#1Master in Web Designing Program in Noida, India

Trained 18000+ professionals in India

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Classroom & Online Mentorship
Batch Starting: 27 Jan 2025
Master in Web Designing Program in Noida

Dual Credentials

Techstack Academy & Orangus


Orangus India

6 Months

Recommended 10-12 hrs/week

27 Jan 2025

Program Start Date

EMI options

Starting at Rs. 11,000

India’s #1 Master in Web Designing Program in Associated Partner with:

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Master in Web Designing Program in Noida Associated Partner
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Graphic Designing Training in Noida Associated Partner
Best Master in Web Designing Program Associated Partner
Best Graphic Designing Institute Associated Partner


At Techstack, we believe in providing a full-fledged course of your desire where our industry experts have designed a top-notch curriculum just for you.

  • Master in Web Designing Program (35 Module)

    Introduction to web designing

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Overview of web designing
    • Principles of web designing
    • Elements used
    • Ways to make the webpage responsive
    • Functionality and its applications
    • Easy navigation
    • Content formatting
    • Introduction to different languages of web designs
    • Mobile-friendly website
    • Tips and tricks to build an appropriate website
    • Learn with Techstack Academy, how to create awesome designs for your websites. Our web designing course in Noida covers all related aspects of creative designing. We offer you a wide range of topics and tools to provide you better training in web designing. In this module, you will learn about principles of web design, what are the different ways to make responsive web design, how to create easy navigation, what are the important tricks to build an appropriate site and more. You will be taught under the guidance of the best web design trainers who have a lot of industry experience.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Overview to HTML
    • Basics and applications of HTML
    • Structure of HTML documents
    • HTML block and inline elements
    • 5 Basic tags of HTML
    • HTML and CSS
    • Content ponts/bullets
    • Proper headlines
    • HTML Syntax
    • Web structuring
    • This is our second module of this exclusive course of website design in Noida in which you learn introduction to HTML. This programming language is very important for designing web pages. It is a block type language which gives you different tags to design different parts of websites. In this module, you will learn how to write these tags properly and what is the main syntax of Html programming. Learn with our trainers who provide you the best training in website designing according to the latest trends in the industries. You will know how to design a website step by step properly.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Overview to HTML5
    • Basic elements used in HTML5
    • Difference between HTML and HTML5
    • Latest versions of HTML
    • Discretion of components
    • Responsive web design techniques
    • Alt Tags
    • HTML forms
    • Ways to create a simple navigation form
    • Anatomy of HTML5 Tags
    • HTML language is the main language to design any web page. This language has the latest version of HTML5 which is used to make responsive designs. Responsive designing is very popular in the present time and very important for SEO purposes also. In our website designing course in Noida, we provide you training in different versions of HTML and give you a step by step approach to design a website from scratch. We provide you in-depth knowledge of HTML5 and teach you how to build interactive, professional yet beautiful designs for yourself or companies.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Overview to DHTML
    • Importance and application of DHTML
    • Components and scripting
    • Properties of DHTML
    • Embedding different frames and tags
    • Well-defined elements and tags
    • Div style specification
    • Creation of simple web page layouts
    • Types of fonts to be used
    • Making an uncluttered website
    • Learn another segment of HTML language to follow the trends of present time. We will teach you all the components and scripts related to DHTML in our web designing course in Noida at Techstack Academy. In this module, you will learn about the importance of DHTML, how to use it, how to embed different frames, what is div style specification and more. With the help of DHTML you can make responsive and very outstanding designs of websites. Our trainers will guide you with complete specifications and make you an expert in web designing with the help of different programming languages.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Introduction to CSS2.O
    • Resources page
    • Web design basics
    • Text and formatting
    • Different media queries
    • Optimizing, auditing, and launching a site
    • Formatting with CSS
    • Dive into HTML and CSS both
    • Selections and declarations
    • Different locations, elements, and class/ID
    • Get ultimate knowledge in different languages which are important to design webpages. We follow industry method learning to provide you advanced learning experience. We teach you to grow in the field of designing with the latest trends and tools and give you step by step presentations of working. In this module, you will learn about the CSS language which is very necessary for styling a website. To format your website in certain limits, you need style language. You will learn how to use HTML and CSS together to make creative designs.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is CSS3.O?
    • Web-safe fonts
    • Animations and transition
    • Difference between CSS2.O and CSS 3.O
    • Centering elements with the broad use of CSS
    • CSS specifications and implementing style hierarchy
    • Generating content and counters
    • CSS syntax
    • Calculation of its values
    • Multiple backgrounds and gradient
    • CSS 3.0 is the latest version of CSS2.0 and they are quite similar but in today’s website css3.0 is used. Techstack Academy provides you with the latest advanced topics to cope up with current scenarios of industries. In this course, you will learn about web safe fonts, what is the main difference between css2.0 and css3.0, what is css syntax, how to style with css, and more. Our professional trainers will help you to learn css step by step and clear all your issues in learning. After completing this module, you will be able to style any kind of HTML and can make interactive web pages.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Introduction to Dreamweaver
    • Creation of easy and similar templates
    • Managing website using Adobe Dreamweaver
    • Fundamentals of Dreamweaver
    • Working alongside CSS
    • Working with images and text
    • Text formatting
    • A complete overview of the interface
    • Elements of a Dreamweaver
    • Special tips to use Dreamweaver efficiently
    • This module is about the functioning of dreamweaver software which is used to design websites. This software provides you a platform to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other languages at one place and check randomly what design you have made. Here you will learn how to create different templates along with working with images and texts. Our trainers will provide you special tips related to dreamweaver software by which you can easily use functions. This is an important tool which you need to learn when you want to work in real industries. Learn our best web designing course at TechStack Academy, Noida.

