#1 Advance Big Data Hadoop ( Big Data Analytics ) Course in Mumbai, India

Trained 18000+ professionals in India

9.8/10 ( Rating based on 8439 reviews )
Classroom & Online Mentorship
Batch Starting: 20 Jan 2025
Big Data Hadoop Course in Mumbai Banner

Dual Credentials

Techstack Academy & Orangus


Orangus India

3 Months

Recommended 10-12 hrs/week

20 Jan 2025

Program Start Date

EMI options

Starting at Rs. 11,000

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Why We're Ranked #1

Comprehensive Curriculum

We make sure to deliver a high-defined curriculum based on industry standards.

Having partnered with various companies, we provide certifications post your course completion.

Our training program is tailored to meet the requirements of every aspiring child/student/ corporate irrespective of the age factor.

Personalised Mentorship

Get your hands laid on our mentorship sessions with industry experts and give a boost to your career.

Add an extravagant edge to your CV or profile by learning with us, online and/or offline.

We provide exclusive mentorship programs to pass along the knowledge learned to a junior individual within a certain field.

Dedicated Career Assistance

At Techstack, we have trainers who have years of experience and are well dedicated to providing you the knowledge you deserve.

Get exposed to varied live tools that are used by industry experts assisting to speed up your learning & output.

Diversify your skills with Techstack and buckle up to getting closer to your dreams.


At Techstack, we believe in providing a full-fledged course of your desire where our industry experts have designed a top-notch curriculum just for you.

  • Big Data Hadoop Course Structure (18 Modules)

    Fundamental of Big Data

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What are Big Data and Hadoop?
    • Explain Hadoop functioning
    • Who uses Hadoop and what are the requirements?
    • Explain history related Hadoop
    • Data management evolution
    • How to manage data in waves
    • What is big data journey
    • Explain the components of Hadoop
    • What are HDFS, Yarn, Pig, MapReduce
    • Hadoop scope in industries
    • Explain big data management
    • Architecture of Hadoop
    • In this course of Big Data and Hadoop Program, our trainers will provide you in-depth learning in the field of Big data and covers all the basics related to Hadoop program. Big data can help organizations keep, organize and manage massive amounts of unorganised data at very good appropriate speed and at the right moment. For the best insight the big data is typically divided into three components in terms of volume, velocity and variety. Learn our advanced course under the guidance of most advanced trainers and know about all the latest tools and techniques of Big Data.

    Distributed Computing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is distributed computing in detail?
    • Basics of distributed computing
    • What are analytical data warehouses
    • How to integrate big data with traditional data
    • Explain data warehouse
    • What is big data analytics
    • Data warehouse role
    • What are deployment models
    • What is the future of big data warehouse
    • Applications related Big Data Analytics
    • This is the most advanced course of Big Data and Hadoop in Mumbai provided by Techstack Academy and this module is related to distributed systems. The distributed architecture is built on the concept of distributed systems in terms of reliability, consistency, as well as durability, idempotency and persistence. The distributed system is made up of several software components that are installed on several computers, but operate as a single computer. We will teach you the complete concept related to distributed systems and how they are connected with each other at the same time. This course includes the most advanced concepts related to Big data which is necessary to learn if you want to make your career in this field.

    Introduction to RDBMS

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is DB2
    • RDBMS objectives
    • Explain RDBMS working
    • DBMS vs RDBMS
    • Explain DB2 instances
    • Explain DB2 tables
    • Explain DB2 databases
    • Explain DB2 hands on lab
    • RDBMS management
    • Why do we use RDBMS?
    • The software that stores data, manage, query and retrieve information that is stored in a relational database is referred to as the relationship management database system (RDBMS). In this Big data and hadoop course in Mumbai, you will learn all the techniques used in RDBMS to handle data. We teach you with a step by step approach which covers all the queries and applications related to RDBMS. The RDBMS is a bridge between applications and users as well as the database, in addition to administration functions to manage the storage of data, access to it and performance. In this module, you will get hands-on training for RDBMS.

