#1 Master in Web Designing Program in Mumbai, India

Trained 18000+ professionals in India

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Classroom & Online Mentorship
Batch Starting: 17 Feb 2025
Master in Web Designing Program in Mumbai Banner

Dual Credentials

Techstack Academy & Orangus


Orangus India

6 Months

Recommended 10-12 hrs/week

17 Feb 2025

Program Start Date

EMI options

Starting at Rs. 11,000

India’s #1 Master in Web Designing Program in Associated Partner with:

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Master in Web Designing Program in Mumbai Associated Partner
Master in Web Designing Institute in Mumbai Associated Partner
Master in Web Designing Training in Mumbai Associated Partner
Master in Web Designing Program Associated Partner
Best Master in Web Designing Institute Associated Partner


At Techstack, we believe in providing a full-fledged course of your desire where our industry experts have designed a top-notch curriculum just for you.

  • Master in Web Designing Program (35 Module)

    Introduction to Web Designing

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to web designing
    • Principles of web designing
    • Elements used
    • Ways to make the webpage responsive
    • Functionality and its applications
    • Easy navigation
    • Content formatting
    • Introduction to different languages of web design
    • Mobile-friendly websites
    • Tips and tricks to build an appropriate website
    • Techstack Academy offers a in-depth training program in master in website designing course in Mumbai. This is the first module of this course and it teaches you about web design, its types, and all the basics. Web design is the process of creating a series of pages that provide information about brands, services, and other information. This web designing course will teach you how to make your website responsive and how to use different technologies. This domain will teach you how to create user-friendly websites and design creative websites.


    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to HTML
    • Basics and applications of HTML
    • Structure of HTML documents
    • HTML block and inline elements
    • 5 Basic tags of HTML
    • HTML and CSS
    • Content ponts/bullets
    • Proper headlines
    • HTML Syntax
    • Web structuring
    • This second module covers all about HTML basics, which is the main language that's used to create web pages. HTML is the standard markup language. You will learn fundamentals related to HTML coding with all elements in our exclusive course of master in web designing in Mumbai. Learn how to use images, text formatting, table structure, and other elements in any web page with step-by-step instructions given by our highly educated trainers on how to create a HTML website. HTML is the most popular language for designing websites. HTML language has the feature that it can work with many different languages.


    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to HTML5
    • Basic elements used in HTML5
    • Difference between HTML and HTML5
    • Latest versions of HTML
    • Description of components
    • Responsive web design techniques
    • Alt Tags
    • HTML forms
    • Ways to create a simple navigation form
    • Anatomy of HTML5 Tags
    • Techstack Academy's master program in web design course in Mumbai teaches HTML5 basics like no other institute is providing. HTML5 is used for web design and development. This code works even if you're not connected to the internet. HTML5 is the most recent version of HTML programming. HTML5 allows you to design web applications that support many different things than HTML does. HTML5 allows you to directly add video and audio to web pages using HTML5 tags. This module will teach you how to write HTML5 codes in step-by-step representation to make your pages more responsive and functional.


    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to DHTML
    • Importance and application of DHTML
    • Components and scripting
    • Properties of DHTML
    • Embedding different frames and tags
    • Well-defined elements and tags
    • Div style specification
    • Creation of simple web page layouts
    • Types of fonts to be used
    • Making an uncluttered website
    • Techstack Academy's experienced trainers will provide you with a master training program of website designing in Mumbai which has a duration of 6 months. DHTML is a dynamic hypertext markup language which is not a programming language or markup language. However, it is a term that combines the features of several technologies to create dynamic web pages. This allows you to make interactive and attractive applications. DHTML allows you to create animated menus and small animations. This module is part of the master web design course in Mumbai in which you will learn all the important concepts of DHTML using a practical approach.


    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to CSS2.O
    • Resources page
    • Web design basics
    • Text and formatting
    • Different media queries
    • Optimizing, auditing, and launching a site
    • Formatting with CSS
    • Dive into HTML and CSS both
    • Selections and declarations
    • Different locations, elements, and class/ID
    • CSS stands for Cascading Style sheets and is a very popular programming language that styles web pages and web apps. The extension to save css files is '.css.' CSS is used for styling elements that have different properties which are mainly used to create structured web pages. CSS is a styling language which is used to add different colors, layouts, and fonts to a website to make it interactive. There are three main ways of CSS which can be used in web programming: inline css (internal css), external css (external css). In our Mumbai web design course, you will learn all about css like how to write css codes step by step, what is the format, what are the main elements used, and more.


