#1 Advance Big Data Hadoop ( Big Data Analytics ) Course in Noida, India

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Batch Starting: 20 Jan 2025
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Dual Credentials

Techstack Academy & Orangus


Orangus India & MSME

3 Months

Recommended 10-12 hrs/week

20 Jan 2025

Program Start Date

EMI options

Starting at Rs. 11,000

India’s #1 Big Data Hadoop Program in Associated Partner with:

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At Techstack, we believe in providing a full-fledged course of your desire where our industry experts have designed a top-notch curriculum just for you.

  • Big Data Hadoop Course Structure (18 Modules)
    Fundamental of Big Data
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Fundamental of Big Data
    • What is Hadoop?
    • Why and Who use Hadoop?
    • History of Hadoop
    • The evolution of Data Management
    • Understanding the waves of Managing Data
    • Defining Big Data- The Big Data Journey
    • How many different types of Components in Hadoop?
    • Details on HDFS, MapReduce, YARN, PIG, Hive, Sqoop, HBase, Oozie, Flume, Zookeeper, and more
    • What is the scope of Hadoop in Industry?
    • Building a successful Big Data Management
    • Architecture
    • In the first module of big data and hadoop training in Noida, you will learn about the basics of big data and hadoop systems. You will learn about what is hadoop and why it is used to manage big data, the main evolution of big data and analytics, what are the main components used in hadoop systems, define HDFS, MapReduce, PIG, YARN and many more and what are the use of these frameworks. In this training program there are 18 modules in total and 40 hrs of training. In this training program of hadoop systems you will learn about all the updated tools and techniques which are used in the current industries.
    Distributed Computing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • A brief history of Distributed computing
    • Understanding the basics of Distributed computing
    • Analytical Data Warehouses
    • Integrating Big Data with the Traditional Data
    • Data Warehouses
    • Big data Analytics
    • Changing the role of Data Warehouse
    • Changing Deployment models in Big Data Era
    • Examining the future of Data Warehouse
    • Big Data Analytics and its Applications
    • Distributed computing is the second module of the big data and hadoop course in Noida and in this module you will learn briefly about distributed systems and computing and why it is used in big data. You will understand how to integrate big data with distributed systems and how you can collect large amounts of data with the help of these systems. In these systems there are many frameworks used to manage the data like MapReduce because distributed systems are used to manage a large quantity of data. Techstack Academy will offer you all the latest techniques and frameworks related to big data in the course of big data and hadoop.
    Introduction to RDBMS
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to DB2
    • Objectives of RDBMS
    • What is RDBMS?
    • Difference between DBMS and RDBMS
    • DB2 Instance
    • DB2 Tables
    • DB2 Databases
    • DB2 Hands on Lab
    • Summary
    • Why is it used?
    • RDBMS is an important module included in the course of big data and hadoop training because it is widely used to manage big data. In this module you will learn about all the techniques related to RDBMS which is called Relational Database Management System. It is mainly used to store a large amount of data and manage it in an order. In this database, the data will be saved in the form of rows and columns which can be managed easily. Techstack Academy provides all the IT courses on the basis of latest industry standards and wants to make every student market ready. You can learn the most advanced techniques in our big data and hadoop course in Noida.
    Operational Databases
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What are operational databases
    • List of operational databases
    • RDBMS in a Big Data Environment
    • Non Relational Database, key-value pair
    • Databases
    • Document Database
    • Hands on Lab
    • Uses in business
    • Terminology related to Operational databases
    • Data warehouse terminology
    • An operational database is a database management system where your data is stored and processed in real time. With the help of these databases you can manage your data analytics in real time and it can manage both SQL and NOSQL based databases. This is the most popular database and can be widely used to manage big data. With the help of these advanced topics you can use this platform to make your dream career. To learn these topics under the guidance of industry experts, you need to join Techstack Academy as we are the best institute for big data and hadoop courses in Noida.
    Visualization and how it supports distributed computing
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is visualization?