    Operational Databases

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Explain operational databases
    • Operational databases lists
    • Explain the role of RDBMS role in Big Data
    • What are non-relational databases
    • Explain databases
    • What are document database
    • Hands-on labs on databases
    • Why we use operational databases in business
    • Operational databases related terminologies
    • Terminologies related data warehouse
    • This module is related to the operational databases which is directly related to Big Data Management Concepts. Our trainers at Techstack Academy will provide you with all the terminologies related to operational databases. The Operational Database is a management database system in which data is saved as well as processed at a real time. Examples of operational databases include Microsoft SQL Server, AWS Dynamo, Apache Cassandra, MongoDB, etc. Enroll for our courses today, to get the learning program covered under the guidance of industry experts who has in-depth knowledge of each concept related to Databases.

    Visualization and how it supports distributed computing

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Explain visualization
    • Basics of visualization
    • How to manage virtualization with hypervisor
    • Explain virtualization and abstraction
    • How to implement virtualization work
    • How to set up complete hadoop environment
    • Explain distributed systems
    • Distributed systems components
    • How visualization supports distributed computing
    • Tools related visualization
    • Big Data and Hadoop programs are widely used techniques and are very popular also in the present time. Every big company uses big data techniques to handle their unlimited data for the growth of their company. Visualization is one of the important techniques of big data which is covered deeply in this course at Techstack Academy. Visualization of data can be described as the act of presenting information visually. They typically are charts or graphs that are utilized by humans to understand and gain valuable insights from data. The most commonly used charts for data visualization and graph formats are: Column Chart, Bar Graph, Stacked Bar Graph, Scatter Plot Chart. Learn all the settings related to visualization and hadoop program with hands-on training approach.

    Examining the cloud and Big Data

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Explain cloud
    • Explain big data
    • What is the working of cloud in big data
    • Cloud deployment
    • How we use cloud as an imperative
    • Explain delivery models
    • Usage of cloud
    • What is big data cloud market
    • IBM bluemix server
    • What is IBM bluemix clearDB mysql database service
    • Cloud computing is the most used service in today's time and you will learn about clouds in this course of Big Data and Hadoop Program in Mumbai. The term ‘cloud computing’ is a reference to the services that are run over the Internet instead of locally on your PC. It includes servers, storage of data as well as databases, networking and software. Cloud-based storage allows you to save your files to remote databases and access them whenever you need to. Cloud-based storage options are Google Drive, Apple iCloud, Netflix, Yahoo Mail, Dropbox and Microsoft OneDrive. Our trainers will teach you how you can use cloud computing effectively to manage your Big Data and how to make proper insights from it.

    Exploring the world of Hadoop

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Linux VM installation
    • How to prepare nodes for Hadoop with VM settings
    • How to install java and its configuration
    • Explain basic linux commands
    • What is Hadoop 1.x single node deployment
    • What are hadoop configuration files
    • How to run HDFS
    • Explain sample jobs running in single and multi-node clusters
    • Explain system hadoop mapreduce
    • What is name service ID and block pools
    • Hadoop in the form of a service that is also referred to in the context of Hadoop within the cloud which is a big data analytics framework that can store and analyze data in the cloud with Hadoop. Hadoop gives users the ability to gather data, analyze and process it. In the present time, there are tons of millions of data which needs to be handled to make it useful. To handle this big amount of data, you need some techniques like Hadoop to handle it properly and easily. In this course of Big Data, we teach you all the commands to handle it properly and wisely. Our experienced trainers will help you to handle the tool in quite an effective manner.

    Introduction to Hadoop Cluster

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What are design goals of HDFS
    • Explain blocks understanding and how to configure it
    • Explain block replication and replication factor
    • What is Hadoop rack awareness
    • How to read files and write anatomy in HDFS
    • How to enable HDFS tash
    • How to configure HDFS name and space quota
    • What is health monitoring using FSCK command
    • Explain HDFS DFS admin
    • What is HDFS permissions model
    • Explain HDFS offline image viewer
    • Hadoop 2.x design goals
    • This module of Big Data and Hadoop Course in Mumbai, you will learn about Hadoop clusters. You will learn how you can configure blocks, and use commands to handle data in an effective way. Our trainers will provide you with advanced Hdfs concepts and other tools related to the Hadoop Program. An HDFS cluster is made up of one NameNode that is the master server that controls the namespace for the file system and controls access to files for users. There are also several DataNodes, typically one per node within the cluster, who control storage connected to the nodes they operate on. After completing our course, you will become a big data analyst in Mumbai.