    CorelDraw introduction

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Different fundamentals of Javascript
    • Coding and structuring
    • Objects and their prototypes
    • Scope and closures
    • Basic operators to be followed
    • Working with various strings and numbers
    • Variable data types
    • Unicode characters with Boolean
    • Elements and their applications
    • Creating custom functions
    • This module is related to JavaScript which is used for scripting in the websites. With the help of JavaScript you can design some dynamic objects like sliders, blinking texts and more to make your website attractive. You will learn about coding and structuring of JavaScript, variable data types, creating custom functions, scope and closures and more. Our trainers will provide you advanced learning material related to JavaScript and its libraries. JavaScript is very important aspect for interactive websites to make them more functional. Learn our masters on web designing course in Noida to learn from industry experts who has experience of 8 to 10 years.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Introduction to JavascriptES6
    • Applications of JavascriptES6
    • Difference between JavascriptES6 and ECMAScript
    • New syntax and features
    • Improving for a cleaner code
    • Mess-free/uncluttered site
    • Rules of language
    • Learning to use expressions and operators
    • Statements and declaration in Javascript
    • Functions and invocation patterns
    • JavascriptES6
    • Javascript ES6 is another version of javascript which is used to easily create web pages. JavascriptES6 is the method to write asynchronous codes which are used to fetch data from APIs. ECMAscript is commonly used to do client side scripting on the world wide web and used to write server applications and services for Node.js. Techstack Academy will teach you how to use these scripts in your code and how to server side and client side scripting. In this web designing course in Noida we will provide you with a basic set of rules to apply javascript on your coding in the right format.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Learn how to implement responsive web design
    • Installation of Bootstrap framework
    • Bootstrap components
    • Navigation bars
    • Easy menu, to surf at
    • Documentation and themes
    • Powerful plugins
    • Sources code of Bootstrap
    • Usage of latest versions
    • HTML and CSS based design templates
    • Enroll yourself in a master in web designing course in Noida at Techstack Academy to learn from the experts of the web designing field. We will teach you advanced concepts which are used in current industries and give real time scenarios to make you perfect in the coding. In this module, you will learn about bootstrap which is used to design responsive web pages. Bootstrap is a framework which is used to create modern designs of websites and web apps. This is an open source and free to use framework yet the most popular one. You need to learn it with good techniques which are taught by your trainers.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Introduction Jquery
    • How to gain maximum benefits with Jquery?
    • Overview of Javascript framework
    • Setting up the editor
    • Making the website more interactive
    • Handing different mouse and keyboard events
    • Element selectors
    • Effect animations
    • Usage of AJAX to add content
    • Various strategies to be implemented for the right formats
    • Jquery is a language which is used to design some great animations on websites. It provides you a javascript library which is used for less coding for javascripts on your websites. There are many common tasks in jquery which can be done in just one line of codes in javascript. In this module, you will learn how to handle jquery data, how to use element selectors, effect animations, what is the usage of AJAX to add content in the website and more. With the help of jquery and javascript language, you can make dynamic websites easily.

