoshop

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Photoshop?
    • Learn the basics of Photoshop
    • What are the four main categories of Photoshop?
    • Introduction to Photoshop tools
    • Image manipulation
    • Interface of Photoshop
    • Navigating the image in Photoshop
    • Layering
    • Working with masks in Photoshop
    • Managing documents
    • This is the very first module of post graduation course of creative designing in which you are going to learn about a popular tool Adobe Photoshop. We will teach you an introduction to photoshop in this module and provide you with information about different interfaces. In this module, you are going to learn about image manipulation, layering, managing documents, different photoshop tools and more. Photoshop tool is an important tool for image editing which is a necessary part of a creative designing course in Noida.

    Selections in Photoshop

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Basic selections
    • Direct selection tools
    • Become the brush master
    • Face aware liquify
    • Setup and keyboard shortcuts
    • The quick selection tools
    • The magic wand tool
    • Shortcuts and combining selections
    • Reference sheets
    • Vector masks
    • This module is about selections in photoshop which is an important tool in photoshop and a very important part for editing of images. To edit any image, you need to select the area of the image and for that you need to have practice with selection tools. In this module, you will learn about direct selection tools, magic wand tools, vector masks tools, different shortcuts of selections, reference sheets and more. We will provide you in-depth knowledge of modules with the help of step by step methods. With our best creative designing course in Noida, you can edit any kind of image with selection tools.

    Tools in Photoshop

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Cropping tool
    • Color stamp tool
    • Anchor point tool
    • Dodge, burn, spoon tool
    • Layering panel
    • Eraser tools
    • Gradients and healing tools
    • Blur, sharpen, and smudge tools
    • Magnetic lasso tool
    • Path selection tool
    • Pen tool
    • Eyedropper tool
    • In this module, you will learn about tools in photoshop. All the tools in photoshop are used for different purposes. We provide you hands-on knowledge in this course of post graduation program in creative designing. There are many tools in photoshop like color stamp tool, eraser tools, pen tool, magnetic lasso tool, gradient and healing tools, eyedropper tool, selection tools, and more. With the help of these tools, you can merge two images into one, can edit any kind of image, change color combination in images, and more. With our creative designing course in Noida, you can become a complete professional editor.

    Effects in Photoshop

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • A variety of filters used in Photoshop
    • Photo collage effects
    • Artistic effects
    • Lomo photo effect
    • Vintage/old photo effect
    • Vertical photo panels effect
    • Text behind the object effect
    • Dispersion effect
    • Blur effects
    • A basic selection of tools
    • This module is all about effects in photoshop which is also a necessary part for image editing programs. With the help of different effects, you can beautify any image and write texts with different effects. You can make informational images with these effects and give blur effects in images. There are many effects available in photoshop tools like artistic effects, dispersion effects, vintage effects, text behind the object effect and more. We provide you step by step training in how to use these effects and make any photo artistic. These effects are very required in the future when you work in the industries.

    Photoshop Projects

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Creation of billboards
    • Hoardings
    • Visiting Cards
    • Brochure Editing
    • Logo editing
    • Template Designing
    • Web Banners
    • GIFs
    • Stock image Editing
    • Animations
    • This module is all about the projects in photoshop software. With this module, you will know how to make a project and complete it within a time limit. By working on the projects, you can know how to work in the real industries and you can get good experience in this. Techstack Academy always motivates our students to make new projects by which they gain confidence in working which helps during interviews. You can show these projects at the time of your interviews in the company. We trained you to make you complete industry ready in this creative designing course in Noida.

    Introduction to Illustrator

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to illustrator
    • Introduction to different illustrator tools
    • Creation of CC (creative cloud)
    • Appearance of objects
    • Drawing and brushing
    • Basic rules to use illustrator
    • Creation of various graphics
    • Designing in the most feasible manner
    • Exercise Files
    • Study guide
    • This is our exclusive sixth module of creative designing course in Noida, in which you will learn about another interesting software Illustrator. Techstack Academy wants to provide you with advanced tools and techniques which you can use in your projects. In this module, you will learn about the creation of creative clouds, how to draw and brush, how to use graphics, how to design with illustrators and more. With the help of these softwares, you can edit any image and graphics in a great feasible manner. These softwares are used in current industries that is why you need to give more focus on practicing.

    Illustrator Selections

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Basics of illustrator selection
    • Selection tools
    • Direct selection tool alongside magic wand
    • Rotate and reflect tools
    • Layering
    • Image plus masks
    • The effects and appearances
    • Typography
    • Output
    • Manipulation of objects
    • This second module of illustrator software is about selection tools which are very necessary for editing any product and image. With the help of selection tools you can select any particular area for editing. Changes will be done only to the selected area. This tool is very useful when it comes to editing as we need to remove or edit any particular area of the image. We can apply as many effects on that particular area of graphic by using selection tools. We will teach you how to use different selection tools in this creative designing course in Noida to make you a perfect editor.

    Illustrator Tools

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Paintbrush and blob brush tool
    • Lasso tool
    • Blend tool
    • Perspective grid
    • Symbol sprayer tool
    • Eraser, knife, scissor tools
    • Join tool
    • Shape builder tool
    • Eyedropper tool
    • Gradient tool
    • Blend tool
    • Pattern and color swatches
    • In this third module of illustrator software, you are going to learn about different tools of the software which are used for several purposes. When you do editing in any image or graphic, you require many tools like blur tool, gradient tool, lasso tool, shape builder tool, blend tool and more. TechStack academy always wants to provide you with an advanced learning program by which you will be able to work in any industry. Many tools of these software are in trend and easy to learn. We will provide you with the latest techniques of editing which are used in the industries. With the help of our creative designing training in Noida, you will become a pro.