    Map Reduce Fundamentals

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is Mapreduce
    • Architecture of Mapreduce
    • Mappers and Reducers concepts
    • What is anatomy of MapReduce programs
    • MapReduce phases
    • Hadoop MapReduce data types
    • What are driver, mapper and reducer classes
    • Explain InputSplit and RecordReader
    • What is MapReduce Programming
    • Combiner and partitioner concepts
    • MapReduce is a framework to process large datasets in a decentralized way across a variety of machines. The principle of MapReduce is making your data set an array of Key and value. MapReduce allows experienced programmers to create distributed applications without worrying about the actual computer infrastructure. Techstack Academy designed this course with inclusion of all the advanced concepts related to the Hadoop program and after completing our course, you can become a complete expert in this field. With the help of our learning program, you can handle all kinds of complexity that developers aren't able to manage.

    Working with JAQL Language

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What are JAQL approach
    • Explain Zookeeper
    • What is Hbase
    • Architecture of Hbase
    • Explain Apache Sqoop
    • Architecture and installation of Sqoop
    • How to import data with Sqoop in HDFS
    • How to export data from HDFS
    • How to work with JAQL language
    • Data warehousing fundamentals
    • This module is related to the Jaql approach which is used in big data tools and techniques. Jaql is an declarative programming programming language that is designed for business analysis of data, powered by an flexible runtime which makes use of MapReduce, a parallel programming framework developed by Hadoop. In this module, you will learn about zookeeper, Jaql, hbase architecture, sqoop concepts in practical approach which directly enhance your skills to provide you a better chances to enter in your dream companies which are working in Big Data.

    Data Warehousing using HIVE

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Data warehousing requirements
    • Hive environment understanding
    • How to install Hive
    • What are data types of SQL
    • What are Hive SQL
    • Explain HCatalog
    • How to install & configure Hcatalog services
    • What is the procedure to work with Hive query language
    • How to perform DDL approach
    • Explain No-SQL databases
    • Techstack Academy is the best institute for big data and hadoop courses in Mumbai. Data warehouses are environments that use relational technology which are utilized to perform analysis of data especially for the analysis of data from historical sources. Data storage is a process that is used to collect and manage data from a variety of sources into one central repository that can be used to generate actionable business insight. Enroll in our courses today to master your skills in the field of data warehousing, Hive, HCatalog, and other services.

    Introduction to PIG

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is the requirement of PIG
    • Explain working of Pig Script
    • How to run and manage Pig Scripts
    • Explain how to perform data analysis with PIG
    • Explain Flume
    • What is the architecture of Flume
    • Explain Flume Agents
    • Use cases of flume
    • Pig Introduction
    • Installation of Pig
    • If you want to make your career in the field of Big Data and Hadoop, Techstack Academy is the best choice for you as it is the best institute for big data and hadoop courses in Mumbai. Pig is a high-level tool that is utilized to process large amounts of data. It offers a high level of abstraction to process data over MapReduce. In Pig, we use an advanced scripting language called Pig Latin which is used for the development of code for data analysis. We provide 100% placement assistance services to provide you better career opportunities.

    BIG SQL in Detail

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Explain BigSql
    • Project development of BigSql
    • Advantages of BigSql
    • Requirements of BigSql
    • How to set up BigSql environment
    • How to work with BigSql drivers
    • What is the procedure of setup BigSql
    • How to work with BigSql & BigData
    • Explain BigSql queries
    • How to work with Hive Database
    • Techstack Academy designed this advanced Big Data and Hadoop Course for those students who want to work in this field with MNCs. We have designed the curriculum on the basis of industry standards which will give you learning modules according to the working culture of industries. IBM Big SQL is an extremely high-performance, hugely parallel processing SQL engine for Hadoop which makes querying information from the company simple as well as secure. Big SQL provides an advanced SQL compiler as well as a price-based optimizer to make sure that queries are executed efficiently.

    Introduction to Sqoop flume and Oozi

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What is the methodology of flume
    • Flume requirements
    • Advantages of flume
    • How to work with flume
    • Sqoop introduction
    • Sqoop requirements
    • Sqoop advantages
    • What is the lifecycle of Oozie
    • Data flow related Oozie
    • How to set up Oozie
    • What is the scheduling method of Oozie
    • Hands on training of Oozie and sqoop
    • Big Data and Hadoop is an advanced field which is utilized by most of the present companies. If you want to work in current industries, you should learn advanced technologies of the present time to handle data. This big data Hadoop course in Mumbai is the best course to make your career promising and after completing the course, you can handle data efficiently. Flume is an open source distributed data collection and storage service that is used to transfer the data from the source to the destination. It's a reliable, and widely available service that can be used for gathering, aggregating and moving huge quantities of logs to HDFS.