    Responsive Designs

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Different ways to create responsive web design
    • Basic components of web design
    • Principles of responsive web design
    • Designing with media queries
    • Exclusive formatting with various languages
    • Guidelines to make your website stand out
    • Internal and external CSS
    • Cool and unique effects
    • Optimizing and launching a website
    • Diving into HTML and CSS
    • Learn with Techstack Academy how to make different responsive designs for your websites and unleash the power of knowledge in responsive coding. Our trainers will teach you how to build beautiful websites with responsive coding with the help of HTML, CSS programming languages. The main modules of responsive coding are flexible layouts, flexible media and media queries. In this module, you will learn about principles of responsive web design, internal and external CSS files, how to optimize and launch a html website, and what are the main guidelines to make your website stand out from others.

    DOM (Document Object Model)

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Introduction to DOM
    • Elements included in DOM
    • API usage for HTML and XML
    • Documenting using object notation
    • Various practices of coding
    • Object-oriented structure
    • Interface to DOM
    • Make your websites interactive
    • Properties of DOM
    • Tips to excel in the field of DOM
    • In this course of master in web designing in Noida at Techstack Academy, we will teach you about document object model and its all elements. Document object model is an application programming interface for HTML and XML documents which defines the logical structure of documents and how they are accessed. The DOM model can be used in any programming language. This platform allows programs and different scripts to access the data dynamically and update the content, its structure and style. Get enrolled yourself in one of our courses to make you an expert of that particular field.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Overview to XML
    • Fundamentals of XML
    • Application program interface
    • Differentiating between HTML and XML
    • Effective installation of XML
    • Readable format
    • Structuring of the website
    • Element tags
    • Attributing values
    • Transportation of easy data
    • XML stands for extensible markup language which is used to describe the data in a flexible way and create information formats to share structured data electronically with the use of the internet or with corporate networks as well. Learn how to use xml language from scratch with our professional trainers and upgrade your skills to the next level in the web designing field. This course is designed specially for those who are serious about making their career in the field of web designing. We will teach you how to structure a website, how to element tags, how to attribute values, and easily transportation of data.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • CMS (content management system)
    • PHP based software
    • Mobile application UI
    • Landing page design
    • Game development and design
    • Logo, brochure, pamphlet designing
    • Custom website preloaders
    • WordPress custom theme design
    • HTML/CSS3/Bootstrap
    • Photoshop and Illustrator
    • Techstack Academy believes in quality and groom their students with complete advanced techniques with hours of practical and theoretical knowledge. We offer you to work on real-time projects to enhance your skills and you can make your own project according to your needs. We will teach you how to make interactive websites with the help of the latest technologies. We make you an expert in the web development field by which you can build your dream career in your own way. You can make any project by using the above technologies modules and if you get stuck anywhere, our teachers will always be there to help you.


    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • In this course of master in web designing in Noida at Techstack Academy, you will be regarded with certification for the course and internship separately. When you fully completed the course successfully, you will be rewarded with the certificates of completion. Our certificates have greater values and can be shown anywhere to show your expertise in the field. Learn a web designing course with Techstack Academy and we will teach you in a well designed way which covers all the aspects of the current web development field and teach you everything in related tools.

    Introduction to Graphic Designing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is graphic designing?
    • Usage of graphic designing
    • Elements and functions of graphic designing
    • Importance of graphic designing
    • Page layout techniques
    • Visual content to attract users
    • Web banner images
    • PDF and brochure designing
    • Tips to create easy and efficient graphics/templates
    • This is our exclusive course of web designing in Noida in which we will cover all aspects related to it. You will get rich knowledge related to graphic designing in this web designing training and get the best curriculum covered by professional trainers. In this module, you will learn about usage of graphic designing, its importance, how to use page layout techniques, how to make web banner images and more. In this course, Techstack Academy offers different ebooks, recorded sessions to learn and revise in future.

    Introduction to Illustrator

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Overview to illustrator
    • Significance of illustrator
    • Difference between illustrator and photoshop
    • Creation of vectors
    • Editing
    • Animations
    • Making of logos, sketches, icons
    • Typography and complex illustrations
    • Image and drawing layers
    • Colour schemes
    • Learn Illustrator with our master in web designing course in Noida at Techstack Academy. Adobe illustrator is used to create graphics for websites and web applications which is very necessary to make a website attractive. We will teach you in-depth illustrator techniques and how to make any graphic with step by step procedure. With the help of an illustrator you can design logos, sketches, icons, different typography and more easily with particular color schemes. To match any format of website, you need to make different graphics with some limited color schemes and to do this you need to learn Adobe Illustrator thoroughly.