    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is CSS3.O?
    • Web-safe fonts
    • Animations and transition
    • Difference between CSS2.O and CSS 3.O
    • Centering elements with the broad use of CSS
    • CSS specifications and implementing style hierarchy
    • Generating content and counters
    • CSS syntax
    • Calculation of its values
    • Multiple backgrounds and gradient
    • CSS3 is the most recent version of CSS. in this module you will learn about how CSS3 can be used to format and style HTML documents to make them more interactive. This is an improved version of CSS's previous version CSS2. CSS3 includes several standard modules that have been improved and are easy to learn and understand. This language is used for web design styling. This language can be used to enhance the functionality, efficiency, and versatility of your site content. It's easy to use in HTML programming, and to create structured content. Our trainers will show you how to create css files in this master in web designing course in Mumbai to make you an expert of the field and enhance your skills.


    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to Dreamweaver
    • Creation of easy and similar templates
    • Managing website using Adobe Dreamweaver
    • Fundamentals of Dreamweaver
    • Working alongside CSS
    • Working with images and text
    • Text formatting
    • A complete overview of the interface
    • Elements of a Dreamweaver
    • Special tips to use Dreamweaver efficiently
    • Dreamweaver is a popular web design and development tool which is used to create interactive and responsive web pages. Adobe Systems developed this software and it was the first tool for web development that Macromedia created in 1997.Adobe Dreamweaver's best feature is its user-friendly interface. It supports every programming language, including web design, programming, software and application development. Deamweaver is consistent, efficient, customizable, as per needs. It also offers live rendering, easy uploading using the inbuilt FTP function, and very simple to use.This flexible website builder is available in our Mumbai master in web designing course. It's also a great tool for beginners.


    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Different fundamentals of Javascript
    • Coding and structuring
    • Objects and their prototypes
    • Scope and closures
    • Basic operators to be followed
    • Working with various strings and numbers
    • Variable data types
    • Unicode characters with Boolean
    • Elements and their applications
    • Creating custom functions
    • Javascript technology is used commonly to create web pages. This module of master in web designing course in Mumbai is related to the Javascript language. This technology allows us to add special effects to our website. Javascript is a popular language that is mostly used for validation. It allows us to perform many complex actions simultaneously and allows us to interact with visitors. It is an easy-to-learn programming language that is widely used with HTML, CSS, and other languages. You will learn complete javascript programming with our trainers. You can make your own javascript related projects to enhance your skills. This course is of 6 months duration which covers many important advanced tools and techniques.


    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to JavascriptES6
    • Applications of JavascriptES6
    • Difference between JavascriptES6 and ECMAScript
    • New syntax and features
    • Improving for a cleaner code
    • Mess-free/uncluttered site
    • Rules of language
    • Learning to use expressions and operators
    • Statements and declaration in Javascript
    • Functions and invocation patterns
    • Javascript ES6 is known as javascript Ecmascript 2015, which is the major version released for javascript programming. Javascript ES6 introduces new syntax and features that make it easier to code modern content with more readability and reliability. This technology allows you to write more and do more. Javascript ES6 has many new features, including template strings, arrow function, class destruction and rest and spread operator, and promises. Techstack Academy will help you in enhancing your skills for your bright career with advanced technologies and provide you with high-quality learning programs. Get enrolled in our master in web designing course in Mumbai and get your free demo session with our best trainer today.


    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Learn how to implement responsive web design
    • Installation of Bootstrap framework
    • Bootstrap components
    • Navigation bars
    • Easy menu, to surf at
    • Documentation and themes
    • Powerful plugins
    • Sources code of Bootstrap
    • Usage of latest versions
    • HTML and CSS based design templates
    • Bootstrap is a modern framework that makes it easier to create html websites. Bootstrap is a very easy to use tool if you have HTML knowledge and are extremely fast in creating web pages. There are HTML and CSS-based templates available for forms, tables and navigation in this framework. Bootstrap supports javascript plugins. This template is open-source and can be used to build interactive and creative web apps or websites. Techstack Academy is committed to providing you with high-quality learning programs in the field of website designing in Mumbai.


    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction Jquery
    • How to gain maximum benefits with Jquery?
    • Overview of Javascript framework
    • Setting up the editor
    • Making the website more interactive
    • Handing different mouse and keyboard events
    • Element selectors
    • Effect animations
    • Usage of AJAX to add content
    • Various strategies to be implemented for the right formats
    • This module will explain how JQuery works, how to create animations, design text, styles, and more.Techstack Academy build master in web designing course in Mumbai curriculum under the guidance of certified experts. You will learn all the advanced features of Javascript and JQuery in this course with practical knowledge. JQuery is very fast. It is a lightweight library of Javascript. JQuery is a small, feature-rich javascript library that manipulates the HTML document. The main purpose of Jquery is to make it easier to use Javascript functions on websites. JQuery has many common tasks that require javascript coding. However, you can accomplish them quickly with Jquery's help by calling functions with just one line of code.