    Introduction to BIG R

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Explain Big R
    • Big R advantages
    • How to work with R studio
    • Explain R graphs and charts
    • What are the arithmetic operators used in Api
    • Commands used in Big R
    • What is the future scope of Big R
    • Explain Big R apis
    • Explain As.bigr.frame
    • What are the configuration files used in Hadoop
    • Techstack Academy provides you an advanced platform to implement your expertise in the field of big data and enhance your skills with industry level standards by working on real time projects. Learn how to utilize IBM BigInsights Big R to analyse, manipulate and visualize large data. Learn how you can install and set up the software that is required to run the statistical programming environment. You will also define the general programming concepts in the language. In this module, you will learn about sqoop flume and Oozi concepts in-depth.

    Introduction to Cloudera

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Explain configuration of Cloudera VM
    • Explain Cloudera HDFS and manager
    • How to connect cloudera and Mysql
    • What are the basic concepts of Cloudera
    • Explain Hadoop architecture with HDFS
    • What is the procedure of Hadoop installation
    • Explain basic spark fundamentals, overview, text analytics, text analytics at scale
    • How to analyse Big data with R
    • Analytics with Hadoop components
    • What are sqoop commands
    • Explain health monitoring using FSCK command
    • What is cloudera manager
    • Explain Apache Ambar
    • What is Ganglia
    • Explain JMX monitoring and Jconsole
    • Overview of Hadoop user experience
    • Techstack Academy is the top institute to learn Big Data and Hadoop courses in Mumbai with the help of offline and online platforms. Big Data is the fastest growing industry and used by almost every organisation in the world to make profitable decisions. Cloudera Data Platform is the first cloud for enterprise data which uses multi-function analytics on an integrated platform which eliminates barriers and speeds the development of insights from data. Cloudera offers the world's first operating database that provides traditional structured data and unstructured data that is created on an open-source, unified platform.

    Apache Spark And Scala

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • Python introduction
    • Scala introduction
    • Spark introduction
    • How to set up eclipse and configure spark
    • What is spark app development
    • Explain spark twitter live streaming
    • How to work with RDD
    • What is spark transformation
    • Explain real time data analytics courses
    • What is spark, storm, kafka
    • At Techstack Academy, we provide online and offline courses in the field of Big data handling and analytics in Mumbai. This module is about Apache Spark which is an engine with multiple languages that executes the data sciences, engineering as well as machine-learning on single-node computers or clusters. Apache Spark can process data from a range of data repositories. This includes HDFS, the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), NoSQL databases and other data stores that are relational like Apache Hive. learn complete functionality of Sqoop with the requirements and lifecycle in our Big data and hadoop course in Mumbai.

    Live project development and deployment

    • 3 Quizzes
    • 1 Project
    • What are the problems of traditional large-scale systems
    • Why we use hadoop fundamental concepts
    • Explain history of Hadoop with its problems
    • What are the limitations of Hadoop
    • What is Mahout
    • Hadoop versions explained
    • Hadoop distributions (Cloudera, Hortonworks)
    • Working on Hadoop projects and its components
    • What is Hadoop distributed file systems (HDFS)
    • Explain HDFS file systems
    • What is cloudera manager
    • Explain HBase- the Hadoop Database
    • Techstack institute offers the top Big Data and Hadoop course in Mumbai in the excellent guidance of an outstanding team of highly experienced and expert trainers. We help develop the concepts and skills of our students who want to pursue their career with advanced knowledge in the field of Big Data and Hadoop. We present case-scenarios for complex business issues and provide solutions using big data. With the help of our learning program, you will know about all the advanced tools and techniques related to big data and handling of big data that can solve any business issue as part of business goals. Enroll in our courses today to get an advanced learning program.
  • Capstone Project
  • Career Assistance: Resume building, Mock interviews, 1:1 mentorship and Career fair
  • Program Certificate from Orangus India and Techstack Academy

Languages and Tools Covered

Big Data Analytics Course Tools
Big Data Analytics Institute Tools
Big Data Analytics Training Tools
Big Data Analytics Course in Mumbai Tools
Big Data Analytics Institute in Mumbai Tools

Certificate from The Orangus India and TechStack Academy

Capstone Project

Live Project from the Partner Agency ( Orangus & Team Variance ).