    Illustrator Selections

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What is an illustrator selection?
    • Fast and precise selections
    • Selection of objects and groups
    • Direct selection tool
    • Different tools used
    • Lasso selections with a magic wand
    • Group selection
    • Drag and click
    • Tips to choose appropriate selections
    • Learn another module related to Adobe Illustrator that how to use selection tools to make any graphic creative. Selection tools are very important for making graphics creative. To edit any particular part of a graphic, you need selection methods to select any particular area. In this module, you will learn about direct selection tools, group selection tools, drag and drop facilities, selection of objects and groups and more. We will teach you how to do selection easily. With completion of this course, you will feel confident about web designing and illustrator and can design graphics according to your imagination.

    Illustrator Tools

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Overview to illustrator tool
    • Types of tools used
    • Pen tool and magic wand
    • Paintbrush and blob brush tool
    • Shape builder tool
    • Gradient tool
    • Symbol sprayer tool
    • Color swatches
    • Free distort
    • Anchor point tool
    • Techstack Academy designed this master in web designing course in Noida to provide you with the best knowledge related to this field and make you a complete expert of the field. With the help of this course, you can get a job in any multinational company according to your knowledge as we provide you with a practical approach related to current scenarios of industries. Illustrator has many tools and every tool is used for different work. In this module, you will learn about shape builder tools, gradient tools, color swatches, free distort and more.

    Illustrator Effects

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Different types of effects
    • 3D effects
    • Transform and distort
    • Photoshop effects
    • Stylize
    • Applied effects in illustrator
    • Enhancement of images
    • Glitch effect
    • Adobe illustrator effects
    • Smoke effects tutorials
    • Grab knowledge related to different effects in adobe illustrator tools and know how to use them in graphic design. Graphic designing is an important part of a web designing course as it provides the multimedia images related to the website to make it more effective and you need some graphics to make social media presence effectively. To make images lively, you need different effects. In this module, you learn different illustrator effects, transform and distort, glitch effect, smoke effect and more with our professional trainers. If you are serious about learning complete web designing, enroll yourself with Techstack Academy.

    Illustrator Projects

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Creation of vectors
    • Brochure designing
    • Website images
    • Portraits
    • Sizing and resizing
    • Detailed illustrations
    • Illustrated maps and graphics
    • Logo design illustrator
    • Vector art and files
    • Graphic designing and web designing courses are all about practical learning. There is very little theoretical knowledge in these courses. To learn usage of different tools, you need to work on real time projects to be an expert of that module. We provide you real time projects to work on with hands-on knowledge in each tool along with a step by step approach of making any graphic. With the help of above modules, you are now able to make different projects in illustrator software like flyers, invitations, 3D characters, detailed illustrations and more. Get enrolled in our web designing course in Noida at Techstack Academy.

    Illustrator Certifications

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • After completing illustrator modules, you will become an expert in this tool and you can use this tool to make creative graphics. Techstack Academy provides you courses according to the latest trends. You will be working on real-time projects which are helpful to give you the best knowledge. This course duration is 6 months. After that you will become a website designer who knows all related tools and technologies. You will be rewarded with an internship of 45 days with the course and after successfully completion of the course, you will be rewarded with ISO-certified certificates.

    Introduction to Photoshop

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Overview to Photoshop
    • Features of Photoshop
    • Applications and their uses
    • Basics of photoshop
    • Difference between Photoshop and Illustrator
    • Photoshop CC
    • Photoshop C6
    • Image manipulation
    • Layering
    • Managing documents
    • Photoshop is an Adobe software which is widely used for graphic designing, image editing, and various digital art. Adobe photoshop is a very popular tool and used almost in all industries for creative designing. Adobe Photoshop provides many features of image editing which are pixel based and you can make vector graphics as well with it. To do editing in photoshop, the editing console is layer based and to provide you to make different layers for different editing parts and after completion you can merge them into one. Learn adobe photoshop in our master in web design course in Noida at Techstack Academy.

    Photoshop Selections

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What are selections?
    • Direct selection tool
    • Face aware liquify
    • Dashboard setup
    • Choosing an appropriate format
    • Object selection tool
    • Tools panel
    • Vectors in Photoshop
    • Clone stamp tool
    • Select and mask/Channels
    • With the help of Adobe Photoshop software, you can edit any kind of photos with it and it allows you to create digital paintings with it. You can use photoshop for graphic designing and web designing as well and make gifs for your websites. In this module, you will learn about the selection tools of photoshop which are very important to do graphic designing and editing. With the help of selection tools you can select any particular area of the graphic and you can edit that particular area only with layer techniques. Learn with our professional trainers at Techstack Academy to become a complete expert.