    Responsive Designs

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Different ways to create responsive web design
    • Basic components of web design
    • Principles of responsive web design
    • Designing with media queries
    • Exclusive formatting with various languages
    • Guidelines to make your website stand out
    • Internal and external CSS
    • Cool and unique effects
    • Optimizing and launching a website
    • Diving into HTML and CSS
    • In our master in web designing course in Mumbai, you will be taught by our experienced trainers about how to create modern responsive designs using our step-by-step learning program. We will show you all the basics of responsive web design as well as the three main components of responsive designing. The curriculum has been updated according to the industry standards to include advanced design skills and tools. With this knowledge, you can create a web application on your own. You can learn from us and improve your career. We will show you how to manage CSS and other scripts that support responsive design.

    DOM (Document object model)

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to DOM
    • Elements included in DOM
    • API usage for HTML and XML
    • Documenting using object notation
    • Various practices of coding
    • Object-oriented structure
    • Interface to DOM
    • Make your websites interactive
    • Properties of DOM
    • Tips to excel in the field of DOM
    • DOM (Document object model) is a cross-platform interface which treats XML as well as HTML tree structures in nodes. Modern web design relies on the DOM model. In our master in web designing course you will learn how to build modern design with modern tools and what are the strategies required to build them. You can pay the fees for our web design course online through a variety of platforms. This makes it much easier to pay and allows you to complete the course within the timeframe. Our experienced trainers will guide you through all modules and answer all your questions.


    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to XML
    • Fundamentals of XML
    • Application program interface
    • Differentiating between HTML and XML
    • Effective installation of XML
    • Readable format
    • Structuring of the website
    • Element tags
    • Attributing values
    • Transportation of easy data
    • Techstack academy offers you advanced programming skills of web designing in our Master In Web Designing Course in Mumbai. You will learn all the important aspects of creating web apps. Our website design tools such as Bootstrap, Javascript models, Dreamweaver, and other tools will help you become a pro.Techstack’s trainers will help you to describe how to write good potential code that is most effective to create interactive front-end applications. You will receive hands-on training on every concept of website design. You will be able plan, prepare, and build unique websites by following the step-by-step instructions which are provided by our trainers.


    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • CMS (content management system)
    • PHP based software
    • Mobile application UI
    • Landing page design
    • Game development and design
    • Logo, brochure, pamphlet designing
    • Custom website preloaders
    • WordPress custom theme design
    • HTML/CSS3/Bootstrap
    • Photoshop and Illustrator
    • Techstack Academy offers the best master in website design training in Mumbai according to current industry standards. Professionals will be able to secure their jobs in multinational corporations with their enhanced knowledge through our training program. All candidates who are keen to do website design can benefit from our world-class training programs. Our trainers are highly skilled in teaching techniques and we make sure that our candidates become proficient in the field of front end development. We will help you learn the website design languages as quickly and easily as possible once you join us. Techstack is a highly recommended website design training institute in Mumbai. It offers practical programming and live projects. This will give you the opportunity to build your career.


    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Techstack Academy believes that theoretical knowledge alone is not enough to allow an individual to excel in their chosen field. We offer live projects for our students who want to enhance their knowledge with our quality programs. After completing our web designing course in Mumbai you will be able to code in HTML5, CSS3 and other related languages. In addition, you can design mobile apps using Photoshop and Illustrator, you will be able to create landing pages, logos, and brochures. Join our academy and expand your horizons of knowledge in the field of web design with our professional trainers.

    Introduction to Graphic Designing

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is graphic designing?
    • Usage of graphic designing
    • Elements and functions of graphic designing
    • Importance of graphic designing
    • Page layout techniques
    • Visual content to attract users
    • Web banner images
    • PDF and brochure designing
    • Tips to create easy and efficient graphics/templates
    • This module is related to Graphic Designing which is a crucial part of master in web designing course in Mumbai. With this module, students learn the basics of Graphic design, how it works, different layouts, understanding and sizing and recalibration and more. Techstack Academy's website designing course will give you a solid understanding of graphic designing modules with different color codes and print media, as well as the various extensions that can be used in Graphic Designing. You should learn web design with full concentration as web designing's scope is increasing exponentially and it is expected to increase in the future.

    Introduction to Illustrator

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to illustrator
    • Significance of illustrator
    • Difference between illustrator and photoshop
    • Creation of vectors
    • Editing
    • Animations
    • Making of logos, sketches, icons
    • Typography and complex illustrations
    • Image and drawing layers
    • Colour schemes
    • This module is related to Illustrator software which plays a vital role in web designing for graphic designing purposes.To learn everything which you will need while working with illustrator, enroll in our online course of master in web designing. The industry's best instructors will teach you how to create vector graphics applications and become a creative professional at Techstack Academy. The course includes practical knowledge, quizzes and different techniques which will help you to enhance your skills. You will also receive a study guide to help you remember the material.