Project Completed




Spark Streaming

Get process of Spark Streaming for data & batch data


Data lakes

This is used for principally to process and store nonrelational data.


Online Retail Analysis

To analyse all recourds and e-commerce business


Real Time Data Sources:

To check Sensor Data, Communication systems and and GPS etc.


Customer Intelligence

To explore the value of latest methods for Real-Time projects



Fetch them from the cache without loading them from the Internet



To detect the big data sets across hundreds of inexpensive servers that operate in suchlike



To used for processing unlimited amounts of data..

Join India's #1 Advance Big Data Hadoop Program

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Big Data Hadoop Course Advantage

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Equip yourself with in-trend & upcoming market-ready tools and techniques.

Attend classes at your own comfort through offline & online training sessions.

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Tailor-made sessions to assist your learning with live classes and video tutorials.

Seek support from our experts who are readily available to assist you at any time.

Enhance your knowledge through workshops, seminars, and webinars held regularly.

We help diversify your skills to let you deepen your expertise in your chosen field.

Get ahead with our unique programs which unlocks a vast ocean of opportunities.

Expand your horizons by attending our guest faculty lectures who are well-experienced.

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Avail authenticated certificates right after the completion of your particular course.

Reap the benefits from our placement cell with 100% job assistance.

Join Techstack Academy and meet like-minded mentors for your guidance.

Upskill your knowledge via regular assignments and assessments.

On completion, you will be self-reliant to work in an organization or be a freelancer.

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Reviews by Students

Know what our students have to say about us.

Big Data Hadoop Course review

Ratna SharmaBDH

I've attended the course of Big Data and Hadoop at Techstack Academy. Without prior experience in the field, I've achieved a lot of confidence in handling the data and interview questions. Our trainer is extremely helpful and has a wonderful way of explaining things. We have provided assignments and assessments to enhance our skills and it is one of the best institutes to learn advanced courses.

Big Data Hadoop training review

Krishna MalikBDH

Techstack Academy is one of the best institutes to go should you wish to begin your career as an Big Data Analyst with an impressive and strong foundation. Their trainers are highly skilled and can explain concepts in detail and provide practical learning in the course. Even after the course has been completed, they provide assistance for career guidance and other helpful things. I want to recommend this institute to all.

Big Data Hadoop institute review

Pradeep Mishra BDH

It was an informative and well-designed course of Big Data and Hadoop that was well-presented by the great trainers of Techstack Academy. Their trainers did an exceptional job in laying the base for the Hadoop service. They provide the fundamentals and essential knowledge of Big Data. Last but not least the trainer's teaching methods are highly effective and help the student stay focused on the concepts!

Big Data Hadoop Course review

Maddy Goyal BDH

I had a wonderful experience with Techstack Academy in the course of big data and Hadoop.I did not have a background in programming but, with the help of this course, I can code effortlessly. The course is structured in such a way that it will take you from being a beginner to a complete pro. The trainers are extremely experienced, professional, and will explain each concept in depth.

Big Data Hadoop training review

Ronit ChandakBDH

I highly suggest Techstack Academy to everyone out there, who would like to learn Big data with Hadoop services. This is the best institute who have experienced trainers with a great teaching experience. They teach you step by step learning programs with live projects to increase your confidence. Our trainer is a wonderful teacher. I am looking forward to learning many new skills with Techstack Academy in future.

Big Data Hadoop institute review

Metali AggarwalBDH

The one thing I can think of about Techstack Academy is that it is fantastic for studying, supporting and learning with advanced resources of Big Data with Hadoop services. I am a complete beginner and the classes are highly effective, with hands-on training, real-time projects to enhance your abilities. Thank you for all your services Techstack Academy as this is the best course for big data and hadoop.

Program Fee

Starting at Rs. 11,000/month

Batch Starting: 20 Jan 2025

Big Data Hadoop Program

Program Duration: 3 Months

Program Certification from

100% Classroom Training

Upskill with Techstack Academy

25+ Case Studies

Become Hadoop Executive, Hadoop Specialist, Hadoop Developer, Hadoop Admin, Hadoop Analytics

Get 150+ hours of intensive learning in BDH over 3 months.