    Illustrator Effects

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Vector enhancement effects
    • Blur effect
    • Grain effect
    • Drop shadow
    • Colour correctors
    • Illustrating
    • Boundary and outlining
    • Typography effects
    • Wrap effects
    • Editing and creating
    • TechStack Academy is dedicated towards its students and provides advanced learning in each and every module. We designed this post graduation program in creative designing for those students who want to make their career in the creative field. All the modules are included in the supervision of industry experts. This module is about the effects of illustration and how to use different effects to any graphic step by step. You will be taught different effects like wrap effects, typography effects, colour correction of any image, drop shadow, grain effects and many more in this exclusive course.

    Illustrator Projects

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Creation of vector images
    • Create brand logos
    • Different icons and drawings
    • Character Arts
    • 3D characters
    • Animations
    • Posters
    • Invitations
    • Flyers
    • GIFs and banners
    • This module helps students to make several projects with different editing techniques and tools. We help you in making your projects and provide you proper guidance. Our trainers are well experienced and able to provide solutions regarding your doubts. You can make projects with the help of different effects, tools, and methods learned in previous modules. These projects will help you during the interview process and provide the recruiter information about your knowledge. Join Techstack Academy to grab your seats in upcoming batches of creative designing courses in Noida and learn with industry experts.

    Introduction to User Experience in Adobe XD

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What does user experience do?
    • What does user experience include?
    • User experience design
    • What is the difference between user interface and user experience?
    • Why do we need user experience?
    • What is the difference between usability and user experience?
    • Why is it important to have a user friendly website?
    • Why is end user experience important?
    • This is our 11th module of the post graduation course program in creative designing at Techstack Academy. If you are looking for a creative designing course in Noida, we are providing the best real time project training program under the guidance of experienced trainers. We designed this program specially to cover all the latest techniques which are used in current industries to make each and every student market ready. This module covers topics like introduction to Adobe XD, what is user experience design, what are the important factors of user friendly websites and more.

    Introduction to user interface in Adobe XD

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What does user interface mean?
    • How do I create a user interface in Adobe XD?
    • Fundamentals of UI design
    • Interfaces and shortcuts
    • Searching for inspiration
    • Colors and structure
    • Bring in content from illustrator
    • Bring in content from photoshop
    • Bring in content from using creative cloud libraries
    • Bring in content from sketch
    • This creative designing course will make you a perfect web developer and editor with the knowledge of various advanced tools and techniques. With the software Adobe XD, you can build the user interface for your project and you can use photoshop and illustrator files in this software directly. This module will give you the knowledge about how you can fetch different data from other software to make a perfect user interface for your website and how to use different colours and structures. We provide practical based training to provide you in-depth knowledge of each and every module.

    Introduction to Adobe XD

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is adobe XD used for?
    • Introduction to adobe XD
    • Start a project in Adobe XD
    • Use digital design tools
    • Add and edit artboards
    • Set columns and margins using layout grids
    • Start your design with UI kits
    • Create scrollable artboards
    • Resolutions and retina screens
    • Assets exchange
    • In Techstack Academy you will be provided short batches with little strength of students to provide you dedicated learning experience. With the help of small batches trainers can focus on each and every student and provide solutions to problems. In big batches it is impossible to provide doubt clearing sessions that is why we have limited seats in our batches. If you want to learn a creative designing course in Noida, call for a demo today and book your seats in upcoming batches. This module is all about introduction to Adobe XD and how to use different design tools and UI fundamentals.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is wireframing in adobe Xd
    • How to use adobe xd wireframe
    • How to export adobe xd wireframe
    • How to export high quality to adobe xd?
    • How to convert in PDF
    • How to export from adobe XD to html?
    • Adobe xd prototype
    • How do share adobe XD prototype
    • Wireframing from scratch
    • Leveraging UI kits
    • This course of post graduation program in creative design is a well formed curriculum to make you a complete expert in the field of web designing & development, graphic designing. It is a complete course which has a lot of advanced modules which need continuous practice. We have a group of professionals who are working dedicatedly to make you industry ready and provide you knowledge as much as possible. With the help of assessment tests and assignments, you can practice at home. We will provide you real time projects to work on by which you can become confident about your knowledge and build any kind of website.

    Buttons and icons in Adobe XD

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Icons in Adobe XD and how to use them
    • Symbols in adobe XD
    • Import material icons
    • How to use special characters
    • What are XD components
    • Type tool
    • How to create button in Adobe XD
    • How to design a button?
    • How to add effects to XD
    • Border radius in XD
    • This module of post graduation program in creative designing is about buttons and icons introduction in Adobe XD software. We provide step by step scenarios for how to create buttons and icons in Adobe XD. You can make any kind of buttons and icons with the help of this software and in many formats. This course provides you with training about various tools and softwares which are very necessary to work in current industries. You need to focus on each and every module to become an expert in the field.

    Colors in Adobe XD

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • How do add color
    • How do I get the color from an XD file?
    • How do I find RGB color in a PDF
    • How do your change the color of an object
    • How do I change text color in XD
    • How do create gradient in Adobe XD
    • How do I extract color from PDF
    • How do you find XD assets
    • How to apply color to design elements
    • Washed out colors after export in XD
    • This module is about colors in Adobe XD software in which you will learn about how to add colors, how to find colors of different documents, how to change the colors of texts, how to apply different colors to design various elements, and more. This module is an important module as color combination is very important for any graphic. We have designed this course with the help of current scenarios of industries and try to provide each and every topic which is required to make you a perfect developer. Creative designing course in Noida is a training program that provides you practical scenarios with theoretical sessions.