    Illustrator Selections

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is an illustrator selection?
    • Fast and precise selections
    • Selection of objects and groups
    • Direct selection tool
    • Different tools used
    • Lasso selections with a magic wand
    • Group selection
    • Drag and click
    • Tips to choose appropriate selections
    • Are you looking for the best institute for website design courses in Mumbai? Techstack Academy is the best place to learn advanced techniques and tools of modern website designing. Techstack Academy has years of expertise in this field and designed the course to provide you with a quality education. The course starts with basic concepts and then moves on to more advanced tools. You can participate in group discussions and practice what you have learned with us every day. We will be happy to answer any questions. You will learn about the basics of illustrator selections and how to use them to select particular areas of the graphic for editing. This course will help you to upgrade your skills in the field of graphic designing too.

    Illustrator Tools

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to illustrator tool
    • Types of tools used
    • Pen tool and magic wand
    • Paintbrush and blob brush tool
    • Shape builder tool
    • Gradient tool
    • Symbol sprayer tool
    • Color swatches
    • Free distort
    • Anchor point tool
    • This module is related to illustrator tools in which you will get the exclusive knowledge of how to use different tools for graphic editing. You will learn a variety of tools and techniques to help you create and exercise images quickly and efficiently, which will increase your creativity. Learn about different tools like the Lasso tool and join tool, perspective grid, shape-builder, and more. You will be able use a variety of techniques to create unique, custom-crafted designs and grids. Our experienced trainers will help you to understand every tool working step by step with the practical sessions. After that you can easily make creative graphics on your own with the help of your imagination or work demand.

    Illustrator Effects

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Different types of effects
    • 3D effects
    • Transform and distort
    • Photoshop effects
    • Stylize
    • Applied effects in illustrator
    • Enhancement of images
    • Glitch effect
    • Adobe illustrator effects
    • Smoke effects tutorials
    • This module of our exclusive program of master in web designing in Mumbai is related to the different effects of Illustrator software. You will learn how to use each effect in Adobe Illustrator and create amazing effects that you can modify or transform with the help of the software. You can apply various effects such as blur effect, vector enhancement and color correctors. You can also learn 3D effects that you can apply at your own convenience. Effects are very necessary to build any image more classy and effective. Learn with us to build your career in the field of web designing with a proper knowledge of different streams related to the designing field.

    Illustrator Projects

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Creation of vectors
    • Brochure designing
    • Website images
    • Portraits
    • Sizing and resizing
    • Detailed illustrations
    • Illustrated maps and graphics
    • Logo design illustrator
    • Vector art and files
    • Techstack Academy is always working in the field to provide you enhanced knowledge related to all our courses and internship programs. You will get the chance to work on new projects and assignments to enhance your knowledge and skills. Our Academy offers 30+ practice projects. You'll become more confident in designing and illustrating various items, including brochure design, animation, posters, GIFs and flyers. Master in Website design is a course that teaches both theoretical and practical skills. This will help you create more money and build your career to new heights.

    Illustrator Certifications

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Illustrator software is a part of graphic design which is used to design illustrations and plays a vital role when creating websites. There are many tools and effects in Illustrator which you can use to design vectors to make websites interactive. Adobe illustrator has many uses and it allows users to create vectors with web and app designs, SVG export, wireframing, and CSS generation. You can learn a wide range of techniques that will create beautiful, user-friendly websites by enrolling in the best master program of web development courses in Mumbai.

    Introduction to Photoshop

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to Photoshop
    • Features of Photoshop
    • Applications and their uses
    • Basics of photoshop
    • Difference between Photoshop and Illustrator
    • Photoshop CC
    • Photoshop C6
    • Image manipulation
    • Layering
    • Managing documents
    • Techstack Academy offers the ultimate photoshop training in our master in web designing course in Mumbai. Join our exclusive course to make a step towards becoming from beginner to intermediate level in the field of website designing. You will learn how to create a composition using different tools, masking and image manipulation. Also, you will be able to layer in Photoshop. Learn how to enhance your photos while keeping them natural looking! Our trainers will help you to understand all the concepts related to photoshop to build creative graphics which are used in web designing to make it more effective.

    Photoshop Selections

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What are selections?
    • Direct selection tool
    • Face aware liquify
    • Dashboard setup
    • Choosing an appropriate format
    • Object selection tool
    • Tools panel
    • Vectors in Photoshop
    • Clone stamp tool
    • Select and mask/Channels
    • Our best master in web designing course in Mumbai will teach you how to make selections and remove background clutter. You will learn the basics of photoshop of how to use selections and all the tools specifically and what tools to use in certain conditions. The website design course syllabus at Techsack Academy teaches students a variety of techniques that focus on choosing different sets of colors, ranges, and using different channels. Techstack Academy's most experienced trainers will assist you with each problem you may face in the field of website designing and help you in solving every doubt related to assignments and projects.