    • Understanding the basics of virtualization
    • Managing virtualization with the hypervisor
    • Abstraction and virtualization
    • Implementing virtualization to work with Big Data
    • Setting up Hadoop Environment
    • What are distributed systems?
    • What are the components of distributed systems?
    • How visualization supports distributed computing?
    • Visualization related tools
    • Big data and Hadoop training programs are the most popular training courses in Noida as it is an emerging field and has a great scope in future too. If anyone wants to have a secured career should join for this big data and hadoop course at Techstack Academy. Hadoop is an open source framework and used widely to manage big data as it is an effective tool to handle the big data. Hadoop can handle data in petabytes which is very huge that is why it is widely used as it is open source and can be used by everyone. This industry is growing day by day so enroll yourself today to learn the course and make a step ahead towards a bright career.
    Examining the cloud and Big Data
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is cloud?
    • What is Big Data?
    • Defining the cloud in the context of Big Data
    • Understanding cloud deployment
    • The cloud as an imperative for Big Data
    • Delivery models
    • Making use of the cloud for Big Data
    • Providers in the Big Data Cloud Market
    • Introduction to IBM Bluemix server
    • IBM Bluemix ClearDB Mysql Database service
    • In this module you will learn about how to examine the cloud and big data which is important. On the internet, the data is increasing day by day and companies use different softwares and techniques to manage this amount of data. With data increasing, the need to manage it in a particular way is also increasing. To manage this large amount of data, you need a proper system, for that Hadoop systems available. Join our best big data and hadoop training in Noida at Techstack Academy to learn under the supervision of best industry experts.
    Exploring the world of Hadoop
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Linux VM installation on system for Hadoop cluster using Oracle Virtual Box
    • Preparing nodes for Hadoop and VM settings
    • Install Java and configure password less SSH across nodes
    • Basic Linux commands
    • Hadoop 1.x single node deployment
    • Hadoop Daemons- NameNode, JobTracker, DataNode, TaskTracker, Secondary NameNode
    • Hadoop Configuration files and running
    • Important web URLs and Logs for Hadoop
    • Run HDFS and Linux commands
    • Hadoop 1.x multi-mode deployment
    • Run sample jobs in Hadoop single and multi-node clusters
    • Explaining Hadoop
    • Understanding the Hadoop distributed file
    • System (HDFS). Hadoop MapReduce
    • Working on HDFS file system
    • HDFS commands
    • Introduction to HDFS Federation
    • Understand Name Service ID and Block Pools
    • Introduction to HDFS High Availability
    • Failover Mechanisms in Hadoop 1.x
    • Concept of Active and StandBy NameNode
    • Configuring Journal Nodes and avoiding split brain scenario
    • Automatic and Manual failover techniques in HA using Zookeeper and ZKFC
    • HDFS HAdmin commands
    • In the 7th module of big data and hadoop course in Noida, you will learn about main HDFS commands, introduction to HDFS federation, its high availability, understanding Hadoop distributed files, failover mechanisms in Hadoop 1.x, and more concepts. These are the important concepts related to Hadoop systems which are necessary to understand to have complete knowledge of the program. Techstack Academy helps you in learning these advanced topics with the help of best trainers in the industry. We also provide many doubt clearing sessions for students who have doubts related to the course modules or topics. Join our course today to learn Hadoop systems in depth.
    Introduction to Hadoop Cluster
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • HDFS Design Goals
    • Understand Blocks and How to configure block size
    • Block Replication and Replication Factor
    • Understand Hadoop Rack Awareness and configure racks in Hadoop
    • File read and write anatomy in HDFS
    • Enable HDFS Tash
    • Configure HDFS Name and Space Quota
    • Configure and use WebHDFS (Rest APIs for HDFS)
    • Health Monitoring using FSCK command
    • Understand NameNode Safemode, file system image and edits
    • Configure secondary NameNode and use checkpointing process to provide NameNode Failover
    • HDFS DFS Admin and File System shell commands
    • Hadoop NameNode/ DataNode directory structure
    • HDFS permissions model
    • HDFS offline image viewer
    • NameNode and Data Nodes
    • Task Tracker
    • Job Tracker
    • Secondary NameNode
    • Data Replication
    • HDFS Hands on Lab
    • Hadoop 1.x Limitations
    • Design goals for Hadoop 2.x
    • Introduction to Hadoop 2.x
    • Introduction to Yarn
    • Components of Yarn- resource manager, node manager, application master
    • Deprecated Properties
    • Hadoop 2.x single node deployment