    Photoshop Tools

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Eyedropper tool
    • Dodge, burn, and sponge tools
    • Black and white
    • Brush tools
    • Gradients
    • Pen tool
    • Lasso tool
    • Path and shapes
    • Crop tool
    • Eraser tools
    • Adobe photoshop software has many tools in it and each and every tool used for different editing and graphic designing. In this module, you will learn about a move tool which is used to move any part of the image, marquee tool which is used to give particular shape to an image, lasso tool to make any particular selection of image, crop tool to crop any particular part of an image, and like this other tools. We will give you hands-on knowledge of different tools related to graphic designing and web design to make you confident about your career. Techstack Academy provides you with the best web design course in Noida.

    Photoshop Effects

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Artistic effects
    • Blur effects
    • PSD effects
    • Text effects
    • Gimp effects
    • Png effects
    • Adjustments and filters
    • Photo collage
    • Text behind the object
    • Lomo photo effect
    • Adobe Photoshop is a photo editing, graphic designing, and creation of different images software which is very popular in the world and it is a very fast acting tool and provides you facility to make pixel based and vector based images at the same time. It provides you a layer based editing system in which you can apply different effects on different layers on the same photo and merge them after according to your requirement. Photoshop can provide you with transparent effects too. In this module, you will learn about how to use different effects to make your photos more interesting.

    Photoshop Projects

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Creation of web banners
    • Billboards
    • Background images
    • Web image/Pdfs
    • GIFs
    • Stock Images
    • Animations
    • 2D and 3D creations
    • About us Image
    • Product images sizing
    • Techstack Academy provides you different real time projects to work on and do practicing to be an expert of the field. With the help of different projects, you will be comfortable and confident to make new web banners, GIFs, stock images, videos, and many other new things. You can make these projects all by yourself with the help of the above modules. These projects will work to show your knowledge and you can describe them in your resume to make it more effective. Our trainers will always work to make you a complete designer in the field of web design. We will teach you about the latest trends and tools to provide you quality learning in our master in web designing course in Noida.

    Photoshop Certifications

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • In this training web designing course in Noida, you will be regarded with certification related to tools after completing the course. These certificates are valid anywhere in the world and work as a proof of your experience. Our trainers at Techstack Academy will teach you step by step working on each tool to make some interactive designs which are really helpful in making your career ahead. Techstack Academy provides you certifications which are ISO certified.

    Introduction to InDesign

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Overview to InDesign
    • Significance of InDesign
    • What can be created with InDesign?
    • Elements and usage
    • Properties of InDesign
    • Fundamentals of InDesign
    • Easy color location
    • Colour schemes and accuracy
    • Appropriate fonts
    • Colour panels
    • Learn InDesign with Techstack Academy in our best web designing course in Noida where you will be taught about overview and significance of InDesign tools and what are the main fundamentals of this software. Our trainers provide you a step by step approach for all the properties of inDesign and how to use them to create designs. In our exclusive course, you will be taught with different tools and softwares which will help you in making different creative designs easily and efficiently. With the help of the inDesign tool, you can make your designs quicker and easier.

    InDesign Selections

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • What are selections?
    • Different ways to choose the right formats
    • Selections for the right colors and themes
    • Adobe InDesign CS5.5 training
    • Frames and objects
    • Character formatting
    • Drawings and layout
    • Styles
    • Workspace basics
    • Tips and tricks to excel InDesign
    • Learn Adobe InDesign with Techstack Academy and give a boost to your skills of designing with many comprehensive page layouts in your websites. We teach you advanced skills in our top web design course in Noida where we provide you with all the latest versions of softwares to teach you industry standards. We teach you as you are a complete beginner and take you to the advanced level and give you extensive training in each module to make you a perfect web designer.

    InDesign Tools

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Introduction to InDesign tools
    • Direct selection tools
    • Line tools
    • Type on a path tool
    • Enlarging and shrinking of a picture
    • Eyedropper tool
    • Note tool
    • Rectangle tool
    • Framing tool
    • Anchor point tool
    • This is another module related to InDesign software related to our master in web designing course in Noida where you will learn about the different tools of InDesign and how they are different from each other. You will learn the functioning of these softwares and apply these tools in real time projects. With the help of some tools you can make your own text based design and to make other designs, you just need to select the tool and drag it onto the layout which gives you another frame for editing with different angles and anchor points.