    Photoshop Tools

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Eyedropper tool
    • Dodge, burn, and sponge tools
    • Black and white
    • Brush tools
    • Gradients
    • Pen tool
    • Lasso tool
    • Path and shapes
    • Crop tool
    • Eraser tools
    • This is another module related to the photoshop software in which you can learn the most popular Photoshop tools with detailed practical lectures that are available online and offline. The photoshop course in Mumbai will keep you up-to-date with the latest tools and explain how to use them. Our trainers will help you in making your own projects which you can use as the showcase of your experience and work at the time of interviews and other works. There are many tools which are used at specific times for specific usage, you will learn all of them in this course step by step.

    Photoshop Effects

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Artistic effects
    • Blur effects
    • PSD effects
    • Text effects
    • Gimp effects
    • Png effects
    • Adjustments and filters
    • Photo collage
    • Text behind the object
    • Lomo photo effect
    • Techstack Academy's best industry experts designers will teach you how to create Photoshop effects and make use of different effects of the software. Our master in website design training in Mumbai will provide practical explanations of each effect that can be used to improve your photos. You can use the most popular Photoshop effects such as filters, photo collage effects and vintage effects to make your graphic more specific and presentable. There are also a few tools that you can use to improve your Photoshop skills.

    Photoshop Projects

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Creation of web banners
    • Billboards
    • Background images
    • Web image/Pdfs
    • GIFs
    • Stock Images
    • Animations
    • 2D and 3D creations
    • About us Image
    • Product images sizing
    • Techstack believes in giving students practical knowledge related to each module and concept of master in web designing course in Mumbai to make a complete expert. Therefore, once you have studied the modules of Photoshop thoroughly, we will help you to design certain designs using those skills. You will be asked to design brochures, GIFs and stock image editing with your learned skills. You will be able to expand your knowledge in graphic and creative design, which will allow you to analyze and evaluate your own abilities.

    Photoshop Certifications

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Our Master in Web Designing course in Mumbai is a combination of various tools and softwares with practical knowledge of different important technologies for web designing like HTML, CSS, JQuery and others. Techstack Academy has professional trainers who are always there to help their students to learn quality programming. We have made our curriculum under the guidance of industry experts who include every advanced tool and technology to make it a master program of web designing courses. You will get ISO-certified certifications which you can use worldwide to show your area of expertise.

    Introduction to InDesign

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Overview to InDesign
    • Significance of InDesign
    • What can be created with InDesign?
    • Elements and usage
    • Properties of InDesign
    • Fundamentals of InDesign
    • Easy color location
    • Colour schemes and accuracy
    • Appropriate fonts
    • Colour panels
    • In this module, you will learn about another popular software which is widely used to make different graphics for website templates. This course of master in web designing will give you a thorough overview of InDesign and how it works. Techstack offers a complete web design course in Mumbai. You will learn how to use various designing tools to create websites quickly and efficiently. InDesign can be used in different segments, making it easier to design websites. You will learn different properties related to Indesign with several color schemes, color panels, fundamentals of indesign and more.

    InDesign Selections

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What are selections?
    • Different ways to choose the right formats
    • Selections for the right colors and themes
    • Adobe InDesign CS5.5 training
    • Frames and objects
    • Character formatting
    • Drawings and layout
    • Styles
    • Workspace basics
    • Tips and tricks to excel InDesign
    • Learn Adobe InDesign to improve your web designing skills with us at Techstack Academy. This will allow you to create comprehensive page layouts for your websites by choosing the right formats and selection tools. This is the best institute for web designing course in Mumbai that aims to teach you InDesign CS5.5 thoroughly to make you a complete expert of the field. This training program is intended to help the absolute beginner learn how to use Adobe InDesign CS5.5 software. You will receive extensive training to become a master of web design!

    InDesign Tools

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to InDesign tools
    • Direct selection tools
    • Line tools
    • Type on a path tool
    • Enlarging and shrinking of a picture
    • Eyedropper tool
    • Note tool
    • Rectangle tool
    • Framing tool
    • Anchor point tool
    • This module is related to the Indesign tools which are very necessary to build any graphic or design with the help of software. You will need to have access to many tools as a beginner in InDesign. We are your ultimate resource for all things InDesign which allows you to drag the type tool onto the page. This will allow you to create new text frames with different angles or anchor points. Learn with us to enhance your skills related to different graphics software which are very popular in the field of website designing. With the help of our 6 months learning program, you can become a complete web designer.