    • Hadoop 2.x multi node deployment
    • Yarn Architecture
    • Yarn components- Resource manager, node manager, job history server, application timeline server, MR application master
    • Yarn Application Execution flow
    • Running and monitoring Yarn application
    • Understand and configure capacity/ fair schedulers in Yarn
    • Define and configure queries
    • Job history server/ application timeline server
    • Yarn Rest API
    • Writing and executing Yarn Applications
    • This module is all about introduction of Hadoop cluster and what are the design goals of HDFS. in this, you will learn about deprecated properties of Hadoop, how to run and monitor Yarn applications, how to define and configure your queries. How to write and execute YARN applications. You will be taught all the modules deeply and will reach a level of understanding. You can crack any job which you want according to your knowledge. After completing this course, you will become certified big data and hadoop engineer. We will provide you with a different certification program for these courses to make sure about the future of students.
    Map Reduce Fundamentals
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to MapReduce
    • MapReduce Architecture
    • Understanding the concept of Mappers and Reducers
    • Anatomy of MapReduce program
    • Phases of a MapReduce program
    • Data types in Hadoop MapReduce
    • Driver, Mapper and Reducer classes
    • InputSplit and RecordReader
    • Input format and Output format in Hadoop
    • Concepts of combiner and partitioner
    • Running and monitoring MapReduce jobs
    • Writing your own MapReduce job using MapReduce API
    • Tracing the origins of MapReduce
    • Understanding the Map function
    • Adding the reduce function
    • Putting map and reduce together
    • MapReduce programming
    • MapReduce program through web console
    • This module is based on the fundamentals of MapReduce framework which is a part of big data and hadoop course in Noida. MapReduce is the most popular framework which is used to process big data as it provides a model to process data with the help of two different tasks: Map and Reduce. Techstack Academy will provide you hands-on training in Big Data and Hadoop systems by which you can become a professional in this field and can work in any industry. We have a group of professional trainers who are completely dedicated towards training and provide you teaching on the basis of current industry standards. In this module, you will learn about architecture related to mapreduce, different phases of mapreduce program, and how to do programming in MapReduce.
    Working with JAQL Language
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction of JAQL approach
    • Understand information stream
    • Understand information ocean
    • Introduction to Zookeeper
    • Zookeeper stand alone installation
    • Zookeeper clustered installation
    • Understand Znodes and ephemeral nodes
    • Manage Znodes using Java API
    • Zookeeper four letter word commands
    • Introduction to Oozie
    • Oozie Architecture
    • Oozie server installation and configuration
    • Design workflows, coordinator jobs, jobs in Oozie
    • Introduction to Hbase
    • Hbase Architecture
    • Hbase Components- Hbase master and region servers
    • Hbase installation and configurations
    • Create sample table and queries on Hbase
    • Introduction to Apache Sqoop
    • Sqoop Architecture and installation
    • Import Data using Sqoop in HDFS
    • Import all tables in Sqoop
    • Export data from HDFS
    • Working with JAQL language
    • Streaming Data Analytics Through JAQL
    • Understand Data WareHousing
    • This module is based on the JAQL language and Apache Hbase which are important factors of Big Data Management. To give you in-depth knowledge of big data and analytics, this module is added in the curriculum of big data and hadoop training program. In this module you will learn about the popular Apache Hbase and how to install it and use its techniques for big data management. There are many other tools available in the Hadoop ecosystem which are Apache Oozie, Hbase, Pig and many more. This is a great career field and with these advanced topics, you can take your career to the next level. Learn all the advanced modules with full concentration with complete practical knowledge of implementation.
    Data Warehousing using HIVE
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Requirement of Data WareHouse
    • Understand Hive Environment
    • Problems with No-SQL database
    • Introduction and installation HIve
    • Data Types and introduction to SQL
    • Hive-SQL: DML and DDL
    • Hive-SQL: Views and indexes
    • Hive user defined functions
    • Configuration to HBase
    • Hive Thrift Service
    • Introduction to HCatalog
    • Install and configure Hcatalog Services
    • Working with Hive Query Language
    • Perform DDL Approach through Hive