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Start Your Own Startup

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Big Data Hadoop Course in Mumbai Payment method
Big Data Hadoop Institute in Mumbai Payment method
Big Data Hadoop Training Payment method

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Deadline: 20th Feb 2021

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the scope of the Big Data and Hadoop course?

Big data is impacting the IT industry in a way that no other technologies or trends have before. If properly analyzed, huge data collected can help companies enhance their decision-making capabilities and make them more competitive. Everyday, people generate data whether they're driving their vehicles or shopping online on the internet, or even attending classes. All the data is important in their unique ways and for that companies require big data analysts in big amounts. There is a lot of scope in present time and the future too for big data and if you want to make your career in this field, you should do our big data and hadoop course in Mumbai at Techstack Academy.

What are the main features of this Big data and Hadoop Course?

Are you interested in expanding your vision and knowledge about how to better understand the Big Data field on an advanced level? This course of Big Data and Hadoop designed by Techstack Academy is dedicatedly designed for people who are new to the big data field and keen to understand how it is that the Big Data Era has come to be. This course is designed for people who wish to be familiar with the terms used and the fundamentals of Big Data problems such as applications, systems and applications. This course covers the overview of one of the world's most popular platforms, Hadoop, that has made the analysis of big data simpler and more accessible, making it possible for data to change the world!
Learn this advanced big data and hadoop course in Mumbai with our experienced trainers at Techstack Academy and get certified with one of the best institutes in Mumbai.

What is the procedure for certification in Big Data and Hadoop Course?

Techstack Academy designed this course for those people who want to make their career in the field of Big Data and Hadoop platform. This course covers all the advanced topics related to big data and handling of big data with modern tools and techniques. After successfully completing our course, you will get rewarded with our certifications which will help you in making your career. Our certifications are globally acknowledged and provide your interviewer the information about your level of knowledge. Our trainers are well experienced and provide you learning according to current industry standards.

Can I take online classes for Big Data and Hadoop Course?

Techstack Academy is one of the best institutes for big data and hadoop courses in Mumbai and provides you the best learning program in the industry on the basis of current industry standards and modern tools. We provide online classroom training programs for all IT courses and offline courses as well. You can choose any mode of learning according to your choices. Our trainers are well experienced and have the experience of 10+ years and provide training in most unique ways by covering all the latest concepts.

What is the need of Big Data and Hadoop Course?

Big Data helps companies to identify patterns and trends, and manage these patterns, which could be utilized to benefit the future. It helps to determine which group of customers most likely buying goods, or helps to optimize marketing campaigns by determining which strategies for advertising have the greatest ROI. These insights help the company in many ways and that is why big data is the biggest need for the companies in the present time. Learn our big data and hadoop course in Mumbai with Techstack Academy. Join our course today to learn from the best trainers of India.

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Big Data Hadoop Course Training in Mumbai Placements

Know More About Techstack

What are Big Data and Hadoop services?

Big Data is a set of information that's massive in terms of volume, yet it is expanding exponentially with time and expanding its roots. Big Data analytics is a way which deals with methods to study, collect data from, or handle large data sets that are massive or complex. Apache Hadoop is an open source framework utilized to effectively manage large data sets with sizes ranging from gigabytes to petabytes data. These both concepts are covered in-depth in our Big Data and Hadoop Course in Mumbai at Techstack Academy.

What are the tools used to handle Big Data?

Techstack Academy designed this advanced course for Big Data and Hadoop for those students who want to work on modern tools and techniques related to Big Data and follow their dream career. We teach some of the important tools in this course to make you a complete expert of the field. We teach Hadoop, HDFS, Sqoop, Flume, Pig, and other tools with step by step installation and other concepts. If you want to learn these concepts, don't wait and enroll in our courses today.

Why is Hadoop used in Big Data?

Big Data is one of the main areas of attention in the digital world of today. There is tons of data that is generated and gathered through different processes that are carried out by the business with the help of Big data professionals. These data may include patterns and strategies regarding how the business could improve its processes. It also includes feedback from the customers. These patterns and information are very useful for the companies. Hadoop is able to efficiently analyze the data and find valuable insights out of it. Hadoop handles information from a variety of sources. It is a very quick tool and economical too. Learn big data and hadoop courses at Techstack Academy to learn all the techniques required to handle data efficiently.