    InDesign Effects

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Adjusting the drop shadow options
    • Transparency options
    • Swatch colors
    • Layout effects
    • InDesign CC
    • Gradient Feather
    • Controlling the appearance of images
    • Emulation of metallic gold effect
    • Background designs
    • Color mixing
    • Techstack Academy's skilled professionals make learning InDesign enjoyable! Techstack Academy offers tutorials, quick tips and stylish templates as we are the best institute for learning master in web designing course in Mumbai. We also provide inspiration and other live projects to help you create stunning effects for your website design. The most popular effects are color mixing, background design, InDesign CC and swatch colours. Register with us to make your website stand apart from the rest!

    InDesign Projects

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Creation of brochure
    • Designing with various tools
    • Designing of roll-up panels
    • Website backgrounds
    • Logos
    • Web Banner
    • Ebook
    • Format vertical text within your documents
    • Page tool
    • Magazines
    • To learn InDesign software, follow our tutorial and step-by-step guide which we will provide in this master in web designing course in Mumbai which has the duration of 6 months. You can practice your skills with the help of our real-world projects like designing web banners, brochure designs, website backgrounds, and logo design. Our trainers of web designing have many years of experience and can help you get more information about InDesign.

    InDesign Certifications

    • 2 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Techstack Academy provides you with a certification program in InDesign tool. This tool is widely used for different purposes like brochure creation and designing, and many others. We will teach you every tool and effects related to this exclusive tool with the help of a quality learning program. You will be taught how to make inDesign projects as well to handle complete projects step by step on your own. After our master in web designing course in Mumbai, you will become an expert of this software and you can use your certification during interview criteria to show your experience and knowledge to the world.
  • Capstone Project
  • Career Assistance: Resume building, Mock interviews, 1:1 mentorship and Career fair
  • Program Certificate from Orangus India and Techstack Academy

Languages and Tools Covered

Master in Web Designing Program Tools
Master in Web Designing Program Tools
Master in Web Designing Program Tools
Master in Web Designing Program Tools
Master in Web Designing Program Tools

Certificate from The Orangus India and TechStack Academy

Capstone Projects

Live Projects from the Partner Agency ( Orangus & Team Variance ).

Projects Completed




Link shortener website

In this project, you'll learn how to build a website that shortens URLs.


Build a custom google maps

In this project, you’ll be creating and styling a custom Google Map.


Simple web contact form

A form often needs to be used to pass data to various other applications.


Weather forecast website

Make a web app to see the current weather and the weather forecast for next 7 days.


RSS feed reader

Building an RSS feed readerto get real-time content updates.


Personal website SEO setup

In this project, you'll build a simple personal profile page hosted under your own domain.


Deploy your dev resume

get familiar with HTML and CSS through creating your developer resume.


Temperature converter website

create a simple app to convert temperatures from one unit into another.

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Master in Web Designing Program review

Jyoti SaraswatMWD

Although I was a little hesitant about joining Techstack Academy to complete my website designing course due to the distance from my house, I was extremely happy to see the humble attitude of the staff, especially Manoj Sir. I was able to get the most information on web design from him, which allowed me to immediately join the course!

Master in Web Designing training review

Ganesh ChoudharyMWD

I took the Master in Website Designing Course from Techstack Academy. I received emails and calls from placement right after I completed my course. I went through with some interviews and am now working as a junior web designer. Techstack Academy provided me with an ocean of knowledge with advanced techniques in website design, both theoretically and practically.

Master in Web Designing Program in Mumbai review

Geetika SalujaMWD

Techstack Academy was the only institute I found after I had searched online for other institutes for the best website designing course in Mumbai. After reading all the reviews, I visited their head office and enrolled for the course immediately. The demo session I had was very relaxing. They were patient and thorough in explaining every concept.

Advance Web Development Program review

Niharika SenMWD

The environment of the Institute in which I studied was so grateful that I decided to pursue a career in web design because of the deep knowledge I have got. I have gained so much knowledge in three months. I am planning to upgrade my course of advanced web design for a six months master in web design course due to the unique teaching style of the teacher.

Master in Web Designing institute review

Subendu MishraMWD

Techstack is a wonderful institute to study for master courses of web designing in Mumbai. Trainers at Techstack are extremely helpful, dedicated and consider every detail of students about learning. They are always there to answer every question, whenever they are needed! I would like to recommend this institute to all students.

Master in Web Designing training in Mumbai review

Manish AdhikariMWD

It is hard to find the right education and knowledge that is more motivating than this academy is offering. Techstack Academy offers comprehensive courses in the web designing field that every web designer should know. I am truly grateful that I have joined this institute as I have got in-depth knowledge in all modules.

Program Fee

Starting at Rs. 11,000/month

Batch Starting: 17 Feb 2025

Master in Web Designing Program

Program Duration: 6 Months

Program Certification from

100% Classroom Training

Upskill with Techstack Academy

25+ Case Studies

Become Web Designer, UX designer, UI Designer, Animator, Layout artist.

Get 150+ hours of intensive learning in WD over 3 months.