    • In this module of big data and hadoop course in Noida, you will learn about data warehousing using Hive concepts which is an integral part of the course. Data warehousing is the process related to constructing with the help of a data warehouse. A data warehouse consists of and constructed by integrating data by different heterogeneous sources which supports structured and ad hoc queries, analytical reporting, and decision making. This module will provide you with the basic introduction and installation of Hive structure, different data types related to it, configuration to HBase, DDL Approach, configuration of hive query, hive thrift service and more.
    Introduction to PIG
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Requirement of PIG
    • Working with Pig Script
    • Running and managing Pig Script
    • Perform streaming Data Analytics through PIG
    • Introduction to Flume
    • Flume Architecture and Installation
    • Define Flume Agents: Sink, Source, and Channel
    • Flume uses cases
    • Introduction to Pig
    • Pig Installation
    • Accessing Pig Grunt shell
    • Pig Data types
    • Pig commands
    • Pig Rotational operators
    • Pig user defined functions
    • Configure Pig to use HCatalog
    • Pig Advantages and Disadvantages
    • Hands on lab
    • Techstack Academy provides the best Big Data and Hadoop training program in Noida and this module is related to the PIG introduction. You will learn about the basics of PIG, introduction of FLUME, architecture and installation of PIG and FLUME, different pig commands, pig data types, rotational operators, pig advantages and disadvantages, and more. You will learn about how growing data will be managed with different digital automated techniques. With these frameworks and techniques you can manage your data with ease. We will help you to enhance your technical skills and knowledge on the basis of the latest trends and standards. You will learn all the basic to advanced modules under the guidance of industry experts in our best institute for big data and hadoop in Noida.
    BIG SQL in Detail
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is BIGSQL
    • BIGSQL advantages
    • BIGSQL requirements
    • Setting up environment of BIGSQL
    • Working with BIGSQL drivers
    • Setting up connection with BIGSQL
    • Working with BIGSQL and BiGDATA
    • Perform various BIGSQL queries
    • Know about Hive Database
    • Hands on lab and project development
    • Techstack Academy provides you with all the latest IT technologies which are trending in the market with the best advanced curriculum. You will learn all these technologies under the supervision of the best trainers who are working in the field and have a great experience in these techniques and tools. This module of big data and hadoop course in Noida, you will learn BigSql and how to use them when you develop a project. You will learn all the advantages and disadvantages related to Big Sql, different queries of BigSql, how to set up the connection between bigSql, how to set up the environment of BigSql, and more. This module will provide you thorough knowledge related to BigSql and how you can make projects with the help of it. We will cover it all according to your requirements.
    Introduction to Sqoop flume and Oozi
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Understand flume methodology
    • Requirement of flume
    • Flume advantages
    • Working lab with flume
    • Introduction of Sqoop
    • Requirement of Sqoop
    • Advantages of Sqoop
    • Working lifecycle of Oozie
    • Understand Oozie data flow
    • Oozie setup and requirement
    • Understand Oozie scheduling
    • Hands on lab on Oozie and Sqoop
    • This module is based on flume methodology and how to use this tool for big data processing. Apache flume is an advanced tool with ingestion mechanism which is used to collect, aggregate and transport large amounts of data like streaming data as log data, events from different web servers to a centralized data store. In this module, you will learn about the advantages of flume, introduction of sqoop tool, requirements of flume and sqoop, what is oozie and its data flow, understand about oozie scheduling, and more. We will provide you learning on the basis of a practical approach which helps you to understand the module completely and more deeply.
    Introduction to BIG R
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Big R
    • Advantages of Big R
    • Future scope of Big R
    • Working on R studio
    • R graphs and charts
    • Big R APIs
    • Arithmetic operators of Api
    • Commands related
    • As.bigr.frame
    • Hadoop Configuration Files
    • Big R is a tool which provides you an end-to-end integration with the R concepts within IBM infosphere Biginsights. This tool makes it easy for programmers to write and run R programs which operate on BigData directly. R language can handle big critical data related to any business and it is a complete versatile language. In this module of big data and hadoop training in Noida, you will learn about the future scope of Big R and how to work on R studio to manage the big data. There are many career opportunities available when you have done this course with dedication. Every company needs to organise their data to manage, and it opens the requirement for Big data experts. Learn this course of Big Data with Hadoop from Techstack Academy to learn from the best.