    InDesign Effects

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Adjusting the drop shadow options
    • Transparency options
    • Swatch colors
    • Layout effects
    • InDesign CC
    • Gradient Feather
    • Controlling the appearance of images
    • Emulation of metallic gold effect
    • Background designs
    • Color mixing
    • With the help of our professional trainers at Techstack Academy, you will learn how to create designs with different effects. We offer many tutorials, recorded sessions, ebooks, templates to inspire you for new creations with unique effects and build a brand new site with different functionality and styles. In this module, you will learn about how to use different effects to make your design more creative. The most used effects of InDesign softwares are background designs, color mixing, swatch colors, inDesign CC and more. Learn with us to make your dream career in this field, we are here to make you an expert web designer.

    InDesign Projects

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Creation of brochure
    • Designing with various tools
    • Designing of roll-up panels
    • Website backgrounds
    • Logos
    • Lasso selections with a magic wand
    • Group selection
    • Drag and click
    • Tips to choose appropriate selections
    • With the help of above modules related to inDesign software, you will know about different tools, effects, selections of this software which are used to create designs. After learning these topics, you can make your own projects like designing magazines, backgrounds for websites, brochure designing, web banners, and more. With the help of the inDesign tool, you can make completely unique designs for your websites and web applications. We have industry experts who designed this curriculum to make you a perfect web designer who can work in any industry in future.

    InDesign Certifications

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Projects
    • Get certified in the field of web designing InDesign tool, which is used widely for designing panels, brochures, and many other things. It is a very great and useful tool which is used to design creative designs and templates and you can learn everything about this tool in our course of web designing in Noida. We will teach you all the advanced tools of this software to strengthen your skills. After successfully completing the course, you will be rewarded with ISO-certified certifications which can be used to show your experience to companies.
  • Capstone Project
  • Career Assistance: Resume building, Mock interviews, 1:1 mentorship and Career fair
  • Program Certificate from Orangus India and Techstack Academy

Languages and Tools Covered

Master in Web Designing Program Tools
Master in Web Designing Program Tools
Master in Web Designing Program Tools
Master in Web Designing Program Tools
Master in Web Designing Program Tools

Certificate from The Orangus India and TechStack Academy

`Capstone `Projects

Live Projects from the Partner Agency ( Orangus & Team Variance ).

Projects Completed





Creation of Brand Logos



Icons Which can be used in websites and mobile apps.


YouTube Graphics

Create Video Layouts for your Live and recorded Youtube Videos.


Facebook And Twitter Graphics

Create Post Layout to attract users towards your Social Media Ads.



Designing beautiful Banner for social media profile, websites and apps.


Business Cards

Making of Business Cards that directly impact positive on a Client.


Photo Collages

Photo Collages that beautify walls of a home.


Photo Collages

Photo Collages that beautify walls of a home.

Join India's #1 Master in Web Designing Program

Faculty and Mentors

With years of experience, our faculty members are here to deliver you a high-quality learning experience both online and offline, whilst providing wings to your tech skills!


Industry Mentors

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Reviews by Students

Know what our students have to say about us.

Master in Web Designing Program reviews

Anchal BhatnagarMWD

Website designing course is worth learning at Techstack Academy. They have the best trainers and provide learning with a practical approach. Will give you learning material also to revise in future. Advanced curriculum with related tools. Good learning experience.

Graphic Designing institute reviews

Vipul SharmaMWD

I have taken an online course of web design at Techstack Academy. My trainer was Sulabh sir there and he was very helpful and cleared all my doubts related to web design. He provides the best online classes and is very punctual towards time. Best teacher.

Graphic Designing Training reviews

Nitesh DubeyMWD

I loved everything about Techstack. Before taking admission, I have taken admission to check the quality of teaching and after immediately I took the admission. They have the best curriculum and teach you different tools with a step by step approach. Learn from Techstack if you are serious about learning a web designing course.

Master in Web Designing Program in Noida reviews

Sandeep MahantMWD

I must say, Techstack designed this master in web designing course under industry experts. They had included all advanced topics in this course. If you are serious about making your career in the field of web designing, I recommend you to join Techstack Academy.

Graphic Designing institute in Noida reviews

Anjali SinghMWD

They have the best modules with related tools of website designing. Trainers here provide you complete professional training which helps you in industries. Cover all the aspects related to website design and give you a real time project to work on. Best experience till now in any institute for learning technologies.

Graphic Designing training in Noida reviews

Swati Rana MWD

Entire staff of Techstack Academy is well mannered and provides you all the help you need at the time of admission and during your course. Teachers are very dedicated towards students and provide extra classes too if you have any problem in learning. I learned to design effective websites and I was a complete beginner at the time of admission. Thank you Techstack for this much support.