Create portfolio-worthy projects

Start Your Own Startup

Payment Method

We have variety of payment methods in Techstack Academy.

Master in Web Designing Program Payment method
Master in Web Designing Institute Payment method
Master in Web Designing Training Payment method
Master in Web Designing Program in Mumbai Payment method
Master in Web Designing Institute in Mumbai Payment method
Master in Web Designing Training Payment method

Application Process


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Fill the application form to help us understand about you and all your necessary details before you move further to join Techstack.


Counselling Process

Take a word with our counsellor and know-how about the different subjects running at Techstack! Our cooperative process is held to give you the necessary information required.


Join Program

Fasten your seat belts to become an industry-expert by joining one of our courses.Get yourself acquainted with the best of the knowledge provided by Techstack Academy!

Upcoming Application Deadline

Have you filled up our forms yet? If not, then buckle-up before the batches get full! We are waiting to hear from you, and take your career onto the next level, with us!

Deadline: 17 Feb 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the eligibility criteria for joining a web design course?

To join a master program in web designing in Mumbai at Techstack Academy, there is no fixed eligibility criteria. To enroll in our courses, you must pass 10+2, with a minimum of 50% marks. If you have some basic knowledge about web designing like what is web designing and what are the usage, it will be good to understand the core modules of the course easily. Our trainers will teach you from very basic to higher level concepts to make you a complete expert of the field. To get placed in MNCs, you should have in-depth knowledge of the web designing concepts and tools.

Are there any internships available in this course?

In our master course of website designing, we provide internship programs to all our students to enhance their skills and give them an overall experience of industry working. The duration of internship program will be 45 days in which you will get the chance to work on live projects and other. You will get a separate certification for an internship program from our partner company Orangus after successfully completing the course.

Do you provide certifications?

Yes, we do provide certification in our courses after successfully completing the programs. You will get certified with the ISO-certified company and these certifications are valid across the country and in the world and works as a showcase for your knowledge. Our exclusively designed masters in web designing course consists of 6 months of training in total with an inclusive of 35 modules. We will let you begin from having no experience to becoming you the hero of web designing. Our trainers will take up regular assessments and quizzes to ensure you achieve optimal practical knowledge about our course.

How many modules are there in the Master in Web Designing Course?

Our exclusive masters in web designing course is one of the trendiest courses of Techstack Academy which is loved by youngsters and they are freely applying for this course. If you want to make your career in the field of web designing, this course is the best match for you. Our Masters in Web Designing Course consists of 35 modules in total, wherein you are taught everything from very basic to complete advanced tools and techniques related to coding. You should learn a web development course from Techstack Academy to build your career.

Are the trainers of Techstack Academy professional of the field?

Yes, our trainers are highly trained industry professionals and have nearly 8+ years of experience in their respective fields. Our web designing faculty has been teaching for over 10+ years and providing education to different groups of students from fresher to professional level for years. Learning from an industry expert will be the best option to earn knowledge and experience as they provide you with a learning program according to the latest industry standards and project working scenarios.

Our Learners Work At

Know where our students get placed.

Master in Web Designing Course Placements
Master in Web Designing Training Placements
Master in Web Designing Institute Placements
Master in Web Designing Course in Mumbai Placements
Master in Web Designing Institute in Mumbai Placements
Master in Web Designing Training in Mumbai Placements

Know More About Techstack

What are the basic elements of a web design?

Web design is an art form, not a science. Design that stands out amongst the rest, draws visitors attention and keeps them coming back is called a good design. These are the essential elements of web design. Let's take a look at these elements.

  • Overall layout and visual appearance
  • Color scheme
  • Typography
  • Navigation
  • Content
  • Mobile view of design
To attract customers, you must pay attention to all aspects of web design which we have listed above. Techstack Academy will help you in learning all the main elements step by step. You can build awesome designs with the help of our guidance. Learn with us to grow your skills.

What is the scope of a web designing course?

Website designing is an integral part of the IT industry.Web design is essential for companies to increase sales and reach their market. Many companies want to build their own websites. They need skilled web designers who can have many roles and responsibilities. They are able to manage complete websites on their own. These companies are also looking for good web designers who can make some changes according to the trends too. The future scope is great in the web designing field as it is a never ending field. Techstack Academy helps you in learning advanced modules to become an expert in this field. Learn with us to secure your future.

How can a developer learn about web designing?

If you are a web developer, you already have the basic ideas about web design languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery and more. You can easily learn web designing, you just need some work to do. You can learn with the help of our offline classroom training in master in web designing course in Mumbai or you can take our online classes. Techstack Academy is one of the best institutes for web designing and we can help you in enhancing your skills. Web design is the process of designing your idea of creativity with the help of coding.

Definition of responsive designing?