    Introduction to Cloudera
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Setup and configuration of Cloudera VM
    • Cloudera HDFS and Cloudera Manager
    • Cloudera and Mysql Database
    • Basic Concepts
    • Hadoop Architecture and HDFS
    • Hadoop Installation
    • Basic- Spark fundamentals, Spark overview, for scale analytics, basic text analytics, text analytics at scale
    • Analysing Big Data in R using Apache Spark
    • Analytics using following Hadoop components (Pig and Hive, Flume, Sqoop and Oozie)
    • Sqoop commands on Cloudera VM
    • Health Monitoring Using FSCK Command
    • Cloudera Manager
    • Apache Ambari
    • Ganglia
    • JMX monitoring and Jconsole
    • Hadoop User Experience (HUE)
    • This module is all about introduction of Cloudera which is used in Big Data Analytics and how to set up and configure cloudera VM. Cloudera provides a good platform which is completely scalable, flexible and integrated to manage big data which is rapidly increasing in volumes and variety in your enterprise. It works with Hadoop systems and gives you a wide platform to manage the data from different resources. In this module of big data and hadoop course in Noida, you will learn about cloudera manager and HDFS with mysql databases. You will learn all the basic and advanced topics related to the cloudera system, and more. Learn from Techstack Academy to know all the techniques used in Big Data and Hadoop.
    Apache Spark And Scala
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Introduction to Python
    • Introduction to Scala
    • Introduction to Spark
    • Working on RDD
    • Eclipse setup and configuration for Spark
    • Spark App development
    • Spark Twitter live streaming
    • Spark transformation
    • Real time data analytics courses
    • Introduction to Spark/Storm/Kafka
    • Become indispensable for any company with the trending IT skills of the market and start your course of big data and hadoop in Noida at Techstack Academy. Apache Spark and Scala are the unified analytics engine to process the large scale data from different sources. These services provide high level APIs in java, python, scala, and R with an optimized engine which supports general execution graphs. Learn these trending skills from the best institute for big data and hadoop training in Noida at Techstack Academy to understand the complete foundation of Hadoop programming.
    Live project development and deployment
    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Problems with traditional large-scale systems
    • Why Hadoop and Hadoop fundamental concepts
    • History of Hadoop with Hadoopable problems
    • Motivation and limitations of Hadoop
    • Available version Hadoop
    • Available distribution of Hadoop (Cloudera, Hortonworks)
    • Hadoop projects and components
    • Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS)
    • HDFS- file system
    • HBase- the Hadoop Database
    • Cassandra- No SQL database
    • Hive-SQL-Engine
    • Mahout
    • Project presentation and deployment
    • Sample project development
    • General planning considerations
    • Choosing the right hardware
    • Network considerations
    • Configuring nodes
    • Planning for clusters and its management
    • Types of Deployment
    • Cloudera manager
    • Installing Hadoop (Cloudera)
    • Installation- Pig, Hive, HBase, Cassandra, etc.
    • Specifying the Hadoop configuration
    • Performing initial HDFS configuration
    • Performing initial Yarn and MapReduce configuration
    • Hadoop Logging and cluster monitoring
    • General system monitoring
    • Monitoring Hadoop clusters
    • Common troubleshooting hadoop clusters
    • Common misconfigurations
    • Managing running jobs
    • Scheduling hadoop jobs
    • Parallel data ingestion
    • Load data and run applications
    • Big Data and Hadoop are the most popular fields of today’s world and companies offer handsome salaries to Big data analysts and Hadoop professionals which is quite better than many other IT sectors with other technologies. There are a lot of requirements of good experience with knowledge professionals of big data and in the market there are only some professionals available. That is why it is the best time to learn these technologies and grab the opportunities that come your way and make your dream career out of it. With the help of our certification program of big data hadoop course in Noida, you can enter any type of industry who work on big data. Join Techstack Academy today to learn from the professionals of the field and get the best knowledge in the market.
  • Capstone Project
  • Career Assistance: Resume building, Mock interviews, 1:1 mentorship and Career fair
  • Program Certificate from Orangus India and Techstack Academy