    Designing web pages in Adobe XD

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • How to use Adobe XD for web design?
    • How to create web pages in adobe xd?
    • How to create interactive PDF?
    • Convert Adobe XD to HTML
    • Export adobe XD to HTML
    • Templates in Adobe XD
    • How to use Adobe XD for web prototype
    • How to adobe XD for create website
    • Techstack Academy is one of the best training institutes for creative designing courses in Noida where you can learn how to create websites, different types of graphics like logos, banners, and different images in a most feasible way. This module is about designing web pages in Adobe XD where you can learn how to create various kinds of interactive web pages. You will learn how to use Adobe XD for web prototypes and to create websites. This is a very important software when it comes to website designing because it makes everything very easy.

    Prototyping in Adobe XD

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Make a prototype
    • Convert XD prototype to PDF
    • How do I export prototype in Adobe XD
    • How to make clickable prototype
    • Convert XD prototype to PDF
    • How to export PDF prototype
    • Techstack Academy is one of the leading institutes of Delhi NCR and provides you training in different formats. You can take training in online and offline formats and the quality of training will be the same. Techstack provides you facilities of week day and weekends classes and you can take any of them according to your convenience. We have India’s best trainers who will make you an expert of the field. We provide doubt clearing sessions also to make every student satisfied from learning. We have a placement cell who is working to provide you better job opportunities.

    Transitions in Adobe XD

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • How to add transitions in Adobe XD
    • Modes in Adobe XD
    • Time triggers
    • Repeat grid
    • Enter and exit the edit context
    • Adjust padding
    • Insert data
    • Drawing
    • Draw and resize from the center
    • Bezier curves
    • At Techstack Academy, we provide you training on the basis of real time projects and provide you advanced assignments to work on. With the help of real world experience, you can learn each module with deep knowledge which also helps in your career thoroughly. Our trainers are fully experienced and work effortlessly to provide you the best learning experience in the field of creative designing as this field requires a lot of work and creativity. With the help of our certification program in creative designing in Noida, you can get the best jobs in Delhi NCR.

    Animation in Adobe XD

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • How to use animation in Adobe XD
    • Auto-animate in prototypes
    • Voice prototyping
    • Sharing your work
    • Mobile version
    • Different animations
    • Exporting assets
    • Parallax effect
    • Create animations
    • Use different animations
    • This module is all about the animations with the help of Adobe XD software. With this certification program you are going to learn how to auto animate the prototypes, and how to use animation in Adobe XD program. We will provide you with different animation techniques and teach you how to use different effects. After learning this course, you will be able to make awesome graphics which you can use in building websites, web pages, and blogs. You can make your personal projects which you can show to your recruiter at the time of interview to show your experience and level of knowledge.

    Component and symbols in Adobe XD

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Sketch use different names for components
    • Component overrides
    • Component flexibility
    • Component setup and organization
    • Component states
    • Component interactions
    • How to use symbols in Adobe XD
    • Different symbols export
    • We are a fully dedicated team which is always ready to groom students with advanced techniques. This course is designed under the guidance of experienced industry experts which are here to provide you with the best IT services. Our curriculum is designed to provide current industry standards to all the students and provide the best learning experience in the entire Delhi NCR. In this module of creative designing course in Noida, you will learn about components and symbols used in Adobe XD, component overrides, how to export different symbols and more.

    States in Adobe XD

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • How to add states in Adobe XD
    • How do hover states in Adobe XD
    • Advanced interactions
    • E-commerce UI elements
    • Interactive elements
    • New screens
    • Creating sections
    • Testimonials screen
    • Techstack Academy provides the best course in creative designing in Noida, in which you are going to learn advanced modules which are based on different tools and techniques used in current industries. All the modules are designed to give you thorough knowledge to make you industry ready. Our trainers are highly qualified trained professionals who have real time industry experience. We provide you with different opportunities to start your career as our placement cell is working with full efforts to provide you with the first important jobs of your life. Learn from our institute to have the best learning experience in creative learning.

    Navigations in Adobe XD

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Create anchor links in Adobe XD
    • Web link
    • Navigation using components in Adobe XD
    • How to create navigation buttons
    • How to create presentations
    • Navigation menu animations
    • Page navigation button
    • Adobe XD PDF Export
    • This is another module of the software Adobe XD in which you are going to learn about navigations in Adobe XD. With the help of this module, you will be able to make different navigation buttons which are necessary in websites and other kinds of project work. You can also learn how to animate these icons, page navigation buttons, and more. Techstack Academy always tries to provide the best learning experience to each and every student by clearing all their doubts related to technologies. Our placement cell will provide you different interview calls during your course and after completion of the course. This program is one of the best creative designing training programs in Noida.

    Web development fundamentals

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to web development
    • Understand how websites work
    • Working of HTML, CSS and Javascript
    • Coding with HTML and other languages
    • Understanding how internet contributes
    • Usage of the unix command line
    • Become a power user and write bash commands
    • Learn and understand Git, Github and version controls
    • Key to troubleshooting
    • Debugging skills for application
    • Techstack Academy is one of the leading institutes in Noida and provides you with all the advanced training in IT technologies. In this post graduation program in creative designing, you are going to learn about web development fundamentals. This module is about introduction to web development in which you will learn HTML, CSS, Javascript and other languages which are used to develop a website. These languages are very important to develop any web page that is why you need to focus on these modules. After learning a creative designing course with full dedication, you can join any big company according to your knowledge.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to HTML 5
    • Learn the anatomy of HTML syntax
    • Boilerplate and HTML doctypes
    • Ways to structure text in HTML
    • Create ordered and unordered lists
    • Hyperlinks using anchor tags
    • Learn HTML and its best practices
    • HTML forms and create a simple contact forms
    • HTML Divs
    • Separating content for CSS styling
    • This module is about HTML5 which is very important to design any website. All the present time websites are built on this language. HTML is a tag based language which is used to design web pages. This language is used to develop the structure of the website. In this module, you will learn about HTML syntax, HTML forms, divs and tables, what are lists, how to create a menu and more. With the help of this module of creative designing training in Noida, you will be able to structure any kind of website. With best practices you are able to build any kind of form.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Understand what are cascading style sheets
    • Different ways to use it?
    • How to use CSS selectors and properties?
    • Learn to use inline, internal and external CSS
    • Class vs Ids and how to target each
    • Font styling using CSS and web safe fonts
    • CSS display and how to implement layout
    • Learn the anatomy of CSS syntax and structure
    • Combine CSS selectors and understand select priority
    • CSS specificity and implementing style hierarchy
    • This module is about CSS which is a very important language to style any HTML website. CSS is a language by which you can provide styles like colour combination, font size, margin sizes and other kinds of styling to websites. This course of creative designing is designed to give advanced training in HTML and CSS by which you can design websites with beautiful styling and color combination. You will learn about different selectors, styles, tags in this module and how to use them step by step to build a working website. CSS is a very important language, you need to give extra focus on this module.

