This Video Editing will help you with the main step by step approach for the tips and tricks, hacks and techniques used in the video editing process. If you want to become a full-time video editor, join the best video editing training in Delhi. You have recorded a movie or a short video of anything, and now an important task comes in which is called the post-processing stage. Now, this video needs to be mixed with some creativity, effects and lots of creative knowledge. The video editing process can be time-consuming, but the final product after a lot of effort brings relaxation.
Step 1: Create a project and import footage
When you first open your video editing software, you will need to name the project and import the important files to the software for editing. You need to decide the project settings like you want primarily resolution and frame rate.
Step 2: Organize your media in video editing process
If you have a short video, then you have mainly very few files to manage like audio files, video clips, and some other effects. But if you are working on a complex project, you need to organise everything well. The editor allows you to make a folder system to organize the items by which you can easily find or drag and drop the files.
Step 3: Watch and Mark footage
Firstly, go through all your footage and select the important parts you are going to use in your videos. The best way to do this is marking your proper clips by placing in and out points on the parts of the clip. There are many keyboard shortcuts also in every software for marking. Marking is necessary because it is very hectic to go through all the videos again and again when editing.
Step 4: Cut and Place footage
This is the important part you all are waiting for which is assembling your videos in one. To do this, you go to the marked clips and drag them into the timeline with in and out points. Your editing timeline is lined up with long lines of clips. You can always rearrange your clips in the timeline, it’s not a big deal. Just drag the clip to the exact place you want it.
Also Read: Video Editing Training in Delhi (#8 Best Essential Points)
Step 5: Clean Up your timeline
The attempt of joining different clips together is completed. Now is the time to remove unnecessary clips removed from the timeline.
Step 6: Add effects
The video is mostly assembled with the clips you want to add. Now, is the time to add some effects which you might need. These effects can be in the form of transitions, graphics/overlays and other necessary filters to enhance the look of your overall video. In this step, you will clean up your audio with unnecessary voices and add perfect color grading.
Now, the work on your video is completed, the final step of the process is export and share. Many people share directly after editing to the online platforms like youtube or facebook. Many video editor softwares have these built-in functions directly posted on the online platforms. These are the important steps taken to make creative and effective videos. These steps will not help in the creation of the video but these steps will help you to know the necessary steps taken before editing which will cut the process time in half.
You can learn a Video editing course from Techstack Academy. Some people want to embed these videos on their personal space, websites or sharing with their clients or family members. You will have to choose the best formats and settings before the exporting process. The most common setting for every video is .mp4 file with H.264 compression.
There has never been a better time to start learning how to edit videos. Video editing is the most intimidating part of the video production process, but it doesn’t have to be that way! You can learn the complete process of video editing from the best video editing institute in Delhi, Techstack Academy. Here at the institute, we give important tips and tricks to make video editing programmes easier for beginners to professionals.