Program Fee

Starting at Rs. 11,000/month

Batch Starting: 27 Jan 2025

Master in Web Designing Program

Program Duration: 6 Months

Program Certification from

100% Classroom Training

Upskill with Techstack Academy

25+ Case Studies

Become Web Designer, UX designer, UI Designer, Animator, Layout artist.

Get 150+ hours of intensive learning in DM over 6 months.

Create portfolio-worthy projects

Start Your Own Startup

Payment Method

We have variety of payment methods in Techstack Academy.

Master in Web Designing Program Payment method
Master in Web Designing Institute Payment method
Master in Web Designing Training Payment method
Master in Web Designing Program in Noida Payment method
Master in Web Designing Institute in Noida Payment method
Master in Web Designing Training Payment method

Application Process


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Fasten your seat belts to become an industry-expert by joining one of our courses.Get yourself acquainted with the best of the knowledge provided by Techstack Academy!

Upcoming Application Deadline

Have you filled up our forms yet? If not, then buckle-up before the batches get full! We are waiting to hear from you, and take your career onto the next level, with us!

Deadline: 27 Jan 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time is required to become an expert in web designing?

To become a complete web designer expert, you need 6 months of web designing course. If you are looking for general knowledge about web designing and its parts, 3 months are good. To become job ready in the web designing field, you should do a 6 months course and real time project training. To make your career in web designing, you need to practice a lot of HTML, CSS codes. Techstack Academy designed this master in web designing course for those students who want to make this stream as their dream career. We include all the advanced tools and technologies in this course.

How many modules are there in your master in web designing course?

We specially designed this master in web designing course in Noida under the supervision of industry experts and include required advanced tools. In the 6 months duration course, we include 35 different modules to make you an expert of the field. We provide you with regular quizzes and assessment with the course to make you perfect. We give you practical knowledge with theoretical knowledge to understand a topic clearly. You need a lot of practicing at home to be a perfect web designer.

What is the eligibility criteria for joining a web design course?

To join a web designing course, there are no necessary criteria available. Anyone who is interested in this field can join this course. You must have passed 10+2, with a minimum of 50% marks to enroll in the course of master in web designing. To make this as your career field, you should practice the course thoroughly. Every web designer chooses their own way to design any website and to be an expert, you need to know each tool and technology completely with step by step approach. To excel your skills, you need to learn from industry experts.

Are there any internships available in this course?

Yes, in our master in web designing course, we offer an internship of 45 days to all our students. This internship will help you to excel your concepts by working on real time industry projects related to web designing. In internship, we provide you coding and designing both modes to make you an expert of the field. You will be regarded with internship certification to show your experience in the companies. We provide you with an ISO-certified certificate from our company Orangus which is valid across the world.

Can I take online classes?

Yes, you can take online classes if it is convenient to you. Our master in web designing course is available both online and offline at our institute. Our trainers are fully experienced and want to train their students with advanced level techniques. We provide the same curriculum as offline classes in online format. We provide the best education to all our students to make them industry ready in any format they choose for learning as per their conveniences. Enroll in one of our courses and avail your free demo session.

Our Learners Work At

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Master in Web Designing Program Placements
Master in Web Designing Training Placements
Master in Web Designing Institute Placements
Master in Web Designing Program in Noida Placements
Master in Web Designing Institute in Noida Placements
Master in Web Designing Training in Noida Placements

Know More About Techstack

What is the scope of a web designing course?

Web designing course is a job oriented course which makes you a complete expert of the field and teaches you about the responsibilities of a website designer. Websites are a very important part of today’s sector. Each business needs theri digital image to show the world and that image is directly connected with your website. Every company in future and in present time needs to have their website and so that need for web designers will also grow. The scope of the web designing field is continuously growing and you can achieve your dream career with the help of our web designing course in Noida at Techstack Academy.

Can one create their own websites after or during the course?

Techstack Academy always provides quality learning to their students and we have dedicated trainers who continuously work to make you an expert in particular fields. If you give attention in your subject and practice all modules regularly, then yes you can design your design or website on your own. To design a website, you need to command HTML, CSS, javascript for creative and responsive designs. We offer you the best web designing course in Noida with an advanced curriculum which helps you to learn all the aspects related to web designing.

Importance of an ecommerce website?