    Bootstrap 4

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Learn the fundamentals of implementing responsive web design
    • How to use balsamiq to mockup and wireframe websites
    • The fundamentals of UI design for websites
    • How to install the Bootstrap framework?
    • Bootstrap containers to layout your website easily
    • Adding symbols using great fonts
    • Learn to use Bootstrap carousels
    • Add Bootstrap cards to your website
    • Using Bootstrap navigation bars
    • Bootstrap significance and applications
    • Bootstrap is a very popular HTML CSS and JavaScript framework which provides responsive and mobile friendly designs. Bootstrap makes website building easy as it provides various self built codes. In this module you are going to learn about how to install bootstrap and how to use the layouts. You will learn about different cards, navigation bars, and bootstrap containers. Bootstrap is a very user friendly framework and website complete user friendly with HTML5 and CSS 3 concepts. In our creative designing course in Noida, you become a bootstrap expert with proper guidance of our trainers.

    Document Object Model (DOM)

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to DOM
    • Traverse through documents
    • Usage of object notation
    • Tree structure of HTML based websites
    • Manipulation of the code
    • Changing of HTML elements
    • Usage of DOM
    • Separation of concerns
    • Special tips by Techstack Academy
    • Understanding its techniques and significance
    • The document object model is an programming API for HTML and XML languages and defines the logical structure of a document and shows HTML and XML as the tree structure where each node is represented as objects which is a part of a document. In this module you are going to learn about what is DOM and how this structure is used in HTML websites, you can learn the special techniques and significance of the DOM model. Our trainers will help you to learn all the tools and techniques related to HTML and CSS websites. This course of creative designing is designed to give you special tips about website development which are used in the industries.

    Javascripts 6

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • The fundamentals to code JavascriptES6
    • Start coding with alerts and prompts
    • Understanding variables and data types
    • Specific naming in JS6
    • Working with strings and numbers
    • Randomisation and logical operators
    • Loops, collections and conditionals
    • Intermediate Javascripting
    • Scope and closures
    • Refactoring and debugging
    • JS expressions, operators, statements and declarations
    • JS objects and prototypes
    • Techstack Academy is one of the best institutes for creative designing in Noida and provides you with an advanced level of learning experience in the field of IT courses. Your classes will be conducted here under the guidance of experienced trainers who have industry experience of a total 8 to 10 years. We provide in-depth knowledge in javascript modules while working with strings, operators, and numbers. You will be taught refactoring, debugging, scope and closures related to javascript concepts. You will become a javascript programmer by working on the concepts in practical by which you can complete any task related to this programming language.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to Jquery
    • Installing and using Jquery framework
    • Learning about Jquery functionality
    • Introduction to functions in Jquery
    • Manipulating text and styles
    • Attributing with Jquery
    • Creating animations
    • Customisations with Jquery
    • Responding to user initiated events with Jquery
    • Making your website interactive
    • Techstack Academy provides you with advanced courses in the field of IT Technologies and provides you the best methods of web development. We are here to provide you hands-on training of each module we have designed for the course of creative design in Noida. We will transform your knowledge to a level with advanced tools and make you a professional in the field. This module is about jquery which is used to provide an easy library for javascripts. With the help of jquery, it becomes easy to make scripts in javascript. Learn from our online and offline programs of courses to learn from the best trainers of Delhi NCR. JQuery and Javascripts are very important languages to build a dynamic website with different objects. You can join our demo session to check the quality of the trainer.

    GIT, GitHub and version control

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to GITHUB
    • Usage of GITHUB for version control
    • USage of GITHUB for collaboration
    • GIT forking and branching
    • Cloning with GIT
    • Using GITHUB as a remote repository
    • Checkout with GIT
    • Rolling back changes with GIT
    • GITHUB with Xcode
    • Tips and tricks to excel in GITHUB
    • In this module, you are going to learn about GIT, GitHub and version control which is very useful in web development and for web developers. GIT is mainly a tool which is used for source code management and it is a free and open source tool to handle very small to large projects very efficiently. GitHub is a web platform which is used for version control. It simply provides the platform to different developers to collaborate in one project and work on several files and merge them after changes with the master branch. These are very important tools and platforms for young developers to develop their projects.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Wordpress?
    • Basics of Wordpress
    • Different themes to use in Wordpress
    • Wordpress categories
    • Customising and managing website back-end
    • CMS components
    • Make it interactive
    • Install necessary plugins
    • Backing up and restoring a WordPress site
    • Styling your WordPress site
    • Wordpress is a content management system (CMS) which is used to build websites and it allows you to host your website as well. It contains various plugins and widgets to architect your website and templates. You can customize your complete website with the help of different tools there. You can make any kind of website with the help of wordpress like blog, business website, store, and portfolio. In this module of creative designing course in Noida, you will learn about its components, categories, plugins, different basics of wordpress and more.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to Magento 2x
    • Ways to enable Magento
    • Ways to disable Magento
    • Apply drop ship extension
    • Enhance the functionality of your Magento site
    • Create and customise
    • Set image durations
    • Structuring of the text in appropriate format
    • Difference between Magento and other sites
    • Maintaining Magento and compatibility
    • Magento is an open source platform specially for ecommerce technology which provides online users with a flexible cart system and other features which are provided on shopping websites. Magento is a very powerful and secure platform for marketing also like search engine optimization and catalog management tools. In this module you will learn about the introduction of magento, how to enable and disable magento, what are the steps of customizations, how to import images, and how to maintain magento and its compatibility. We have a group of professionals who provide you with the best services in learning and knowledge.