Responsive web design uses flexible layouts, images, and media queries to create web pages. Responsive design is about creating web pages that adapt to the screen size and orientation of the visitor and changing the layout accordingly. Responsive design is a changing of some codes of web site design that solves a lot of design problems caused by the proliferation of new types of mobile devices. Responsive design pages use x and y coordinates on a grid for layout and mathematical percentages for images instead of fixed-width parameters. You can learn how to do step by step responsive designs with Techstack Academy in our master in web designing course in Mumbai. Learn with us to gain knowledge under the supervision of industry experts by working on live projects.

What is javascript and why is it an important language for websites?

JavaScript can be used to create interactive web applications. JavaScript is able to power interactive features such as carousels, forms, and images. To power the web page's mechanics, like form processing and payment processing, JavaScript can be used in conjunction with Node.js back-end frameworks. JavaScript is one the three core technologies behind web applications. JavaScript can be used to create both front-end and back-end web applications. JavaScript is used often to create simple browser games. JavaScript can also be used to create mobile applications. To learn more about javascript programming, enroll in our master program for web designing in Mumbai at Techstack Academy.

Why choose us?

As we know, your future and careers depends on us, we make sure to deliver a holistic view of the entire syllabus that we provide, helping you attain in-depth knowledge.

Full-Fledged Curriculum

At Techstack, we deliver an amalgamation of courses beyond your field of expertise to help your career reach greater heights.

Step-By-Step Learning

We create a roadmap for your journey, starting from novice to becoming an expert.

Lifetime Support

Your journey at Techstack doesn’t end with the completion of the course, you will gain the status of Techstack Alumni for a lifetime.

Browse Related Blogs

To help inspire you about the latest information, we have pulled together with the most creative, clever and effective information from around the blogosphere!

Contact Us

If you are keen to learn about a variety of courses that can provide you with an ultimatum of knowledge, choose Techstack! We have a International reputation for excellence due to the outstanding quality of our teaching and support, resulting in positive outcomes for your future.

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More About Techstack

June 2019 Batch

Ratna Maheswari :Techstack Academy is a great platform for learning website designing courses in Mumbai. Last year, I enrolled here for the Master in web design Course. The training was excellent and thorough. They have technically competent trainers who are completely dedicated towards students. Their trainers were very practical and helped us to learn. It was a great opportunity to learn real-world concepts and work on live-projects. Overall, it was a great experience. I was able to benefit greatly from the training. Techstack Academy is really a great place to learn Advanced Website Design! You can find out more at Techstack!

Mohammad Arman :Because I live far from the institute, I decided to take online classes and it seemed like a waste of time and a waste of money.But I was wrong and it was completely opposite to what I had expected. It didn't matter if it was in person or remotely, I enjoyed the classes as the quality was outstanding. Because the topics and concepts covered were so fascinating, I wanted to be there for hours. It was amazing to see an online class to be so effective. Thank you Techstack Academy! I am extremely satisfied and grateful. I would like to recommend to all to take online classes in web designing.

Parth Sharma:It is affordable to take classes at Techstack Academy for every student to take web design courses in Mumbai who want to have advanced knowledge. I would rate Techstack 5/5 because of their support provided, doubt clearing, backup classes, live classes, as well as assignments, quizzes, and 100% job placement are all available. It takes only six months to complete the course of the master program in website designing. You will be able to improve your skills to a higher level and knowledge. This is the best institute you will find for the web designing course in Mumbai.

Tarun Taneja :Highly recommended institute for anyone who is interested in making a bright career in the web designing field. They have the best environment of study with dedicated highly educated trainers. I went to counselling and decided to join right away because of the awesome nature of the staff. I didn't feel one thing that was holding me back. They provided a practical learning program by which you can get the ultimate knowledge of each concept. You can make your own projects and get help with your trainers in every step. Best institute so far for the best web designing course in Mumbai. Great institute and quality learning programs.

Ishika Sharma :I came from Meerut to study at Techstack Academy in Mumbai. A friend recommended me to this web designing institute, but I was still unsure and confused. After the initial stages, I was not interested in continuing my studies here and left my parents behind. However, after one week of classes, I realized it was worth every bit of it. They were very kind and humble, and taught me so well. After six months of a master program in website designing, I didn't realize that my course was over. Techstack Academy has a 100% job assistance policy too and after completing your course they manage to arrange interviews for you.

Mansi Pundir :Techstack Academy is my favorite institute for web designing courses in Mumbai. I've never seen an institute take so much care of their students and provide thorough sessions for each and every topic. Because of my health I missed 2 classes. I was very unhappy about my slow pace compared to other students. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I received the backup classes from the same trainer and got back to the same speed. After that I didn't feel that I had missed any topic. Thank you so much Techstack Academy for your support and making me this much capable. I would like to recommend this institute to all my friends and family members.