Explain Big Data Insights.

Data insights is the important understanding that an individual or company gets from studying large sets of data related to any issue. This understanding helps organizations make better decisions than using intuition. Companies are aware they need to understand that Big Data infrastructure will help to make better decisions. In our big data and hadoop course in Mumbai at Techstack Academy will teach you how data from Big Data platforms is effectively and efficiently collected and analyzed by the companies that give full and accurate understanding of their business. With data insights companies can easily improve in their efficiency in cost, reduced costs, higher sales, and improved customer service.

How does Big Data help organisations?

Data analytics helps organizations in anticipating any change in the behavior of their clients and analysis improves the accuracy. Big data analytics is done with the help of advanced software systems that are more efficient and faster. This capability to work faster and to be more agile provides a company a competitive edge. Meanwhile, companies benefit from lower costs when using big data analytics software. Big Data is used in nearly every field, whether it's the food industry, content marketing or even in elections. To handle this kind of large data organizations need expert data analyst professionals to make something useful out of this large amount of data. In this course of Big data and Hadoop we teach you all the concepts related to Big data with the Hadoop platform under the guidance of the most advanced and experienced trainers.

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As we know, your future and careers depends on us, we make sure to deliver a holistic view of the entire syllabus that we provide, helping you attain in-depth knowledge.

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At Techstack, we deliver an amalgamation of courses beyond your field of expertise to help your career reach greater heights.

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We create a roadmap for your journey, starting from novice to becoming an expert.

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Your journey at Techstack doesn’t end with the completion of the course, you will gain the status of Techstack Alumni for a lifetime.

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June 2019 Batch

Vijay Pandit :We all are aware that knowledge is not bound by limitations, but my experiences using Techstack Academy has shown me that it is a subject with no limits. I was enrolled in a Big Data and Hadoop course and have been taking the class online since I was living outside of the country (Canada). The class was conducted in a way which made you feel like you were in the class. I personally felt a high degree of genuineness from trainers as they ensured that you participated in discussions, even if you were not physically within the room.

Rocky Singh :The course material of big data and hadoop courses in Mumbai is expertly created, industry-relevant and professionally presented by the most experienced Hadoop professionals in the field. Other major benefits of the course included one of the following: Practical problem solving during the course which helped reduce the time that we needed to devote in training outside of the classroom. And the second was an active alumni community at Techstack Academy. They are the best institute for Big Data courses and hadoop programs in Mumbai.

Hitesh Jain :This is the ideal institute for anyone looking to begin a career within the area of Big Data and Hadoop. Course contents are dedicatedly thorough and the trainers are experienced enough to provide learning every concept. They are greatly skilled and experienced. They are always available and ready to help you solve any doubts. They also teach you with a practical approach which helps you directly enhance your skills to a different level. This is the best learning program for Big data in India.

Rekha Sharma :Techstack Academy is the perfect way to master a subject by doing it from the beginning. The trainers are extremely skilled, professional, dedicated and give individual attention to every student in the class. They are able to keep you on track throughout the day, which is the most rewarding thing here. The staff is extremely helpful and always available to assist you. Highly recommended to master the tools for Big data and hadoop. They have the best experienced trainers in India who provide you step by step learning from basic to advanced level.

Vishakha Mittal :Techstack Academy is a group of professionals who have vast experience in their work and extensive knowledge of the present market trends in the field of big data and hadoop systems. This is why I prefer calling it an organization that provides career guidance rather than a only topic clearing coaching institute because it will prepare you as per the demands of the market. If you're a beginner or working in the field of Big data there are a lot of opportunities to learn and apply your knowledge since the methods and tools employed for analysis of big data are constantly evolving with the rapid pace. So, Techstack will ensure that you are able to master the techniques. They will give you practical training that will help you apply the concepts you've learned.

Rahul Motla :The course in big data and hadoop in Mumbai at Techstack Academy is well designed and well executed. Our trainer is very experienced and quickly teaches us the basics of big data from basics to an advanced level. He provides explanations of concepts using numerous real-world examples as well as from his personal and professional experiences. Any questions or doubts are addressed quickly. The course offers a number of tools to learn calculations and enhance visualization of data. Highly recommended Techstack Academy as they teach you in the best way possible.