    PHP (Personal Home Page)

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to PHP
    • Data types
    • Controlling the structures
    • PHP built-in functions
    • Custom functions
    • Ways to use form data in PHP
    • Ways to use Database in PHP
    • Applications of PHP
    • PHP elements
    • Difference between PHP and other languages
    • PHP modular programming
    • Php language is used to make the static website into a dynamic website. Php is the most popular language of the present time which is used to make 70% of the world’s websites. The Wordpress platform is also using the php language. In this module, you will learn about introduction to php programming, it’s built-in functions, applications of Php, elements and components. You will become a complete programmer in php and you can build your own dynamic website. Php used sql language to handle the database. Php is a very fast and easy to use language. Enroll now in Techstack Academy to learn a creative designing course in Noida.

    CMS project blogging system

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to CMS
    • Usage of PHP, bootstrap
    • Creation of templates
    • Creation of fast and powerful sites
    • Blog management system in PHP
    • Blog PHP- project GITHUB
    • Elements of CMS
    • Industrial strength with low maintenance
    • User registrations
    • Clear hosting and domain purchase
    • Techstack Academy provides you with all the updated techniques and tools related to these programming languages which are most popular and used in current industries. CMS is known as a content management system which is used to make websites which can handle dynamic data. In this module, you are going to learn about the complete content management system and how it works. You can make any kind of website with the help of CMS like blogs, business websites and more. CMS is a widely used system and very popular in the present time. Learn CMS programming at Techstack Academy as we have the best trainers in Delhi NCR.

    CMS- categories

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to complete CMS
    • Function and its applications
    • Creating the navigation links in admin
    • Displaying data
    • Adding different categories
    • Editing and updating categories
    • Adding a special function
    • Deleting unnecessary categories
    • Creating the admin category page
    • Secret tips to excel in CMS
    • This is a certification course of post graduation program in creative designing in Noida which is based on the advanced learning concepts related to web development and graphic designing. In this module, you are going to learn about introduction to CMS, its functions and application, different categories and how to make them, what are the special functions, how to remove unnecessary categories, and more. We will teach you some great secret tips related to content management systems which you can use to make your cms more effective and functionable. You can do a job in any company after completion of our creative designing course in Noida.

    CMS posts

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What are CMS Posts?
    • Creating a HTML table
    • Admin to displaying posts
    • Pages based on condition techniques
    • Creating posts HTML form in admin
    • Inserting post data from admin
    • Deleting posts
    • Creating and displaying HTML edit
    • Dynamic category editing
    • Image display and updating the posts
    • Techstack Academy is one of the most trustable and great institutes for creative designing courses in Noida where you will learn about several web designing concepts, photoshop related skills, concepts related to illustrator, and web development skills for advanced level. With our course you can be the best creative designer in Noida who has complete skills of front end coding and backend coding. You can make websites with a lot of dynamic functions. We provide you 100% job assistance after successfully completing our course and provide creative sessions in learning.

    The UNIX command line

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is the unix command line?
    • How to use basic bash commands in a unix/linux terminal?
    • Manipulating files
    • Manipulating folders
    • Taking no benefits from graphical user interfaces
    • Ways to download easily
    • Ways to install onto your computer using command line
    • Controlling the execution of shell scripts
    • Advantages of unix command line
    • Various unix manuals and documentation
    • Techstack Academy provides this post graduation program in creative designing on the basis of current industry scenarios. We help our students to get the most advanced techniques related to unix, cms and all and provide you secure placements in good organisations. We are one of the most recommended institutes of Noida for creative designing courses in Noida. Our trainers are well experienced and provide hands-on training for creative designing programs. These trainings are conducted under the guidance of industry experts and provide you real-time projects to work on. We provide hands-on training in the Unix command line and show you the practicalities for each command. There are many ways by which you can download the unix command line in your computers.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to Node.JS
    • Explore the components of back-end development
    • Working with an MVC framework
    • Concept data types, objects and methods
    • Using Node on the command line
    • NPM
    • File system interaction
    • JavaScript build processes
    • Event loop and emitters
    • Modules
    • Native node drivers
    • Server-Side JavaScript
    • Our courses are designed to give maximum benefits to students who are looking to make their careers in the creative field of development. We design this course which will be understood by all the students and covers basics to complete advanced level topics. We teach you with a practical approach and try to give practical knowledge for each and every module. This creative designing course in Noida covers all the related techniques and tools which are required to completely develop a website. We provide each student with incredible support and provide doubt clearing sessions and guidance related to industries. We provide 100% placement services at our institute.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to Express. JS
    • Understanding how to install Express. JS
    • Usage of express in Node applications
    • Creation of Node servers
    • Creation of Express based servers
    • RESTful routing with Express
    • Understand the use of middleware for Node applications
    • Scaffolding
    • Cookies and templating
    • App routing with specific logics
    • Techstack Academy is a very popular institute for creative designing courses in Noida with great infrastructure and equipment. We provide training on a real-time project basis where you can learn by practicing the concepts. It is the best way of training and learning. We provide training online and offline and give access to our servers by which you can practice at your home too and implement your projects. We have trained around 5000+ students till now and provide certification courses. We have designed our curriculum on the basis of current industry scenarios and standards.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to EJS
    • Functioning of EJS
    • Ways to use it with Node and Express
    • Templating with EJS
    • Running code in EJS templates
    • Passing data from server to template and vice versa
    • Creation of layouts/partials with EJS
    • Node as a web server
    • REPL using process object
    • Rendering server-site website using EJS template
    • We provide 100% placement support to our students and provide them with the best creative designing courses in Noida. You can secure your future with us by learning one of the best courses with our experienced teachers. We have good associations with big organisations and MNCs who recruit our students directly. We have placed many students across the globe and they got their positions in companies according to their knowledge. If you want to make your career in the field of creative design and web development, join Techstack Academy as we are providing the best training in creative designing courses.