Languages and Tools Covered

Big Data Analytics Course Tools
Big Data Analytics Institute Tools
Big Data Analytics Training Tools
Big Data Analytics Course in Noida Tools
Big Data Analytics Institute in Noida Tools

Certificate from The Orangus India and TechStack Academy

Capstone Project

Live Project from the Partner Agency ( Orangus & Team Variance ).

Project Completed




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To used for processing unlimited amounts of data..

Join India's #1 Advance Big Data Hadoop Program

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Reviews by Students

Know what our students have to say about us.

Business Analytics Course review

Divesh JhaDBDA

I have completed a Big Data and Hadoop course from Techstack Academy and I am completely amused with the quality given here. Trainers are well cooperated and always there to help if you have any difficulty regarding any module. They have quite a good knowledge related to the course and help you in advancing yours.

Business Analytics training review

Radhika RaniDBDA

Techstack Academy is one of the best institutes for Big Data and Hadoop programming in Noida and trains you according to the industry standards. The curriculum designed is very well described by the trainers and they also provide you doubt clearing sessions which help us a lot in clearing doubts. Advanced methods of teaching with complete notes. Best experience.

Business Analytics institute review

Deepika Madan DBDA

I heard about Techstack Academy from my friend as he has done a digital marketing course from here and he suggested the institute for any IT related course from here so I have taken demo sessions for Big Data and Hadoop courses and I am amazed with the quality they are providing. I took admission after a demo session. My faculty was so good and the entire staff of this institute is well behaved and co-operative.

Business Analytics Course review

Ansh Pathak DBDA

I have taken a demo session for a Big Data and Analytics course in Noida and I loved the way of teaching of my trainer so I decided to take admission at Techstack Academy but I am not able to come daily to the institute so I chose online classes. My trainer was the same for online classes too and the training program has helped me to get my first job. Thank you so much Techstack.

Business Analytics training review

Rahul JainDBDA

Techstack Academy is one of the best Big Data and Hadoop training institute in Noida as they provide the best training with a strong curriculum. The trainers here are well experienced and always there to help you to solve any kind of problem that occurs in the course module. They provide you solutions and help you in your final project which is very important for the job purpose. Overall great training and would like to recommend it to all.

Business Analytics institute review

Pawan RainaDBDA

I am really grateful for the services given by Techstack Academy for my course of big data and hadoop. They provide me extra sessions as I am not a good learner and make me perfect in the coding. They have great dedicated trainers and I love the way they teach with doubt clearing. Very good institute to learn any IT course in Noida.

Program Fee

Starting at Rs. 11,000/month

Batch Starting: 20 Jan 2025

Big Data Hadoop Program

Program Duration: 3 Months
Program Certification from

100% Classroom Training

Upskill with Techstack Academy

25+ Case Studies

Become Hadoop Executive, Hadoop Specialist, Hadoop Developer, Hadoop Admin, Hadoop Analytics

Get 150+ hours of intensive learning in BDH over 3 months.

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Start Your Own Startup

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Big Data Hadoop Training Payment method

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Upcoming Application Deadline

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Deadline: 20th Feb 2021

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the need of the course of Big Data Hadoop?