To sell your products online, you require ecommerce websites for your business or startup. Every big company has digital platforms to sell their product online and in the near future, most of the companies will use digital platforms. The importance of an ecommerce website is that you can generate more traffic than traditional ways and you can sell maximum products at the same time. Big ecommerce websites like amazon, flipkart, etsy and more will also provide seller channels for merchants but there are many limitations in that. The best way to sell their product online is to build your own website. To learn a website designing course in Noida, join Techstack Academy.

What is the difference between web designing and web development?

Technically speaking, web design refers to the designing view of a website which shows us when we visit any website and to create websites we require HTML, CSS, javascript and tools like photoshop, illustrator to design visual elements. On the other hand, web development refers to the functioning part of the website like handling forms data, database management, and more for this you need to require development languages like php, python, java and more. Web designer is responsible for the designing part of the website while web developer handles the back-end functioning part of the website. To know more about these, learn from the best web designing training institute in Noida, Techstack Academy.

What are the basic elements of a web design?

Your website should be responsive and user friendly which can work on different devices greatly like desktop, mobiles, tablets, ipads and more. The main elements of web design are line, color, shape, space and texture. To build the best design for a website, you need to have a closer look on the alignment, color combination, texture, design and shape of the website. For the best view or make it user friendly, you need to give proper space between image and text which can be read clearly and don't look messy. To learn from the best professionals, join Techstack Academy.

Why choose us?

As we know, your future and careers depends on us, we make sure to deliver a holistic view of the entire syllabus that we provide, helping you attain in-depth knowledge.

Full-Fledged Curriculum

At Techstack, we deliver an amalgamation of courses beyond your field of expertise to help your career reach greater heights.

Step-By-Step Learning

We create a roadmap for your journey, starting from novice to becoming an expert.

Lifetime Support

Your journey at Techstack doesn’t end with the completion of the course, you will gain the status of Techstack Alumni for a lifetime.

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To help inspire you about the latest information, we have pulled together with the most creative, clever and effective information from around the blogosphere!

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If you are keen to learn about a variety of courses that can provide you with an ultimatum of knowledge, choose Techstack! We have a International reputation for excellence due to the outstanding quality of our teaching and support, resulting in positive outcomes for your future.

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June 2019 Batch

Syantani Goyal :Techstack Academy is the best institute for web designing courses in Noida in my point of view. I joined here to learn web design to make my own website and for your information, they give the best exposure of learning with practical knowledge. They teach you in a way by which you can make your own website step by step. I am very overwhelmed by the services they have given to me. Trainers here are most talented and provide you with solutions for each of your problems. Never hesitate to give extra sessions. Entire staff is well mannered and the environment is just awesome.

Chintan Sharma :Before taking admission at Techstack Academy, I have learnt website designing from other institutes as well but I understand nothing there. After learning for 1 month I decided to take admission to another institute and by researching well I got to know about this institute. Within 1 week of learning here I have known that I made the right decision. I completed my course from Techstack and got a job in a good company. I want to thank the entire team of Techstack for giving this much support. Teachers here are so humble and patient. Best experience so far.

Shruti Singh :I joined Techstack for an advanced website designing course to learn advanced material related to the web design field. I took online batches for the course and the quality of teaching is just awesome. I never imagined this excellent quality in online learning. They provide in-depth knowledge in each module and give practical training on each topic. They provide training on decided time and complete the course within a time period. The best thing about the institute is that they have the best trainers in the field. I recommend this institute to all for online learning.

Deepak Kukreja :Techstack Academy provides you with the best training program for a master in web designing course. I completed my course recently and after that I got my dream job in a multinational company. They provide hands-on training in each subject and give you real case studies which helps you in detailed learning. This field requires lots of practice and creativity and you need very good guidance to achieve desired goals. I had many doubts before taking admission and cleared all doubts during the training journey. I am very thankful to the entire staff of Techstack for making me this capable. Thank You.

Rani Behl :Techstack Academy is just terrific in providing web designing courses. I have completed my masters in web designing course which is of 6 months duration. I have learnt a lot and made some great designs during my training which are very helpful during my interviews. The best thing about a master in web designing course is that they provide a 45 days internship program and it gives you the experience of working on real projects which are used in industries. This internship gives you experience of industry which you can describe on your resume too. Great academy.

Sourav Banerjee :If you want to make your career in the field of web designing, you must learn from Techstack Academy as they are the best institute for website designing in Noida. I joined the institute during lockdown and took online classes for the same course. This course has become super beneficial for me and gives me the experience of a lifetime with a real time project approach. I got so many placement opportunities after completing the course. They have a very good placement cell also. To make your career, Techstack Academy is the best platform.