    NO SQL with mongo DB and Mongoose

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to NOSQL
    • Serialization
    • How to model NOSQL data
    • Document Databases (MongoDB)
    • Create-read-update-destroy (CRUD)
    • NOSQL best practices
    • Mono shell and common line use
    • Installing MongoDB
    • Mapping relationships with MongoDB
    • Using object-data modelling library (Mongoose)
    • In the present time, all the companies and businesses are dependent upon their online presence and every business needs to have their websites or any kind of online presence. The websites are the main mirror of the companies and provide other customers and businesses information about you. Our institutes are always dedicated to provide you the best creative designing training in Noida to make your career in advanced technologies. With the help of our postgraduate program in creative designing you can become an expert in the field of web development.

    Application program interfaces (APIS)

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to API’s
    • Understand what an API is
    • Functionality of API
    • Calling API’s
    • Reading API documentation
    • Basic API authentication
    • Server to server communication
    • Report of API
    • JSON vs XML
    • Sending data over the wirez
    • Techstack Academy provides the best certification program in creative designing in Noida where you will learn about APIs which are applications which provide connection between two software programs and they will be able to talk to each other. In this course, you are going to learn about overview of APIs, what are the functionality of APIs, how to call APIs, what is server to server communication and more. You will become a complete professional after completing this course and can work in any development industry. We provide certification for each course after successfully completing the course.

    Database fundamentals

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is a database fundamental?
    • Data relationships
    • Designing a data model
    • Database concepts
    • Relational database
    • Alternative database
    • Entity relationship modelling (ERM)
    • Object relational mapping (ORM)
    • Backup and restore
    • Constraints and indexes
    • In the present time, all the companies are competing with each other online. There are many requirements to beat other online presence. You need to work hard to achieve the top positions in top results. With the help of the internet, anyone can search for any company and check the reliability of the company. All the companies are adapting these new techniques and managing their online presence in a good way. There is the contrasting increase in the demand of web developers and creative designieners. With the help of our experienced trainers, you can learn new functionalities and connectivity of databases. In this module, you are going to learn about database fundamentals. We provide the best web development and designing course in the entire Delhi NCR as we provide courses according to the current industry scenarios.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to SQL
    • Working with Database schemas
    • Create-read-update-destroy (CRUD)
    • Database joins
    • Querying SQL databases
    • DDL and DML
    • Data commands
    • Access to appropriate database
    • Filtering of the data
    • Retrieving the data
    • SQL is a standard query language which is used to communicate with the database. SQL is the main standard language for relational database management systems. With the help of sql queries and statements you can perform different tasks and can update data in tables, and databases. You can retrieve any data which is present in the database with the help of some queries. In this module, you are going to learn about working with database schemas, ddl and dml, what are the data commands, how to filter and retrieve data from databases and more. You will be taught under the guidance of our industry experts.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to deployment
    • Understand hosting and deployment
    • Deployment fundamentals
    • Hosting static websites
    • Hosting websites with GITHUB pages
    • Deploying server based applications with Heroku
    • Deploying databases with Mango atlas
    • Building real-world infrastructure
    • Setting up DNS records
    • Imposition of resources
    • Techstack Academy is one of the best institutes for creative designing courses in Noida where you can learn about deployment services. We provide a certification program in each IT course we are providing after completion of the course. In this module you will learn about deployment and how to deploy your website on hosting. How to use hosting services, and set DNS records. Our topics related to the course are made in the guidance of some experienced trainers who know about the current industry standards. We trained our students in a way by which they can match the ongoing demands of industries. Join our institute today to grab your seat as we have limited seats here.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Content management system (CMS)
    • Wordpress custom theme designing
    • Mobile application UI-HTML5, CSS3
    • Website preloaders
    • Game development and designing
    • Website designing- Photoshop and illustration
    • Logo, brochure, pamphlet etc. designing
    • Mobile application designing- Photoshop and illustrator
    • Custom website preloaders
    • Landing page designing
    • This is our last segment of the post graduation program in creative designing and you can make different projects according to your knowledge. We provide you different opportunities of work during and completion of the course. Techstack Academy provides 100% job placements in the market and builds opportunities for students. We have a group of trainers who have experience working in the industries of around 8 to 10 years which is huge. We ensure the quality of learning and provide you the best value of your investment and start your dream career and unlimited opportunities. Join our institute today or avail for the demo session with your faculty. We provide online courses and offline courses in creative designing and give you the opportunity to choose between weekdays and weekends according to your convenience.
  • Capstone Project
  • Career Assistance: Resume building, Mock interviews, 1:1 mentorship and Career fair
  • Program Certificate from Orangus India and Techstack Academy

Languages and Tools Covered

Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Course Tools
Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Course Tools
Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Course Tools
Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Course Tools
Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Course Tools

Certificate from The Orangus India and TechStack Academy

Capstone Projects

Live Projects from the Partner Agency ( Orangus & Team Variance ).

Projects Completed





Creation of Brand Logos



Icons Which can be used in websites and mobile apps.