Big Data is a collection of data sets consisting of structured and unstructured data which is collected from different resources and used to make beneficial insights for the companies. These insights will help the companies in different manners and all the future programs depend on these insights. This is very important information for the company. To manage big data, Hadoop services are required and that is why it is becoming an integral part for any company. We designed this big data and hadoop course in Noida to cover all the aspects related to big data techniques. Enroll now in our courses to learn from industry experts and work on real time projects.

What are the main features provided by Techstack Academy for this course?

Techstack Academy always focuses on quality learning and does everything in favor of providing the best learning programs in Noida. We provide online big data and hadoop courses in Noida and offline courses as well and you can take admission in any format according to your need. We provide extra backup classes, doubt clearing sessions, and real time projects to our students. We also provide notes related to each module in the form of ebooks, pdfs, and recorded sessions of the class for future use. This is the best feature of our company to provide recorded sessions and doubt clearing sessions. To take all the benefits and learn best big data and hadoop courses in Noida, join Techstack Academy today.

What are the career options after completing this BIg data and Hadoop course?

There are many different career options available because in the present time big data is the need of the companies. To handle big data services, companies need professionals of big data. After completion of our certification course of big data and hadoop, you can become a big data expert and can work as a big data analyst, hadoop engineer, big data expert, and many more. You can work in multinational companies according to your knowledge criteria. If you have in-depth knowledge of each and every module of the course, you can make big data insights easily, and can become a good asset for the companies.

How many modules are available in the course?

In the course of big data and hadoop, there are around 18 modules in total and this training is of 40 hrs for big data and hadoop using infosphere big insights and cloudera. Each and every module is well designed and covers all the latest topics related to the course. In each module we include different quizzes and assessment work to provide a better learning experience and to increase the knowledge level of each student. We cover all the topics from very basic level to complete advanced level. Join our online big data and hadoop course today to have the best learning experience in Delhi NCR.

Can I take a demo session before joining the course?

We at Techstack Academy provide demo sessions for all the professional IT courses under the supervision of best trainers of big data and hadoop. You can talk to the management and book for the demo session for the course of big data and hadoop in Noida. In the session, we provide you with the demo material which we are providing in the training and clear all your doubts related to the course. You will get a chance to meet your trainer in the demo session and you can interact with them directly. The benefit of the demo sessions is that you know how your trainer will teach you in future before taking admission.

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How to process Big Data?

To process big data, you need some frameworks which are available easily and one of the most popular ones in MapReduce. This generally consists of two phases which are map phase and reduce phase. The main middle phase is called shuffle between these two phases. With the help of these phases the data is processed. To learn about all the frameworks used in processing big data, you need to join Techstack Academy for the best big data and hadoop course in Noida. We provide you training from industry experts who have the experience of working from 8 to 10 years. We teach you the course according to the latest industry standards.

What are the tools to extract the big data?

In this course of big data and hadoop, you will find all the modules covering mainly the updated topics which are used in current industries. You will learn different technologies and tools related to big data in this course. You can take any mode of the training program whether it is online or offline, you will be guided by the same faculty with the same curriculum. You will learn different tools which are used to extract big data like Flume, Nifi, Sqoop, Morphlines, etc. you can call us at our institute for the demo session for this big data and hadoop training.

How is Hadoop more suitable for Big Data?

Hadoop is one of the most popular platforms which is open source and highly scalable and runs on commodity hardwares. Hadoop has a program HDFS which can store large amounts of unstructured data in a certain way which can be managed later. In this you can save a lot of time to store large quantities of data. The main advantage of Hadoop is that it can run on almost all platforms. It provides you flexibility and storage which can capture any kind of data. Learn from our best big data and hadoop course to use these techniques in practical.

What do you mean by big data insights?

Big data insights is the most important factor for companies to manage their yearly campaigns and to have the knowledge about programs they run. Big data insights incluses discovery of patterns, information, and different trends which are hidden inside Big Data. you can make different future strategies for the company according to these patterns or insights. Insights can be used to target your competitors to understand their strategies. Take admission in our institute to understand the different patterns of big data and how you can make insights out of it and how to visualize them.