Create Interactive Brochures, to impress your Clients.


YouTube Graphics

Create Video Layouts for your Live and recorded Youtube Videos.


Facebook And Twitter Graphics

Create Post Layout to attract users towards your Social Media Ads.



Designing beautiful Banner for social media profile, websites and apps.


Business Cards

Making of Business Cards that directly impact positive on a Client.


Photo Collages

Photo Collages that beautify walls of a home.

Join India's #1 Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing

Faculty and Mentors

With years of experience, our faculty members are here to deliver you a high-quality learning experience both online and offline, whilst providing wings to your tech skills!


Industry Mentors

Award winning faculties

Our Faculty

Reviews by Students

Know what our students have to say about us.

Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing review


It is basically a creative designing institute and you can learn about website designing, development, graphic designing and more. I enjoyed learning here and my trainer was a very experienced yet entertaining person. He trained us with full dedication and gave us complete practical knowledge of our modules. This is one of the best institutes so far in technology.

Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing training review

Ramesh SharmaPGPCD

Entire journey at Techstack for my course of post graduation programme in creative design was so damn good. I learned a lot there and they provide us with the best services possible. Our trainer is of friendly nature and always there to help you to solve any kind of problem. He always motivated us to design something creative. Very good institute.

Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing institute review

Rehan SinghalPGPCD

The best thing about Techstack Academy is that they provide doubt clearing sessions which help students to solve their utmost problems while coding. Techstack surely is one of the best institutes of Noida as they have the best trainers of the field who have experience of 8 to 10 years. Best environment and very creative place to learn creative designing course in Noida.

Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing in Noida review

Neha SharmaPGPCD

I joined Techstack for a creative designing course in Noida after recommendation from my close friend and it turns out to be the best institute so far. They provide skills which no other institute provides now. All faculties work in complete dedication. Placement cell of the company is working hard to provide you better jobs. If you want to learn new technologies, join now.

Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing training in Noida review

Anushi SinghPGPCD

Techstack Academy is one of the best institutes for IT technologies and they have very experienced teachers. I have completed my creative designing training from here and during my course I got placed in a big organization with a handsome package. Doubt clearing sessions and extra assignments helped us a lot in learning.

Advance Web Development course review

Rishabh GuptayPGPCD

Learning environment in Techstack Academy is so great and our teacher is very talented who is always there to help each and every student. Entire staff of Techstack is well behaved which is a very good thing because every institute after admission doesn't consider your problems. If you are serious about creative learning, this institute provides the best curriculum.

Program Fee

Starting at Rs. 11,000/month

Batch Starting: 17 Feb 2025

Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing

Program Duration: 3 Months

Program Certification from

100% Classroom Training

Upskill with Techstack Academy

25+ Case Studies

Become Production Artist, UX designer, Multimedia designer, Animator, Layout artist.

Get 150+ hours of intensive learning in WD over 3 months.

Create portfolio-worthy projects

Start Your Own Startup

Payment Method

We have variety of payment methods in Techstack Academy.

Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Payment method
Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Institute Payment method
Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Training Payment method
Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing in Noida Payment method
Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Institute in Noida Payment method
Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Training Payment method

Application Process


Fill the application form

Fill the application form to help us understand about you and all your necessary details before you move further to join Techstack.


Counselling Process

Take a word with our counsellor and know-how about the different subjects running at Techstack! Our cooperative process is held to give you the necessary information required.


Join Program

Fasten your seat belts to become an industry-expert by joining one of our courses.Get yourself acquainted with the best of the knowledge provided by Techstack Academy!

Upcoming Application Deadline

Have you filled up our forms yet? If not, then buckle-up before the batches get full! We are waiting to hear from you, and take your career onto the next level, with us!

Deadline: 17 Feb 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the duration of your post graduation program in creative designing?

Techstack offers a post graduation program in creative designing of 1 year in which there are 47 modules available with 1 project section that is included at the end of the course. In this program, we provide you extensive learning in all modules be it php, web designing, graphic designing and more. We provide regular assessments and assignments after every module which helps you to learn each module in depth. We provide around a 3 months internship program with the course of creative designing in Noida to check the capability of each student in the most feasible manner.

Do you teach designing, creative editing along with development?

This post graduation program in creative designing covers all the aspects related to creative designing, editing and development. This course offers each and every module which makes you an expert of the field of designing and development. We provide you in-depth knowledge in html, css, photoshop, php and other modules by which you can handle any type of designing and development project which need php in back-end working. You will be able to edit images and videos with this one year post graduation course of creative designing in Noida. Learn from our industry experts who will teach you according to current scenarios of industries.

Are there any internship programs included in this course?

Techstack Academy offers 3 months of internship program in post graduation program in creative designing. We provide in-depth training with the help of industry experts. We designed this curriculum on the basis of current industry standards and you will be provided real-time projects to work on in the internship program. With the help of these projects, you know about the working standard of companies and do some self-evaluation and introspection to move forward in your career. This internship will help you in getting your dream job as you will be provided with certification of internship separately.

Do you provide in-depth knowledge of each module?

Techstack Academy believes in quality learning and provides you in-depth knowledge in each and every module. We have a group of experts who have industry experience of 8 to 10 years in the particular fields. We have designed this creative designing course in Noida for those students who want to make a career in the field of development. Our trainers provide you hands-on training on each module by giving real-time projects to work on. This technique builds your confidence towards coding and gets the idea of working procedures of industries. Join our creative designing course to have practical knowledge in each topic.

Can I opt for online classes?

Yes, you can take online classes for post graduation programs in creative design as per your convenience. The quality of teaching will be the same as the trainer for this particular course and deliver you sessions with complete knowledge. These courses build the confidence in students and make them an expert of the field by which they can work in any industry. With the help of online classes you can take courses from the comfort of your home and learn each module thoroughly. You can clear your doubts if you are having a doubt clearing session and if you have any missed class, you can talk to your trainer to take that class again.

Our Learners Work At

Know where our students get placed.

Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Placements
Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Training Placements
Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Institute Placements
Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing in Noida Placements
Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Institute in Noida Placements
Post Graduation Program in Creative Designing Training in Noida Placements

Know More About Techstack

What is the scope of a postgraduate program in creative designing?

In the current scenario, everybody wants their personal space on the web and wants to publish their own websites for work. Most probably all the industries and companies want website developers to maintain their online presence and the world is going digital so the scope is always increasing. To be a good developer, you need to do the course from the best web development institute in Noida. Learn courses from Techstack Academy as we provide the latest scenarios related to web applications and websites and teach you to work on different tools.

What is a creative designing course and what does it include?

Our post graduation program in creative designing includes around 47 modules and consists of various topics like graphic designing, web development, web designing, php programming, and more. This course is designed to give you knowledge of all aspects related to being a complete creative developer. Enroll yourself for our advanced courses and become an expert in the field. With the help of these fields, you can earn jobs in multinational companies.

What is a graphic design and what does it include?

Graphic designing is a field in which you work on graphics, which include graphic editing, new graphic design, update graphic, combining graphics and more. It is generally a process in which you combine text and image in a well formatted way which is designed for a particular purpose. Join Techstack Academy to learn from the industry experts and know how to use various tools and techniques. These particular fields have a lot of scope in future.

What are the essential skills every creative developer should have?

To be a best creative developer and want to work in multinational companies, you should have the development skills according to the latest industry standards. Creative designers should have the knowledge of designing, development, back end working, wordpress, graphic designing, and more. You have to update yourself with current scenarios by which you can match the level of industries. Learn from experts from our best institute of creative designing course in Noida, Techstack Academy. With these skills, you can make responsive designs which are user friendly.

What are the most common programming languages used in creative designing?

The common languages to design a website are HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery and to make a static website into dynamic, you should choose a dynamic language like php, python. To create graphics, you need graphic designing softwares to develop images, logos, pamphlets, sign boards, and more. These are the main programming languages used in this creative designing course. In present times, these technologies are very popular. Techstack Academy designed this course to provide the advanced course of creative designing in Noida.

Why choose us?

As we know, your future and careers depends on us, we make sure to deliver a holistic view of the entire syllabus that we provide, helping you attain in-depth knowledge.

Full-Fledged Curriculum

At Techstack, we deliver an amalgamation of courses beyond your field of expertise to help your career reach greater heights.

Step-By-Step Learning

We create a roadmap for your journey, starting from novice to becoming an expert.

Lifetime Support

Your journey at Techstack doesn’t end with the completion of the course, you will gain the status of Techstack Alumni for a lifetime.

Browse Related Blogs

To help inspire you about the latest information, we have pulled together with the most creative, clever and effective information from around the blogosphere!

Contact Us

If you are keen to learn about a variety of courses that can provide you with an ultimatum of knowledge, choose Techstack! We have a International reputation for excellence due to the outstanding quality of our teaching and support, resulting in positive outcomes for your future.

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June 2019 Batch

Naina Bhatnagar :I learned about the field of creative designing from my career counsellor and then I searched about it on Google and got to know about Techstack Academy. I went there with my brother and father and swati ma’am helped me a lot to figure out what I was really looking for and then I enrolled myself for the course of creative designing. The faculties here are so experienced and very helpful. I recently got placed in a big company as a creative editor. I recommended this course to my friends and got their admission there to learn the trending course. I am very thankful to the entire team of Techstack.

Ayush Sehgal :I want to become a creative designer so I searched online for the best creative designing course in Noida and my search has ended at Techstack Academy. I have read reviews about the institute and it finds out that it is one of the best institutes so far for IT technologies. They provide complete advanced learning in each subject and give hands-on training of every module with the help of practical approach. I have taken admission there for the post graduation program in creative designing and I got a job during my course journey. I recommend this institute strongly to every creative designer out there.

Radha Aggarwal:I completed my post graduation program in creative designing from Techstack Academy and they provide advanced training in this field. They covered all the aspects related to creative designing by which you can clear any interview that comes in your way. Our trainer was so talented and dedicated. He is always there to help students with creative solutions which makes every task fun-loving. These qualities made this institute one of the best and they have the best trainers. They provided online and offline both sessions, you can choose accordingly coz quality will be the same. I have taken both online and online sessions. Recommended to all.

Sanjeev Sharma :If you want to make your career in the field of creative design and want to learn new tools and techniques, this institute is providing the best services. Curriculum provided is very advanced and covers all the aspects of creative learning. They provide you assignments and real time projects for working which helps a lot in gaining knowledge of the next level. These learning techniques are very helpful in working in real industries. They have trainers who are experienced professionals and know how to work in industries. To cover all advanced tools and topics, Techstack Academy is best.

Naksh Ratna :I wanted to learn a creative designing course for a very long time and then covid situation hit and this changed everything so I have searched about this course online and taken admission in Techstack Academy for a post graduation program in creative designing after reading online reviews. After taking admission, my cousin brother also suggested to me this institute by which I was confident about learning. They provided me with learning from a very basic level to complete advanced and cleared all my doubts. Provide training in real time projects which helped us to have the experience of real world industries. I would like to recommend it to all for online classes.

Mudit Singh :If you are searching for the best institute for creative designing or other IT courses, without any doubt Techstack Academy is the best. I took admission here for an online course of creative design as I want to make a career in this particular field. I learned designing already but I have got many doubts and here all my doubts cleared. Our faculty is very helpful and always there to help you and clearing your doubts, he is a very hardworking teacher. I have done online training from Techstack and I am looking forward to more advanced courses. I got placement from here. Recommended to all.