What are the main approaches to deal with Big Data?

There are many approaches available to deal with big data and they depend upon different business requirements. To deal with big data, you need to know the main concerns about the business and what are the objectives a business wants to achieve. There are two ways of data processing which are batch processing and stream processing. On the basis of your business needs, you can process your big data for a certain duration. According to the need and business demand, you can process data on an hourly basis too. These strategies are completely dependent upon business requirements and strategies.

Why choose us?

As we know, your future and careers depends on us, we make sure to deliver a holistic view of the entire syllabus that we provide, helping you attain in-depth knowledge.

Full-Fledged Curriculum

At Techstack, we deliver an amalgamation of courses beyond your field of expertise to help your career reach greater heights.

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We create a roadmap for your journey, starting from novice to becoming an expert.

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Your journey at Techstack doesn’t end with the completion of the course, you will gain the status of Techstack Alumni for a lifetime.

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June 2019 Batch

Tanya Tyagi :I did my big data and analytics course from Techstack Academy. My experience with the institute was so good and here all the faculties were so experienced and very understanding. The way of teaching was so good and discussions related to any module or course we had with the trainer was always so fruitful. These discussions helped us understand the topic more clearly and gave us a lot of knowledge. The thing which I like the most about Techstack institute is that they have the best faculties with a great study environment. They provide you 100% placement in good companies.

Sagarika Choudhary :Techstack Academy has professionalism in terms of teaching the best courses. The curriculum they are providing based on industry standards is very much appreciable and our trainer was so genuine and talented who taught us a complete course practically which helped us in understanding the latest techniques which are used in the market. My experience here was excellent and I never felt bored during sessions as they provide theory sessions with complete practicals. They had a great environment in the institute and provided us extra grooming sessions to help us in the procedure of interview and train us accordingly to crack interviews.

Vikas Dutt :TI would highly recommend Techstack Academy for those who are interested in the Big Data and Hadoop course field. I got my complete training under the supervision of a talented trainer who has a great way of teaching. He is very supportive and gives in-depth training knowledge which is very perfect. Trainers here are very well experienced and have good knowledge of their subjects. Apart from subject knowledge, they provide practical examples which clear the topic amazingly and encourage us to ask queries related to the module. This is undoubtedly the best institute for big data and hadoop courses. Awesome experience.

Mohit Sharma :Hello! I have done big data and hadoop training courses from Techstack Academy and the training program was so good as they completely focussed on quality. They provide you timely assistance on training, with in-depth knowledge of modules with real time projects done in classroom training programs. They give you complete practical exposure on big data and hadoop systems and how all the tools and techniques work. They give you assurance of 100% placement and upgrade your skills to get a job in desired companies. Placement cell arranged many interview calls for you by which you can get your first job out of here during the training session. Thank you so much for this help as I got my first job all because of Techstack.

Rashi Gorsi :The trainers here at Techstack Academy are extremely enthusiastic and passionate about teaching good quality. They had experience of real industries and they showed us the way to cope up with the latest trends and evolve accordingly. Teaching style is so good because our trainer was so patient and accommodating. Techstack is an exceptional place to learn IT technologies because the approach is completely practical. The content of big data and hadoop training is completely updated and helped us to crack interviews. I have got a job all because of my knowledge of the program. Entire faculty here are well behaved and always there to help you if you have any query.

Ritvik Saini :When you think about building your dream career in big data and hadoop, Techstack Academy is the best place to learn the course. The institute provides you the platform to enhance your skills with the help of knowledge in Big data. Faculty here put complete effort in giving you the best experience of learning which will help you to attain your target and achieve your career of working in leading companies. Our trainer has a very smart way of teaching and explaining modules which clear each topic clearly. He puts in a lot of hard work and effort in giving training to the students and solving the queries. The complete material was so helpful for interview preparation. So far I have had a very good experience at Techstack Academy.
